FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2023
O! say, can you see by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O! say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
Come and join in song together,
Shout with might and main;
Our beloved Alma Mater,
Sound her praise again.
Gloriana, Frangipana,
E’er to her be true;
She’s the pride of Indiana,
Hail to old I.U.!
—Joe T. Giles, Class of 1894
Indiana, our Indiana,
Indiana, we’re all for you.
We will fight for
The Cream and Crimson
For the glory of old IU.
Never daunted, we cannot falter.
In the battle, we’re tried and true.
Indiana, our Indiana,
Indiana, we’re all for you! I-U!
—Russell P. Harker
Indiana University Bloomington
Dear Graduates:
Congratulations! Todays Commencement ceremony marks the culmination of your years
of hard work at Indiana University. Let me add my best wishes to those of your family and
friends whose love, encouragement, and faith have propelled you toward this wonderful
day. The strength of that support helps all of us achieve our highest goals and deserves our
deepest gratitude. Today is as much a day to share that gratitude as to celebrate.
Over the course of the years, it may have seemed as if this moment would never come.
I am certain that each of you has faced challenges along the way, but I am equally certain
that your professors and mentors have instilled in you skills in persuasion, reasoning,
and critical inquiry that have helped you to overcome those challenges. Those are the very
skills that will serve you best as you face a global future of competition and change. You
have prepared for that future on an IU campus that, for many of you, has stretched around
the world.
As you graduate today, you are extending the great traditions of Indiana University
that have taken shape over more than two centuries. You and more than 760,000 other
alumni are a proud and important part of this universitys rich and living history.
Wherever you go, Indiana University will always be your alma mater and will always
welcome you back.
Again, congratulations and best wishes for the greatest success in the future.
Pamela Whitten
Indiana University
One Hundred Ninety-Fourth Commencement, Graduate Ceremony 3
One-Hundred Ninety-Fourth Commencement, Undergraduate Ceremony 4
Degree-Granting Schools 5
Administration and Acknowledgments 6–7
Commencement Traditions 8
Honorary Degree Candidate, Undergraduate Ceremony 9
Student Commencement Speakers 10
Graduate and Undergraduate Degree Recipients 13
With honor to the First Nations people of Indiana, on whose ancestral
homelands and resources Indiana University Bloomington was built.
Indiana University communications and marketing professionals
will be gathering still images and video for use on university social
media and websites, as well as for other marketing and news purposes.
Your participation in this public ceremony grants Indiana University
permission to use your likeness in such material.
Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall
Friday, May 5, 2023, 4 p.m.
Pamela Whitten, President of Indiana University, Presiding
FANFARE Indiana University Herald Trumpeters
STUDENT PROCESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Ensemble
Conducted by Jason Nam
Assistant Professor of Bands
Jacobs School of Music
WELCOME President Whitten
Led by Kathiana Dargerson
Class of 2023
Jacobs School of Music
(A biography is printed on page 10.) Class of 2023
Graduate School/College of Arts and Sciences
CHARGE TO THE CLASS President Whitten
Assisted by Provost Rahul Shrivastav
and the Deans of the Schools
CLOSE President Whitten
Led by Ms. Dargerson
AND RECESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Ensemble
Memorial Stadium
Saturday, May 6, 2023, 10 a.m.
PAMELA WHITTEN, President of Indiana University, Presiding
FANFARE Indiana University Herald Trumpeters
STUDENT PROCESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Band
Conducted by Rodney Dorsey
Professor and Chair, Department of Bands
Jacobs School of Music
WELCOME President Whitten
SPANGLED BANNER Led by Antoinette Claire Pompe Van Meerdervort
Class of 2023
Jacobs School of Music
(A biography of the honoree is printed on page 9.)
Class of 2023
O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Aairs
Jeannie Sager
Chair, Indiana University Alumni Association
Board of Managers
(A biography is printed on page 10.) Class of 2023
College of Arts and Sciences/Kelley School of Business
CHARGE TO THE CLASS President Whitten
Assisted by Provost Rahul Shrivastav and
the Deans of the Schools
CLOSE President Whitten
HAIL TO OLD I.U. Led by Ms. Pompe Van Meerdervort
INDIANA, OUR INDIANA AND RECESSIONAL Indiana University Commencement Ensemble
College of Arts and Sciences,
page 13
Rick James Van Kooten, Executive
Jane D. McLeod, Associate Executive
Paul Gutjahr, Associate Dean for Arts
and Humanities and Undergraduate
Vivian Nun Halloran, Associate Dean
for Diversity and Inclusion
Padraic Kenney, Associate Dean
for Social and Historical Sciences and
Graduate Education
Nicola Pohl, Associate Dean for
Natural and Mathematical Sciences
and Research
Eskenazi School of Art,
Architecture, and Design—
College of Arts and Sciences,
page 24
Peg Faimon, Founding Dean
Jawshing Arthur Liou, Associate Dean
Hamilton Lugar School
of Global and International
Studies—College of Arts
and Sciences,
page 25
Nick Cullather, Interim Dean
Kaya Sahir, Executive Associate Dean
The Media School—College
of Arts and Sciences,
page 27
Walter Gantz, Interim Dean
Radhika Parameswaran, Associate
Kelley School of Business,
page 29
Ash Soni, Interim Dean
Patrick Hopkins, Executive Associate
Dean for Academic Programs
Vijay Khatri, Executive Associate
Dean for Strategy, Innovation, and
Jamie Prenkert, Executive Associate
Dean for Faculty and Research
Josh Perry, Associate Dean for
Rebecca Slotegraaf, Associate Dean for
School of Education,
page 46
Anastasia Morrone, Dean
Vasti Torres, Executive Associate Dean
Luddy School of Informatics,
Computing, and Engineering,
page 49
Joanna Millunchick, Dean
Erik Stolterman-Bergqvist, Senior
Executive Associate Dean
Es fandiar Haghverdi, Executive
Associate Dean for Undergraduate
Kay Connelly, Associate Dean for
Selma Šabanović, Associate Dean for
Graduate Education
Maurer School of Law,
page 54
Christiana Ochoa, Dean
Donna M. Nagy, Interim Executive
Associate Dean
Ryan W. Scott, Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs
Deborah Widiss, Associate Dean for
Research and Faculty Affairs
School of Medicine,
page 55
Jay L. Hess, Dean
Katherine Hiller, Associate Dean
Jacobs School of Music,
page 55
Abra K. Bush, David Henry Jacobs
Bicentennial Dean
Jeremy Allen, Interim Eugene O’Brien
Bicentennial Executive Associate Dean
Lissa May, Associate Dean for
School of Nursing, page 59
Robin P. Newhouse, Dean
Wendy Trueblood Miller, Associate
School of Optometry,
page 60
Joseph A. Bonanno, Dean
T. Rowan Candy, Executive Associate
Dean for Academic Aairs
Stephen A. Burns, Associate Dean for
Graduate Programs
Kimberly D. Kohne, Associate Dean
for Students
Pete Kollbaum, Associate Dean for
Todd Peabody, Associate Dean of
Institutional Advancement
Neil A. Pence, Associate Dean for
Clinical and Patient Care Services
Jerey D. Perotti, Associate Dean for
Fiscal Aairs
O’Neill School of Public
and Environmental Aairs,
page 61
Siân Mooney, Dean
Bradley T. Heim, Executive Associate
Joseph Shaw, Associate Dean for
Philip S. Stevens, Associate Dean for
Faculty Aairs
R. J. Woodring, Associate Dean for
Educational Programs
School of Public Health,
page 65
David B. Allison, Dean
Carrie Docherty, Executive Associate
Dean for Academic Aairs
Hsien-Chang Lin, Interim Associate
Dean for Faculty Recruitment
Dong-Chul Seo, Interim Associate
Dean for Faculty Aairs
School of Social Work,
page 69
Tamara Davis, Dean
Patrick Sullivan, Associate Dean for
Academic Aairs
Graduate School,
page 70
Da vid Daleke, Dean
Pamela Whitten, President
Jay L. Hess, Executive Vice President
for University Clinical Aairs
Andrew R. Klein, Interim Executive
Vice President and Chancellor, IUPUI
Dwayne Pinkney, Executive
Vice President for Finance and
Rahul Shrivastav, Executive Vice
President and Provost, Indiana
University Bloomington
Hannah Buxbaum, Vice President for
International Aairs
Fred H. Cate, Vice President for
Scott Dolson, Vice President and
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Michael Huber, Vice President for
University Relations
Rob Lowden, Vice President for
Information Technology and Chief
Information Ocer
Thomas A. Morrison, Vice President
for Capital Planning and Facilities
Nancy E. Paton, Vice President and
Chief Communications and Marketing
Julie Payne-Kirchmeier, Vice
President for Student Success
Anthony Prather, Vice President and
General Counsel
Todd Richardson, Vice President and
Chief Human Resources Ocer
Susan Sciame-Giesecke, Vice
President for Regional Campuses and
Online Education
James C. Wimbush, Vice President for
Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural
J Thomas Forbes, President and Chief
Executive Ocer
Diane Dallis-Comentale, Ruth Lilly
University Dean
Andrea Ciccarelli, Dean
Lynn Cochran, Assistant Dean
Rahul Shrivastav, Provost
David Daleke, Vice Provost for
Graduate Education
Carrie Docherty, Interim Vice Provost
for Strategy and Innovation
Dennis Groth, Vice Provost for
Undergraduate Education
Aimee Heeter, Vice Provost for Finance
and Administration
David Johnson, Vice Provost for
Enrollment Management
M. Davis O’Guinn, Vice Provost for
Student Aairs and Dean of Students
Eliza Pavalko, Acting Vice Provost for
Faculty and Academic Aairs
Brea Perry, Interim Vice Provost for
Kirk White, Vice Provost for External
James C. Wimbush, Interim Vice
Provost for Diversity and Inclusion
Cathrine E. Reck, President
Quinn Buckner, Bloomington, Chair
Harry L. Gonso, Indianapolis, Vice
Kelsey E. Binion, Fishers
Cathy Langham, Carmel
Cynthia Lucchese, Indianapolis
Michael J. Mirro, Fort Wayne
Jeremy A. Morris, Indianapolis
Donna B. Spears, Richmond
Vivian Winston, Bloomington
Brian Horne, Associate Professor
of Voice, Jacobs School of Music
Sarah B. Mostes
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Professor
and Director of Graduate Studies,
African American and African
Diaspora Studies, College of Arts
and Sciences
Kathleen Bennett
Nancy Hopper
Valarie Akerson, School of Education
Ann Bastianelli, Kelley School of
K. Allen Davis, College of Arts and
Brent Gault, Jacobs School of Music
Chase McCoy, Luddy School of
Informatic, Computing, and
Jennifer Piatt, School of Public Health
William Ramos, School of Public
Joe Schroeder, Kelley School of
Marcy Shepardson, Kelley School of
Steven L. Tait, College of Arts and
Jennifer Terrell, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Matthew Adams, College of Arts and
Je Anderson, School of Education
Patricia Basile, College of Arts and
Sharon Berry, College of Arts and
Saúl Blanco Rodriguez, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Aurelian Bidulescu, School of Public
David Bosco, Hamilton Lugar School of
Global and International Studies
Thomas Busey, College of Arts and
David Cartledge, Jacobs School of
Alexis Caudell, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
Koji Chavez, College of Arts and
Sharon Daley, School of Education
Majid Darvishan, Kelley School of
Angela De Leon, School of Public
Trent Deckard, Kelley School of
Michelle Del Rio, School of Public
Danielle DeSawal, School of Education
Jim Drummond, College of Arts and
Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, College of Arts
and Sciences
Tony Emmons, Kelley School of
Chris England, Kelley School of
Nivia Escobar Salazar, Kelley School
of Business
Ellen Evans, School of Public Health
Greg Fisher, Kelley School of Business
Joe Fitter, Kelley School of Business
David P. Giedroc, College of Arts and
Justin Greaves, School of Public Health
Dan Grundmann, O’Neill School of
Public and Environmental Aairs
Angelica Guevara, Kelley School of
Emily Hanink, College of Arts and
Carol Hostetter, School of Social Work
Feisal Istrabadi, Hamilton Lugar
School of Global and International
Phoebe Jean-Pierre, Kelley School of
Günther Jikeli, College of Arts and
Michael Jones, College of Arts and
Will Kanyi, Kelley School of Business
John Keesler, School of Social Work
Lynn Keller, Kelley School of Business
James Kelly, The Media School
Junhyoung “Paul” Kim III, School of
Public Health
Doug Landsittel, School of Public
Suha Lasassmeh, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Paul Macklin, Luddy School of
Informatics, Computing, and
Jacob Miller, College of Arts and
Martha Oakley, College of Arts and
Angela Opsahl, School of Nursing
Alessio Piccolo, Kelley School of
Marty Pieratt, Kelley School of Business
Filippo Radicchi, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Diane J. Reilly, College of Arts and
Jennifer Rice, Kelley School of Business
Benjamin Robinson, College of Arts
and Sciences
Jill Robinson, College of Arts and
Howard Rosenbaum, Luddy School
of Informatics, Computing, and
Eric Sader, Kelley School of Business
Stephanie A. Sanders, College of Arts
and Sciences
Patricia Silveyra, School of Public
Malcolm Smith, Eskenazi School of
Art, Architecture, and Design
Regan Stevenson, Kelley School of
Joey Tartell, Jacobs School of Music
Sunil Teluja, Kelley School of Business
Krisha Thiagarajah, School of Public
Vasti Torres, School of Education
Henry Wakhungu, O’Neill School of
Public and Environmental Aairs
Chris Wayne, O’Neill School of Public
and Environmental Aairs
Caleb Weintraub, Eskenazi School of
Art, Architecture, and Design
Marta Wenier, O’Neill School of Public
and Environmental Aairs
Phoebe Wolfskill, College of Arts and
Paul Wright, The Media School
Cynthia Wu, College of Arts and
Jun Yang, Kelley School of Business
Keanu Cover
Wayner Kalik Ramón Ortega
John LaCombe
Sean Burdette
Christina Alegre
Paul Armitage
Sam Bowers
Jake Buckner
Bailey Cates
Grin Collins
Erich Corfman
Cody Fowler
Elliott Fus
Patrick Grimes
Alex Keiser
Ellie Kopp
Ethan Lehman
Isaac Morton
Doug Nunes
Lawson Quesinberry
Sebastian Sarre
Joshua Sharp
Junming Wen
Ethan Wood
Ash Bangia
David Bayard
Asher Bennett
Phillip Black
Brendan Brown
Rachel Burkhalter
Justin Carrothers
Elijah Casillas
Nathan Chambers
Grin Collins
Nicole Cowan
Renae Dishman
Anoushka Divekar
Mariko Findell
Joshua Flores
Travis Floyd
Julia Ford
Bella Funk
Elijah Gardner
Julien Gaudet
Blake Gibson-Ross
Patrick Grimes
Avery Hoerman
Jake Jaskolski
Kate Jolley
Chanelle Junio
Jonghwan Kim
Yoojeong Kim
William Lee
Nolan Lehman
River Lessig
Runmin (Jeremy) Lin
Ryan Liu
Darius McCann
Larsen McFadden
Shawn McLain
Greyson Monroe
Isaac Morton
Caleb O’Neill
Henry Otts
Lawson Quesinberry
Wayner Ramon-Ortega
Eric Ross
David Sanchez-Becerra
Quinn Sciarra
Josh Sharp
Jacob Simons
Zhaoxuan Song
Casey Street
Gavin Sturm
Anthony Tamborrino
Hung-Hsuan Tang
Ashley Wening
Martin Wilson
Amir Pasic, Eugene R. Tempel Dean,
Indiana University Lilly Family
School of Philanthropy, IUPUI
Today’s 194th Commencement
exercises at Indiana University
Bloomington mark the joyous
culmination and proud recognition
of our graduates’ academic
achievements. The ceremony is rich
in academic tradition and protocol.
The origins of academic dress date
back to the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, when universities were
taking form. The ordinary dress
of the scholar, whether student or
teacher, was the dress of a cleric.
Long gowns were worn and may
have been necessary for warmth in
unheated buildings.
The assignment of colors to signify
certain faculties was a much later
development, and one that was
standardized in the United States in
the late nineteenth century. White,
taken from the white fur trimming
of the Oxford and Cambridge
bachelor’s hoods, was assigned to
arts and letters. Red, one of the
traditional colors of the church,
went to theology. Green, the color
of medieval herbs, was adopted
for medicine, and olive, because it
was so close to green, was given to
pharmacy. Golden yellow, standing
for the wealth that scientific
research has produced, was assigned
to the sciences.
All candidates for degrees and those
who hold these degrees, including
university officials and faculty and
visiting dignitaries, wear traditional
gowns. Most are black, but some
are brightly colored. The style of the
gown indicates the highest degree
held by the wearer, and the colors
represent institutions and fields
of study.
The gowns for bachelor’s degree
and associate degree recipients have
a closed front and open sleeves.
At Indiana University, candidates for
bachelor’s and associate degrees also
wear crimson “stoles of gratitude,”
which they may keep as a memento
of the day or present as a token of
thanks to anyone who has guided
them on their path to graduation.
The master’s degree gown has
extremely long, closed sleeves, from
which the arms extend through a
slit at the wrist; the end of the sleeve
is square, with an arc cut away just
above the bottom. The doctor’s gown
has velvet panels down the front and
voluminous bell-shaped sleeves on
which there are three velvet bars.
Caps, Tassels, and Hoods
Candidates for associate and
bachelor’s degrees wear square-
topped caps—also called
mortarboards—which are adorned
with colored tassels appropriate to
the school or division from which
they are graduating. The same colors
are used throughout the United
States. They are:
Arts and Sciences—White
Education—Light Blue
In formatics, Computing, and
Pu blic and Environmental
Affairs—Peacock Blue
Public Health—Salmon
Social Work—Citron
Velvet-lined hoods are worn by
holders of master’s and doctoral
degrees. The master’s hood extends
to the middle of the back, is edged
in velvet in the same color as the
tassel, and is lined with colors
representing the institution from
which the degree was earned.
Indiana University hoods are lined
with cream and crimson.
The doctor’s hood is longer, has
wider velvet edging, and fully
exposes the lining.
Honor Cords
and Medallions
Graduating with Distinction, High
Distinction, and Highest Distinction
Indiana University holds all of its
graduates in high esteem and takes
an added measure of pride in those
who have excelled academically.
Candidates who graduate with
Distinction, High Distinction, and
Highest Distinction are entitled
to wear on their left shoulders the
fourragère, cream and crimson
cords. In addition, on some
IU campuses, certain students are
entitled to wear gold medallions
indicating that they are graduating
with honors. The recorders in
each school distribute fourragères
to qualified students before
Commencement. The requirements
for graduating with honors are
different for each school.
IU Bloomington College, School,
and Departmental Honor Cords
Some schools and departments
offer honors programs for students
who excel academically and seek an
enriched and challenging learning
environment. Graduates who fulfill
the requirements of these programs
receive a notation on their diplomas
and are eligible to wear gold or blue
honor cords, which are provided by
the participating colleges, schools,
and departments.
Insignia from Greek Honor
A wide array of honors organizations
recognize outstanding achievement
in service, philanthropy, and
scholarship. Indiana University is
proud of all of its students who fulfill
the requirements for membership
in these important societies,
but on Commencement day the
university singles out those honor
societies that emphasize academic
achievement. Graduates who have
been admitted to these societies
may wear the appropriate cords at
Honor Cords for Veterans and
Service Members
Graduating students who have
served or are currently serving in the
U.S. Armed Forces wear red, white,
and blue cords.
Native Hoosier and Indiana
University graduate James Morris
has a long and distinguished history
of service to IU and to the state
of Indiana. Currently Morris is
vice chairman of Pacers Sports &
Entertainment, which owns the
Indiana Pacers and the Indiana
Fever professional basketball teams.
Born in Terre Haute, Morris studied
political science at IU Bloomington
and was active in student
government. He graduated in 1965
with a Bachelor of Arts and earned a
Master of Business Administration
from Butler University in 1970.
From 1967 to 1973, he served
as chief of staff to the late U.S.
Senator Richard G. Lugar when
Lugar was mayor of Indianapolis.
Morris was associated with Lilly
Endowment Inc. from 1973
through 1989, serving as its
president for six years. At the
endowment, Morris was engaged in
community development, expanding
opportunities for young people,
and assisting with its international
programs. He was a part of the
endowment’s special commitment
to the city of Indianapolis and the
state of Indiana to strengthen higher
education, including IUPUI, and
build a partnership mentality where
all sectors of society would come
together to move things forward.
In 1989, he became chairman
and chief executive officer of
IWC Resources Corporation and
Indianapolis Water Company.
In 2002, Morris was named
executive director of the United
Nations’ World Food Programme,
the largest humanitarian agency
in the world. In that position, he
oversaw food aid distribution to
more than 110 million people each
year, in approximately 80 countries.
In 2003, Morris led the biggest
food operation in history, providing
nutrition services to nearly 27
million Iraqis after the United
States–led invasion of Iraq. During
his five years with the World Food
Programme, he also served as the
secretary general’s special envoy for
several southern African countries,
including Lesotho, Swaziland,
Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Malawi, and Mozambique, focusing
on the triple-threat crisis of HIV,
drought, and their ultimate impact
on civil society.
Morris joined Pacers Sports &
Entertainment in 2007, serving as
its president from 2009 through
After his years of supporting IU as a
professional, alumnus, and parent,
in 1996 IU alumni elected Morris
to the Board of Trustees, and he
served in that capacity until 2002.
Morris was then appointed as an IU
trustee in 2013 by Governor Mike
Pence and reappointed in 2016 and
2019 by Governor Eric Holcomb.
He served two terms as chair of the
trustees. In 2022, Morris retired
from the board. He also served as a
trustee of Indiana State University
for eight years, including a term as
its board chair.
Throughout his career, Morris has
lent his expertise and leadership to
numerous nonprofit organizations,
including the American Red Cross,
Butler University, the Boy Scouts
of America, and the U.S. Olympic
Morris has received many awards
and recognitions from Indiana
University, including the IU
Bloomington College of Arts and
Sciences Distinguished Alumni
Award (2005); the Kelley School
of Business Academy of Alumni
Fellows (inducted in 2001); the IU
Alumni Association Distinguished
Alumni Service Award (1991);
the Indiana University Herman B.
Wells Visionary Award (2011); and
the IUPUI Spirit of Philanthropy
Award (1995 and 2003). He
received the Sachem Award from
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb
in 2021. He has been awarded
the Sagamore of the Wabash by
several Indiana governors, as well
as the Indiana Black Expo’s Spirit
of Freedom Award (2015). He
has received numerous honorary
degrees and serves as the United
States’ permanent representative to
the Executive Board of UNICEF. He
is also a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations.
Amir Pasic, Eugene R. Tempel
Dean of the Indiana University
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy,
writes, “Jim is the best of what
it means to be a Hoosier. He has
championed key institutions and
leaders, to bring out the best for his
beloved university, his great state,
and the cause of alleviating hunger
and want wherever he encountered
it. It is difficult to overstate Jim
Morris’s contributions to Indiana
University, to our state, and to
humanitarianism worldwide.”
Morris and his wife, Jackie, an IU
alumna, have been married for 58
years. They have three children,
all IU alumni, each married to IU
alumni, and eight grandchildren.
Their oldest grandson, JT Morris, is
also graduating from IU at this very
Graduate Ceremony
Muna Adem is graduating
with a Doctor of Philosophy in
Sociology. In describing her Ph.D.
research, which has focused on
issues at the intersection of race,
ethnicity, and immigration, Adem
has written, “My overarching
research agenda is motivated by
two fundamental questions: (1)
How does immigration-driven
diversity influence race relations,
group divisions, and ethnoracial
inequalities in the United States
and Europe?; and (2) In what ways
do organizations and elite actors
contribute to the (in)stability of
ethnoracial and social stratification
systems?” Adem has used a number
of strategies to investigate answers
to these and related questions;
they include advanced statistical
modeling, network and text analysis,
survey and behavioral experiments,
and mixed methods.
Adem has also earned two master’s
degrees at IU, a Master of Science
in Applied Statistics in 2019 and
a Master of Arts in Sociology in
2017. She completed her bachelor’s
degree in 2013 at California State
University, Northridge, graduating
summa cum laude with a major in
journalism. At CSUN, she devoted
much of her energy to documentary
filmmaking, addressing
sociocultural issues that included
the interrelationship of poverty and
the duty- and tariff-free factories on
the northern Mexican border; the
effects of genetically modified foods
on vulnerable populations; and
environmental justice.
Adem was born in Germany, after
her family immigrated from Himet,
Ethiopia. She spent her early life
in Tensta, a borough in Stockholm,
Sweden, and has lived in the United
States for 15 years. She will be
joining the faculty of the University
of Maryland as an assistant
professor of sociology.
Undergraduate Ceremony
Gayatri Thiru is graduating with
distinction, with bachelor’s degrees
from the College of Arts and
Sciences (major: neuroscience;
minor: mathematics) and the Kelley
School of Business (major: finance).
She is a member of the Hutton
Honors College and the Kelley
Advanced Curricular Experience
(ACE) Program.
Thiru came to IU Bloomington
from Clarendon Hills, Illinois, as a
Hudson and Holland Scholar and a
Dean’s Scholar. She has served as a
faculty-selected teaching assistant
in Chemistry 341 and Finance 100.
Working with the TAMID Group, a
student-led initiative that connects
students at top universities with
the Israeli economy, she created
valuations of companies in Israel
using discounted cash flow models
as well as comparable company
analyses with a focus on technology
She also served on the education
committee and as a senior
member of the Women’s Financial
Association, an organization at IU
Bloomington that is dedicated to
promoting the success of women
who are interested in finance. In
that role, she coordinated guest
speakers and corporate events and
worked to expand membership in
the organization to non–business
As an ambassador for the
Finance Diversity Program,
Thiru mentored undergraduates
through professional development
opportunities and career
preparation seminars, with the goal
of furthering diversity and equal
opportunities among professionals
in the financial services industry.
Thiru also conducted a concentrated
research project in neuroscience,
investigating molecular principles
through laboratory experimentation
and data collection. She specialized
in early development of mammals
to promote understanding of
mammalian biological immunity.
to this year’s Outstanding Senior Awards recipients!
Nia Monet Bailey
Madison Elizabeth Butler
Micah Travail Aaron Camble
Onyea Cummings
Tateana Imani Cutter
Siddharth Das
Kevin Diaz
Ky Freeman
Andrea Garcia Estrada
Yahnea’ Gentry
Dhvani Ghael
Sarah Ann Greenwell
Sarah Maria Grosse Perdekamp
Natalie Jean Grubb
Jade Hart
Maura Irene Heneghan
Wisdom Oluwalogbon Ibikunle
Leilanu Jackson
Ting-Yuan Kang
Mary Lynn Kiarie
Katelyn Rose King
Alexandra Klein
Taylor Anne Longhitano
Mout-Maine Moustapha
Rithwik Nichenametla
Britney Nilli
Neliya Robie Nyirenda
Stephanie Perez
Mahnoor Aamir Qureshi
Muskaan Sanjil Ramchandani
Karen Nalleli Rodriguez
Kaitlin Marie Scott
Kyle Scott Seibert
Sankalp Mohan Sharma
Arianna Kit Smith
Autumn Stringer
Chutavion D’Angelo Walker
Christina Min Yang
This Commencement program should be regarded as a preliminary
document, pending confirmation of all degrees. It includes
candidates for degrees and honors from January through August
2023. Degrees and honors are conferred after the completion of all
requirements is verified. Diplomas will be mailed after all degree
requirements and honors are confirmed. For details on graduating
with honors, please visit of students
who have won Outstanding Senior Awards are marked with an
asterisk (*).
