8-Week Sprint Triathlon Training Plan - First Timers
WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week:
Create sustainable
training habits
rest run - 20 mins bike - 45 mins swim - 20-30 mins run - 30 mins bike - 60 mins swim
organize all your gear! No right or wrong way to
run. Get 20 mins moving
Again, no right or wrong.
Get 30 mins moving
Just swim. No structured
workout here, just time
in the water.
Steady, aerobic effort.
Keep it easy!
Saturday bike rides will
be a staple. Plan your
first set! push yourself to
get the 50's in!
WEEK 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week:
Protect your training
rest run - 30 mins brick: 30 min bike
followed directly by 10
min run
swim: 5x50m, 3x100m,
5x50m, 3x100m, 30 sec
rest between intervals
bike - 45 mins bike - 75 mins run - 40 mins
Plan your training time,
write it all out
Nice and light, Very
Come off the bike very
light and build speed
through the run.
Visualize being long and
smooth in the water
time in the saddle is
your friend.
You might have tired
legs today, but the
stress is what leads to
the adaptation.
Your longest run yet!
WEEK 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week:
Rest. You hit it hard last
week, so recover this
rest run - 40 mins bike - 60 mins swim: 5x50, 4x100,
2x200, 30 sec rest
between intervals
rest brick: 90 min bike
followed direcly by 10
min run
swim: 10x100, 30 sec
rest between intervals
Reset your gear! And
Try this as 20 mins
easy/ 20 min harder
Weekday ride. Keep it
Slowly building. Stay
with it!
Ahh, take time to relax! The art here is a slow
start to the run coming
off the bike
Tough one! stay on it!
WEEK 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week: This
is the thick of it, focus on
quality training
rest run - 20 mins bike - 75 mins swim: 2x300, 4x200, 30
sec rest between
swim: 10x25, 5x50,
10x25, 5x50, 30 sec rest
between intervals
brick: 90 min bike
followed directly by 20
min run
run - 5 K
Half way! Rest when
you can.
Light run to start this
Long weekday ride.
Block out your time.
make sure you have
water to hydrate with
back to back swims
facilitates muscle
Longer off the bike.
Stay on hydration
Race distance type run.
WEEK 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week:
Stay present! Motivation
can be difficult.
Remember your "Why"
rest OR easy bike 30
run - 40 mins bike - 60 mins swim: 2x400, 2x200, 1
min rest between
rest 2 hour bike / 1 hour run swim - long
rest or easy spin! Your
TempoRun, so a bit
faster than normal.
Take it easy to recover
from yesterday
400's are challenging,
but so is your race
swim! Do it!
REST!! Be sure to rest Fast as you can go
Long sets! Perfect for
race sims
WEEK 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday (if Sunday race, light
25 min jog today)
Focus for the week:
Race simulation at the
end of the week.
rest OR easy bike 30
run - 30 mins bike - 75 mins swim: 5x100, 10x50, 45
sec rest between
rest 2 hour bike / 1 hour run -
(get as close to race
distance as possible!)
swim - long: 100 - 200 -
300 - 400, 45 sec rest
between intervals
rest of easy spin! Your
nice and light today.
Prep for weekend.
Nothing too hard, just
time in the saddle.
Take these easy today. REST!! Be sure to rest Race clothes, race
nutrtion, race mindset!
Build set. Fatigue will
build through session.
WEEK 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week:
Prep week. Make the
efforts count this week.
It's the last week of
rest run - 40 bike - 60 mins swim: 2x400, 2x200, 30
sec rest between
run - 30 mins bike - 60 mins swim - long
take today off, we're
almost done.
nice and easy, nothing
too hard
Nothing too hard, just
time in the saddle.
make it count! ok to hit it on the hard
side today.
Make sure everything is
working on the bike
WEEK 8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Focus for the week:
rest run - 20 mins bike - 45 minutes swim: 10x25, 5x50,
10x25, 5x50, 30 sec rest
between intervals
rest RACE
rest. Prep everything for
the weekend
JOG! Very light run. Just a spin. High
cadnece. Check bike.
Last swim! Visulize your perfect
race tonight.
(if Sundayday race, light 25 min jog today)