AED and First Aid
Practice Test Questions
1. What is the first question you must ask before you respond to any first aid situation?
a. Age of the injured or ill person
b. Safety of the scene
c. Nature of the injury
d. Time of the injury
2. Which of the following are considered personal protective equipment?
a. Gloves
b. Mask
c. Eyeshield
d. All of the above
3. What is the recommended amount of time to wash your hands?
a. 10 seconds
b. 20 seconds
c. 1 minute
d. 4 minutes
4. Which of the following signs is most consistent with a stroke?
a. Confusion
b. Chest pain
c. Facial droop
d. Nausea
5. You notice that a person has experienced a significant amount of blood loss, has pale skin color,
and is becoming confused. What is most likely the cause?
a. Seizure
b. Stroke
c. Low blood sugar
d. Shock
AED and First Aid
Practice Test Questions
6. A 20-year-old person dove off the end of the dock. Upon reaching the surface of the water, they do
not appear to be moving. What is the likely cause?
a. Heart attack
b. Low blood sugar
c. Neck injury
d. Mammalian diving reflex
7. A child was bitten by something and now complains of severe abdominal pain. What is most like-
ly the cause?
a. Black widow spider
b. Hornet sting
c. Fire ant
d. Tick
8. A factory worker is sprayed in the face by an unknown chemical. Which of the following actions is
a. Contacting their personal physician
b. Having them sit down
c. Copious irrigation of the eyes
d. Prophylactic CPR
9. CPR steps are:
a. Airway, Breathing, Check pulse
b. Compressions, Airway, Breathing
c. Airway, Breathing, Compressions
d. Airway, Check pulse, Breathing
10. Critical characteristics of high-quality CPR include which of the following?
a. Starting chest compressions within 10 seconds of recognition of cardiac arrest
b. Allowing complete chest recoil after each compression
c. Minimizing interruptions of CPR
d. All of the above
11. At what age is it necessary to use the child AED pads if available?
a. 17
b. 16
c. 14
d. Up until puberty
AED and First Aid
Practice Test Questions
12. The compression to ventilation ratio for the one-rescuer CPR for any age is:
a. 30:1
b. 30:2
c. 15:1
d. 15:2
13. Where on an adult requiring CPR should chest compressions be delivered?
a. On the upper half of the breastbone
b. On the lower half of the breastbone
c. On the center of the chest
d. Over the abdomen
14. An AED can be used safely in all of the following situations except:
a. Person lying in the snow
b. Person with an implanted pacemaker
c. Person with a transdermal medication patch on
d. Person lying partially in water
15. You are alone when you encounter a person in what appears to be cardiac or respiratory
arrest. What are the first three steps you should take to stabilize the person? Check for danger,
___________, and send for help.
a. Establish IV access
b. Insert an advanced airway
c. Check for response
d. Start CPR
16. What is the proper depth of chest compressions for adults during CPR?
a. 1 to 2 inches
b. 2 to 2.4 inches
c. 4 to 5 inches
d. More than 6 inches
17. The proper steps for operating an AED are:
a. Power on the AED, attach electrode pads, shock the person, and analyze the rhythm
b. Power on the AED, attach electrode pads, analyze the rhythm, and shock the person
c. Power on the AED, analyze the rhythm, attach electrode pads, and shock the person
d. Power on the AED, shock the person, attach electrode pads, and analyze the rhythm
AED and First Aid
Practice Test Questions
18. What is the preferred method to relieve choking in infants?
a. Finger sweep
b. Abdominal thrusts
c. Back slaps and chest thrusts
d. Back slaps only
19. What is the main difference in care when finding an unresponsive adult versus an
unresponsive child if you must leave the person to activate EMS?
a. There is no difference.
b. Perform CPR first when with an adult; go for help first when with a child.
c. Perform two minutes of CPR when with a child, then go for help; call for help
immediately when with an adult.
d. It depends on the age of the child.
20. You are a daycare provider and find a three-year-old child unresponsive. She lays down for a nap
because she was not feeling well. When you checked on her, she was not breathing and appeared
blue. You are by yourself. What is the first step in managing this case?
a. Do back blows.
b. Do a blind finger sweep.
c. Call 911.
d. Deliver two minutes of CPR.
Answers on Next Page »
AED and First Aid
Practice Test Questions
1. B
Ensuring the safety of the scene is critical. Avoid making yourself another injured/ill person.
2. D
Personal protective equipment is essential when responding to any first aid or emergency
situation. It is difficult to predict if the person will vomit, is bleeding, or is seriously injured.
3. B
Vigorously rub your hands together using soap and water for at least 20 seconds and rinse
thoroughly before and after every episode of care.
4. C
Facial droop, slurred speech, numbness, and weakness are all focal neurological signs that are consistent
with a stroke.
5. D
This is a classic presentation of shock because of blood loss, and it is a medical emergency. Other causes of shock
include infection, severe allergic reactions, severe dehydration, and heart problems.
6. C
Diving into shallow water is a common cause of cervical spine injury and potential paralysis.
7. A
Black widow spider bites can produce systemic signs and symptoms. A rigid abdomen is classic for this type of
poisonous bite in children and can even mimic acute appendicitis.
8. C
The eyes should be flushed with copious amounts of water when a chemical exposure occurs. Acids and alkaline
solutions are particularly caustic and can lead to permanent vision
impairments or loss.
9. B
Compressions, Airway, Breathing
10. D
All of the above
AED and First Aid
Practice Test Questions
11. D
Use pediatric pads for persons who have not yet reached puberty.
12. B
13. C
CPR is delivered in the center of the chest on the lower half of the breastbone but above the xiphoid process.
14. D
Person lying partially in water
15. C
Check for response.
16. B
2 to 2.4 inches
17. B
Power on the AED, attach electrode pads, analyze the rhythm, and shock the patient
18. C
Back slaps and chest thrusts
19. C
When coming upon an unresponsive child who requires CPR, deliver five sets of compressions and breaths before
going for help. For an adult requiring CPR, call for help immediately and then return to the person to begin CPR.
20. D
If you are alone, unwitnessed arrest in a child requires two minutes of CPR before activating EMS. If assistance is
available, send to call 911 while you begin CPR.
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