College of Arts
and Sciences
Alenna Bauman Abbatemarco
Anuoluwapo Annie Abioye
With Highest Distinction
DeAvianna Sharniece Abrons
Madeleine Joy Adamec
With High Distinction
Boluwatife Precious Adekanye
Bruno Affonso Lonigro Lopes
With High Distinction
Dora Kathryn Ahearn-Wood
With Distinction
Fatima Ahmad
Adam Sayeed Ahmed
Hannah June Marie Akers
Owen Michael Albrecht
With Distinction
Emanuel Alcala
Carly Anne Alderman
With Distinction
Abigail Katherine Aldridge
With Highest Distinction
Emma Margaret Alexander
Jerrett Patrick Alexander
With Highest Distinction
Rachel Alexander
Mohammad Majed Aljamal
Sara Anne Altmann
With Distinction
Arianna Helena Alvarez
Benjamin Peterson Ambach
Brady Arthur Anderson
With Distinction
Emily Rae Anderson
Maria Rose Anderson
Nicholas Angelos
Joseph Donald Angert
With High Distinction
Lauren Melissa Appel
With High Distinction
Isaiah Jairus Appleget
With High Distinction
Oliver Arguello-Peraya
Madelyn Armet
Morgan Alexis Armstrong
Kirsten Marie Ashby
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Dornhoefer Atkinson
Jordan Nicole Austin
Linnaea Katharine Awdey
With Highest Distinction
Isaac R. Babb
Jamie Juliett Baca-Perez
Jenna Hensley Baelz
Julilla Rose Baer
Nia Monet Bailey*
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Nicole Baker
With Highest Distinction
Anna Madeline Baldessari
Sayre Jade Balk
Joycelyn Evelyn Marie Banda
With Distinction
Jessica Bao
With Highest Distinction
Margaret Barbee
With Distinction
Caleb Hall Barmes
With Distinction
Katherine Basey
Payton Mae-Rose Bastie
Mara Grace Bastin
Brianna Batteast
With Distinction
Elliana C. Batz
With Highest Distinction
Audrey Kay Bauer
Kyle Robert Bauner
Peyton Gail Beaty
Kathryn Beck
Vincent Richard Beck-King
Amy Rachel Becker
Kaitlyn Diane Beckner
With Distinction
Erica Beckstrom
With Highest Distinction
Allison Nicole Bell
With Distinction
Jessica Faith Bell
Griffin James Belt
Matthias Benko
With Highest Distinction
Catherine Jane Bennett
Carson James Bennink
With Highest Distinction
Alexander Paul Bergen
Lauren Elizabeth Berta
With Highest Distinction
Hanah Paige Bertram
With High Distinction
Anna Lee Beveridge
Celia Jewel Bias
Anne-Marie Kimberly Bickel
Anna Elizabeth Biesen
Lauren Anne Bigelow
Makenzie Elizabeth Binford
With High Distinction
Ashley Marie Bir
Jack Stephen Bishop
Katherine Black
Mitchell Stuart Black
With Highest Distinction
Colin Raleigh Blackwell
With High Distinction
Ella Blair
Madelyn Cornell Blake
With Highest Distinction
Jennifer Ella Blitchok
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Lucille Blomer
Kate Nicole Blum
Caroline Boman
With High Distinction
Isabella Maria Bonanno
Grace Anna Boresow
With Highest Distinction
Luke Bowden
Hailey Marie Bowman
With Highest Distinction
Nathan M. Bowman
With Distinction
Nia Boyd
Olivia Boyk
Brendan Patrick Boylan
Lela Kathryn Boys-Sibley
With Distinction
Bernadette Czubernat Bradley
With Highest Distinction
Macy Lyn Brammer
With Highest Distinction
Clara Elizabeth Braswell
Jonathan M. Breckler
Bridget Sheridan Brennan
With High Distinction
Jurnee Bridgewater
Addison Leigh Bross
With High Distinction
Abigail Nicole Brown
Aine E. Brown
With High Distinction
Ainsley Dawn Brown
With Highest Distinction
Mairead Brown
Nile Imani Brown
Izabella Mary-Frances Brown-
Hannah Jun Brownd
With Highest Distinction
Jillian Elyse Brucato
With Highest Distinction
Rachael Bruce
With Distinction
Macy Lauren Brumett
With Distinction
Faye Alexandra Bryan
Dustin Paul Bucher
Angela Elizabeth Buck
With High Distinction
Elena Marie Buerkle
Karlie Dawn Bullard
With Highest Distinction
Molly Ann Burhans
With Highest Distinction
Audrey Burke
Lauren Alexa Burke
Anna Marie Burkhalter
Kieran Thomas Burkhardt
With Distinction
Elizabeth Jordan Burns
Mallory Ann Bushue
Brooke Elaine Butcher
Samuel Butler
Alex Butrum-Griffith
With Highest Distinction
Kayla Marie Byrd
With Highest Distinction
Keanin Makoa Cabreros
Brenna Marie Callan
With High Distinction
Blake Nicole Calvert
Olivia Jo Campbell
With Highest Distinction
Danielle Grace Canary
Mersal Elizabeth Canfield
With High Distinction
Shawn Christopher Cannatella
With Distinction
Angelina Athena Cannon
Kristin Cano
With Distinction
Bianca Ella Cappello
Audrie Carani
Levi Brycen Carey
Annie Kathleen Caris
Emma Ray Carlson
Abigail Jeanne Carmichael
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Joan Carmosino
With High Distinction
Elijah Collins Carpenter
Molly Margaret Carpenter
With Highest Distinction
Noah Jeffery Donald Carrico
With High Distinction
Mary Catherine Carroll
Ellie Quynn Carter
Machaia Terela Aleece Carter
Jaelle Kristiana Cassara
Bre Leanor Castaneda
With High Distinction
Madeleine Ceaser
With High Distinction
Laramie Rose Cecil
With High Distinction
Joseph Cerone
Wyatt Chaffee
Hannah Evelyn Chamberlain
With Highest Distinction
Evan Parker Kelly Chapple
With Highest Distinction
Talia Faye Chase
With Highest Distinction
Helen Chen
Mary Kristina Cheney
Edgar Francisco Chevez
Savanna Lee Childress
With High Distinction
Vijay Ram Chirumamilla
With Highest Distinction
Yijin Choi
With High Distinction
Marita Kaye Christopher
Grace Chuck
With Highest Distinction
Corey Nathan Chung
Elizabeth Rose Ciari
Samuel Louis Cipparrone
Valerie Kate Clark
Nialah Anyese Clay
Ariel Renée Clemmons
With High Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Clevenger
Audrey Clinkert
With High Distinction
Riley Alyce Coers
Isaac Dane Alexander Coker
With High Distinction
Tyler B. Colborn
With High Distinction
Alyssa Mackenzie Cole
Namya Paige Coleman
Claire Jones Comfort
With High Distinction
Shea Elizabeth Connelly
Elise Marie Conour
With Distinction
McKenna Rose Conway
Audrey Michelle Coop
With High Distinction
Jessica Corredor-Leon
With Distinction
Brayden Stewart Cortwright
Madeline Margaret Cory
With Highest Distinction
Natalie Katherine Costas
With High Distinction
Michael Robert Couet
Madison V. Cox
Meredith G. Cox
Sarah Craig
Shelemiah Azalia Crockett
With Highest Distinction
Mitchell Preston Cross
Anna Cassidy Crousore
Paul William Ryon Crumpacker
Tory Ann Cruse
Amy Cruz
Alexander Sam D’Angelo
Drake Daly
With Distinction
Matthieu Damidot
Aubrey N. Dampier
Monica Dang
With Highest Distinction
Tracie Nicole Daniel
Emily Lauren Dant
Andrew Thomas Davis
Olivia May Davis
With High Distinction
Piper Davis
William A. Davis
Dillon Grey Dayhoff
Shynae Joanne Patricia Deas
Lanna Jean DeBow
With Distinction
Noah Anthony DeKoninck
Isabella DeMarco
With High Distinction
Collin Hudson Denny
With Highest Distinction
Bradley Matthew Denton
Benjamin Andrew Deo
Gabrielle DeWeese
Mandeep Kaur Dhillon
With Highest Distinction
Abi Diaz
With High Distinction
Ryan J. Diaz
With High Distinction
Victoria Alondra Diaz Aguirre
Abby Jo Dickinson
Emerson Charles Dietsch
Bruck James Digby
Jensyn Dilger
Kristin Kay Dillon
With Highest Distinction
Lyidia D. Dinwiddie
Carley Jane Divish
With Highest Distinction
Logan K. Dodd
Aidan Christian Doeringer
Jayden Ry-Lee Domogola
Sofia Donado
With High Distinction
Allexis Michelle Dorsey
Kolton Elijah Douglas
Claire Margaret Shackell Dowell
With High Distinction
Lillian G. Dowty
With Distinction
Emma Aileen Doyle
Steven Matthew Drenth
With Distinction
Mckenzie Dullen
Benjamin Alexander Dunning
With High Distinction
Bryce Joseph Duprey
Megan Dye
Cameron Eads
Sarah Yvelisse Eberle
Evan K. Eckelbarger
Jacob Isaac Eckels
With Highest Distinction
Kylee Grace Elder
James Ellerbrock
Korinne Simone Ellert
Kathleen Marie Ellingson
With Highest Distinction
Kasee Montell Ellison
Elizabeth Grace Elsea
With Highest Distinction
Joules C. Emerson
With Highest Distinction
Sebastian Emmert
Kayla Adele Empson
With High Distinction
Anna Isabel Engel
Sarah Jean Makanalani Enterline
Cora Epley
Josie Brynna Epstein
Jacob Bradley Eth
Darian R. Evans
Breanna Dawn Falk
Betty Fall
Alexander James Farrar
With Distinction
Olubukola Comfort Fasipe
Katherine Schiff Feinberg
Michael Gordon Feld
William Feniger
Sarah Audrey Fetter
With Highest Distinction
Ian Michael Fetterhoff
Mallory Figel
Morgan Ciera Flaugher
With Distinction
Maleah Fletcher
Terence David Flynn
Alaina Marie Focosi
Margaret Suzanne Foley
William Eric Folz
Eden Forman
With High Distinction
Tristan Gregory Forsythe
Cole Thomas Foster
Isabel Foster
Konstantinos George Fotopoulos
Faith Leeanne Fowler
Catherine Francek
Olivia Rae Frank
Noah Joseph Franko
Evangeline Marie Frantzen
Natalie Brooke Frazier
Zachary Kyle Friedland
Wyatt Joseph Fritz
Monica Ying Fronczek
Meghan Elizabeth Frost
Thel Evan Frost
Marion Gale
Rachael Galet
Valeria Gallegos
Justin Alexander Galloway
Maximillian Galocy
Karen Lizette Galvan
Andrea Garcia Estrada*
With Highest Distinction
Dillon M. Gardner
With Highest Distinction
Henri Gaspard Leon Jr.
Elizabeth Gaugel
With Distinction
Curren Elizabeth Gauss
Kara Nicole Gealy
With Distinction
Kjersten Geisler
Hope M. Gerber
Michael Daniel Gerritzen
Lucy Ann Gerstenschlager
With High Distinction
Jennifer Rose Gibbons
With High Distinction
Jodi-Ann Alyce Simone Gibson
Keeton Paige Gibson
With Highest Distinction
Maycie Anne Gibson
Emelyn Rachel Godby
Andrea Godfrey
Grace Paula Golden
Sophia Noelle Goldstein
Kia’i Michael Molina Gomes
With Distinction
Stephanie Gonzalez
Claudia Beatriz González-Díaz
With High Distinction
Addie Elizabeth Gorden
With Distinction
Jillaine Renee Grant
Shanda L. Gray
Kendall Anne Greenberg
With Highest Distinction
Adam Greene
Nathaniel Lawrence Greenzaid
With Highest Distinction
Sean Thomas Grim
Ryan Grochan
Sarah Maria Grosse Perdekamp*
With Highest Distinction
Anna Marie Gruzas
Haley Gundersen
With Distinction
Wei Chen Guo
Reagan Nicole Gustin
Preithy Reddy Guvvala
With High Distinction
Anna Marie Haas
With Distinction
Abigail Christina Hager
Natalie Hahn
With Distinction
John Kevin Haigerty Jr.
Zoe J. Hailstone
With Distinction
Alyssa Hall
Haylee Dianne Hall
Sophia Elizabeth Hall
Tucker Alexander Hall
Vincent Hamersly
Carter Hanefeld
With Highest Distinction
Mark Paul Hannah
Eleanor Grace Hans
Tatum Ashlee Hanson
Madeline Lanae Harden
With Highest Distinction
Spencer Harke
Haley Kathryn Harkness
With Highest Distinction
Taylor Marie Harmon
With Distinction
Rachel Marie Harper
Bailey Ann Harrell
Emma Kathleen Harrington
Colin Andrew Harris
Eleanor M. Harrison
With High Distinction
Martin Joseph Hartigan IV
Ava Hartman
With Highest Distinction
Ava Hartman
With Highest Distinction
Sadie Jo Hatfield
Trent Hatfield
Micara Jolee Hawkins
Olivia Claire Hawkins
Mikhael Edvard Hayes
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Alexander Hearst
With Distinction
Catherine Elizabeth Hebbeln
With Distinction
Jakob Benjamin Hebebrand
With Highest Distinction
Frances Rose Heintzelman
With Distinction
Noor Saba Heintzelman
Alyssa Joan Hellmich
Victoria Jae Henderson
With High Distinction
John August Charles Hendricks
Jason L. Henry
Mackenzie Marie Henry
Sarah Elizabeth Hensler
With Highest Distinction
Jane Alyssa Hepp
With Highest Distinction
Amy K. Herendeen
Ivan Hernandez
Joangely P. Hernandez
Angelo Allen Herrera
Kevin Geovany Herrera
Joseph William Hester
Nicholas Alan Hester
Audrey Hetzer
Katlyn Ann Hiatt
Noelle J. Hiatt
With Highest Distinction
Ke’Asjanai Hibbler
Caleb Andrew Hill
With Distinction
Mai-Hong Hinh
With Highest Distinction
Meghan Nicole Hinson
David Griffin Hinton
Thawng Hmung
Shantel Hochstetler
Olivia Grace Hodson
Sharon Kaye Hoffman
Caroline Elizabeth Hogan
Carrie Alaine Hoke
With Highest Distinction
Megan Elizabeth Holl
Anna Margaret Holle
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Ryan Hollis
With High Distinction
Lanea Mae Holscher
Alanna Joy Holtke
Carly Homler
Allison Marie Hopkins
Samuel Rhys Houghteling
Caitlin P. Hubbs
Rachel Marie Hullinger
With High Distinction
Erik Robert Hultgren
With High Distinction
Aloysius Joseph Humbert IV
Rebekkah Hunter
Madison Hurrle
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Douglas Huston
Sam Matthew Huston
With Highest Distinction
Mary Huynh
With Distinction
Nicole Hyc
Dawt Hlei Iang
Wisdom Oluwalogbon Ibikunle*
With Highest Distinction
Christian James Imes
With Distinction
Anna Intro
Amarah Alexia Marie Ivy
Arnav Iyer
Sydney Katherine Jackman
Gia Jackson
James Irving Jackson
With High Distinction
Kelsie Marie Jackson
With Distinction
Cameron Jagger
Kaili Eileen James
Jack Hanna Jansen
With Highest Distinction
Claudia Leon Jardina
Eugene Jeng
Meagan Noel Jennings
Xinyi Jiang
Tanya Alina Jimenez
Taryn Danielle John
With Distinction
Alexandra Kay Johnson
Anamarie Helen Johnson
Callie Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Daria Mikell Johnson
Emilie Louise Johnson
Caroline Grace Joliet
With High Distinction
Abigail Susan Jones
Carly Ann Jones
With Distinction
Hannah Elizabeth Jones
With Highest Distinction
Morgan Elizabeth Jones
With High Distinction
Samuel Glenn Jones
Sharakis T. Jones
Sydney Mariko Jones
With High Distinction
Connor Michael Joseforsky
Joshua Robert Juhl
Nicolette Emma Julien
Jordan A. Kaddouri
With Distinction
Catherine Elizabeth Kaiser
Erika Kalamaros
Alaina C. Kalin
With Distinction
Logan Karofsky
Anish V. Kasimsetty
Emily Kats
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Katsoff
With Distinction
Nicole Abbey Katz
Ramanpreet Kaur
Alese Mackenzie Keefe
Michael Kelly
Mack Clyde Lee Kemp
Amber Lynn Kendall
With Distinction
Brooklyn N. Ketzner
Nirvan Khaksarfard
Romael Ahmad Khan
Safwan Khan
With Distinction
Raegan Olivia Killigrew
Ariel Rose Killion
Sujin Kim
Bret Ashton King
Audrey Claire Kinney
With High Distinction
Chloe Faith Kirkman
Lynnly Hope Kirkman
Anna Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Riley Jo Kirsch
Nathaniel Montgomery Klayer
Thomas Andrew Klein
Thomas Charles Knaus
Kara Elaine Koch
Kaitlyn Rose Koehring
Jacqueline Maria Kohlmann
Hayley Nicole Kopf
Ariel Marie Kosinski
Julia E. Krauskopf
Michael Kurt Krauter
Grace Ann Kreilein
With Highest Distinction
Gabrielle Rae Krumper
Samuel Spencer Krutz
Alexandria Christine Kumfer
With Highest Distinction
Madeline Jean Kuntz
Arryngton Dauphine Ladd
With Highest Distinction
Emma Rose Ladd
Victoria Kayla Lagana
With High Distinction
Anna Megley Lagrange
With Distinction
Emma Grace Lamb
With Distinction
Abby Hanna Lambert
With High Distinction
Dominick Emanuel Lambert
Ian Mark Lambert
Samantha Janice Lambert-Knight
Carson Raeann Lane
With High Distinction
Cole William Lanosga
Reagan Carter Lapena
Chase Harmon LaPlante
With High Distinction
Jessica Susan Larson
Patryk Jerzy Laska
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Elizabeth Latona
Emma Rose Lawson
With Highest Distinction
Makaleigh Layman
Hannah Mairin Learn
Kevin James LeBlanc
Yuan Lee
Sydnie Sage Leeson
Mackenzie Grace Lemonis
Lachlan Jacob Lennox
Andrew MacLean Leonard
With High Distinction
David Brandon Leuther
Brooke Levine
With High Distinction
Dorie Eliana Levine
With High Distinction
Mackenzie Faye Lewis
With Highest Distinction
Chenglong Li
Junting Li
WenTing Li
Thaddeus Joseph Limauro
Maxemillian Charles Lippel
Lucy Grace Ferdinanda Lippman
With Highest Distinction
ChiYu Liu
Connor Livingston
Kasey Lee Lockard
Emma Gillian Lockwood
Loredana Mia Lohan
With Distinction
Mackenzie Looze
With Distinction
Isabel Antonia Lopez
Jaelyn Marie Lows
Ly Van Luc
Kristen Andrea Luce
Izamar Daniela Lule
With Highest Distinction
Tiffany Luong
With High Distinction
Isaac K. Mabry
Miriam Rebecca Maddox
Karen Lesly Magana
With Highest Distinction
Kyra Caitrin Mahoney
With Highest Distinction
Dilsher Singh Maini
Piper Jasmen Majors
John Daniel Mallee III
Adina Hannah Malmon
Maitreyee Malpekar
With Distinction
Georgia Sophia Manges
With High Distinction
Joshua John Mann
With Highest Distinction
Chandler Elizabeth Manus
Kimberly Marass
Annaliese Marie Marcum
With Distinction
Kelli Mariutto
Jesse Marji
With High Distinction
Luke Andrew Marlow
Jada Marshall
Christopher Bryce Martin
Karah Elisabeth Martin
With Distinction
William Declan Martin
Charles Alek Martz
Van Levi Mathias
Alexandra Lia Matsuki
With Highest Distinction
Kaylie Marie Maucieri
With Highest Distinction
Isaac Maurer
Matthew John Mavronicles
Catherine Kelly May
With Distinction
Kylie Janette May
With High Distinction
Parker Allen McDonald
Mikayla McEllin
With Distinction
David Jerome McGreal
Aisah Ryan McGuire
Pemberton E. McGuire
Erin G. McKenney
Kara Jane McKiernan
With Highest Distinction
Nathan Austin William McKinney
Margaret Hager McLean
Ross Malcolm McNeill
Aeris Victoria Jewel Meadows
Sarah Katherine Meagher
Olivia Caroline Meeker
With Highest Distinction
Ecatarina L. Meekin
Casey Barron Meldgin
Lucy Dianne Mendoza
With Highest Distinction
Raegan Briann Merchant
Catherine Klein Metzger
Beau Meuris
With Highest Distinction
Renamarie Miracle Miceli
Kathryn Elizabeth Mick
With Highest Distinction
Noah Migoski
With Highest Distinction
Alexandra N. Mihut
Nina Maria Milani
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Michelle Miles
Katherine Margaret Miles
With Highest Distinction
Nicki Rose Mileski
With Highest Distinction
Devon Grace Miller
With High Distinction
Gage Alexander Miller
Lauren Elizabeth Miller
Rachael Miller
Taylor Anne Miller-Embry
Hunter Mills
With Distinction
Emma Lynne Milton
Hunter Minser
Wesley Michael Miser
With Distinction
Elijah R. Mitton
Brian Sebastian Moats
Elle Mobley
Aracely Molina
Charles David Montgomery
Garrett Jameson Moore
Marissa Ann Moore
Mary Smith Moore
Noah Edward Moore
With Highest Distinction
Ekaterini Moraitis
With Highest Distinction
Esti Claire Morris
With Distinction
Sidney Katherine Louise Morris
With High Distinction
Gabrielle Morrison
With High Distinction
Nicholas Duane Moser
Emma Grace Mount
Mahmoud Ahmed Moustafa
Colten J. Mouzin
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Michelle Muckerheide
With Highest Distinction
Alisa Mufti
Margaret Anne Mulligan
Addison Lynn Mummert
With Distinction
Stephanie Samantha Muniz
Molly Murphy
Daniel Kohl Mutchler
With Distinction
Benjamin Harris Nadolne
Prabhjot Nagra
With Distinction
Chase Naidu
Sarah Nawar
With Highest Distinction
Adam Shea Needles
Jordan Neeley
Devon Christopher Neth
With Distinction
Christopher Reid Newlin
With Distinction
Sarah Kim Nicholson
Kristiyan Kirilov Nikolchev
With High Distinction
Britney Nilli*
Antonio Nino Jr.
Emma Susan Nitsos
With High Distinction
Anne Elizabeth Noble
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Timothy Nokes
With Distinction
Olivia Gloria Noojin
Brendan Kennedy Notich
With Distinction
Abigail Novotny
With Highest Distinction
Emily Ann Novy
Sophia Helena Nowacki
Julia Elise Nowak
Allyson Nugent
With High Distinction
Mignely Nunez
With Highest Distinction
Katelynn Michelle Nunn
With High Distinction
Bernard Joseph O’Brien III
Emma Elizabeth O’Connor
With Distinction
Lindsay Skye O’Connor
Sarah Caitlyn Oakley
Sonomi K. Okazaki
With High Distinction
Adenike Caitlyn Oladeinde
William Robert Oliva
Jacob M. Oliver
Raegan Oliver
Amanda Sarah Olshan
Brandon Scott Olson
Samuel Frederick Orbaugh
Morgan Elizabeth Orr
Zoe Grace Orrell
With Highest Distinction
Grace Marie Orzechowski
With Highest Distinction
Taisha Danielle Ovide
Nikhil Reddy Palde
Brigid Casey Parker
Nicole Marie Yap Pascual
With High Distinction
Serena Patch
Anmol Arvindkumar Patel
Ash Natalia Suresh Patel
With Distinction
Cynthia Patel
Damini Vikram Patel
Hetvi Ramesh Patel
Lay Samir Patel
Mansi Sanjay Patel
Reeya S. Patel
With Highest Distinction
Ruchi Dipak Patel
With High Distinction
Maya Patheja
With Highest Distinction
Abigale Milea Patrick
Nicole Elizabeth Paul
Bec Salote Pawlowski
With Highest Distinction
Kala E. Payton
Marria Lynn Peduto
With Highest Distinction
Jillian Esther Peel
Damaris Pena Arevalo
Heidi Huilin Peng
With Highest Distinction
Emely Peregrina
Laura Perez Gonzalez
Abby Leigh Pescovitz
William George Peters
Antonio Petrosino Jr.
Deacon Eugene Pettiford
Thierry Laurent Philippe
Sylvie Brooke Pidto
With High Distinction
Cooper David Pierce
Nathaniel Hudson Pierce
Ruth Pintor
Ana Pjanic
Justin Gondo Poetra
Anna Elizabeth Pohl
With Highest Distinction
Cheyenne Capri Poindexter
Kayden Renay Poindexter
Madisen Nicole Polly
Katherine Ann Poltrack
With Highest Distinction
Mya M.G. Pomales
Arielle Jane Popovich
Kailey Dawn Porter
Nolan Herrick Porter
Sydney Madison Porter
With Highest Distinction
Riley Francis Portone
Emma Elizabeth Powell
Ashleigh Marie Prentice
Emily Jean Price
With High Distinction
Emilie Trace Prill
Corwynne Pugh
Erin Lynn Pulver
With Distinction
Camille Marie Pushman
Sanjana Puthigai
With Distinction
Hariharan PV
Mahnoor Aamir Qureshi*
With Highest Distinction
Rilee Elizabeth Raby
Aaryana Pradhan Rajanala
With Highest Distinction
Iris Ramirez
Mikaela M. Ramirez
With High Distinction
Alexander Maurice Ranc
Mary Eileen Randall
Mariana Noelia Rangel
Sylvie Catherine Rasche
Thomas Jeffrey Rastovski
With Highest Distinction
Marco Antonio Rebolledo
Benjamin David Redar
Reece Michael Redman
Amber Marie Reece
Carly Rae Reeves
Kevin Reidy
With Highest Distinction
Michael Mark Rekhter
With Highest Distinction
Ann Si Miao Renholzberger
Ella Frederica Paola Rhoades
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Rose Rice
Gabriela Giachino Rich
With High Distinction
Cortney Richards
Ivy Gallett Richardson
With Highest Distinction
Brandon Jordon Richter
With Highest Distinction
Carter Alan Rief
With High Distinction
Caroline Carter Riefe
With Highest Distinction
Madeline Claire Riley
Mia Olivia Riley
Daniel F. Rivera
Elizabeth Morgan Roberts
With Highest Distinction
Khija Mone’t Roberts
Colin James Robertson
Emily Elizabeth Robertson
With High Distinction
Ellerin Carly Robins
Hope Wittenberg Robinson
With Distinction
William Carroll Robison
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Suzanne Rochford
Emma Grace Rodes
Jenna Marie Rodgers
Alondra Rodriguez
With Highest Distinction
Sarai Rodriguez
Leah Marie Roebuck
With Highest Distinction
Alexander Corey Roeller
With High Distinction
Gabriel Andreas Roesli
With High Distinction
Sierra Anne Rohr
Athena M. Rojas
Hugo Patrick Roman Ward
With Highest Distinction
Tatum Jane Romaniuk
With Highest Distinction
Payton Reigh Romans
Jasmin Krystal Romero
Cayden Jude Rooks
Jordan Christopher Rothrock
With High Distinction
Madison Renee Rowe
With Highest Distinction
Madison Rose Rudick
With Highest Distinction
Xue Rui
Mason Bryce Runkle
With Highest Distinction
Nicole L. Russnak
Lillian Grace Rust
With Distinction
Ashton Chase Ruszkowski
Ashley Nicole Ryan
Alison Jeannie Rybicki
With Distinction
Kaylee Rynders
Riley Lynn Saddlemire
John David Sadler
Liana Yui Saji
Lukas Lee Sakalinskas
Sara Saliji
Tess Elizabeth Sams
Gabrielle Marie Sanburn
With High Distinction
Rebekah Elizabeth Sander
JaJuan Sanders Jr.
Ryan Daniel Sanders
With High Distinction
Rachel Ann Sandlow
Soren Gunnar Ardery Sandstrom
With High Distinction
Grace Ireland Santa
Taveen Kaur Saran
Arnav Saraswat
Juan J. Sarria
Suncica Sasic
With Highest Distinction
Audrey Satchivi
With High Distinction
Vivian Marie Savage
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Joseph Savin
With Distinction
Isabella Scalzo
Andi T. Schapiro
With High Distinction
Dylan Christopher Schick
Hailey Schlaffer
Callie Joan Schmitt
Carter David Schmitt
Camryn Schneidau
Andrew C. Schneider
Sofie Evans Schoenrock
Emily Maire Schopmeyer
With Highest Distinction
Darrell Anthony Schreiner
Grace Schuette
With Distinction
Jennifer Meredith Schulty
Joseph Schuster
Sophia Grace Sciaudone
Laine Scifres
Laura April Scofield
With Highest Distinction
Noah Patrick Scott
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Scriba
With High Distinction
Margaret Beth Sears
With Highest Distinction
Madeline Alexis Sebahar
With Distinction
Riley Elaine Seddon
Morgan Taylor Seeman
With Distinction
Ethan James Seiders
Benjamin Morton Seifert
Allyson Marie Seifried
With Distinction
Olivia Anne Self
Ashley Nicole Sellers
With Distinction
Samantha Shafer
Abdul Malik Shahid
Nori Shan
Shakthivel Mukund Shanmugavel
Samantha Sharp
With Distinction
Molly Elizabeth Shassberger
Claire McLaughlin Shea
With Highest Distinction
Frances Elizabeth Sheets
Annaya Janelle Shelton
Arianna Nicole Shelton
Chloe Danielle Shepherd
With Highest Distinction
Jordan T. Shields
Harumi Rebecca Shimano
Jordan Shipp
Alexis Shooshani
Rebecca Mae Short
Hope Elizabeth Shourd
With Highest Distinction
Joseph Warren Shrader
Karen Elizabeth Shriver
Nicholas Stephen Shrock
Vivian Love Shroder
Sierra Rose Shupe
With Distinction
Nicholas Theodore Siambekos
With Highest Distinction
Josie Siegel
Samantha Leigh Sims
With High Distinction
Ngun Hniang Sin
Turner Langley Sine Sr.
Mercedes Margaret Singleton
With Distinction
Molly Rose Sinovic
Ezekiel Skulski
With Distinction
Remington Morgan Slayback
Claire E. Slotegraaf
Alexis Gwendolyn Smith
Andrew Brendan Smith
With Highest Distinction
Josie Marie Smith
With Highest Distinction
Kate Smith
With Distinction
Madison Elizabeth Smith
Michael Smith
With Distinction
Spencer Campbell Smith
Katelyn M. Snodgrass
Candace Ruth Snyder
Madison Snyder
With Distinction
Natalie Socrates
With Highest Distinction
Abhishek Amit Soniminde
Lydia Anne Spachtholz-Bishop
With Distinction
Jacob C. Spencer
Anna Kate Spirtas
With Highest Distinction
Calista Ann Stafford
With Highest Distinction
Delaney Stafford
Elizabeth Ann Stanhope
With High Distinction
Raigan W. Stanifer
Peyton Patricia Stanley
Chloe Marie Stantz
Cassidy Jameson Staples
Easton Michael Stark
Breanna Steiff
Jacob Steinberg
Chloe Elizabeth Steinhaus
Justine Ariana Stenger
Amanda Grace Stephenson
Olivia A. Stevens
Todd Stewart
Shelby Potter Storm
Corbin G. Stotts
Ashley Nicole Stout
Daniel Carson Stout
India Street
Kinsey Leigh Strupp
Samantha Stuart
Janai Cierra Stubblefield
MaKayla Jean Study
Kelly Sturgeon
With Highest Distinction
Adrian Elaine Stutler
With High Distinction
Amber Rose Stutler
Giorgos Constantinos Stylianou
With High Distinction
Andrew Jacob Summers
Brooklyn Campbell Summers
With Distinction
Nicholas Alexander Summers
With High Distinction
Vikasini Sundaresan
Bawi Hnem Sung
Victoria Jolene Sutherland
Elise Sutton
With High Distinction
Abigail Marie Swift
Zoe Espenmiller Swisher
Josh Harris Tanenbaum
Christine Anne Taylor
Cierra Nicole Taylor
With Highest Distinction
Peter Taylor
Jessica Margaret Terzarial
Jacob Randall Thalls
Delhi Julie Thang
Sarah Ann Thoerner
With Distinction
Chloe Marie Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Priyanka Sarah Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Krysten Alyssa Thompson
Sage Alorah Thompson
Tyler Robert Thompson
Sophie Thorpe
With Highest Distinction
Kathryn Sarah Thurston
With High Distinction
Anna Marie Tincher
With High Distinction
Michelle Rachel Tobin
With High Distinction
Maleah N. Todd
Taylor Todd
Allison Rachel Tomicek
Lauren Elizabeth Tomlin
Olivia Rose Tornetta
With High Distinction
Alexandra Tucker
Gretchen Camille Tull
With High Distinction
Allison Jane Turner
Emily Marie Uthe
With Highest Distinction
Ana Laura Valdez
Olivia Rose van Emmerik
Kendall Marie Vance
With High Distinction
Nicholle Vandy
With Highest Distinction
Jocelyn Elyse Vanek
With Highest Distinction
Jasmine N. Vann
With Highest Distinction
Andrés Cuauhtémoc Vargas
With Distinction
Karina Vega
Francisco Carlos Velez-Heredia
Theron Logan William Verburg
With Highest Distinction
Garrett L. Vest
Elizabeth Vetne
Thais Vieira dos Santos Hauskrecht
With High Distinction
Cami Lynn Voiles
Jordyn L. Voyles
With Highest Distinction
William Wachowski
Dylan Ryan Wadsworth
Abigail Marie Walker
With High Distinction
Hannah Christine Walker
With High Distinction
Lydia Caroline Walker
With Distinction
Lydia Caroline Walker
With Distinction
Joe Parker Walls
With Distinction
Patrick James Garcia Walsh
With Highest Distinction
Emily Wang
Gaole Wang
Wei Wang
With Highest Distinction
Yifei Wang
With High Distinction
Yimeng Wang
With High Distinction
Suzanne Marie Ward
With Highest Distinction
Audrey R. Warren
Kayla Simone Washington
Samantha Marie Waterman
With Highest Distinction
Caleb Daniel Waugh
With Highest Distinction
Cale Mitchell Weaver
Jensen Weaver
Sydney Alexis Weber
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Michael Weber
Ellie Jordyn Weinberg
With Highest Distinction
Grace Catherine Weinstein
With Distinction
Talia Rose Weintraub
Madeline Lily Weiser
Alex Rachel Weiss
Jason Patrick Wendt
With Distinction
Shyla Pearl Wenzel
With High Distinction
Andre Pedro Westin
With Distinction
Ashlynn Wheat
Alexis Bleu Wheatley
Meagan Nicole White
Elizabeth Ann Whybrew
With High Distinction
Mackenzie Kate Widrig
Mackenzie Antoinette Wielgos
Natalie Marie Wigand
With Distinction
Luker R. Wiginton
Hope Wilkins
With Highest Distinction
Ericka William
Alexis Makiah Williams
Lillian Jeanette Williams
Bradley Peter Wilson
Dylan R. Wire
Kelsey T. Wise
Reilly Kathleen Woehler
With High Distinction
Ethan Jackson Wood
With Distinction
Chloe Alexandra Wright
With Distinction
Ethan L. Wright
Shelby Wright
With Distinction
Maojia Wu
Christina Min Yang*
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Patrick Yauger
With Distinction
Da Yin
Connor Jeffery Young
Zachary Hunter Young
Hanzhang Yu
Mingxuan Yue
Dizhou Zhang
Qiwen Zhang
Sidney Zhu
Nicholas Zidarescu
With Highest Distinction
Victoria Kudzai Zinyemba
Sarah Michal Zola
With Distinction
Sydney Megan Zulich
With Highest Distinction
Catherine Miranda Barker
With Highest Distinction
Bernadette Czubernat Bradley
With Highest Distinction
Grace Virginia Calderoni
Katelyn Marie Li Ding Connor
Sara J. De Furia
With Highest Distinction
Zoey Althea Dickenson
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Susan Dostalek
Amanda Dorothy Fawell
With Highest Distinction
Kabir Gandhi
With High Distinction
Abigail E. Gerdes
Katherine Raya Glaser
With Highest Distinction
Frances Rose Heintzelman
With Distinction
Abigail Susan Jones
Cynthia Lauren Kauffman
With High Distinction
Hannah Kate Kulawiak
With Highest Distinction
Madison Lowry Musgraves
With Highest Distinction
Roberto Luigi Russo
Olivia Paris Sarvello
With Highest Distinction
Luke Patrick Swaller
With High Distinction
Katherine Elaine Wheeler
With Highest Distinction
Tiana Williams
Alyssia Cheyanne Wright
Hannah Ruth Zeldin
With High Distinction
Nathaniel J. Abston
Nicole Airhiagbonkpa
Lauren Victoria Alexander
Khalil M. Allen
Victoria A. Allen
Kaycee S. Allison
Ralph Emerson Angcao Penafiel
Brian Richmond Ash
Mary Lizabeth Bail
Cecilia Standiford Ball
With Highest Distinction
Moses Temitope Bambo
Toniesha Kimberly Bandawe
Ellie Lynn Banks
Andrea Malaga Bautista
Matthew H. Bedford
Zachary Ryan Belous
Evan Garrett Berger
Hunter Ann Birsfield
William T. Bradshaw
Nathan Hunter Branaman
Kasey Marie Bridges
Jaylynn Carol Burney
Ethan Carlin
Zachary C. Carpenter
Tatyana Carter
Sydney Anne Cash
Angeli Noel Cauley
Paula Isabelle Cerame
Analeyce Kathleen Paije Clarkson
Matthew T. Cline
Joe’Quaylin Jerryonte’ Coleman
Chase William Colton
Austin R. Covington
HongYang Cui
Maia Katharine DeForge
Camden A. Dimmock
Jalen Durrell Edwards
David Michael Ellis
Matthew Ellis
Stephanie R. Embree
Lizbeth Estrada
Josey M. Frazier
Nathan Christopher Fritz
Ismael Garcia
Patrick Garvey
Sabrina G. Gasana
Jasmin Amber Gebbels
Haley Grace Goines
Grayce Gonzalez
Gage Dawson Gray
Mae Griffin
Mary Clare Griffith
Ethan John Grossman
Brooklynn Nicole Gruwell
David Tony Harrison
Alyssa Harvey
Riley Lynn Holt
Valinda Hughes
Janii Jenkins
Colyn Anthony Joseph
Devon Michael Joyce
Rebecca Kauffman
Madison Nicole Kennedy
Christopher Todd Kidd
Bernard Anthony Kincius
Amanda Rose King
Alayna Danyelle Kirkwood
Ellie Lauren Klima
Miller Dudley Kopp
Juliana Grace Kort
Jacob Krugman
Olivia Grace Ledezma
Zuly Leiva Rojas
Alayna Leonard
Shenyan Lin
Graysen Elizabeth Link
Yuxiao Liu
Isaak Maxwell Lombardo
Bethany Marie Hope Lopiccolo
Zoe Anastasia Malasek
James Maxwell
Deland Scott McCullough II
Madison Marie McDaniel
Kasper McIntosh
Maleke Deshawn Mcneil
Laria Miller
With Highest Distinction
Lewis G. Miller
Annie Mooney
Alexander Paul Ogg
Haley Alexandra Plocker
Kiah M. Pope
Lauren Brianne Poynter
Ava Antoinette Quarto
Brooke Janae Ragland
Joseph Francisco Raices
Kaley Makenna Rammelsberg
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Ann Ray
Marshall William Risk
Madeline Joan Runyan
Ethan Salk
Olivia Rose Sandstedt
Olivia Marie Seifert
Claire Emily Silberman
Henry Brice Silverman
Emery Daekwon Simmons
Mahogany N. Simpson
Mary Grace Smidt
Jordynn Shermayne Smith
Saphire Smith
Megan Lee Snook
Allison Mae Stamper
Erin Rose Stargel
Colleen Danielle Stone
Sophie Summers
Zoe Electra Supan
Ying Tao
Joseph Thawng
Megan Elain Valko
Allison Jo Vanleeuwen
Koron Jordan Walker
Anna Grace Walls
Karissa Janee’ Warren
Olivia Marie Wheeler
Hannah White
Antoine Martis Whitner Jr.
Jaylin Alexander Williams
Ryan Marshall Wilson
TayAonie Renee Wilson
Yingnan Xian
Maxwell Mersack Young
Camryn R. Zapinski
Yiliang Zhou
Rachel E. Albright
Miranda Rae Anderson
Marissa M. Bollnow
With High Distinction
Ty Allen Bothwell
Taylor K. Crocker
Chase McKenzie Cummings
Tracie Nicole Daniel
Karlyn Elise Doty
Shellee Lee Goodman
Makayla Marie Guerra
Diego Alberto Guerrero
Alyssa Angela Highberg
Grace A. Hite
Rachelle Ashley Lange
With Distinction
Anissa Noelle Liphford
Abigail Saundria Lourdraj
Alex Martindale
Katherine Wallace Millar
With High Distinction
Brittni Renee Pemberton
Esperanza Teresa Rodriguez
Estrella Alicia Rodriguez
Sabrina M. Simms
Kathryn Kirby Sperka
Emma Van Prooyen
Marie J. Villaneda
Kimberly Morgan Wade
With Distinction
Kaleb Nicholas Waikel
Natalie Winters
With Distinction
George Maxfield Doering
Jacob David Kallman
Ian Lukowski
Andrew Morgan
Calvin William Nettelhorst
With Highest Distinction
Arnob Ahnaf Rasul
William Marsh Sherman
With Highest Distinction
Derek Michael Sikorski
With Highest Distinction
Jackson David Taylor
With Highest Distinction
Payne Vogtman
Rachael Lee Weir
Josette Isabel Wright
With Distinction
Wade Austin Lowe
Vincent Nathaniel Andrews
With High Distinction
Olivia Kate Duncan
With Highest Distinction
Jack Thomas Egnatz
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Vladimir Hatfield
Sara Caroline Haynie
With High Distinction
Alexandra Marie Hurlock
With Highest Distinction
Lucas Robert Jerzak
With Highest Distinction
Peyton Kinon
With High Distinction
Nathan Joseph Kussow
With Highest Distinction
Megan Laune
With Distinction
Jing-Yu Lei
With Highest Distinction
Elaina Marie Lewis
With High Distinction
Kristen Marie Lockard
With Distinction
Egan Mather
Jared Tanner Miller
With High Distinction
Raminder Singh Patial
With High Distinction
Kangluo Qin
With Highest Distinction
Maeve Alice Reilly
Jordan Lee Romines
Harumi Rebecca Shimano
Alexandra Staiculescu
Ali Turk
With High Distinction
Casey Woods
With High Distinction
Catherine Sophaline Wright
Kyle Yust
With High Distinction
Hiba Akbar
With High Distinction
Sabrina Ali
With Highest Distinction
Brianna Juliet Arreola Jimenez
David Mohamad Asgari
With Distinction
Julilla Rose Baer
Lindsey Nicole Baeza
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Rozaliya Bargamian
Jacobus Marthinus Barnard
With Highest Distinction
Britney Lucero Bautista
Alex Christoph Beihold
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Murphy Bell
Berrie Rochemir Benjamin
Madison Lynn Berger
With Highest Distinction
Ritika Singh Bhadouriya
With Highest Distinction
Colin Raleigh Blackwell
With High Distinction
Lucas Boha
With Highest Distinction
Brandon Michael Boldt
With Highest Distinction
Laine Michelle Boldus
With Distinction
Sophia Christina Bond
With Distinction
Gabrielle Yvonne Boulet
With High Distinction
John Bousamra
Katherine Nicole Brice
With Distinction
Kamryn Kennedy Brown
With High Distinction
Claire Bruns
With Distinction
Gavin John Buba
Levi Waters Burdine
With Highest Distinction
Yovani Castaneda
With Distinction
Irene J. Castillo
With Highest Distinction
Nishant Chenchaiah
Lauren M. Cobb
Catherine Mary Cochran
Shaun Michael Condon II
With High Distinction
Shea Elizabeth Connelly
Daniel Cole Craft
With Highest Distinction
Amy Cruz
Vincent DeFabis
Quintin Vincent DeSpirito
Jordyn Elizabeth Deveney
Sumayyah Zahra Din
With Highest Distinction
Chloe Noelle Dobay
With High Distinction
Joseph Edward Doepker
With High Distinction
Nathaniel Michael Dunbar
With Highest Distinction
Naomi Edet
John Edward Enneking
Jenna Marie Ertel
Dylan Elijah Everly
Lizbeth Funkhouser
With Highest Distinction
Chenkun Ge
Mallory Marie Geyman
Makayla Lynn Gilley
With Distinction
Luke David Gohmann
With Highest Distinction
Sophie Marie Gray
With Highest Distinction
Cora Elizabeth Greiwe
With High Distinction
Zachary Grunewald
Ellias Hanna
With High Distinction
Erin Elizabeth Hardy
Eris Deanai Harris
Erin Rose Heapy
Emma Heintzman
With Distinction
Chloe Marie Henderson
Brody Andrew Hendricks
With High Distinction
Elizabeth Jane Hicks
With High Distinction
Tina Huang
With Distinction
Adam Frank Huckabee
Catherine Elizabeth Hutchinson
Olivia Huttner
Chayton Jacobsen
Areeba Javed
Garrett Reid Jones
McKenzie Anna-Nadine Jones
Delaney Sierra Joyce
Ravneet Kaur
Izza Khurram
With Highest Distinction
Ashley Eden Kieffer
Heejeon Kim
Megan Elyse King
Lillian Mae Klemsz
With Highest Distinction
Jade Elatia Klene
Daniel Julian Konig
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth A. Kornilow
With Highest Distinction
Filip Alexander Kosel
With High Distinction
Andrew A. Krieg
With Highest Distinction
Lindsey Rose LaBuda
With Highest Distinction
Hok Long Lam
With High Distinction
Audrey Lee
With Highest Distinction
Jared Lee
With Highest Distinction
Jing-Yu Lei
With Highest Distinction
Gabrielle Irene Leriger
Alexis Mackenzie Lindahl
Michelle Wendy Liu
With Highest Distinction
McKenna Major
With Highest Distinction
Hailey Kauffman Mangelsdorf
Taylor Jean Marten
With Distinction
Nathaniel James Martine
With Highest Distinction
Isai Martinez Lopez
McKenzie Lauren McClarney
Carson Douglas McCord
Aspen Fiadh McGouldrick
Ashley Nicole Thomasina McHugh
Evan Tyler McLaughlin
Mackenzie Grace Mee
With Distinction
MacKenzie Bennett Melvin
With High Distinction
Camille Ann Paje Mendoza
With Highest Distinction
Francis Mark Paje Mendoza
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Marie Merica
Rachael Meyer
With High Distinction
Matthew Allen Millikin
Aryan Mishra
With Highest Distinction
Grant Monesmith
Emily Elizabeth Montgomery
Autumn Mulinix
With Distinction
Elizabeth Murphy
With Highest Distinction
Jillian Renea Murray
With Distinction
Kamran Nayyar
Ivana A. Nguyen
Lily H. Nguyen
Randy Mitchel Nordhoff
With Distinction
Jackson Chase Norman
Kaitlyn O’Donnell
With Highest Distinction
Cole Orion Ochstein
Maranda Joy Otteman
Pallavi Sagar Panchpor
With High Distinction
Max Alexander Paredes
Aesha Patel
With Distinction
Rohankumar Amitkumar Patel
With Highest Distinction
Sparsh Ashish Patel
With Distinction
Jillian Pennington
Sarina Perez
With High Distinction
Lucas Eric Porter
With High Distinction
Taylor Kathryn Pozzebon
With High Distinction
Muskaan Sanjil Ramchandani*
With Highest Distinction
Emma Lorene Ramp
With Distinction
Priyana Reddy
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Elizabeth Riebe
Carter Alan Rief
With High Distinction
Alyssa Robinson
Jack D. Roemer
Darcy Allison Rose
Kaitlyn Ross
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Phillip Ross
With Highest Distinction
Faith Ruch
Aakash Saklani
Jonah Sanchez
With High Distinction
Brandon Charles Sandy
Yu Sang
Caroline Grace Shumaker
With High Distinction
Peyton Elizabeth Simon
Arianna Kit Smith*
With Highest Distinction
Robert Reid Staggs
Ava Stendahl
Mikayla Renaye Stephens
With Highest Distinction
Cameron Michael Stockbridge
With High Distinction
Grace Ann Suiter
With Distinction
Shingkang Sengdu Sumlut
Andrew Sianghmun Thang
Tyler Robert Thompson
William Tonelli
With High Distinction
Brandon Tran
Lina Kim Tran
Gretchen Camille Tull
With High Distinction
Lillian Grace Valentine
With Highest Distinction
Jalynn Rayonna Waites
With High Distinction
Ryan Trent Walden
Carson Joseph Walton
Marissa Ning Wang
Ashley Reagan Weaver
With Highest Distinction
Evelyn G. Weaver
With Highest Distinction
Adam Michael Weiler
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Marie White
Jack Whitsett
Kamryn Marie Wieschhaus
With Highest Distinction
Chaddese D. Williams
Erin Wilson
William Arthur Wilson
Breanna LaShawn Winters
Soyeon Yu
Ariana Isabel Zdobylak
Andrew Zhang
With Highest Distinction
Jordan Ziss
Piper Nicole Zola
With Highest Distinction
Carson Landis Billingsley
With Highest Distinction
Emmagrace Brock
Naveen Chana
With Highest Distinction
Kayvonne Evette Ferguson
With High Distinction
Quinn Christian Koelsch
Subhan Lodhi
Tucker Charles Magill
With High Distinction
Anton A. Poznyak
With High Distinction
Carson Shalaby
With Highest Distinction
Madeline P. Tanner
With High Distinction
Robert Rothe Walker
With Distinction
Valori Joy Wasson
Willow M. Hatcher
Adam Ramsay Lheureau
With High Distinction
Clara Jean Lietzke
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Robert Lowe
Mariah Martin
Marisa Cailyn McIntosh
Oscar Daniel Medrano
Noor Hamed Naseeb
With Highest Distinction
Adam Nicholas Pickett
With High Distinction
Nicholas George Rommel
Kamal Singh
With Highest Distinction
Julian Jason Spangler
With Highest Distinction
Cullen McNeill Sullivan
With Distinction
Joseph Magee Tankersley
With High Distinction
Javerri Oakley Saylor Waters
Michael Chandler Whippo
Logan A. Gillenwater
With Highest Distinction
Audrey Satchivi
With High Distinction
Robert General Kellems
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Patrice Krasnow
Alexander Joseph Mervar
With Distinction
Marynancy Michelle Samson
Nadine Zoe Templeton
Evan Parker Kelly Chapple
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Iris Gabel
Aaryana Pradhan Rajanala
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Schmitt
Harley Mathew Bailey
Braden Henning
Riley Thomas Henson
With High Distinction
Jack Calhan Stewart
Siddharth Das*
With Highest Distinction
William David Green
Derek Karmolinski
Olivia Grace McDermott-Sipe
Aspen Fiadh McGouldrick
Nitesh Naren
Collin Patrick Nielsen
With Highest Distinction
Grace Ann Pangburn
With High Distinction
Benjamin Andrew Peters
Enrique Valdez
Adam Michael Weiler
With Highest Distinction
Timothy Michael Clark
With High Distinction
Joseph Cummings
Alexis Nicole Aguirre
Luke William Albers
With Highest Distinction
Madelyn Alford
With High Distinction
Hannah Grace Allen
Sara AlShalabi
With Distinction
Audia Anders
With Distinction
Averie Dawn Baker
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Nicole Baker
With Highest Distinction
Nikita Prasad Bammidi
Jessica Bao
With Highest Distinction
Isaac Bartley
Diamond Alexia Bell
Sloan Reid Belveal
With Highest Distinction
Phoebe Claire Bocchinfuso
Alexandria Despena Bondi
With Distinction
Claire Marie Brothers
Ryan Michael Brummet
Gabrielle R. Budd
With Highest Distinction
Wesley Burris
Mackinzie Renee Buuck
Nicholas Edward Capen
With Distinction
Raquel Angela Coles
Macy Linnea Colson
With High Distinction
Emily Colyer
With Highest Distinction
Julia Caroline Coppersmith
With Distinction
Alexa Jordan Davis
With Highest Distinction
Kara Janelle Davis
With High Distinction
Linh Phuong Dinh Tran
Grace Dollia
Calista Marie Duncan
With Distinction
Malia RaeAnn Edlin
Chloe Jeniece Elliott
Delaney Nicole Emerson
Alexis Christine Flores
Faith Alego Foster
Lauren Paige Gater
Joshua Daniel Gerstein
With Highest Distinction
Jennifer Lynn Gessling
Britney Giangbinh Giang
Emma Elizabeth Gilham
With Distinction
Grace Elizabeth Golding
With Distinction
Baileigh Grace Goodlett
With Distinction
Grace Nichole Hall
Rachel Leigh Hanna
With High Distinction
Mallory Hart
Wyatt Charles Hinz
William Ethan Huff
Alayna J. Iles
Elizabeth Marie Jinks
Vanessa Brooke Jordan
Lauren Grace Karkazis
With Distinction
Abigail Elizabeth Kempf
Bria King
Jacob Bradley Kiser
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Leslie Klapper
Paige Claire Knight
With Distinction
Allison Ranae Koontz
With Highest Distinction
Richard Michael Krolewski III
Grace Nicole Lienemann
Hailey Lynn Loftin
With High Distinction
Michael Thomas Louthan
Svetlana Gemma Lupini
Keely Ann Mahoney
Ashley Matheis
Molly Carole McGoldrick
Grant A. Mitchell
Holley Han Nguyen
Nhi D. Nguyen
Seth Thomas Nickel
Aniya Maree Nwabuko
Emma Rose Osborn
Faria Oviedo Fortin
With Distinction
Anjali Patel
With High Distinction
Nikita Vinay Patel
Alexia Nancy Penesis
Rene Vichara Pin
With High Distinction
Hannah Rae Plunkett
With Distinction
Emily Jean Price
With High Distinction
Maggie Elizabeth Pryor
Kylie Elizabeth Reynolds
With Distinction
Hallie Christine Richards
Haley Charlene Rivera
With Highest Distinction
Brieanne Nicole Rutledge
With Highest Distinction
Riley Elizabeth Sample
With High Distinction
Suncica Sasic
With Highest Distinction
Mina Sohrab
Hannah Michele Sonnentag
Benjamin Sidney Spector
With Highest Distinction
Savannah Spurlock
McKenzie Elizabeth Stewart
With High Distinction
Miranda Chinyere Stovall
Makiyo Lee Ann Strayhorn-Burris
Sage H. Sweeney
With Highest Distinction
Megan Elizabeth Tarlton
With Highest Distinction
Madalyn Guinn Tucco
Adell Samantha Urtel
Mattie Lylliann Sigrid VanVleet
Rina Vasilarakis
Cameron Anthony Veal
Chutavion D’Angelo Walker*
Celine X. Wang
With Distinction
Rija K. Zaheer
Natalie Zirkle
Wilson Avila
Ishan Bagai
Zhengting Cao
Trevor Joseph Cunningham
Marshal Phillips Gress
With High Distinction
Robert Joseph Grimley
Tatum Kathryn Hayes
With Highest Distinction
Arthur Raphael Hertz
Gengzhe Li
Clara Jean Lietzke
With Highest Distinction
Lucy Grace Ferdinanda Lippman
With Highest Distinction
Alyssa Morgan Mages
Van Levi Mathias
Ian James McKean
With Distinction
Noah Migoski
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Morgan
Yash Pande
With High Distinction
Alex Ratcliff
Daniel Alexander Rickert
With Highest Distinction
Graham Everette Seiler
With Highest Distinction
William Marsh Sherman
With Highest Distinction
Derek Michael Sikorski
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Brendan Smith
With Highest Distinction
Giorgos Constantinos Stylianou
With High Distinction
Kaiyi Tan
Jackson David Taylor
With Highest Distinction
Kendall Nicole Viele
Kaisen Ye
Matthew Zachodni
Hannah Bentz
With High Distinction
Charles Scott Canty Jr.
Preston James Dunithan
Sarah Michelle Eden
Abigael Marie Frederick
With High Distinction
Caleb Andrew Hill
With Distinction
Jillian P. Lewis
Sydney Marie Szwed
Emily Morgan Taylor
Adhitya Balaji
With Highest Distinction
Naveen Chana
With Highest Distinction
Dillon M. Gardner
With Highest Distinction
Rafael Jose Gomez IV
Sage Michael Hamm
With Highest Distinction
Anush Raghunandan Motaganahalli
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Fathima Niyaz
Viraj Ketan Patel
With Highest Distinction
Adriana Lindman Port
With Highest Distinction
Amin Rimawi
With Highest Distinction
Piper Victoria Schuring
Mary Elizabeth Skelly
With High Distinction
Joshua Spence
With Highest Distinction
Bethany Grace Tucker
Anuoluwapo Annie Abioye
With Highest Distinction
Massa Hiam Al-Ani
Abigail Katherine Aldridge
With Highest Distinction
Aziza Mahamat Ali
Sabrina Ali
With Highest Distinction
Marium Ansari
With Highest Distinction
Madison Marie Anthony
Emily Rocio Asis
Adhitya Balaji
With Highest Distinction
Ammaar Wadooth Basher
With Highest Distinction
Jordan Lynn Bayles
With High Distinction
Shawn Eric Beeler II
Lindsay Leigh Begg
Hannah Bentz
With High Distinction
Luke Beuchat
Erin Patricia Butterfield
With High Distinction
Mikaela E. Cabreros
Martina Victoria Reyes Catalan
Jocelyn Yun Sil Chang-Stroman
With High Distinction
Megna Chari
Tvisha Raggi Chatterjea
With High Distinction
Priya Chaudhary
Michelle Chen
With High Distinction
Nishant Chenchaiah
Emily Ann Clark
Madeline Margaret Cory
With Highest Distinction
Meredith G. Cox
Rachel Alyse Dancheck
With Highest Distinction
Karena Rajesh Dhamecha
With Highest Distinction
Mandeep Kaur Dhillon
With Highest Distinction
Kendal Marie Dobias
With High Distinction
Claire Margaret Shackell Dowell
With High Distinction
Esther Egunyomi
Alaina Marie Focosi
Ritu Gangadhara
With Highest Distinction
Alexa Nicole Gardner
With Distinction
Jamie Elizabeth Gessler
Sergio Adrian Gonzalez
Kelsey Marie Gossman
Abigail Grace Green
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Ann Greenwell*
With Highest Distinction
Soumya Gupta
With Highest Distinction
Tess Suzanne Harrison
Andrew Dylan Talley Haseman
With High Distinction
Ian Zachary Haynes
Anylah Inez Henry
Luis Daniel Hernandez-Tovias
Grace Marie Hironimus
Anna Hsiao
With High Distinction
Daniel Hu
With Highest Distinction
Christina Mary Hyde
Lucy Elizabeth Kachur
Sanjay Narayanan Kaushik
With High Distinction
Hasaan Amer Kazi
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Joseph Keller
Hassaan Ali Khan
With Distinction
Meredith Maureen King
Emily Christy Kotvasz
Sophia Ann Kvaal
With High Distinction
Hok Long Lam
With High Distinction
Noah Edward Lancaster
With Distinction
Coleman Joseph Latty
Maverick Brian Lawrence
Jasmine Aliya Litton
Michelle Wendy Liu
With Highest Distinction
Kaylah Jean Logan
Joshua John Mann
With Highest Distinction
Neha Manoharan
Michelle Marin-Belmonte
Taylor Jean Marten
With Distinction
Paisley Faye McCudden
With High Distinction
Risha Mehta
With Highest Distinction
Aryan Mishra
With Highest Distinction
Yatziri Moreno
With Highest Distinction
Sierra Naddaf
Sarah Nawar
With Highest Distinction
Anna Gene Nguyen
With High Distinction
Abigail Marie Nigliazzo
Sarah Nolan
Aristé Mar Olivero
Alison Merrick Orme
Zoe Grace Orrell
With Highest Distinction
Max Alexander Paredes
Neil Patel
Riya Jayesh Patel
With Distinction
Emely Peregrina
Sai Priyanshu Poudala
Muskaan Sanjil Ramchandani*
With Highest Distinction
Vitor Ritzmann
Tanja Romic
With High Distinction
Jennifer Nicole Rooks
Kyle Vincent Rusin
With Highest Distinction
Griffin Reed Scism
Lane Wyatt Shamp
Caroline Grace Shumaker
With High Distinction
Mohammad Ahsan Siddiqui
With Highest Distinction
Arunabh Kumar Sinha
With Distinction
Arianna Kit Smith*
With Highest Distinction
Joshua Spence
With Highest Distinction
Grace Ann Suiter
With Distinction
Gayatri Thiru
With Distinction
Priyanka Sarah Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Baily M. Tillett
Ella Timm
Anna Marie Tincher
With High Distinction
Julie May Tran
Lina Kim Tran
Nicoletta Tsoukalas
Anna G. Unison
With Distinction
Sarah Kate Van Meter
With Distinction
Kendall Marie Vance
With High Distinction
Marlee Elizabeth Vinson
With High Distinction
Maya Lynn Votapek
With High Distinction
Whitney Elaine Walker
Jason Wang
With High Distinction
Romesha Brianna Washington
Jasmine Desiree Webster
Chloe Elizabeth Wells
With Distinction
Mary Isabelle West
With Distinction
Alyssa Renee Wilcox
Marissa Lauren Feltoon
Jenna Irene Kirkpatrick
Rayne Jaidyn Schilling
Jacqueline Anne Scott
With High Distinction
Mohammed Abdullatif Alshalabi
Isaac Baker
Riley Allen Bulfa
Anjali Serena Dziarski
With Distinction
Ian Lukowski
Noah Migoski
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Morgan
Calvin William Nettelhorst
With Highest Distinction
William Marsh Sherman
With Highest Distinction
Derek Michael Sikorski
With Highest Distinction
Cullen McNeill Sullivan
With Distinction
Jackson David Taylor
With Highest Distinction
Payne Vogtman
Lily Anne Adney
Abigail Katherine Aldridge
With Highest Distinction
Sophie Amick
Madison Marie Anthony
Veronica Michelle Barber
Jordan Lynn Bayles
With High Distinction
Ella Beardsley
With Highest Distinction
Ellie Christine Becker
With Distinction
Kalyn Bender
With Highest Distinction
Yasemin Sera Berker
Marissa M. Bollnow
With High Distinction
Zayn Boustani
Mary Elizabeth Calgaro
Tvisha Raggi Chatterjea
With High Distinction
Weiyin Chen
Shannon Christopher Clark
Dresden E. Cogan
Samuel Edward Cook
Amanda Cupit
Alexander Bernhard Deymann
Kyria Renee Dickerson
Gina Nicole DiMatteo
With High Distinction
Sarah Riley Dunn
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Rae Engel
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Grace Fehlinger
With Highest Distinction
Hallee Lynn Marie Gabhart
Ritu Gangadhara
With Highest Distinction
Ashley Alexandra Garcia
Georgia Rose Givens
Anna Katherine Gladden
Leanna Marie Gladson
Kelsey Marie Gossman
Soumya Gupta
With Highest Distinction
Alyssa Hall
Ciara Haskins
Eleanor E. Hine
With Highest Distinction
Anna Hsiao
With High Distinction
Mariah Anne Jones
Arghya Kashyap
Andrew Joseph Keller
Graceanne Michelle Kerlin
Thian Run Kim
Allison Kleinfeld
Alaina Austin Lany
Angelena Jenne Lara
Kaley Liszka
With Highest Distinction
Jasmine Aliya Litton
Kaylah Jean Logan
Nicholas Anthony Lugo
With Highest Distinction
Neha Manoharan
Abigail Paige McCormick
Joseph Thomas McElhaney
Risha Mehta
With Highest Distinction
Paige E. Meier
Isabella Michelle Miles
Izett Murphy
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Novotny
With Highest Distinction
Julia Elise Nowak
William Daniel O’Connor
With Highest Distinction
Avery Lynn Oltman
With High Distinction
Janet Oluwayomi
Sara Olivia Otieno
Jingwen Pang
Ruchi Dipak Patel
With High Distinction
Laura Perez Gonzalez
Audrey E. Piering
Alexis Reagan Price
With High Distinction
Kassidy Rae Puterbaugh
With Distinction
Kathryn Rose Quick
With Highest Distinction
Lydia Riggers
With High Distinction
Caitlynn Renea Saltzgaber
With Distinction
Sophia Marie Scarpellini
Summer Nicole Sheets
Jana Mei Sourwine
With Distinction
Grace Lauren Sprankle
With Distinction
Rachel Colleen Stephens
Zachary Stout
Julie May Tran
Summer Louise Voorhies
Jessica E. Wade
Kelly Rose Wentzlof
With Highest Distinction
Chad Ryker Whelan
Adam Cole Wilcox
With Highest Distinction
Mercedes Winkelman
With Distinction
Alanna Y. Wu
With Highest Distinction
Praveen Xavier
Sophia Ann Kreismer
Nicole Sue Neuenschwander
With High Distinction
Elaine Therese Scroggins
With Distinction
Kelly Rose Wentzlof
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Christine Gryzik
H.A. Moon Houston
Shawn Pauline McKenna
Sarah B. Naumovitz
Marielle Elise Shaw
Sarah Elizabeth Shipe
Whitney Moore Sizemore
Brooklyn J. Taulman
Emily B. Thomas
Recipients of Master of Arts,
Master of Science, and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees are listed under
the Graduate School, pages 70–80.
Eskenazi School
of Art, Architecture,
and Design—College
of Arts and Sciences
Isabella Rose Arini
Elliana C. Batz
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Born
Jaynie Kayla Burlock
Claire Jones Comfort
With High Distinction
Paul J. Dzubay
Elizabeth Eckert
With Distinction
Lindsay Ann Elick
Morena Frejenal
Bradley Elijah Gibbs
Emily Marie Good
Mya Kayren Hammons
Anna Caroline Harader
Elizabeth Anne Hodge
With High Distinction
Gabriella Rose Iglendza
With High Distinction
Caroline Paige Kuntz
Taylor Lamparski
Tracey Latrice Lewis
Casey Michelle Luthman
With High Distinction
Halle Lane Minton
Adrian Sebastian Moreno
Camille Antoinette Peterson
Emily Ramos
Mary Eileen Randall
Ethan Allen Shaw
Christopher D. Simanton
Akshaya Singhal
With Highest Distinction
Kate Elise Snelling
With Distinction
Anna Louise Thomas
Sophia Christine Treasure
With Highest Distinction
Lyndsay Nicole Valadez
Maggie Marie Wallace
Samantha E. Whitlock
Natasha Williams
With High Distinction
Runqi Xu
Rem I. Zathang
Yichen Zhang
Heather M. Ahmann
Flora Arthur
With Highest Distinction
Ariel Yazmeen Castillo
Alizah Sage Conard
Isabelle Paige Davis
Sarah E. Dunlap
With High Distinction
Julia Fegelman
With Highest Distinction
Stella Rose Hillenbrand
With Highest Distinction
Maria Theresa Ivancsics
With High Distinction
Amaya Elizabeth Johnson
With High Distinction
Michelle Yewon Kwak
With Distinction
Lily Bird MacNeil-Kitscher
Alyssa Kate Parr
Heidi Huilin Peng
With Highest Distinction
Madeleine Charlotte Reischel
With Distinction
Miguelangel Rivera
Madison Cleary Waliewski
With Highest Distinction
Phoenix X
Julia Savelli Alessandri
Nikolas Andrew Beaver
Ellie R. Bemis
Emma Blanford
Ellie Quynn Carter
Rachel Nicole Cicio
Nicole Hannah Crystal
Mary Grace Eckert
Brette Nicole Fawcett
With Distinction
Lindsay Ferrell
Tessie Constantina Flevaris
Molly Anne Ghiselli
Cameron Marie Glass
Hannah Emily Gold
Tessa Lily Griffin
Emma K. Healy
With Highest Distinction
Julia Elise Hewitt
With Distinction
Aliyah Darshan Hohl
Amber Rose Jacobsen
Mackenzie Keating
Shoshana Kendall
Olivia Klee
With Distinction
Mia Rose Kratchman
Katherine Rose Larson
Amanda Beth Levine
With Distinction
Ian Bryce Lewis
Rachel E. Mang
Libby McGuire
With Distinction
Brooke Morgan Mofshin
Aaron Murphy
Madeline Claire Nosler
Margaret Mary Ogle
Katie Elizabeth Podell
Madison Paige Puricelli
Paola Ramirez Jimenez
Ava Anjali Rashap
Karoline Rogers
Natalie Socrates
With Highest Distinction
Paige Emily Spence
Jordan Stayer
Megan Marie Sullivan
Samantha Nicole Sullivan
Natalie Marie Thompson
Gia Francesca Tortorella
Cole Joseph VanDevender
Stephanie M. Varkados
Sydney Katherine Young
Jose Zapata
Zeye Zhang
Delaney Lynn Bailey
Jack Dennis Chesman
Dylan Lee Coles
Cody W. Cox
Samuel Joseph Crawford
Corrin Lauren Dillon
Aviva Sam Feldman
Aubrey Noel Irvin
With Distinction
Daria Mikell Johnson
Hannah Elizabeth Jones
With Highest Distinction
Zelton Elijah Kay
Timothy K. Maginn
Raul Quiroz
Alexis J. Ramos
Nathaniel Meyer Ramsey
Mitchell Runkle
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Owen Sherry
Melissa R. Wilson
With High Distinction
Natalia Lucia Zepeda
With Distinction
Sydney Bernato
Faith Marie Buskirk
Brooklyn Moriah Cox
Holly Ann Dreiman
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Claire Fergus
With Distinction
Emily Rachel Fitzner
Hannah Joellen George
Jennifer Gomez
Lauren Elena Gregory
Kenny Jeifung Gyaltshen
Allison Kate Harmon
Matthew Robert Harrison
Alexandria Dakotah Johnson
Brooke Katherine Johnson
Deanna Sue Levy
Alexis Teresa Longoria
Amelia Joy Montana
Reilly McKenna Moran
Reagan Marie Otto
Felix Brown Peterson
Hope Elizabeth Purcell
Lia N. Ragle
Abigail Lynn Redick
With High Distinction
Graham Benjamin Rooks
Rebecca Tulman
Li-Jung Yu
Christian Zakhi
Daria Afshar
Alexandra Agag
With Distinction
Ethan Baer
Emma Carruthers
Cameron Christensen
Kendall Anne Cuniffe
Stella Beatrice Dennett
Cassandra Kaye Driver
Karla Scarlet Gonzalez
Ollie Anne Grcich
Yvonne L. Harmeyer
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Love
Abigail Grace Mejia
Hyun Woo Park
Claire Justine Potter
Paige Catherine Raymond
Madison N. Rector
Jaylee Rodriguez
Lauren E. Schmahl
With Distinction
Kalliope Tsiranidis
Albert Glenn Bracken Jr.
Brian B. Kim
Lavanya Mohan
Jonathon Tyler Stephens
Dane Anthony Bonzai Wallace
Recipients of Master of Arts,
Master of Fine Arts, and Master of
Science degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
Hamilton Lugar
School of Global
and International
of Arts and Sciences
Paige Nicole Abel
Ashley Alcala
Clare Elizabeth Aranda
Jacob Andrew Bailey
With Distinction
Temi Balogun
Katherine Basey
Jacob Thomas Beck
Kayla Sweet Behforouz
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Jil Bilitz
With High Distinction
Makenzie Elizabeth Binford
With High Distinction
Alaea Lorine Bowman
Addison Leigh Bross
With High Distinction
Benjamin Buckner
Molly Ann Burhans
With Highest Distinction
Madison Elizabeth Butler*
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Jo Campbell
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Marie Carr
With High Distinction
Madison Irene Carter
With Distinction
Ariel Renée Clemmons
With High Distinction
Madison Rose Collier
Alondra Jasmin Contreras
Vivian Kristine Costello
With Highest Distinction
Jared Dacruz Griffin
With Distinction
John Lars Daerr
With Highest Distinction
Olivia May Davis
With High Distinction
Zora E. Davis
Thomas Day
With Highest Distinction
Isabella DeMarco
With High Distinction
Collin Hudson Denny
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Grace DeSantis
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Dale Dexter
With Highest Distinction
Pragyan Dey
Donato DiGiacomo
Savannah Draher
Luzane Joy Draughon
With Distinction
Alexandria Morgan Dwinell
Morgan Ciera Flaugher
With Distinction
Margaret Suzanne Foley
Olivia Grace Garner
With Highest Distinction
Megan Noelle Gearhart
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Luba Gerber
Rachel Marie Gorman
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Christina Hager
Haylee Dianne Hall
Nathan Thomas Hatchett
With High Distinction
Emma Margaret Havey
With High Distinction
Catherine Elizabeth Heiger
With Highest Distinction
Leah Ellen Heneveld
With Highest Distinction
James Russell Hensley IV
With Highest Distinction
Mai-Hong Hinh
With Highest Distinction
Madigan Grace Hogan
With Highest Distinction
Tina Huang
With Distinction
Toby Lynn Huter
With High Distinction
Adama Jalloh
Annalise Marie Janke
With High Distinction
Catherine Grace Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Emilie Louise Johnson
Luke Allen Johnson
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Glenn Jones
Sydney Mariko Jones
With High Distinction
Ethan Thomas Joss
With Highest Distinction
Erika Kalamaros
Clay Richard Keiser
Isobel Adora Kennedy
With High Distinction
Alexander Kessaris
With High Distinction
Audrey Joyce Killian
With High Distinction
Joseph Patrick Klinger
Quincey Leigh Klingerman
Kaitlin Elizabeth Kmetz
Daven Elizabeth Knapp
With High Distinction
Abigayle Ellen Krulik
With Highest Distinction
Grace Hemington Kryder-Reid
Madeline Jean Kuntz
Patryk Jerzy Laska
With Highest Distinction
Sierra Nicole Lerma
Tamar Eden Lerner
With Highest Distinction
Liam Jacob Lorenz
With Distinction
Kristina Lowell
Helen Luck
With Highest Distinction
Isaac K. Mabry
Miriam Rebecca Maddox
Shreya Mapadath
With Highest Distinction
Sara Frances McClelland
Saige McGinnis
Evan Adair Meade
Sarah Rose Meadows
With High Distinction
Sarah Katherine Meagher
Zayd Memon
Sarah Elizabeth Mick
With High Distinction
Mariko Martha Moloney
With High Distinction
Gabrielle Morrison
With High Distinction
Neha Uma Nagaraj
With High Distinction
Emma Susan Nitsos
With High Distinction
Ann Olise-Aikins
With Distinction
Grace Patricia Opinker
Marria Lynn Peduto
With Highest Distinction
William Robert Plumer
Peter Allan Pohlman
Abigail Mackenzie Potter
With Highest Distinction
Mahnoor Aamir Qureshi*
With Highest Distinction
Korryn Diane Reichard
Shannon Ruth Reid
With High Distinction
Kevin Reidy
With Highest Distinction
Dorothy Maureen Reinhard
Ebony Marie Richardson
Isabella Michelle Riggs
Taveen Kaur Saran
Vivian Marie Savage
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Elise Schafer
With Highest Distinction
Aaron Theodore Schall
With Distinction
Dylan Christopher Schick
Luke Samuel Schmucker
Emily Maire Schopmeyer
With Highest Distinction
Kaitlin Marie Scott*
With Highest Distinction
Graham Everette Seiler
With Highest Distinction
Claire McLaughlin Shea
With Highest Distinction
Nicholas Theodore Siambekos
With Highest Distinction
Miranda Michelle Silverman
Brennan David Skirzenski
Lila K. Socks
With Highest Distinction
Anthony Tyler Stallman
Mia Shea Stewart
With Distinction
Allison Clare Targowski
Ryleigh Niquole Taylor
Paige Thomas
Michelle Rachel Tobin
With High Distinction
Benjamin Lowell Tomas Morgan
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Christine Treasure
With Highest Distinction
Janet Valtierra-Palos
Andrés Cuauhtémoc Vargas
With Distinction
Hannah Christine Walker
With High Distinction
Mackenzie M. Walling
Elizabeth Grace Weaver
With Highest Distinction
Reilly Kathleen Woehler
With High Distinction
Ethan Jackson Wood
With Distinction
Linda You
With Distinction
Sydney Megan Zulich
With Highest Distinction
Abiola Sheriffdeen Alagbada
Matthew Anthony Cannon
Riley Patrick Clauss
Peyton Elizabeth Crnjak
Dain Gordon Endris
Arielle Rose Kessler
Dae’Ja Andrea Lillard
Wendy Guadalupe Nava
Mallory Kay Pence
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Stephan Petrunich
Zakary Ross Powers
Alyssa Lynn Rieman
Kai Takesue
Nora Lorraine West
With Highest Distinction
Zuri Cassell
Sebastian Emmert
Madigan Grace Hogan
With Highest Distinction
Margaret Helen Pebworth
With Distinction
Gabriel Andreas Roesli
With High Distinction
Giuseppe Alkire
Joseph D. Blevins
Michael A. Leverett II
Mack Johnston Mercer
Recipients of Master of Arts,
Master of Science, and Doctor of
Philosophy degrees are listed under
the Graduate School, pages 70–80.
The Media School—
College of Arts
and Sciences
Ross Glenn Abdellah
Kara A. Acinapuro
With Highest Distinction
Jessi Raquel Alcorta-Robles
Agia Sophia Amezcua-Bone
With High Distinction
Grace Alexi Archer
Luke Thomas Ardizone
Nicole Elizabeth Arsenault
With Distinction
Kirsten Marie Ashby
With Highest Distinction
Lily Aston
Arianna Violet Awdisho
Kyle Murray Backus
Owen Jeryson Bagwell
With High Distinction
Grace Jencie Bailey
Aundrelle LaTrese Ballance
Brianna Marie Ballog
Katherine Bangert
With Distinction
Maxwell Owens Barnett
Gabriel Kiplan Batley
Evan Jay Baumgartner
Evan Beasley
Marie Bechtoldt
Lauren Jo Beery
Joseph Carroll Bell
With Highest Distinction
Elexis Monique Bernavil
Conor Thomas Berry
Eoyn M. Berry
Peyton Allyse Bietry
With High Distinction
Ava Blake Bloomberg
Genevieve Gallagher Bodie
Jack Bohr
Sarah Bone
Sophie Jordan Bortstein
With High Distinction
Kaylee Elizabeth Braasch
With Distinction
Marielle Moriarty Bradley
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Elizabeth Brassie
Grace Mackenzie Brenton
Jaidyn Taylor Brown
Caroline Carter Browne
Nicholas D. Browning
MaryGrace Elizabeth Brunclik
Jayden Tremayne Buckner
Alexandra Alesta Budiman
Elena Marie Buerkle
Ashley Lauren Bufe
Isabella Sofia Burdi
Amy Bushman
With Distinction
Kristin Cano
With Distinction
Mimi Carafiol
Charlie Cardello
Abigail Jeanne Carmichael
With Highest Distinction
Zachary Dennis Carr
Enrique Cazares
Julian Schaefer Celentano
Lauren Chadwick
Hannah Chael
Amanda Irene Kim Chang
Karen Cheng
With Highest Distinction
Delainey Cockrell
Grace Alane Coghill
Justin Ross Cohen
Samantha J. Condra
Katelyn Marie Li Ding Connor
Faith Lucille Conway
With Highest Distinction
Carli Marie-Frances Cottee
Cassidy Rae Crosby
Kateri Christine Cutsinger
Lauren D’Arecca
Diem Kim Dang
Elana Faye David
Gabrielle De Vries
With Distinction
Olivia Jean Desch
Jakob Austin Diamond
Lindsey Elise Dibble
Kathleen Ann Donahue
Savannah Draher
Steven Matthew Drenth
With Distinction
Luke Edward Drew
Joseph Dale Durnil
Zachary Thomas Eason
With High Distinction
Jack Edwards
Lea Edwards
Jacob Jerome Einstein
With High Distinction
Grant Michael Eissele
John Eknoian Jr.
Emma Danielle Ellingson
Griffin Denner Epstein
With High Distinction
Joseph Ermey
Bethany A. Everson
With Highest Distinction
Allison Claire Ezrilov
Betty Fall
Grace Harper Farrall
Kamaron Charles Farver
Emma Yuan Fecteau
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Schiff Feinberg
Brianna Ferracciolo
With Distinction
Ryleigh Marie Fidler
Lauren Elizabeth Fiedler
Grace Morgan Field
Remi Morgan Fink
Remi Blake Fisher
Gabrielle Thackeray Fitzgerald
Brendan Patrick Flaherty
Kira Kathleen Flammer
Peyton Marie Fleetwood
Layla Jane Fogleman
With Distinction
Emma Forsyth
Christopher Frank
With Distinction
Emily Frank
Benjamin James Frederick
Morena Frejenal
Abby Nicole Fritz
With Distinction
Wyatt Joseph Fritz
Julia Fromstein
With Distinction
Ava Louise Ganser
Rachel Morrow Gelfman
With Distinction
Evan Nicholas Gerike
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Giacomazza
Arianna Rose Giannini
Erin Elizabeth Gieselman
Ariella Grace Gonzales
Gavin Lee Goodman
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Tyler Greene
Jami Grossbard
Taylor Gutschow
Meric Haase
Sophia M. Haboush
Abigail Christine Hackleman
Hunter H. Harrison
Samantha Nicole Hasner
Sara Clementine Hayburn
Alexis Rae Hayes
Sophia Heligman
Jace Alexander Henderson
Kyra Jane Hendrickson
Abigail Rose Heneisen
Ruiyang Heng
Chloe Marie Holliday
Kaylee Paige Hollowell
Cailey Nayana Hopkinson
Filomena Maurine Horvath
Ashlyn Marie Houston
Charlotte Ruth Howard
Erik Robert Hultgren
With High Distinction
Stephen E. Hunt
Erik G. Hunter
Avalon Skye Husain
With Highest Distinction
Zakary Ahmad Ibrahim
Essynce Alora Isabell
Kathryn Ann Jones
Morgan Elizabeth Jones
With High Distinction
Henry James Joseph
Nicholas Joseph Jurkiewicz
Emilia Pola Kaluta
Claudia Rose Kamikow
With Distinction
Evan Michael Kamikow
Rachel Michelle Kaminsky
Michael Katz
Emily Grace Kelly
Madeline Elizabeth Kinnarney
With Highest Distinction
Keegan Richard Kisala
Lara Francesca Klein
Melanie Jane Klinger
Madlean Elinor Koehler
With High Distinction
Jillian Brooke Konikow
Grant Chadwick Korte
Joshua Patrick Kozicki
Emily Grace Kramer
With Distinction
Seren Lilith Kremer
Jared Steven Krugman
Isabelle Eun-hye Kwon
With Distinction
Raymond Labban
Taylor Lamparski
Connor Brett Landmeier
Nicholas Joseph Lanscioni
Kaden Jay Latimore
Bailer Mitchell Lazoff
Alexandra E. Lembach
With Distinction
Andie Taylor Lichtenstein
Benjamin Alexander Lish
Xinyi Liu
With High Distinction
Anthony Steven Locanto
Michael Long
Owen Longest
Elle Longhi
Kristen Marie Lucas
Tali Rose Lyons
Hannah Nicole Mackiernan
Ethan Robert Madison
Christian Marino
Karah Elisabeth Martin
With Distinction
Bianca Nicole Matchain
Grace Macayle McFadden
Natalie Barbara McFadden
Halle J. McHugh
Raghav Raj Mehta
Mia Carolina Melendez
Callie Rose Metzger
Samantha Mezrah
Vanessa Nicole Micki
Camila Victoria Miles
Carli Grace Milroy
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Haley Mintz
John Wayne Moosbrugger
Brynn Delaney Moran
Remy Rose Moran
Brooke Nicole Morris
Reagan Ann Mudd
With Distinction
Margaret Anne Mulligan
Briaunna Grace Myers
With Distinction
Raquel Navarrete
Keegan Shawn Nickoson
Joseph Israel Nieto
Aaron Louis Norton
Joseph Walter Novak
Katherine O’Brien
Joshua P. Owens
Sela Rose Ozdemir
Isabel Marie Papa
Julian Jae-Kyu Park
Katie Ruth Parker
Taylore Mekhala Parker
Caroline Lauren Parks
With High Distinction
Lay Samir Patel
Alex Ryan Paul
Ashley Peña
Matthew K. Pence
Jason Aaron Procops
Matalin Elise Racster
Carley Nicole Ramirez
With Distinction
Carly Ivon Regalado
With High Distinction
Miles Regan
With High Distinction
Xiaotan Ren
Grace Ann Danielle Reutebuch
Max Parker Rezek-TeWinkle
With High Distinction
Kennedy LaJoyce Ridley-Nash
Richard Ray Riggs III
Michael Andrew Roberts
With High Distinction
Samantha Haley Robinson
Daniel Rodriguez
Lauren Rogers
Jack Mauro Rosenfeld
Cory Matthew Rosenthal
Lilian Elizabeth Ross
Alexandra Marie Rowady
Maria Saam
Andrea Claire Safran
With High Distinction
Omar Salinas
Leah Kaplan Salomon
Marina Theresa Sambel
Joshua Adam Scharf
Corey Matthew Schonberg
Ryan Scott
Nyha Marlee Seidel-Knepper
Jannica Seraypheap
Olivia Brooke Serlin
Isabel Grace Shain
Abigayle Marie Shane
With Distinction
Lila Rose Shanker
Hannah Darby Shields
Jack Nolan Siegel
Aaron Skibbe
Rebekah Samm Slutzky
With Distinction
Jonathan Hansel Smith
Matthew Ronald Smith
Neil Frederic Smith
Matthew Bernhard Smollen
Liliana Faith Sobecki
Anna Kennedy Spencer
Lindsy Elle Spiegelman
Dylan Ilana Spier
Blake Roden Spillers
Julia Beth Steinman
Rachel Sofia Stone
Mckenna Alyse Marie Strayer
Jake Matthew Strober
Annie Noel White Stryker
Mary Grace Tarantino
Aylin Fu Sai Taysi
Minghao Teng
Caroline Thelen
Mitchell Paul Tiedman
With Distinction
Amanda Tinkle
With High Distinction
Chloe Jane Tod
Ashlyn Jade VanLandingham
Caitlin Tully Varanka
Nikolette Shea Vatistas
Jordan Alexander Venckus
Anya Vijayvergiya
Anthony George Vitullo
James Schuyler Vogt
Savannah Grace Waggoner
Meg Lauren Walker
With Distinction
Raegan Marie Walsh
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Rose Ward
Julia Weiner
Brandon Isaac Weinstock
Abby Elizabeth Welch
Emma Jane Whitlock
Chloe Stark Whitman
Aidan Robert Whitney
Samuel Wichhart
Alexandra Evelyn Winbun
Jessica Rose Windon
Eden Elaine Winling
Arielle G. Wisne
Liam Peters Wong
Maxwell A. Wood
Hunter F. Wray
Hannah Nichole Wright
William Bailey Wright
Stefan Michael Wuchenich
Allison Danielle Wylie
Natalie Elise Young
With Highest Distinction
Noah Scott Zaroff
Harrison Foster Zenna
Jiajia Zhang
Jingxuan Zhu
Abby Alexandra Zivkovich
Izabel Echo Zoghlin
Ziyi Zuo
Morgan Grace Allen
Eugenia Ambard
Young Jun An
Samantha Jil Bilitz
With High Distinction
Anna Jeanne Black
With Highest Distinction
Natalie Claire Bock
With Highest Distinction
Lela Kathryn Boys-Sibley
With Distinction
Jonathan M. Breckler
Jenna Leigh Brockman
Kylie Ann Bronnenberg
Emma Bruno
With Distinction
Brianna Marie Buckley
Amy Bray Caggiano
With Distinction
Amanda Gabrielle Cohen
Garrod Adam Creech
Piper Endsley Dafforn
With High Distinction
Carter Arie DeJong
Elizabeth Grace DeSantis
With Highest Distinction
Luzane Joy Draughon
With Distinction
Harleigh Rose Drummond
Chloe Fallen
Emily Nicole Fischgrund
Lily Louise Fowler
With High Distinction
Cameron Robert Garber
Olivia Lauren Gardner
Amani Sanea Gates
Megan Eleanor Gausselin
Sofia Claire Goldstein
With High Distinction
Swarna Kamatchi Gowtham
Claire Marie Graham
Natalie Jean Grubb*
Moira Kathleen Guthrie
Sophia Elizabeth Hall
Eleni Carmen Haralabidis
Audrey Renee Hausberger
With High Distinction
Katherine Tully Hawkins
With Highest Distinction
Abigail Lane Haymond
Kyra Rose Hickey
Ashley Susan Horner
Taylor Alexis Horton
Alison Julia Host
Zoe Ariel Hugunin
With High Distinction
Meredyth Christine Jones
Angelica Juarez
Neal Stackhouse Kaelble
Donald Joseph Kane
Melanie Dana Kaye
Emily Kellams
With Distinction
Victoria G. Krzyston
Grace Marie Leverich
With Distinction
Allison Jolie Liman
Julia Lostutter
Isaac Brandon Luckman
Bari Michal Lutz
With Distinction
Eva Main
With High Distinction
Andres Manzur
Sophia Paige Marx
Alyson Matthias
Kara Jane McKiernan
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Ruth McLaughlin
With Distinction
Mia Lauren Meltzer
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Margaret Miles
With Highest Distinction
Mackenzie Anna Miller
Macy Aline Miller
Mary Claire Molloy
With Highest Distinction
Nathan Christopher Moore
With High Distinction
Jaclyn Shae Morganroth
Jason Tyler Morris
Aleksandra Lake Muller
Katie C. Murphy
Molly Murphy
Isabella Myszak
Nina Grace Neumann
Garrett Matthew Newman
Lilian Rose O’Toole
Ryley Marie Ober
With High Distinction
Grace Patricia Opinker
Katherine Grace Patterson
Arielle Jane Popovich
Danielle Elaine Posin
Bianca Elizabeth Pugliesi
With Distinction
Isabelle Rose Reynolds
Ella Frederica Paola Rhoades
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Graham Rogers
Payton Reigh Romans
Gabriel Rosenberg
Bailey Hope Roulo
Helen Sierra Rummel
Elizabeth Teresa Ryan
Tess Elizabeth Sams
Marisol Elizabeth Sanchez
With Distinction
Sasha Sears
Matthew Sebree
Britan Atira Marie Shriner
Madison Elizabeth Smith
Lily James Staatz
Ava Elizabeth Staph
With Highest Distinction
Mia Shea Stewart
With Distinction
Katherine Savoy Sullivan
Simone Elize Swanson
Tyler Seyda Tachman
With Distinction
Carson Adel TerBush
With Highest Distinction
Bianca Marie Thiros
With Distinction
Abigail Ukinski
Lyndsay Nicole Valadez
Zoe Jennifer Verteramo
With Highest Distinction
Wei Wang
With Highest Distinction
Sade Warner
Grace Catherine Weinstein
With Distinction
Lauren Michaela Winnefeld
Alexis Deamber Woods
Lilyan Grace Wray
Brianna Faye Zeiberg
Jenna Michelle Kirsch
With Distinction
Tristan M. Reed
With Distinction
Ricardo Aguilar
Michael Scott Burks
With High Distinction
Emma Jean Callahan
Benjamin B. Cantrell
Christian Lamont Carter
Elliot Walker Craig
Grayson Brian Gootee
Nathan Paul Gratzer
Riley F. Halloran
Marceline Hileman
With Highest Distinction
Nicholas Jager
With Highest Distinction
Matthew Lee Koutsopanagos
Nickolas Philip Manes
Aeris Victoria Jewel Meadows
Caden Alexander Mockler
Caitlin Gayle Morton
Alysha Michele Pitman
Tianyang Shen
Joshua James Tonner
Ben Grady Vaughn III
Steven Wren
With High Distinction
Recipients of Master of Arts,
Master of Science, and Doctor
of Philosophy degrees are
listed under the Graduate School,
pages 70–80.
Kelley School
of Business
Theresa Elisabeth Abbott
With High Distinction
Anaah Abedi
Katie Joan Abell
Tyler Jonathan Abella
Sean Gregory Abkowitz
Andrew K. Aboukhaled
Gabriel Jace Abraam
Addison Miller Abramowitz
Gabriel Abu-Akeel
Christopher Achkar
Autumn Ann Ackerman
Catherine Ackerman
William Ackermann
Abigail Sarah Adelman
With Distinction
Jared Ethan Adler
Aidan Advocate
Aayush Agarwal
Adhiraj Swarup Agarwal
Krishang Agarwal
With Highest Distinction
Pankhuri Agarwal
With High Distinction
Rahul Agarwal
Nipun Aggarwal
With Highest Distinction
Sabhyata Aggarwal
Sanskar Aggarwal
Shruti Aggarwal
Douglas Walker Agnew
Christopher O. Agunloye
Jacob Steven Ahlbrand
With Distinction
Drew Ahlering
With Distinction
Noah Ahmad
Michael Kurtis Aikman
Shazia Saeed Akhtar
Mounica Akula
Anudeep Akurati
Ahmed Salim Al Hasni
Yousuf Al Taubi
Vardhan Aleti
Joshua Alex
With Distinction
Dylan Joseph Alfano
With Distinction
Ashley Suzanne Allen
Madalyn Banks Allgeyer
Maurice Haim Alloun
Mia I. Altholz
Sudesh Reddy Alugonda
Andrew Kirk Alwine
Fay Alzahrani
Joseph F. Amico
Devanshu Amin
Esther Amos
Christopher Peter Anderson
Erik E. Anderson
Klemens Lennart Anderson
Leah Anderson
Kyle P. Andjich
Jack Alan Andrews
Wyatt Blake Andrews
Erik Robert Anfenson
With Highest Distinction
Nicholas James Angelino
Vedanth Anil
Michelle Antony
Alec Michael Applegate
Heather Arancon
Caroline Grace Araneta
With Distinction
Jordan Arbiv
Antenella Joann Argento
Brennan Fredrick Armknecht
Haley August Armstrong
Irane Arora
With Distinction
Ritvik Arora
Shreya Arora
With High Distinction
Jackson Thomas Arvin
Emilie Ascione
With Distinction
Madeline Sophia Athanasiou
Jackson Alexander Attar
Jennifer Auble
With Distinction
Natasha Audrey
Samuel Michael Audy
Edward Kelly Auer
Daniel Joseph Augustine
With High Distinction
Tanmay Aul
Liam Fitzpatrick Austin
Stephanie Austin
Stephen Douglas Auw
Evan Leor Avicasis
Wilson Avila
Eric Timothy Ayler
Chloe Noelle Babcock
Andres Bacal
Shambhavi Arunkumar Badi
Pablo J. Baerga
Ishan Bagai
Aanjaneya Bagri
Ashwin Baid
Jaret Kile Bailey
Satchel Murphy Baines
Rachael Noelle Baith
With High Distinction
Rahul Bajaj
Roma Mulraj Bajaria
With Distinction
Harshit Bajoria
With Distinction
Eric Robert Baker
Shaan Balaji
Nicholas Balda
John Michael Bales III
Emma Victoria Ballestas
Anish Bamne
Aryam Banaji
Shreya R. Banda
With Distinction
Anukul Banerji
Kyle James Bang
Ethan Joseph Bank
Riley Holden Bank
Eesha Bansal
Vinayak Bansal
Luke Thomas Bantz
Varun Sandeep Bapna
With Distinction
Shane Michael Baraldi
Emily Rebecca Bardavid
Tyler Joseph Bare
With Distinction
Tyler Barishaw
Joseph Michael Barletta
Elizabeth Barnes
Cassandra Evelyn Barth
With Distinction
Garrett Wagner Bartholomew
Jacob Bartok
Nathan Bass
Catherine Elise Bassler
Calvin Samuel Bates
Joseph Donald Bates
Michael R. Baughman
Mahima Sanjay Bavisi
Kabeer Baweja
Kimberly Nicole Bayless
Dennis Sergiyovuch Bazylyuk
Mya Danielle Beaty
With High Distinction
Elias Becerra
Mia Becker
Jake Bednarz
With Distinction
Griffin R. Beemsterboer
Peter Beer
Akhil Behl
With Highest Distinction
Charles Belz
Ethan Imre Bende
Rose Laura Benensohn
With High Distinction
Alani Nayla Benitez
John Bennett
Ian Benson
Liam Keith Benson
Jeremy Joseph Berger
With Distinction
Ethan Noah Berlent
Lauren Jane Berning
Larissa Leanne Bernstein
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Charles Bernstein
William James Berron
Carter William Berry
With Distinction
Jacob Daniel Berry
Pranay Keshav Bettadapur
Landon T. Betz
Ethan Lawrence Beyzer
Advaith Murali Bharathwaj
Praneeth Bhattiprolu
Manav Bhojwani
With High Distinction
Michael Stephen Biel
Clare Conner Bielefeld
Blake Bilger
Jason Ryan Birns
Beau G. Black
Michael Vincent Black
Hannah Elizabeth Blair
With High Distinction
Eric Benjamin Blank
Nicholas James Blattel
Olivia Kathleen Blatz
Ryan Francis Blindt
With High Distinction
Brody Alexander Bliss
Jakob Zachary Alexander Blough
Jason Blum
Rachel Elizabeth Bockman
Pratha Bodas
With High Distinction
Akshita Saipriya Boddapu
Abigail Lynn Boerner
Eveline Bogdanski
With High Distinction
Samuel Lyle Bohnstedt
Alec Richard Bolanowski
Tyce Matthew Bomba
William Boncosky
Charitha Bondalapati
Carter Eugene Bonecutter
With Distinction
Nathaniel Vachon Bonnell
With Distinction
Robert James Booden
Nicholas James Booher
Tanish Sourabh Bora
With Distinction
Madeline Sadie Borkowski
With High Distinction
John Augustus Born
Pedro Bortolan Goes
Joshua Christian Borzello
With Distinction
Aidan D. Bossi
Rushil Bothra
Bruce Alexander Boucher
With High Distinction
Lawton Greg Bouwer
Joseph George Bove Jr.
With Distinction
Matt Boyajian
Justin Christopher Bradshaw
Lance Bradshaw
Sydnee M. Brafford
Lilah Claire Brand
Taylor Amalia Brandeburg
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Jean Brawdy
Ryan Austin Breger
Faith Songling Briggs
With Distinction
Patrick Raymond Briody
Charles Alan Brizz
Caitlin Eileen Broderick
With Distinction
Mia Brooke Bromberg
Thomas Hayden Brook IV
Jack Brooks
Aaron Keith Brown
Alexander J. Brown
Charles Alva Brown IV
Emerson Paul Brown
Nicole Ann Brown
Audrey Chyla Bruce
With Distinction
Dora Gabriela Bruckstein
Clare Cadwell Bruen
With Distinction
Kendall L. Brumbaugh
Sabine Ann Bruncko
With High Distinction
Nolan Matthew Buck
Caroline Stephanie Buckheit
With Distinction
Sydney Budgell
With High Distinction
Grace Lauren Buhr
Tuan Quoc Bui
Marissa Buli
Kashten S. Burch
With Distinction
Jenna Burd
Kenzie Rae Burgess
Isabella Cruz Burke
Sarah Elizabeth Burke
With High Distinction
Cameron Matthew Burkhart
With High Distinction
Jenna Alise Burnett
Nicole Burns
Zachary Joseph Buron
With Highest Distinction
Jonathan D. Burris
Emily Rachel Burt
With Highest Distinction
Blake Alexander Butler
Jaden Byers
With High Distinction
Alazapa José Caballero
Marina Cabral
With Distinction
Kevin Zhang Cai
With High Distinction
Michelle Cai
Jake Anthony Calabrese
With Distinction
Julia Marie Caldwell
Ryan James Calhoun
John Christopher Calvert
Jonathan Caplan
John Joseph Carey
Jordan Benjamin Carey
With High Distinction
Kayla Lynn Carlson
With High Distinction
William Daven Carlson
Bryce Nicholas Carmichael
Alexander Christopher Caronis
With Distinction
Maliq Deonte Carr
Jesse Carter
Ellie Angela Caruso
With Distinction
Kylee Jade Casey
Anthony George Cassiere
Aldo Castanon Galicia
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Jacob Castleman
Ruben Catanzaro
Ryan Anthony Cawood
With Distinction
Jairo Emmanuel Cazares-Roman
Jared Tyler Ceitlin
Luke Peter Cerar
With Distinction
Alexander Martin Cespedes
With Distinction
Alexander Augustino Chadwell
Mahesh Chaganti
Patrick Joseph Challenger
With High Distinction
Hannah Yehyun Chamley
Jake Richard Champine
Tanay Manoj Chandaliya
With Distinction
Vivek Srinivas Chandrasekar
Ronith Jacob Chandy
With High Distinction
Colin Wenyi Chang
With High Distinction
Rui Chang
With High Distinction
Aasish Changavar
With Distinction
Justin Taylor Jia-Long Chao
Janyssa Marie Chavez
Kelly Chavez
Ritika Chekuri
Davin Chemplavil
Aidan Joseph Chen
With Highest Distinction
Alex JiaQi Chen
With Highest Distinction
Christina Chen
Garrett Chen
Hanyao Chen
Patricia Chen
Yikai Chen
Yuxin Chen
Hannah Margaret Chenevert
Pai-Jui Cheng
Yi Cian Cheng
Caroline Cherry
Johnathan Cherry
Sara Elinka Chesneau Bercebal
With High Distinction
Benjamin Chester
With Distinction
Evelyn Cheung
William E. Chevalier
Matthew Ryan Cheverton
With Distinction
Miles Childers
Derek Young Chin
Christopher Michael Chipparoni
Rohet Kumar Chitikela
With Distinction
Joonho Cho
Namin Cho
Druhi Ashish Choksi
Mayhek Chougule
Sohini Chowdhury
Joshua Dean Christensen
With Highest Distinction
Makayla Janan Christian
With High Distinction
Jackson Robert Christman
With Distinction
Xinyu Chu
Hsiu-Yen Chung
Thomas Cicciu
Joshua Freddy Ciolko
Andrew Joseph Circolone
Blair Ely Clark Jr.
Jordan Cheyenne Clark
With Distinction
Travis Robert Clark
With Distinction
Erin Riley Clarke
Creighton Matthew Clausen
Seth Jacob Claymon
Joshua Riley Clemens
With Distinction
Alaina Gabrielle Clements
Robert Joseph Clesceri
With Highest Distinction
Michael Alexander Coacher
Camdyn William Cobler
Conor James Coghlin
Daniel Jie-Yan Cohen
Drew Ryan Cohen
Salvatore Franco Cohoon
Carson David Coleman
Avery Michael Colgin
Austin David Coll
Mikayla Collins
Carly Sue Colvin
With Highest Distinction
Michael Competiello
Colin Condit
Jack Harvey Condon
Jack Ryan Conley
Abigail Lynn Connelly
Aidan Connolly
With Highest Distinction
Madeleine Marie Connors
Braden Mitchell Conroy
With Distinction
Nathan Joseph Conway
With Distinction
John Stephen Cook
With Highest Distinction
William Cooper
Andrea Joy Corbeels
James Patrick Core
Thomas Cortese
Garrett Anthony Cortesi
Gulin Serra Coskun
Adam James Costa
With Highest Distinction
James Wesley Cotton Jr.
James Thomas Coulombe
Nicholas Clark Couyoumjian
Elizabeth Lee Cox
Isaiah Cox
Riley E. Cox
With Distinction
Nolan Coy
With Distinction
Anna Marie Creonte
Christian Cruise
Sophia Cruz
Finn Michael Cuozzo
With Distinction
Casey Jade Curtis
Grace Cusson
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Cusumano
Kate Cutillo
Blaz D’Adamo
Dominic Robert D’Angelo
Dylan D’Costa
With High Distinction
Vincent Joseph D’Orazio
Neil Daiksel
Nathan Anthony Dancy
Karan Dang
Benjamin Ring Daniel
With High Distinction
Joshua Everett Daniels
Jalia Daniels-Halisi
Alexandra Daquila
Nathan Tyndall Dashiell
Perry Dauber
With High Distinction
Duffy James Davidson
With High Distinction
Tariq Davidson
Andrew Parker Davis
With Highest Distinction
Blake Davis
Brandon Andrew Davis
Richard Ralph Davis III
With Highest Distinction
Tanner Parks Davis
William Robert Davis
With Highest Distinction
Kennedy Chase Day
Nolan William Day
William Robert Day
Everdina Wilhelmina de Koning
Ivan Alberto De la Espriella
Stefano Jose De La Riva Aguero
Ishan Deb Roy
Mollie Shannon DeBrunner
Christine Ann DeDomenic
Jack Michael Degus
William Henry Deihl
Matthew Lionel Deitch
Lauren Del Giudice
Joseph Della Peruti
Ranga Delsignore
With Distinction
Christian Russell Delumpa
With High Distinction
Gregory William Demakos
Joseph Richard Demirjian
With High Distinction
Zakery Stuart Dempsey
Joseph Paul Denis
With Distinction
Phillip Bernard Denne Jr.
Matthew Dennen
Samantha Denninger
William Hudson Denny
Bianca Deval Desai
With Distinction
Krutang Desai
Neal M. Desai
Raj Vipul Desai
With Highest Distinction
Sangita Aparna Deshpande
With High Distinction
Carly Emma Desin
Grace Ann Desserich
Cole Benjamin Deutsch
Diya Dev
With High Distinction
Samantha Lauren Devereaux
Samuel DeVooght
With High Distinction
Julia Noelle DeVries
Gianina Teresa DeWitt
Jaya S. Dhand
Rishabh Anil Dhankani
Viraaj Dhawan
With Distinction
Kishan Yashik Dhulashia
Daniel John DiCaro
Dylan Tyler Dichter
Frederick Scott Dickes
Drake Dickinson
Allison Lea Diestelhorst
With Highest Distinction
Parker Jeffrey Dietrich
Kathryn Elizabeth Dietrick
Luke Patrick DiMarco
With Distinction
Nicholas Aprea DiMarco
Stella Rose DiMarzio
With Highest Distinction
Andrew William Dimond
Grigoriy Dinets
Danielle Yu Dionisio
With High Distinction
Dylan Luke Distell
Aishani Dixit
Bryce Dixon
With Highest Distinction
Tyler Ray Dixon
Jack Tyler Dobosiewicz
With Distinction
Daniel Richard Doczi Jr.
Jacob Dodson
With Distinction
Hannah Meredith Doman
Michael B. Doman
Thomas Domian
Matthew Robert Donnelly
Sumanth Manjunatha Donthi
Gannon Dornin
Sanjana Chandresh Doshi
With High Distinction
Colin James Douglas
Matthew Joseph Downey
Abigail Kay Downs
James Louis Doyle IV
Luke William Dragicevich
With Highest Distinction
Michael Alexander Dragoo
With High Distinction
Quin Dreyer
With Highest Distinction
Marcus Aaron Drolet
Mason Ryan Dropkin
Hongxing Du
Jessica Duan
Mark Samuel Dubinovsky
With Distinction
Thomas Robert Dugan
With Distinction
Sai Aditya Dulam
With Highest Distinction
Megan Elizabeth Dunbar
Kyle Dunham
Kathryn Love Dunigan
Leah Dunn
With Distinction
Benjamin Lewis Dunne
Jared David Dunnett
With High Distinction
Srishti Rahul Duragkar
Thomas J. Durkin
Jake Andrew DuRoss
Jonathan DuVal
Andrew John Dwyre
Jessie Ann Dyer
Matthew Gregory Dyra
Benjamin James Dziedzic
With High Distinction
Bule E
Samantha Anne Eagan
With Distinction
James William Eberhart
Jesse Eberhart
Anna Kennedy Eckardt
With Highest Distinction
John Ryan Ecke
Nathan Miller Eckert
Taylor Jacqueline Edelchik
Ryan Todd Edelson
With Highest Distinction
Michaela Jordan Edelstein
Carson Thomas Edwards
Erin Elizabeth Edwards
With High Distinction
Truman Armstrong Edwards
Troy Egan
With Highest Distinction
Grace Egbers
William Strauch Connell Eichhorn
With High Distinction
Austin Grey Eifler
Lydia Eisenmann
With High Distinction
William Henning Ellerman
Alexis Nicole Elliott
Gavin James Elliott
With Distinction
Jeanne Elliott
Mason Elsesser
Lauren Claire Emrich
Frederic Grant Emry IV
With High Distinction
Jacob Saul Ephraim
Nathan Robert Ernst
Daniel Joseph Esch
Carson Andrew Etnyre
Lauren Ashley Etnyre
Grant Stephen Eversman
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Elizabeth Fabiano
Adam Fahd
Miranda Elisabeth Fairbanks
With Highest Distinction
Christopher James Falcone
Lillian Alexis Falender
Madeline Ilo Mary Falk
With High Distinction
John Francis Fallon
Yirong Fan
Yiran Fang
With Highest Distinction
Scott Michael Farmer
Kaitlyn Lee Farnan
Timothy Fasick
With Distinction
Cameron Christopher Fath
Jordan Matthew Faust
Michael Victor Fazylov
Michael Malone Feeley
Kaleb Elijah Feipel
Steven Andrew Feldman
Isaac Evan Fendrick
Thomas Michael Fenton
With Distinction
Dylan Ashley Ferguson
William Ferguson
Spencer Bradley Fest
Jaxon Donovan Fetty
With Distinction
Grace LeeAnna Fiebig
Sarah Elizabeth Fiedler
Jacob Alan Fierce
Owen D. Figge
Cheyenne Chloe Figueroa
Nicole Filip
With High Distinction
Johnathon Paul Filler
Benjamin Sawyer Fink
Lindsey Jordyn Fink
Emily Rose Finkelstein
With Distinction
Andrew Fisch
Lauren Francesca Fitman
Cooper Steven Fitz
Henry Morgan Fitzgerald
With Distinction
Griffin Michael Fitzpatrick
Ryan Paul Fitzpatrick
Megan Ann Fitzsimmons
Thomas Robert Fitzsimons
With High Distinction
Colton Jack Flake
William Waring Flannery IV
Wade Burgess Fletcher
With Highest Distinction
Tessie Constantina Flevaris
Nathan Austin Flood
With Distinction
Jason Francisco Flores
Maximillian Foley
Madeline Jean Foreit
With High Distinction
Jake Finn Forrest
Sara Ann Fortriede
Christina N. Fortsas
Christopher Robert Foster
Magdalena Kaur Foster
Trevor Joseph Foster
With Distinction
Zachary Benjamin Foster
Benton James Foy
With Highest Distinction
Kaylie Renea Frank
Stephen Franke
Thomas A. Frankiewicz
With Highest Distinction
Jason Dallas Fraser II
Robert Freder
Christopher David Freeman
Keegan J. Freestone
Charles Leo Freiheit
Jarren Kameron French
Adam Jacob Freund
Matthew Raymond Fried
Chase Friedman
Daniel Friedman
Zachary Duncan Friend
Franz Aristotle Froehlich
With Distinction
Rhett Nassi Fruitman
Tyler Joshua Frydman
Zihao Fu
With High Distinction
Shelby Fugate
Jacob Ryan Fuller
Zachary James Fuller
Tyler Wolpert Funovits
Colton Dane Gabouer
Carson Matthew Gadd
Raj Aaryan Reddy Gaddam
Jay Louis Gail
Ana Marie Gaither
Sneh Galani
Ethan Ross Gale
Aaron Gallagher
Joseph Tyler Gallant
James D. Gallo
Katherine Nicole Galstian
With Highest Distinction
Yash Sachin Gandhi
Jack Thomas Gannon
With Distinction
Daniel Boris Gans
Yuting Gao
Andres Garcia Branca
With Highest Distinction
Akshun Kumar Garg
Kabier Garg
Matteo Giorgio Garland
Jack Edward Garner
Alessandro Garofalo
With Highest Distinction
Peyton Gaskill
Bennet Anton James Gassner
Jack Gates
Andrew Gatman
John Gaughan
Noa Gauthier
With Distinction
Coley Gaynor
Yan Ge
John Geffert
Tristan Andrew George
With Distinction
Tanmay Gera
With Distinction
Ava Marie Gerber
Luke Michael Gerken
Thomas Abraham Gerson
John Carlson Gerut
Robert Dennis Gerwing II
Kyle Gesell
Brian David Getz
Dhvani Ghael*
Yash Ghiya
Hirak Ghosh
Samuel Robert Ghyselinck
Andrew Charles Giacchetto
Anna Elizabeth Giardina
With High Distinction
Daryl Gibbs II
Benjamin Moti Gidwani
Jagdeep Singh Gill
With Distinction
Samuel Ethan Gillam
Kellan Joseph Gilmartin
Paul Joshua Gipkhin
Jack Tyler Girardot
Tanvi Girdhar
Isabella Pitrizza Gismondi
With High Distinction
Brett Gitler
Jack Michael Giuffre
Claire Elizabeth Given
With High Distinction
Zachary James Gladstone
Joshua Ethan Glass
Mitchell Patrick Glennon
Veljko Glogovac
With High Distinction
Bennett Gloor
Nicholas Glorioso
Kevin Martin Gnadt
With Distinction
Sedona Lilly Goebel
With Distinction
Samuel Ross Goetz
Joseph Edward Goggins
Abhinav Sai Gogineni
With Distinction
Geetika Gogineni
Ethan Goldberg
Samantha Lauren Goldberg
Arielle Macey Golder
Jared Golubitsky
Morgan Gomis
Jack T. Gonyea
Nolan Gonzalez
Varun Gopal
With Distinction
Joshua David Gordon
Maxine Gordon
Tyler Aleksei Gordon
Jeffrey Gorilovsky
Matthew Edwin Goris
Colin Patrick Gorney
With Distinction
Jakub Grzegorz Gorzko
With Distinction
Pratham Goswami
Patrick Seamus Gotterup
Ian Thomas Gough
Peter Winston Gould
With High Distinction
Romy Angelena Graf
Jacob Daniel Graff
Colt Graham
Dylan James Gramza
Daniel Raymond Gran
Joshua Joseph Grant
With High Distinction
Declan James Graver
Aaron Grcevic
Madison Grcevic
With High Distinction
Payton Grace Grcevic
With Distinction
Zachary Foster Greenbaum
Gabrielle Leah Greenberg
Samuel Foster Greenberg
Haley Rose Greive
With High Distinction
Rachel Anne Gress
Katherine Marie Griffin
Nathaniel Griffin
With Distinction
Paige Nicole Griffin
Spencer James Griffis
Benjamin Bammer Griffiths
Sophia Griner
Ariel Isaac Grobman
With Distinction
Gregory Nerone Gronwold
Raelynn Grossman
Thomas Arthur Groves
Allan Josef Grudsky
With Highest Distinction
Michael Grueninger Jr.
Marcus William Gruvberger
Siyu Gu
Michelle Haydee Gudiel Cruz
With Distinction
Christopher Thomas Guido
Austin Lee Guirguis
Mehar Singh Guleria
Esha Gullapalli
Sergio Alejandro Gumucio Carrasco
Hemanth Gundala
Katherine Lange Gunderson
Christopher Guo
With High Distinction
Tammy Guo
With High Distinction
Agrayan Kishan Gupta
With Highest Distinction
Anupam Pradeep Gupta
Kartikeya Gupta
With High Distinction
Sejal Gupta
With Highest Distinction
Yash Rai Gupta
Ashray Gurugunti
Abigail Gustafson
Jonah Gutman
Konnor William Gutting
Julia Grace Gutzler
Daniel Scott Gutzwiller
With Distinction
Lily Katherine Habegger
Samuel Gerald Hacker
With Distinction
Charlotte Hagedorn
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Daniel Haggarty
With High Distinction
Aarohi Halbe
With Highest Distinction
Grant Halgren
Madison Halkyard
With Distinction
Calem Asher Hall
Faithe Renee Hall
Karenna Katherine Hall
Morgan JoAnn Hall
With Distinction
Olivia Michelle Hall
Rylan Lee Hall
Kevin Duffy Halm
Benjamin Isaac Halpern
Kirsten Ann Halverson
Kylie Nicole Hambleton
Isabelle Kate Hamilton
With Distinction
Faith Lee Hampton
With Distinction
Sean Zhen De Han
Sumin Han
With High Distinction
Zeo Han
Ryan Thomas Hanahoe
With Distinction
Evan Charles Hand
Matthew Chase Hanerfeld
With High Distinction
Christopher Robert Hara
With High Distinction
Brandon J. Haralson
Alexander Glenn Hardy
Kiersten Paige Hardy
Connor P. Harless
Eric Scott Harman
Caleb Meade Harper
With High Distinction
Zachary Michael Price Harper
With Distinction
Wyatt Harrell
Brianna Dawn Harris
Brock A. Harris
With Highest Distinction
Jada Jeaniece Harris
Shepard Buell Harris
Zachary Oliver Harris
Ella M. Harrison
Mason Douglas Harsy
John Hartigan
Garrett Chase Hartman
Sarah Hartman
Clarence Jeremy Hartono
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Harvey
Lauren Harvey
Sarim Muhammad Hassan
Amaya Louise Eileen Hatch
Clara Hawley
Declan Hayes
Dominick L. Haynes
Megan Haynes
With Distinction
Molly Ann Hazen
Siying He
Sander Reyes Head
Jakob Benjamin Hebebrand
With Highest Distinction
Nina Katherine Hecht
Micah Heebner
With Highest Distinction
Elias John Heichelbech
With Highest Distinction
Lindsay Heimsoth
Margaret Jane Heinisch
Edward Heinold
Marisa Grace Heise
With Highest Distinction
Joshua Douglas Helle
Jake Joseph Heller
Riley Helms
Talia Wynn Helmus
Cory Henderson
Andrew Hendricks
Maura Irene Heneghan*
With Highest Distinction
Peter Gerhard Henkel
Logan Quilter Henninger
With Distinction
Campbell Miller Henry
George Ryan Hensley
Eric Michael Herbst
With Highest Distinction
Taylor Herman
Morgen Elease Herndon
Shannon Maureen Herrmann
Michael Ryan Hessler
Bryn Isabella Heuberger
Jackson Christopher Dreyer
Alexander Jeffrey Heyde
Madeline Grace Hickle
Ethan P. Hicks
Francesco Stefano Hidalgo
Abraham Elias Hill
Ashton Manson Hillenbrand
Brianna Ashley Hillock
Cassidy Rae Hillock
With High Distinction
Adam Robert Hilt
Maxwell Himelstein
Jessica Hinchsliff
With Distinction
Justin Vincent Hirsch
Justin Hittler
Claudia Uyen Hoang
Alexander Nicholas Hobson
Ryan Charles Hofer
With Distinction
William Hoffecker
With High Distinction
Benjamin Nelson Hoffman
Connor Hoffman
With High Distinction
Morgan Elizabeth Hoffman
With Distinction
Scott Hoffman
Andrew Anthony Hofstetter
Nikolas Lawrence Hohlweg
With Distinction
Kristen Hohman
With Highest Distinction
Bradley Joseph Hohulin
With Distinction
Audrey Holland
Olivia Claire Holman
Catherine Leigh Holt
With Distinction
Samantha Peterson Hom
Daryl Khee Meng Hon
Nathan Matthew Hopkins
Patrick J. Horan
Joshua Allen Horowitz
Tyler Robert Horton
Summer Abigail Hoskins
William Hoskins
With Highest Distinction
Tanay Harish Hoskote
With Distinction
Xiaoqi Hou
Carolyn Elizabeth House
With Highest Distinction
Rylie Mae Houser
Michael Patrick Housey III
Denton Hu
With High Distinction
Xiaowei Hu
Fei Huang
Hongze Huang
Jesse Huang
Shaopeng Huang
Bridget Clennon Hubbard
Bradley Huber
With Distinction
William Joseph Huber
With Highest Distinction
Hailey Nicole Hudson
David M. Huesing
Alyssa Quinn Huffman
With Highest Distinction
Elaina Marie Hull
With Highest Distinction
Adam Michael Hummel
Blake Hugh Hunsinger
Evan Robert Hunt
With Highest Distinction
Isaac Marshall Hunter
With Distinction
Jianna Kyunghae Hur
Max Donovan Hurwitz
With High Distinction
Omodara Oluremi Idowu
Guangli In
With Distinction
Colin Patrick Inda
Robert Charles Irvine
Andrew Iryami
With High Distinction
Amanda Jordan Isaacson
Rebecca A. Ising
Gregory Earl Jackson
With Distinction
Matthew Jackson
With High Distinction
Natalie Alice-Marie Jackson
Nathan Daniel Jacobs
Alexis Rose Jacobson
With Distinction
Akhil Jagadam
With High Distinction
Diya Jain
Sanjana Jain
With Highest Distinction
Madison Jane Jakositz
Pulkit Jalan
George James
Matthew James
With High Distinction
Jeremy Jan
Jessica Janek
Tyler D. Jarrell
Conor Steel Jaykus
With Distinction
Valerie Jen
Georgia Jennings
Eric Joseph Jens
Luke Gregory Jensen
Eric Stephen Jerge
Hunter Michael Jessee
Caden Brian Jessen
With Distinction
Zachary Ray Jeter
Ved Jhavar
Catherine Jiang
Rhea Jogadhenu
Thomas Johannesen
Charles Bruno Johanns
Kate Johanns
Daniel Robert Johanson
With Highest Distinction
Gavin Christopher Johnson
Justin Louis Johnson
With Distinction
Matthew Alan Johnson
Nicholas Kenneth Johnson
Riley Elizabeth Johnson
Zachary Edwin Johnston
Grace Marie Jones
James Matthew Jones
Richard Paul Jones III
Ryan Nicholas Jones
William Jontz
Margaret Evelyn Joseph
Matthew Elias Joseph
With Highest Distinction
Arnav Devang Joshi
Dennis Andrew Joyce
John Thomas Joyce
Hannah Christine Jung
Nathan John Just
With High Distinction
Laura Marie Kaczynski
Abhinav Tejas Kakumanu
With Highest Distinction
Preethi Kalyanakumar
Ashok Kamath
With Highest Distinction
Daniel Dmitry Kamenetskiy
Megan Elizabeth Kamm
Toshimitsu Kanai
Shiva Kandala
With High Distinction
Peter Joseph Kandefer
Apoorva Kandra
With High Distinction
Jack Chester Kane
Jinwen Kang
With Distinction
Ting-Yuan Kang*
With High Distinction
Yathaarth Kansal
Rohith Kapaluru
Ryan Eric Kaplin
Khushi Kapoor
Kevin Jakub Kapustka
Samuel Ilir Karamanaga
Surabhi Subodh Karambelkar
Michael Peter Karazeris
With Highest Distinction
Claire Marie Karberg
Leonidas Constantinos Kartsonas
With Distinction
Vijaygopal Karumathil
With High Distinction
Jordan Gabrielle Kaseff
With Distinction
Ritu Kashyap
With High Distinction
Prateek Kasliwal
With High Distinction
Carmen Katalinic
Ryan Katsoff
With Distinction
Samir Katta
With High Distinction
Evan Anthony Katz
Noah Scott Kaufman
With High Distinction
Arjun Ashok Kaushik
Jack Ryan Kavanaugh
Caitlyn Ai Kay
Benjamin Marshall Keating
Maya Ann Keaton
Yash Kedia
Jacklyn Marie Keeley
Samantha Rose Keenan
Maxwell Reid Kelly
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Kelly
Riley Keltner
Noah Nicholas Kemppainen
Lauren Evon Kenninger
Samuel Michael Armoudlian
Alexa Paige Kershaw
Emma Grace Kershner
With Distinction
Karina Khan
Mohammad Safiullah Khan
With High Distinction
Keshav Khanna
Mehak Khanna
Zhan Kharazian
Mikhail Khvan
Jonathan Kiblisky
Griffen Kiley
Nicole Killeen
Ryan Walter Kilrea
Alexandra Kim
With High Distinction
Benjamin Jaeyoung Kim
Eunchae Kim
Hyeongjun Kim
Hyo Sung Kim
With Distinction
Joshua Youngjoo Kim
With High Distinction
Jungyoon Kim
Myungsub Kim
With Highest Distinction
Sun A Kim
Blaise Evan King
Matthew King
With Distinction
Robert Blake King
Konstantine Spero Kinnas
Michael John Kinnavy
Andrew Kinsey
With Highest Distinction
Blake Hunter Kirkland
Brandon Thomas Kirkman
Justin Aaron Kirtser
Corbin Anthony Kiser
Jack Maxwell Kissell
Zachary Michael Kistler
Phoebe Elise Klein
Mason R. Kleiser
Luke Kliment
Garrett Patrick Klinge
With Highest Distinction
Gabriella Noel Knez
Thomas Kocher
Jacob Ralph Koefelda
With Distinction
Sophie Jane Koehn
Jacob Koellner
Nicholas Lawrence Koenig
Tyler Michael Koenig
Siddarth Kolli
Steven Harrison Komperda
Nandika Kongara
Shawn Eli Konichowsky
Ryan Alexander Kory
David Edward Kosloskus
Andrew R. Kost
Margaret Claire Kotek
Harsh Kotwal
With High Distinction
Paul Koullas
Vanessa Nicole Koultourides
With Highest Distinction
James Joseph Kovarik
Dominik Michael Koziol
With Distinction
Adam Issac Krakower
With Distinction
Trevor Reese Kravis
Pamela Brooke Kreinces
Ethan Robert Kreisel
Colten Joseph Krekeler
Lucas Sodero Kroll
Rui Kuang
With High Distinction
Brooke Nicole Kubacki
Michael Fleming Kuchta
Akshay Sendhil Kuduva
Evan Brett Kugelman
Mason Moreau Kuhlmann
Nithin Kumar
Rahil Kumar
Shravan Kumar
With Highest Distinction
Bradley Christopher Kunin
Trevor Donald Kunkel
With Distinction
Nathaniel B. Kurfman
Jared David Kurtz
Craig Albert Kutschke
Karl Gerard Jaurigue Kwan Tiu
Stephanie Brooke Lader
Ishan Lakhani
Christy Lam
Alexander Lambert
Matthew Eric Lambert
John Lampert
Nicolas Daniel Landeros
Garrett Lane
Lydia Mae Lange
With High Distinction
Mark J. Langsenkamp
GreatGomon Laowatdhanasapya
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Lara
Callahan Thomas Larkin
Nicolas Anthony La Rosa
Johnathan Francis Larrabee
Nicholas Michael Lastihenos
Michael George Latiff Jr.
Mason Lau
Jessica Mary Laufer
With Distinction
Samuel Fletcher Lavely
Case A. Lawhon
Samantha JoAnne Lawrence
Tyson Steven Lawson
Ian Michael Layton
With Distinction
Ryan Lazar
Zachary Louis Lazar
Quan Uyen Le
Isaac Jacob Leader
Anthony C. Leal
Brenna Mairead Lechner
Ryan Edwin Lederer
Vinicius Marcial Ledra Ribeiro
With High Distinction
Alexander Jacob Lee
Brandon Lee
Brendan Lee
Chaewon Lee
David Lee
With Distinction
Ethan Lee
Hosung Lee
Jinwoo Lee
Jungmin Lee
With High Distinction
Kara Lee
Tim Lee
Kayla Christine LeFever
David Andrew Lehenbauer
Kara Elizabeth Lehner
With Distinction
John Lehrer
Hayden Leitz
Celine Nicole Lemaire
With Distinction
Timothy Robert Lenhard II
Brendan Robert Lennon
Lauren Elizabeth Leonard
With Distinction
Matthew Lerner
Jason Edward Leszynski
Kevin Ryan Letcher
Jacob Eli Levin
Maxwell David Levitsky
Benjamin Levsky
Alex Eli Levy
Alex Preston Lewis
Brian Maxwell Lewis
With Distinction
Ian Bryce Lewis
Max Benjamin Lewis
With Distinction
Jiajun Li
Jiaze Li
Jingwei Li
Richard Li
Yiming Li
With High Distinction
Alexandra Collins Lichtman
Joseph Liem
Junhyuk Lim
Lucas Lima
Meida Lin
Tiffany Lin
With Highest Distinction
Zihan Lin
Ethan Thomas Lind
Cate Elese Lindstrom
Vishan Lingam
Kelsey Nicole Lingenfelter
With High Distinction
Noah Linn
Trever David Lipp
Joshua Dylan Lipton
With High Distinction
Ethan Isidor Litvin
Sarah Kate Litwack
Changhan Liu
Chuanyi Liu
With Highest Distinction
Yuwei Liu
With High Distinction
Garrett Douglas Lloyd
Adam Matthew Lombardi
Lorann Grace Lombardini
Xianke Long
Lauren Wai-Yin Looi
With Highest Distinction
Cesar Octavio Lopez
Juan Diego Lopez
Ari Daniel Losoff
With Distinction
Chris Louras
Michael Thomas Loviscek Jr.
Ryan Nikolai Luby
With Highest Distinction
Sebastian Ludmir
Nicholas Anthony Lugo
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Evan Lukasik
With High Distinction
Kobe Egan Lum
Yumin Luo
Hridey Luthra
John Patrick Luzzo
Kevan Keane Lyngdoh
Spencer Paget Lyons
Diya Ma
With Distinction
Eric Yuchen Ma
Michael Jason Maa
With High Distinction
Nathaniel Miles MacAbee
Thomas Macaluso
Brandon MacDonald Surman
Eleanor Madalon
Mack J. Madorsky
Pauline Rose Madrieres
Arissa Maeyama
With Highest Distinction
Hunter Magee
With Distinction
Daniel Luke Maginn
With High Distinction
Mahek Maharaj
With Distinction
John William Maher
Kiley Gates Maher
Jackson Arthur Majerek
With Distinction
Grace Malakelis
With High Distinction
Luis Diego Maldonado
Mercedes Raquel Maldonado
With High Distinction
Alexander James Maley
Magdelane Grace Malley
Jolie Rebecca Mallitz
Madison Giavanna Malone
Lauren Adele Maloney
With Highest Distinction
Maitreyee Malpekar
With Distinction
Victoria Mary Mance
Ian Reis Manheimer
With Highest Distinction
Brady Manis
Sydney Manis
Karthik Maniwakkam
Sanjana Manne
Nathaniel Manrose
Ryan Scott Mantone
With High Distinction
Zhiyu Mao
Samuel Theodore Maple
With Distinction
Matthew Joseph Marchesano
Melissa Genevieve Mardyla
Max Markowitz
Tyler Brandon Markowitz
With Distinction
Matthew James Marschall
With Highest Distinction
Brian Bartlett Marshall
Sarah Martich
With Distinction
Cecelia Paige Martin
Nathaniel Ray Martin
Elizabeth Martine
Lucas Masoero Barros
Lauren Mass
With High Distinction
Nicholas Andrew Massa
Maria Taylor Massey
Alexandra Masterson
With High Distinction
Piyush Masurkar
Jackson Crawford Mather
Michael Caleb Mathios
Alexander Mattingly
With High Distinction
David Joshua Matz
Mary Elizabeth Maus
Benjamin Reed Mautner
Alexander Mayer
Sofia Ioanna Mayhew
Samantha Dylan Mayor
Camryn Lynn Mazur
Nikola Mazur
Brendan Thomas McCafferty
John Kent McCaffrey
With High Distinction
Nolan Christopher McCain
Kyle Garvey McCann
Brendan Patrick McCarthy
Hannah Nicole McCarthy
With High Distinction
Mason Edward McCartney
With High Distinction
Ian Michael McCauley
With Distinction
Sean Michael McCleary
Eoin Michael Mcdaid
Samuel Rabon McDaniel
With Distinction
Michael Sean McDonald
Elizabeth Kathleen McDonnell
Thomas James McDonnell
Ryan James McDonough
With Distinction
Coleman Michael McElhinney
Maximilian Brice McFarland
With High Distinction
Emma Christine McGovern
John Michael McGovern
With High Distinction
Sarah Elaine McGrath
Aidan Patrick McHugh
Miranda Elizabeth McKamey
Daniel Jude McKenna
Benjamin Ryan McKeown
With Highest Distinction
Collin Joseph McKitrick
Sarah Anne McNeela
Caleb Scott McNeil
With Highest Distinction
Braeden Daniel McSpedon
Reilly Anne Meagher
Tejesh Meduri
Isabel Grace Meek
Abigail Elizabeth Meeks
Yusuf Ali Meghji
Sahil Mehta
With Distinction
Shashvat Mehta
Liyuan Mei
Evan Meinerding
Sonia Rose Meisner
Mila Mejic
Vijaya Lakshman Meka
With High Distinction
Benjamin Melion
Sarah Ann Melone
With Distinction
Dylan Ross Meltzer
Connor Ryan Melvin
Diego Salvador Membreno
Kyle Alexander Mendelson
Jenna Paige Mensh
With Distinction
Matthew Alastair Mercer
Nathaniel Christopher Mertz
Michael Anthony Messineo
Jackson J. Mettler
With Distinction
Brady Metzler
With High Distinction
Chloe Elizabeth Meyer
Matthew Meyer
With Distinction
Rachel Ann Meyer
With High Distinction
Yujia Miao
Hanna Elaine Mihalic
Nathan Milam
Danica Mileusnic
Nikolina Milic
Kyle William Mill
With Highest Distinction
Andrew Jeffrey Miller
Caroline Grace Miller
Lauren Elizabeth Miller
Matthew Lawrence Miller
Nicholas Charles Miller
With High Distinction
Noah Will Miller
Quinn Michael Miller
Sophia Katherine Miller
With High Distinction
James Arjun Millerchip
Isabelle Elaine Mills
With High Distinction
Sharon Rita Milman
Jack Milton
Carlos Rogelio Minetti
Jillian Anne Minutillo
Anthony Bryan Minuto Cabrera
Jamal Asif Mir
With Distinction
Brian David Mirman
David Mirochnick
With Distinction
Nathan Jerome Mirsky
Ben Mirviss
With High Distinction
Zachary Samuel Mirviss
Justine E. Misch
With Distinction
Poorvi Mishra
Jayesh Devarshi Mistry
Emilie Mariko Miyake
Matthew Moag
Logan Nicholas Mobasser
Andrew Jacob Moehringer
With High Distinction
Koushik Sharma Mogallur
Arvind Mohan
With High Distinction
Siddarth Srinivasan Mohan
Dhruva Mohnalkar
Lagan Mongia
Luc Andre Monney
With High Distinction
Adler Montana
Katherine Anne Monteferrante
With Highest Distinction
Karla Zofia Montero
Joshua Merchant Montpas
With High Distinction
Michelle Moon
Emily Durbin Mooney
With High Distinction
Avery Claire Moore
Madeline Brenda Moore
With Distinction
Rachael Moore
With Distinction
Lucas Mitchell Mooser
Benjamin Morales
Kelly Anthony Moran
Brian Andrew More
With High Distinction
Matthew Robert Moreno
With Distinction
Adam Henderson Morgan
Harrison Andrew Morgan
Jeremy Morgenstern
With Highest Distinction
Harrison Robert Morosky
Lily Anna Morris
Caroline Louise Morrison
Abigail Sophia Morrow
Alexander Aidan Morse
Timothy James Moser
With High Distinction
Jonathan David Moses
With Distinction
Isabella Jolie Moss
With High Distinction
Zachary Kenneth William Moss
With Distinction
Lucas Mota Rodembusch
With Distinction
Sujay Nilesh Mota
Sophronia Nichole Moustakas
John Steven Mudd
Daniel Mario Mueller
With Distinction
Chileshe Kenneth Mulamba
Madalyn Grace Mull
Liam C. Mulligan
Jonathan Dylan Mullins
Ryan Makale Mulvaney
Sriteja Venkata Mummaneni
Austin Muncy
Avery Katherine Murphy
With Highest Distinction
Caleb E. Murphy
Thomas Michael Murphy
Meghan Marie Murray
With Distinction
Paige Marie Murray
With Distinction
Sweta Murthy
With High Distinction
Haley Rose Mussary
With High Distinction
Alyssa Lynn Myers
With Distinction
Chloe Annette Krug Myers
Reese Myers
Himaghna Nagandla
Sarthak Nagar
Rajath Ramachandra Naik
Jack Joseph Naleway
Gayeon Nam
Aditya Nambiar
Sujan Venkata Nandipati
Nicolas James Narducci
Prajith Narendran
Alexis Nash
Nicholas Salvatore Nasti
With Highest Distinction
Umayal Valli Natesan
With Highest Distinction
Jonathon Nathan
With High Distinction
Alisha Marie Nathani
Amandeep Kaur Natt
Patrick A. Nay
With Distinction
Christopher Jung Neary
Ethan Neibch
With High Distinction
Madison Viktoria Neihardt
Rishith Reddy Nellore
Katherine Ann Hulshizer Nelson
Lauritz Theodore Nelson IV
Jacklin Alivia Ness
With Distinction
Alicia Rose Nettleton
Tasha Netzky
Jade Olivia Neumann
Jacob Daniel Nevis
Maxwell Alexander Newman
Mitchell Harrison Newman
With Highest Distinction
Ari Abraham Nezaria
Han Nguyen
Minh Ngoc Nguyen
Pham Khanh Ha Nguyen
Michael John Nicholson III
Jacob Matthew Niebrugge
Niklas Niedermann
Shanon Josef Nieto-Phillips
With Distinction
Michelle Armida Nixon
With High Distinction
Maliah Sara Nizam
Sakdipat Nompitakcharoen
William Davis Noonan
Christopher Nordhoff
Zachary William Norman
With High Distinction
Kellen Patrick Northam
With Distinction
Adam William Nostrand
Zachary David Nuerge
Neliya Robie Nyirenda*
With High Distinction
James O’Brien
Kevin James O’Brien
Jack Reid O’Connell
Nicholas O’Connell
Alexa Marie O’Connor
Kelan O’Flaherty
With Distinction
Matthew Patrick O’Neill
With Distinction
Nolan Spencer Oakes
Kennedy Oaks
David James Obert
Paul Arthur Obrecht
With Highest Distinction
Caroline Grace Odegard
Makayla Olds
With Distinction
Declan Matthew Olsen
With Highest Distinction
Emma Noelle Olsen
Elissa Anne Olson
Spencer Dean Olson
Jack Harris Oppenheim
With Distinction
Mauricio Andres Orellana
Cameron Norris Orgeron
Nathaniel E. Orman
Geovanni Ortiz
Taylor Elise Osborn
Camille Chen Ostiguy
Matias Ostrowicz
Nicholas William Oswald
Quinten Alexander Otto
Milan Outarsingh
Kayla M. Owens
Maero Oyula
With Distinction
Jacob A. Pace
With Highest Distinction
William Tankard Pack
With High Distinction
Aly Painter
With High Distinction
Vikram Robinder Pal
Gerardo Palacios
Ashvi Palkhiwala
With Highest Distinction
Madeline Grace Palm
With Distinction
Colin Andrew Palmer
Yash Pande
With High Distinction
Capison Pang
Gabriella Ann Pape
Aryan Parakh
With Highest Distinction
Dev Darhsana Vikas Parekh
Jack Ryan Paris
Hogene Park
Lucy Park
With High Distinction
Seonghyun Park
Allison Parker
Matthew Lawrence Parker
Anshul Parmar
Ethan Parness
Tyler Richard Parod
With Distinction
Aidan Donovan Parrott
Sophia Paskov
Sophia Pastore
Rohan Patankar
Aachel Patel
With Distinction
Dylan Jay Patel
With Highest Distinction
Jeegar Patel
With High Distinction
Khush Patel
Meha Harish Patel
Melony V. Patel
Ronak R. Patel
Shivam Jayesh Patel
Shivani Nilesh Patel
Shreya Patel
With Distinction
Tanushri Dipen Patel
With High Distinction
Vedant Keyur Patel
Vishaan Vimlesh Patel
Marisa Rani Patel-O’Connor
With Distinction
Andrea Paternina Pinedo
With Distinction
Sarvesh Pattisapu
Gavin Patrick Pawell
Caleb Douglas Payne
Michael Jason Payne
Noah Samuel Pearson
Sean Harrison Peck
Luke Blackwell Peele
With High Distinction
Nicholas John Thomas Peirick
John Mark Peiser
Morgan Peller
Jordan Pence
With Distinction
Matthew Pence
Wutiantian Peng
With Distinction
Yujia Peng
With High Distinction
Alejandro Perez
Benjamin Andrew Perez
Stephanie Perez*
Luis Angel Perez-Montiel
Corey Kalaei Perkins
John Wesley Perkins Jr.
Thomas Baird Perkins
Clayton Perry
Karli Perry
With Distinction
Jack Persinger
Alexandra Nicole Peters
David Reynolds Peters
Gabrielle Peters
Maxwell Peters
Mason James Petersen
Calin Petro
Peter Petrovski
William Louis Pfeffer
Doan Tran Khanh Pham
Claudia Angeline Philips
Noah Daniel Phillips
David Alexander Pilarski
Jackson Angelo Pirozzi
Samuel Joseph Pirozzi
Sean Leonard Pittacora
Zebulon James Pliura
With Distinction
Owen Plourde
Carolina Zofia Pluta
Thomas Podzielinski
Joshua Ryan Polansky
With High Distinction
Ryan Jake Polesuk
Bishop Michael Polizzotto
Christopher John Pollock Jr.
Lauren Polte
Jacob Ryan Poore
Conner Thomas Popa
Devin Marzean Pope
Nambi Porchezhian
Maxwell Spencer Portnoy
With Distinction
Zachary Poscover
Will Evan Poses
Zachary Powell
Sean Patrick Poznar
Sujay Prakash
With High Distinction
Nithya Praveen
Jonathan Christopher Price
Adam Leroy Prichard
With Distinction
Spencer Prine
Gavin Reid Provan
Natalia Adriana Przeklasa
Spencer Thomas Puett
Dante James Puleo
Dana Pulfer
Samuel Pultman
Anshuman Punji
Gavyn Pure
Amit Puri
With Distinction
Lauren Mackenzie Putz
With High Distinction
Xiangyuan Qin
Maxine Carley Quinn
Jonathan Rabbany
With Distinction
Brandon Scott Rabinovitz
Raga Reddy Rachuru
With Highest Distinction
Luc Andre Radice
Samantha Reilly Rafanello
Socrates Maximus Raftis
Quinn Ragusi
Drewe Arielle Raimi
Kieran Rajagopal
Susanth Venkata Sai Rajanala
Varun Rajesh
Munthira Raju
With Distinction
Christopher Jenson Ralph
Nathan Andrew Ralston
With High Distinction
Angelica Lilia Ramirez
Jordan David Ramirez
Reilly Elizabeth Ramsey
Max Harrison Randman
Katherine A. Ranft
Aryana Vivek Rao
With Distinction
Frederick Srikar Rao
Sriram Rao
Catherine Mary Elizabeth Simoes
Gautham Rathnam
Zoe Rauh
Victoria Colleen Ray
Maxwell Blaise Raynor
Graham Richard Reasoner
Jeremy K. Reda
Tanuj Reddy
Madisyn Nicole Redman
Sydney Lynn Reed
With High Distinction
Emily Anne Regnery
Elia Reh
Kate Nicole Rehberg
Daniel Raymond Reidinger
Hannah Reidy
Madalyn Marie Reidy
Sean Joseph Rein
Jennifer Reinking
Catelyn Frances Reiter
Nicholas Lee Ren
Yiwei Ren
Zequn Ren
Gabriel Robert Rennard
With High Distinction
Kaleb Michael Renner
Jared Abe Resnick
With Distinction
Kyle Scott Rettig
Tyler Andrew Rettig
Benjamin Myles Retzner
Porter Revoir
Justin Reynolds
With High Distinction
Kyle Haworth Reynolds
With Distinction
Kendall Ann Rhodes
Trent Richardson
Ivan Richter
Lake Oliver Rickenbach
William Bennett Ricker
Madison Armstrong Ridley
With High Distinction
Jacquelyn Frances Riek
Justin Rightley
William McGrath Riley
Hana Elizabeth Rim
Mia Francesca Rinaldi
With Highest Distinction
William LeGrande Rives III
Hoang Nguyen Quoc Roan
With High Distinction
Kennedy Rae Roberts
Nicholas Roberts
Jared Robinow
William Robins
Ashley B. Robinson
Rene Emily Robinson
Taylor Sky Robinson
Jacob Javier Robles
Ethan Agustus Rocha
Kyle David Rogers
Evan D. Rohan
Henrik Benjamin Rolander
Erik Azael Romo
Ranier Roque
Arielle Shoshana Rosenberg
With High Distinction
Kyle Rosenberg
Joshua Brian Rosenson
Audrey Claire Rosenstein
Jacob Morris Rosomoff
Myles Ross
With Highest Distinction
Noah Kevin Ross
Jonathan Marc Rossen
Matthew Adam Roth
Brett Rothas
Lilly Wiederkehr Rothberg
Jakob Armstrong Rotvold
With High Distinction
Thomas Albert Rouffiac
Matthew Ruckman
Michael Scott Ruddell
With Distinction
Tatum Jane Rudman
Pooja Lalitha Rudraraju
With Distinction
Mitchell Rueve
Hayden Alexander Rush
Caitlyn Avery Russell
Benjamin Lloyd Ruszkowski
Christina Grace Ruterschmidt
Alexander Lowell Ruttan
Henry Ryan
Jack Patrick Ryan
Logan Edward Ryan
Madeline Gentry Ryan
William Brabyn Rylance
Jordan Sabatier
Katherine Nicole Sabis
Avyukt Sachdeva
James Daniel Sackstein
Trupti Sadigale
Jason Saharia
Spandita Sahoo
With High Distinction
Mihika Nimmi Sahrawat
Jordan St. Clair
Amy Saks
Sunilsakthivel Sakthi Velavan
Amir Abel Saley
Max Salhani
With High Distinction
Margaret Ann Samagalsky
Nicolas San Jose
With Distinction
Partha Sarathi Sanampudi
Patrick Lee Sander
Manjot Kaur Sandhu
William Mayfield Sandifer
Zachary Abraham Sandoval
Anshul Eshwar Sankaran
Sruthi Sankaran
Niraj Atul Sankla
Zachary Sanoff
Luke Gerard Sansone
Mary Catherine Sansoterra
Anthony Armando Santangelo
Andres DeCrane Saralegui
Ashwin Saraswat
Aryaman Sarda
Jagrit Girish Sardeshpande
Daniel Cyrus Sarfaraz
With Highest Distinction
Kelly Marie Sauserman
With Distinction
Julianna Savage
Patrick Ryan Savage
With High Distinction
Zachary Joseph Savin
With Distinction
Maya Savino
Madison Kathleen Scariano
With High Distinction
Victoria Alexis Schaddel
Jenna Rae Scheck
Allison Schellinger
Adam J. Schenck
James A. Scheri
Robert Edward Scherne
Jake Schertzer
Jack Scott Schirmer
Jonathan Robert Schlaefke
William Byrne Schlosser
Griffen Byrne Schmelter
With Distinction
Jacob Stanley Schmidt
Andrew Chase Schneider
Ethan Schneider
With Distinction
Jessica Hannah Schneider
Justin William Schneider
With Highest Distinction
Joshua Eric Schoenhaus
John Schoff
Molly Kate Schreiner
Brooklyn Elizabeth Schrink
With Distinction
Jackson Riley Schrowe
Claire Courtney Schultz
Peter James Schulz
Jacob Levi Schunk
With High Distinction
Andrew Martin Schwager
Trevor Francis Schwallie
With Distinction
Sydney Elizabeth Schwan
Benjamin Jacob Schwartz
With High Distinction
Calvin Michael Schwartz
Christian James Schwartz
Peyton Schwartz
Sabrina Lauren Schwartz
Lauren Marie Schwede
Abigail M. Scott
Cameron James Scott
With High Distinction
Charles Walter Scott
Logan Andrew Scott
Kathryn Sea
Conner Raleigh Seamonds
Alexander Michael Seat
Natalie Ying See
With Distinction
Ian Oliver Segal
Katherine Morrow Seger
Cameron Joseph Segura
Vikram R. Sehgal
Zachary Mark Seib
Adam Joshua Seidenfrau
With High Distinction
Noah J. Seidman
Dylan Michael Selby
With High Distinction
Kaitlyn Kathleen Selfridge
With Distinction
Meredith Sell
Haley Suzanne Sellhorn
With Distinction
Pradeep Selvaraj
With Distinction
Audrey Senne
Yoonjoon Seo
With Highest Distinction
Brynn Evan Sermersheim
Joseph Anthony Serra
Samira Sethy
Zoe Louise Sever
Nolan Seward
Ethan Samson Shaff
Archan N. Shah
Riya Nimish Shah
Ronak Shah
Sweni Karul Shah
Alek Martin Shahbaz
Amanda Lynn Shane
With Highest Distinction
Milan Shir Shany
Keying Shao
Ryan Spencer Shapiro
Taylor Shapiro
Hirnay Sharma
Saahil Sharma
Saiesha Sharma
Sankalp Mohan Sharma*
Srijan Sharma
With High Distinction
Vihaan Sharma
Anirudh Mohan Shastry
Nathan James Shatkowski
With High Distinction
Adam David Shatzman
Jack Sheahan
Nicholas Graham Shelton
Isabella Shen
Yexi Shen
Ryan James Sheppard
Claire Lee Michele Sherfick
Alexander James Shervin
Palak Sheth
Michael Gregory Shipp
Mark Louis Shoemaker
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Regan Shoemaker
Mark Jonathan Shoichet
Ryan Grace Sholem
Parker Brady Short
Benjamin David Shoykhet
Grant Shuter
Logan Sides
Simran Singh Sidhu
Cathy Sie
Korey Emanuel Silverman
Gracie Clara Silverstein
Justin Paul Silverstein
Christina Lore Silvestri
Jack Beugen Simanek
Eli Harrison Simmons
With High Distinction
Ralston Brent Simmons Jr.
Charles Ronald Simon
Victoria Reed Simon
Zion ‘Umikala’i Simpson
Ashleigh Marie Sincebaugh
With Distinction
Alyson Brooke Singer
With High Distinction
Gurashish Singh
Jasvir Singh
With Distinction
Kabir Inder Singh
Rhea Singh
Gianna Marie Sipich
Sophia Marie Sistevaris
Kenny Siu
With Distinction
Grace Katherine Skoog
Alyssa Skorge
With Highest Distinction
Nicholas Charles Skurka
Sophia Jean Skurnick
Jacob Mon Slaw
Matthew Thomas Sledjeski
Brooke Michelle Sloman
Michael Slupski
Mark Alexander Smallwood
Aidan William Smith
With Distinction
Daija L. Smith
Justin Edward Smith
Kate Lurquin Smith
Madeline Rose Smith
Nicholas David Smith
Paige Victoria Smith
Paul Byron Smith
Royce Smith
Saunder Durigan Smith
Luke Harrison Smock
With High Distinction
Kate Elise Snelling
With Distinction
Abigail Lea Mei Snodgrass
Conner James Snyder
Daniel Adam Snyder
Gavin Ryan Snyder
Hallie Elyse Snyder
With Highest Distinction
Jordan Scott Soderling
Jake Sofro
Aryaman Hasmukhbhai Sojitra
Celia Emily Sokolowski
Nachiyappan Arun Solaiyappan
With High Distinction
Cameron Issac Soltz
Gabrielle Samantha Sonkin
Jolie Sonkin
Joseph Scott Sorrentino
Robert Alan Soudan III
Ryan Soule
Osvaldo Martinez Souza
Shaw Marco Sova
Justin Chamberlain Spaulding
John Saylors Spinetto
Thomas Allen Spraetz
With Distinction
Luke Jameson Springer
With Highest Distinction
Natalie Alexandra Sprowles
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Squellati
With High Distinction
Vasisht Balaji Srinivasan
With High Distinction
Sai Sriram
Pongpapas Srivanich
Jolina Patrice Sta Romana
Emily Marian Stabinsky
Michael Dennis Staley
Elizabeth Stanton
Joseph Robert Stanton
Nicole Elizabeth Stark
With Distinction
John William Staruck
Ethan Christopher Staub
Samuel Albert Stazinski
Alyssa Roshni Steffen
Jacob Steiner
Joseph Anthony Stellato
With High Distinction
Sara Stelter
Kathryn Janet Stengel
Olivia Paige Stephens
Adam Stern
Amanda Stern
Nathan Daniel Stern
William Zachary Stern
With Highest Distinction
Dillon Cole Sternberg
Kyle Matthew Stevens-Donati
Andrew Martin Stewart
With High Distinction
Sydney Lynn Stewart
With Highest Distinction
Derrick Trent Stiebler II
With Distinction
Carson Christopher Stigler
Adam Benjamin Stiller
Kaylee Ann Stimac
Cole Thomas Stitt
Katherine Joy Stobb
Tyson James Stoecklin
Katelyn Marie Stohlmeyer
Nathan Thomas Stone
Jonathan Michael Stoop
Cole Alexander Stover
Eliza Naomi Stratton
Casey James Straub
Ashlyn Rose Streicher
Robert Alexander Strode
Dalton Steven Daniel Strom
With High Distinction
Savannah Marie Stull
With Distinction
Riley Griffin Styx
Juan Pablo Suarez
Nicole Suarez
Maxwell Benjamin Sudnow
Christian Suh
Brody Fahey Sullivan
Jake Tyler Sullivan
Ryan Patrick Sullivan
Jeffery Sun
Wei Sun
En-chi Sung
With High Distinction
Suparada Supakamolsenee
With Distinction
Shekar Dylan Supanekar
Akshat Sureka
With Highest Distinction
Amelia Rae Surma
Ashley Sutton
Cassidy Sutton
Mithil Suyal
Dylan Svirsky
Morgan Elizabeth Swallows
Brett Russell Swanson
Dilon Robert Swartzlander
Eli Ramiz Sweiss
Aksel Swennumson
Andrew Pierce Swenson
With Distinction
Dana Taborn
Raunaq Talwar
Conrad Tan
With High Distinction
Hanna M. Tanaka
Ting Yu Tang
Ishan Tanna
Benjamin Alexander Tarnow
Madeline Tascione
Kurt Taylor
With Highest Distinction
Nicole Taylor
Samuel Teal
With High Distinction
John Temple
Ryan Lee Templeton
Benjamin Thomas Testo
Dhiren Anish Tewani
Samir Vikram Thakkar
Sohan Thapar
Alexander Michael Tharp
Hailey Elizabeth Thill
With High Distinction
Gayatri Thiru
With Distinction
Makayla Rose Thomalla
With Distinction
Aaron James Thomas
Brandon Jacob Thomas
Terah Nicole Thomas
With High Distinction
Daniel E. Thompson
Emma Thompson
Jillian Thompson
Julia J. Thomson
Jacob Thurman
With High Distinction
Amy Yu Tian
Jake Ryan Tiberghien
With High Distinction
Klayton Robert Tichenor
With High Distinction
Grantham Charles Tiefenthaler
With High Distinction
Thomas Geoffrey Tierney
Joseph Gerald Tillar
Corinne Timmons
With Distinction
Anushay Tirmizi
Zachary Ryan Tisherman
Tucker Nicholas Todd
Nishant Todi
With Distinction
Daniel Grant Tolin
Marianna Angela Toljan
Benjamin Todd Tombini
Spencer Tompkins
Jacqueline Toombs
Joshua Martin Topor
May Quynh Tran
Thanh Tran
With Distinction
Jack Hamilton Trees
Rahul Trehan
Andreina Treto
With Distinction
Walker Alexander Trieschmann
William David Trinkoff
Yash Tripathi
Marco F. Troiano
Grant Matthew Trompen
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Taylor Trout
With Distinction
Lukas Aaron Troutman
Alan Kay Truman III
Christian Tschampel
With High Distinction
Ethan Carmen Tuel
With High Distinction
Eliza Grace Tumbas
Praneet Tummalapalli
James Andrew Turnbull
Jeremy Brian Turner
With Distinction
Cal David Uhryniak
Aadnya Ujagare
Sunny Unger
Meera Unni
With High Distinction
Riddhi Upadhyay
With Distinction
Riya Uppal
With Distinction
Sydney A. Urycki
Duncan Michael Usher
Kush Shailesh Uttamchandani
With High Distinction
Emma Caroline Vaccaro
Anirudh Vaitla
Sebastian Anthony Valencia
With High Distinction
Cole Matthew Valfer
Srinav Mithra Valluri
Benjamin Van Buskirk
Deneys Reitz Van Der Merwe
Matthew Charles Van Kley
Taber van Ravensberg
Lauren Kay Van Wyngarden
With High Distinction
Jordan Jack Vance
Benjamin Ryan Vandenbark
Elizabeth Grace Vanderveen
Aikya Varanasi
With High Distinction
William Charles Varnell
Kushagra Vasishtha
Avantika K. Vedam
Kylie Vendramin
Ian Spencer Venerable
Mira Venkatakrishnan
With Distinction
Nirusha Venkatesh
Palaq Venkatesh
With High Distinction
Elias Alexander Verduzco
With Distinction
Siddharth Verma
With High Distinction
Srividya Vinjamuri
Roshan Vishwanath
Alexander Faro Vitale
With Distinction
Sarah Therese Vitro
Brianna Rose Vitullo
Payne Vogtman
Sujay Voleti
With Distinction
Caleb A. Volpp
Divyam Bimal Vora
Benjamin Parker Vorisek
Jacob Alexander Vrankin
With Highest Distinction
Vahin Vuppalanchi
With Distinction
Alexandra Wade
With High Distinction
Grace Waggoner
Brooke Elisabeth Wagner
Grant Lee Wagner
Ryan Wahlenmaier
John Michael Wakeland
Brett Michael Walden
Taylor Waldron
With Distinction
Waris Singh Walia
Abigail Irene Walker
Catherine Anne Walker
Garett Kelly Walker
Jack Thomas Walker
Thomas Robert Walker
With Highest Distinction
Jessica Rose Wallace
Colin Walls
With High Distinction
Matthew Benjamin Walsh
With Highest Distinction
Julia Alexandra Walters
With High Distinction
Michael Robert Walters
With Highest Distinction
Chase Alexander Wampler
With Distinction
Bret Lucas Wang
Emily Wang
Eric Wang
Geyang Wang
Hannah Li Wang
Mingchen Wang
Qingyuan Wang
With Distinction
Runying Wang
Shijing Wang
Xiangyu Wang
With High Distinction
Yuqiang Wang
Zifang Wang
With Distinction
Zihan Wang
Luke Robert Francis Warda
Sydney Warnik
Creighton Joseph Warren
Cameron Lewis Warwick
Piper Sydney Watson
Kendall Marie Wavro
Annie Waz
With High Distinction
Mason Nicholas Alexander Weaver
Jaclyn Michelle Webber
Jacob Louis Weber
Kyle Webster
Antonio Yi Wei
Alexander Weick
John P. Weikert
Jackson Phillip Weil
Samuel Weintraub
Joshua Donald Weisbord
Dylan C. Weiskirch
Astrid Diana Weiss
With Distinction
Elliot Weissman
Ross Montgomery Welch
Greyson Donald Welsh
Connor Charles Wemhoff
Alana Yael Wernick
Samuel C. Wertz
Phillip Dierks West
Bryce Prem Wetzel
With High Distinction
Maxwell William Weybright
Mea Marie Weybright
Ian Allan Whatley
Jack Wheeler
Michael Joseph Whelan
Ashley Elizabeth Whipple
William White
Thomas Hudson Whitenight
With High Distinction
Charles Joseph Widder III
Grant J. Wiegand
James Joseph Wieland
Adrian Karle Wilburn
Jacob Wilczynski
Brookelyn Ann Williams
With Distinction
Jacquelyn Marie Williams
With Distinction
Katelin Y. Williams
Madelyn Joy Williams
Nicholas Kyle Williams
With Distinction
Langdan Havannah Marie
Anthony Christian Wilson
Graham Douglas Wilson
Maria Josephine Wilson
Donald Frank Winger
With Distinction
Tyler Lee Wiseman
Michael Bryan Wlazlo
Ryan Lynn Woidke
Pacen Allen Wolf
With High Distinction
Elle Wong
With Distinction
Christopher Wood
Christopher James Wood
With High Distinction
Colin Wood
With High Distinction
Caraline Page Woodall
With Distinction
Cali Meredith Woodburn
Wesley Robert Woodin
Gabrielle Isabella Woodworth
Lukas Michael Wooster
Owen Douglas Worple
Sean Matthew Wracher
Bairan Wu
Weican Wu
Ya-Han Wu
With Highest Distinction
Joseph Michael Wuchiski
McKenna Carol Wylam
With High Distinction
Haoyu Xiong
With Distinction
Justin Matthew Yaker
Vincent Larry Yaldoo
Boyu Yang
With Distinction
Sean Yang
Joshua James Yankosky
Elias Yarling
With High Distinction
Kaisen Ye
Sri Saumya Yellamelli
Max Yellin
William Leonard Yellin
Sahithi Yerramsetty
Rediet Yeshidenber
With High Distinction
Xinyu Yin
Joyce Yoon
Ethan Michael Joseph Yost
With Distinction
Brandon Sean You
Jacob Michael Youngstafel
Christopher Yu
Kuang-Chun Yu
With Distinction
Rebecca Yuan Yuan
With High Distinction
Jonathan Mark Yurkovic
Alp Yurttutan
With Distinction
Tyler Gregory Zabrecky
With High Distinction
Samuel Aaron Zack
Ammar Zaidi
Olivia Jean Zak
With High Distinction
Ryan Anthony Zakrowski
With High Distinction
Miranda Zanchi
Benjamin D. Zarembski
Jacob Andrew Zaslow
With Highest Distinction
Brennan Michael Zastawny
Jai Zaveri
Nicole Alexandra Zaydlin
With Distinction
Lydia Anne Zebrak
Matthew Forrest Zelinger
Atsede Zemichael
Ruilin Zeng
Yun Zeng
Sean Michael Zentner
With High Distinction
Chelsea Zhang
Nanette Zhang
With Distinction
Yiming Zhang
Yunge Zhang
Zehan Zhang
Ziying Zhang
Amber Jiaying Zhao
Mike Zhao
Chenyu Zhou
Christine Qing Zhou
Chuanyu Zhou
Han Zhou
Jie Zhu
Yifan Zhu
Kyle Peter Zielinski
Maxwell Ziemer
Megan Nicole Ziemke
Jordan Andrew Ziffer
Diana Renée Zimmerman
Andrew Robert Zimmers
Jacob Tyler Zimpfer
Garrett Reid Zirkman
Andrew Cary Zivotovsky
With Distinction
Alan Zlotnikov
With Distinction
Michelle Ann Zoppi
With Distinction
Cade William Zrelak
Ashley Zulauf
Taryn N. Zweifel
With Distinction
Ningning Guo
Vinit Sanjay Tipnis
Sumaya Abdurrezak
Kirsten Ruth Adams
Manish Adawadkar
Chaitanya Addanki
Talal Adel
Olumide Olorunjune Afuwape
Ayushi Agarwal
Cedrick Agorbia-Atta
Deepshi Agrawal
Shahriar Ahmadi Ghoohaki
Olakitan Olatokunbo Akinyemi
Stephen Akomolafe
Mohammed Al-Qudsi
Vijay Alagirisamy
Efren Aldrete
Haider Ali
Syed Owais Ali
Maurice Haim Alloun
Mohamed Almansoori
Faisal M. Alzahrani
Lia Amine
Reza Amini
Oluwatoyin T. Amodu
Pritha Anand
Anusha Ananthanarayanan
Lorianna Anderson
Jyothi Anjamkudy
Jordan Arbiv
James Arnold
Aman Arora
Imande Victoria Atalor
Kevin Patrick Auger
Marissa Elizabeth Avila
Heather Ilyse Awner
Leejung Bae
Jeremiah Baker
Mary Angela Baker
Vivek Balasubramaniam
Danielle Melissa Balsamo
Ethan Joseph Bank
Neha Bansal
Ann-Marie Barbato
Jacqueline Marie Baumann
Raymond Bautista
Pierre Richard Beaunegre
Mackenzie Hunter Beck
Manpreet S. Bedi
James Berry
Mithun Bhattacharya
Jayesh Bhagvanji Bhima
Cody Alexander Bias
Erik Thomas Biernat
Steve Bingham-Hawk
Marlise Petersen Blackburn
Kyle Matthew Blouin
Eveline Bogdanski
Brittany Elizabeth Bolden
Andrew John Bolf
Devon Wheeler Bond
Fabricio Borges da Silva
Robert Bradley
Daniel Brand
Julie Michelle Brau
Tyson Ross Breedlove
John Henry Brennan
Reid Brewster
Corinthia Briscoe
Bryan Brown
Ryan Jacob Brown
Clayton Buckwalter
Eric Bukstein Galperin
Alexander M. Burtner
Michael Eugene Butler Jr.
Neil Cleveland Byers
Rachel Byrne
Dario Ilio Caddeo
Connor Patrick Cahill
Glen Calder
Siobhan Callanan
Matthew Campbell
Matthew Stephen Cancilla
Alain David Carballeyra
John Michael Carey
Megan Carpentier
Alyssa Marie Carter
Heather Leigh Cassady
Jose De Jesus Castro
Rafael Carlos Reyes Catalan
Jason Lucas Catanella
Alexander Martin Cespedes
Kristin Alexandra Chacko
Anna Chae
Uttari Chakraborty
Dale Scott Strouse Chambers Jr.
Robert Chancellor
Vivek Srinivas Chandrasekar
Lupita Chavez
Pavan Kumar Chebolu
Henry Chen
Yuyao Chen
Bong Soo Cheon
Matthew Ryan Cheverton
Daniel Abdulrahman Cheweiky
Daniel Joseph Childers
Peter Chiou
Sangjin Choi
Steven H. Chong
Belle Chou
Hyunzoo Chung
Injae Chung
Amey Vivekanand Churi
Samuel J. Clark
Stephen Clark
John Paul Clayton
Conor James Coghlin
Joshua David Cohen
Alexander L. Cole
Christa Cole
Michael Patrick Cole
Chad Compton
Oscar Cook
Michael Cordas
Natalia Corredor
Aaron Isaac Cowans
Nathaniel Cox
Kelly Rose Burns Cramer
Steve Olon Crandall
Jason Thomas Crandlemire
Lauren Cremonni
Michael Patrick Cronin
Casey Allen Culver
Emily Claire Cwyk
Nada Daher
Kevin Dai
Sushovan Dasgupta
Cody Alan David
Varun Anthony Davies
Raquel Taylor Davis
Taylor Davis
Madison Lynne Day
Rahsaan Dean
Mollie Shannon DeBrunner
Frank DeCecco
Deanna Deeter
Amy Marie Dehmer
Daviti Deisadze
Matthew Mark DeLeon
Vincenzo Raffaele DelVillano
Michael L. DeRoma
Carson Des Champs
Arti Deshpande
Michael Deutsch
Kyle DeVenezia
Bethany Sofia Diacou
Jose Ezequiel Diaz Garcia
Brett Diehl
Zhijie Ding
Jack Tyler Dobosiewicz
Mary M. Donaldson
Akua Obenewaa Donkor
Daniel Mark Drangstveit
Ali Drissi El Bouzaidi
Forest E. Drummer
Elvin Canute Dsouza
Akash Dua
Anna Duan
Vladimir Ducasse
Daniela Rosario Dulanto Reinoso
Joshua Duley
Prajeen Prabhakar Dumbare
Alexander K. Duncan
Jared David Dunnett
Sukumar Dutta
James Edward Dyer
Jesse Eberhart
John Ryan Ecke
Caroline Miriam Edwards
Justin Edwards
Lydia Eisenmann
Obeahon Ereghan
Diana Marie Ervin
Justin Erwin
Justin Evans
Michael Evans
Robert C. Evans
John Fabiszak
Jonathan Falk
Kyle Matthew Fedorchak
Zachary Feinberg
James Fenner
James Fiddmont
Connor Findlay
Allison Jill Fine
Scott William Fisher
Lauren Renee Fitzpatrick
Amira Ravit Fleyshmakher
Nathan Austin Flood
Jordan T. Foss
Catherine Elizabeth Foster
Christopher Robert Foster
Geoffrey Fox
James Ramon French
Jason Alexander Friedemann
Matthew James Friedman
Lili Fu
Dustin Ryan Fuller
Troy Fumagalli
Ivan Furre
Rajesh Gadde
Anuj Gadi
Subburengan Ganapathiraman
Robert Gancarski
Alagar Gandhi
Himanshu Gangwar
Ryan Ganley
Ruohan Gao
Alexandra F. Garabed
Joshua S. Garrett
Brianna Nichole Gaulding
Daniel B. Gaynor
Lesley Geraldo
Brian David Getz
Amin Ghasemian
Samuel Robert Ghyselinck
John Alan Gilbertson
Ryan James Glasgow
Matthew Dale Gobreski
Dasaradha Ravi Kumar Gollapudi
Austin Robert Gomar
Sergio Gomez
Brooke Homovec Gonzalez
Alexandra Goodison
Parth Goradia
Haley Goren
Anil Kumar Gottepu
Ryan Daniel Govoni
Prashantha Gowda
Swathi Gowru
Curtis Mark Grace
Rachael F. Graff
Jose David Granados Jr.
Nathan Francis Grand
Julia Anne Grasse
Bruce Duncan Greer
Robert Earle Gregory III
Peter Gresback
Mauricio Grisales
Tucker John Buenting Gritton
Thaiana Pereira Gun
Anita Gupta
Anup Kant Gupta
Mayank Gupta
Georgiy Guralnik
Maxwell Hagan
Jack Thomas Hagedorn
JaRon O’Neal Haggerty
Syedah H. Haider
Daniel Hammerschlag
Hyeyoung Han
JungKyu Han
Shamanth Hande
Jaime Haro Guadarrama III
Taylor G. Harris
Sarah Hartman
Alexander Joseph Hathoot
Declan Hayes
Paul Christopher Hedinger
Jonathan Hedstrom
Lindsay Heimsoth
Robert Michael Hendrickson
Zachary Michael Herge
Stephen Robert Hermes
Daniel Hernandez
Andrew Roberts Hill
Natalie Hill
Christopher Lee Hilliard
Jack Hovaniec Hinkle
Somashekharayya Hiremath
Shoshana Hodes
Hayden Holbrook
Robert D. Holmgren
Austin Horbaly
Michael Patrick Housey III
Kuang-Yuan Hsiao
Chung-Hsuan Huang
Wawa Huang
Amy Jo Hughes
Gowoon Hur
Vance Edward Hutchison
Brian Bach Huynh
Youngsun Hwang
Miloud Id Elhaj
Uchechukwu Emil Igwenagu
Kwang Hyuk Im
Matthew Thomas Isola
Sophia Ellen Jablonski
Katherine Jaeger
Rekha Jagadish
Aviral Jain
Sarthak Jain
Kavita Jammalamadaka
Christopher Jandreau
Sanjana Jangeed
Bharath Kumar Jayaraman
Sriram Jayaraman
Colin G. Jeffries
Adam Michael Jenkins
Holly Katelin Jensen
Ji-Young Jeon
Caden Brian Jessen
Lisette Doreen Jingco
Olorunyomi Stephen Joel
Kalee Danussi Johnston
Brandon Jones
Taydra Nechelle Jones
Monica Joshi
Geo Pullockaran Joy
Garima Juneja
Himabindu Juttu
Tana M. Kaiser
Kiran Kandepalli
Hosung Kang
Hyun Taek Kang
Jiho Kang
Melanie Kang
Yoon Gu Kang
Joyson Joseph Karakunnel
Yanita Rossenova Karatchorova
Courtney Cox Keating
Hicham Jospeh Kehdy
Gregory Alexander Keith
Benjamin Kelly
Mohammad Bilal Khan
Saad Bilal Khawaja
Dipti Ranjan Khuntia
Harshit Rajivkumar Kikani
Sarah Leahy Kiley
EunMi Kim
Hyoungjoo Kim
James H. Kim
Jieon Kim
Jiman Kim
Miseung Kim
Soo Ah Kim
Sori Kim
Sun Young Kim
Taehyeong Kim
Yongbum Kim
Caitlin Carey Kimes
Michael Edward King
Stephen Brian King
Rachael Klaus
Kathryn Kleckley
Kara Koehler
Hannah Schumacher Koenig
Talgat Kopzhanov
Thomas Edward Koska
Sairam Kotapati
Ram Mahipal Kouda
Maksim Kramarevsky
Jacob M. Kraus
Benjamin Krebs
Eliza Kruger
Madelynn Raye Kuerschner
Joshua Robert Kuiper
Binod Kumar
Mehul Kumar
Bhargava Kunapareddi
Goe Tack Kwon
Bryan Michael Kyllonen
Jean Junior Lacombe
Vijay Shankar Lal
Christopher James LaNeve
Pete Anthony Lannie
Kenneth Eric Arreola Lapuz
Andrew Case Lash
Rafael Lastra Cancela
Allison Marie Latarewicz
Joshua M. LaVire
Joshua Lavoie
Ian Michael Layton
Jaclyn Antonia Lazo
Aaron B. Lee
Dongwon Lee
Hyuk Lee
James Christopher Lee
Jasmine Lee
Jennifer Lee
Kyong Hwe Lee
Victor Lee
Yoon Mou Lee
Yunsu Lee
Ty Collins Legan
Thomas Leibowitz
Gerardo Guillermo Leon
Kara Marie Levis
Yunsong Li
Chung-Yi Liang
Joshua Seth Lieberman
Yu-Wei Lin
Ethan Thomas Lind
Heather Lindquist
Matthew David Link
Casey Litow
Shuying Liu
Xiaosong Liu
Blair Alyse Loftspring
Kevin Low
Madison Lujan
Christopher Lunn
Aric Qui Di Luu
Joseph John Lynn III
Melissa Ma
Thomas Macaluso
Zachary Ross Macht
Erik Magnuson
Vishnu Mahishi
Nicholas Christian Maier
Palash Kumar Maity
Amos Saha Kavu Malanga
Alekhya Mallampalli
John Jacob Manaloor
Chaitanya Manchanda
Francesco E. Mangano
Camille Mangold
Michael Manion
Charlotte McGowan Mann
Harshitha Mannam
Michael Joseph Mantel Jr.
Nagendra Srikanth Marella
Megan Elizabeth Martin
Daniel Matthew Martinez
Edwin Alexis Martinez
Ruchi Mathur
Pramod Roy Mattackal
Jenna Matz
Michael David Mauer
Ricardo Maurtua
Lori C. Mayes
Daniel Mayo
Robert William McCabe III
Andrew Thomas McCarthy IV
Ryan McCracken
Vennetta McCray
Samuel Trent McGee
Daniel Jude McKenna
Kevin Michael McNamara
Andrew David Meagher
Daniel Mearhoff
Luke Vincentz Medvegy
Aniroodh Mehta
Rajendra Singh Mehta
Brian Michael Meiborg
Michael Meshberg
Jack Mewhort
Eric Michaels
Andrew Jeffrey Miller
Colton McKenzie Miller
Maximilian Miller
Trenton Donald Miller
Megan Mintman
Emily Anne Mirro
Nathan Jerome Mirsky
Bhaskar Mishra
Tanushree Mitra
Shivananda P. Mizar
Martha Marie Moeller
Soumya Mohanty
Jonathan Christopher Monovich
Ashley Montoya
Lindsey Jane Moore
Madeline Brenda Moore
Trevor Daniel Moore
Wendy D. Morales
Marisa Danielle Moran
Taylor Moran
Hugo Marques Moreira
George Moresea
John Zachary Morgan
Justin James Moritz
Daniel Morrison
Jonathan David Moses
Matthew Moshier
Joseph Blaine Mulford
Alexander Muñoz
Jennifer Murphy
William Stewart Murri IV
Niat L. Musse
Nicholas Rade Musulin III
Charishma Myneni
Shilpa Nagaraj
Kiruthik Kumar Nandakumar
Nicholas Napoleon
Nandhini Narasingam
Divya Narayan
Anchal Narula
Mohamad Nasab
Thomas Naughton
Eleanor Nave
Patrick A. Nay
Joshua Roy Naylor
Severin Ndagano
Tyler Scott Neal
Brandon Andrew Negri
Ngoc Nguyen
Tom Nguyen
Armel Nibasumba
James Nice
Nabil Ahsan Noor
José Novoa
Alexandra Nowlin
Franklin Nyfenger
Jacob Earl Lee O’Bryant
Babatomiwa I. Ogunkanmi
Minseok Oh
Toshiki Ohnuki
Spencer Dean Olson
Faith C. Omekaodinma
Oseremen Emmanuel Omoegbele
Olalekan Alex Omolola
Erik Ostrowski
Hadasshah Marie Otero Carrillo
Rakesh Palle
Maria Elizabeth Paras
Jeongmu Park
Juhong Park
Sung Hee Park
Dwayne Cody Parris
Angelica Alvarez Pastrana
Vikram Pasumarti
Devin Patel
Hardik R. Patel
Mayur Patel
Rahul Patel
Rikesh Patel
Sagar Patel
Anshul Pathak
Harpreet Singh Patpatia
Belana Narahari Patro
John D. Paulsel
Divanny Ariery Pena
Jonathan Dell Pangelinan Pena
Edgar Rene Penedo
Julie Anne Penedo
Vivekananda Varma Penmatsa
Alexandria Rae Pennington
Nitin Pereira
Diane Perez
Robert J. Perez
Rajesh Surendra Persad
Dennis Patrick Peterson
Silviu Costel Petre
Kamolphob Phasuk
Anthony Phung
Jason Pier
Luke William Pietrykowski
Catherine Sahire Polanco Astacio
Victoria Popp
Lauren Ann Poppenhagen
Evelin Potocnik
Ross Andrew Powers
Perri Prigoff
Matthew Prince
Spencer Prine
Daniel Josef Proctor
Mary Jeanne Prothero
James Riede Pruitt
Bharat Kumar Pulikonda
Gavyn Pure
Aditya Ramdhana Putra
Kimberly Danielle Quintanilla
David Keith Quintin
Lauren Radin
Jacob Robert Ragins
Prianka Raha
Dileep Kumar Rai
Viswanath Balaji Ramaswamy
Vijay Simha Ramesh
Max Harrison Randman
Akaashdeep Ranu
Jacob David Ratekin
Adhithya Ravishankar
Rajesh Kumar Regmi
Chris Rengstorf
Matthew Reynolds
Rav Riar
Brian Richie
Gwyndolyn Richmond
Alexander Shaw Rifkin
Pardeep Kamal Rishi
Stephanie Ritchhart
Robert James Rix
Brandie K. Robinson
James Thomas Robison V
Noa Rene Robson
Fernando Rocha Ailloud
Emily Ann Roden
Edward Ryan Rosero
Jonathan Rozman
Christopher Charles Ruller
Geni Giannotti Rupley
Kristina Russell
Brittney Sabbah
Kevin Sadikin
Avik Saha
Rishabh Sahota
Randolph Scott Douglas St. Clair
Zachary J. Samuelson
Nicolas San Jose
Scott Sanders
Bhavyaa Raju Sanghvi
Benjamin James Sansing
Andrew Tyler Santee
Sean Sassano
Sabrina Alexis Delagana Sayoc
Richard Alan Schaefer II
Eric Schlaupitz
Shane Ly Schlemitz
Micah Schroder
Eric Schulte
Jonathan Schwartz
Joel Sebagala Sengendo
Nicholas Seefeld
Bryan Alan Seibel
Andrea Tabler Seifert
Matthew J. Selbach
Manikandan Selvaraj
Priyam Sengupta
YouJin Seo
Eric Anthony Serksnas
Prasanna V. Seshadri
Zehra Sibel Sevinc
Danielle Maria Shacklady McAtee
Andrew Bennett Michael Shafran
Amisha Shah
Ronak Shah
Shaheen S. Shaheen
Vijay Shanbhag
Eli G. Shaw
Sheldon Kevin Shepherd
Travis Thompson Shepherd III
Kathryn L. Shepherd-Kinney
Jacob Michael Shinoff
Yaser Shirazi
Rahul Shivramkrishnan
Rashmi Shrivastava
Shahbaig Sidhu
Paul Edward Siegemund
Zaria Silvia
Simar Preet Singh
Vipul Singh
Jacob Siporen
Tanu Sisodia
Chase Timothy Skinner
Richard Mason Sloan
David Sloane
Mathieu Smith
Monica Ann Smith
Sean Smith
Tommaso Sneider
Adam Paul Snider
Jordan Scott Soderling
Kevin Elliott Soderman
Kristjan Sokoli
Young Rae Song
Amy Elaine Soria
Courtney Helene Sorman
Giovanni Soto
Christina Spagnolo
Edward Spiesz
Sachin Sreenath
Aditya Srinivasan
Jaime Bennett Stansbury
Eric Andrew Stern
Ryan Goodrich Stevens
Derrick Trent Stiebler II
Rene Dianne Strauss
Robert Alexander Strode
Andrew M. Sturniolo
Yumeng Su
Alberto Suarez Jr.
Akylbek Subanbekov
Johann Suen
Nagendar Kishen Surapaneni
Jován Lorenz Swann
Rehan Syed
Ashleigh Mayberry Szelestey
Yuki Tachibana
Michael Joseph Talaber
Hiranya Talukdar
Charles Jason Tartt
Leena Tawate
Jamary Dior Jasper Taylor
Pauline Jo Teevan
Samantha Lynn Terrell
Paulos Joseph Tewolde
Abhishek Thakur
Sameer Kumar Thakur
Kiran Tharanath
John Paul Thibodeaux
Tyler James Thimjon
Santhosh Thiruchendru
Aaron James Thomas
Arun T. Thomas
Brianne Marie Thomas
Matthew Thomas
Alexander Thorner
Gregory Tinsley
Tayanna Todd
April Renee Toler
Maxwell Tolstedt
John Tomasula
Edwin J. Torres
Daniel Trejo
Grady Thomas Trela
Patricio Xavier Trevino
Richard Carl Trietley III
Daniel Jason Trimmer
Wen-Yu Tseng
Andrew Tyron
Trent Uhrhammer
Michael Terrence Upshall
Pavan Urubailu Shivaram
Anshuman Shrikant Vaidya
Kiara Milagro Valencia
Elio Joel Valenzuela
Sarah Lucia Valerino
Charles W. Vanderlinden
Vivek Vardhan
Shweta Vasagadekar
Ranadheer Vasireddy
Josue Vasquez
Sasirekha Vedaiyan
Venkata Subbaraju Vegesna
Sri Harsha Velamakanni
Henry P. Velasquez
Michael Veri
William Von Dolln
Katherine Wade
Trevin Wade
Aaron Jon Wallace Jr.
Andrew Walsh
David Allan Watkins
Ryan Weaver
Cody Keeler Webster
Kyle Webster
Jackson Phillip Weil
Christopher James Weller
Rachel Wendel
Michael Jay Wheeler II
Matthew Michael Wiertel
Benjamin James Wiest
Joel Iheanyi Wigwe
Nicole Noel Wilkins
Lewis Ben Williams
Travis Russell Williams
Violet Ann Williams
Ryan Thomas Wise
Bryan Witzmann
Mark David Wolfson
Christopher Wood
Stephen T. Wood
Aaron Wyand
Matt Meng Xu
Vishnu Chaithanya Yadati
Yohei Yamaguchi
Serena Yan
Matthew Yancey
Shunqing Yang
Jinzhou Yao
Jenny Yau
Sherwin Sou Lam Yee
Nicholas Yo-Peung Yeh
Changseob Yeo
Kristopher Roman Yoder
Pooria Yousefin
Corinna Jennifer Yu
Lai Sha Yu
Lizhi Yu
Xi Yu
Caleb Travis Yuhas
Jacob J. Zachrich
Ryan Anthony Zakrowski
Michael Zerbe
Fan Zhang
Yujia Zhang
Mengyao Zhu
Qian Zhuge
Nicholaas William Zomer
Anar Fikrat Zulfugarov
Menna Allah Gamal Ahmed Aly
Tamera Lynn Andruchowitz
Andres N. Angeles
Vanessa Azemar
Nicholas Badlu
Amy Kim Bardsley
Patrick Barnette
Carolyn Bollozos
Sarah Christine Carroll
Matthew Churchill
Robert Easterly
Thomas Efthimiades
Evan Jackson Fisher
Joseph Frederick Gravert
Jessica T. Jordi
Min Ji Kim
Loretta Anne Kyle
Han Sung Lee
I-Chieh Lee
Sangki Lee
Ruben Paul Leyva
Kaitlyn Elise Mitzel
Anastasiia Morozova
Michael Nemcik
Philip Blake Neri
Bao Nguyen
Candy Elizabeth Ortega
Anthony D. Phillips-Payne
Trevor Keith Sorensen
Karla Sosa
Jeremiah Lee Waldorf
Allison Williams
Wanning Yu
Paul Edward Ziemba
Bryan Paul Bernas
Laura Michelle Borys
Brianna Bova
Hale Andrew Bowen
Mason Bronson
Alejandro Buendia
Joy Che-Yi Chang
Benjamin Clark
Jason Tyler Compton
Preston Gary Daoust
Christopher Lee Dluginsky
Matthew Jon DuJardin
Kevin Gierek
Owen Sudac Hallas
Isabel Hamersky
John William Hegwood
Samantha Heitzman
Daniel Jeffrey Henning
Dane Patrick Houlihan
Harrison John Koppenhofer
Lauren Ella Kriz
Jonathan Jacob Kutash
Eli Lawyer-Smith
Sangeun Lee
Matthew Francis Looney
Jacob McElroy
Dillan Osborn
Benjamin David Otto
Haley Anna Polk
Jonathan Michael Reed
Harry Jackson Reynolds
Karlie Richman
Bennett James Rizner
Matthew Elliott Rose
Jeremy Rothstein
Elizabeth Ann Salter
Jeffrey Ryan Sauter
Owen Smith
Anthony John Spallone
Joseph Peterson Sprowls
Griffin Michael Thomas
Zhongren Tian
Spencer Yauch
Michael Zell
Xiang-Ying Zeng
Yoonjong Ahn
Ryan Carl Bull
Ryan Chamberlain
Justin Cirullo
Nathaniel Cox
Amy Marie Dehmer
Margaret Rose Del Col
Shripad Deshpande
Megan Dixon
Daniel Mark Drangstveit
Lauren Renee Fitzpatrick
Marat Gaziev
Vineet George Mathew
David Gibb III
Christopher Trent Gray
Shivani Handa
Douglas Hayes
Stephen Robert Hermes
Daniel T. Hersey
Mark Allen Hinton
Hayden Holbrook
Connor B. Horton
Shelby Vincent Jackson
Stuart Greggory Lambert
Kathleen Lynn Lavallee
Dong Geun Lee
Seunghun Jacob Lee
Gerardo Guillermo Leon
Ricardo Maurtua
Katherine Meadows
Daniel Merzlyak
John Cameron Mineo
Taylor Moran
Ryan Nelson
Yong Tao Adrian Ng
Brion Daniel Pellarin
Prem Sankar Ramachandran Pillai
Margo Sofia Rodriguez
Christopher Charles Ruller
Rhyan Clark Russell
Sabrina Alexis Delagana Sayoc
Blake Anthony Schulthies
Priyam Sengupta
Darlysa Yvonne Smith
Charles Joseph Sparks
Ty Kalin Stephens
Shunqing Yang
Lili Fu
Rainuk Ahmed
Robert Charles Amey
Kartik Amin
Alyssabeth Anderson
Jeffrey Ashton
Salah El Deen Rida Baassiri
Jonathan Barisano
Connor Kenneth Bell
Pratik Bhatia
Umang Bhatia
Griffin Wayne Bitter
Seth Blaeser
Ummul Kiram Bootwala
Jon Michael Bowers
Carlos Orlando Chavarria
Samantha Jo Chenery
James Chmiel
Gumin Edward Chung
Clarke Criddell Jr.
João Vítor Franco de Lima
Richard Draude
Nick Eberhard
Connor Field
Alex Friedman
Cameron James Friscia
Jacob Michael Gebhardt
Karen Marie Gilgenbach
Andrew Scott Hannel
Sophia Haroutunian
Christopher David Hoversten
Craig Jackson
Shreyal Jogani
Lisa J. Jordan
Tejinder Singh Kang
Priyanka Anil Kathar
Gyeongrok Kim
JungKeun Kim
Blake Kollin
Jugander Kumar
Thomas Leibowitz
Siyuan Li
Alvin Merritt McKenzie
Tyler Meister
Tinotenda Derek Mhlanga
Thomas James Miles
Shelby Miller
Ricky Cokro Mulieo
Hrishikesh Munj
Michael Stephen Napoli
Oren Penn
Jacob Alan Peterson
Rishika Manoj Pincha
Alexander Presman
Sahil Prasad Raje
Diptanshu Gautam Gopal Rao
Matthew Reynolds
Kenneth Rogers
Bryan Alan Seibel
Isaac Springfield Solloway
Giovanni Soto
Ryan Stevenson
Qihui Tang
Ryan Walulik
Daniel Weiss
Jacob Ryan Whalen
Joshua Gordon Wootten
Angelika Yeghiazaryan
Changmin You
Zhilin Zhu
Ramon Enrique Bouche Jr.
Anusuya Bandyopadhyay
Andrew A. Benson
Mackenzie Anne Brown
Jada Chanelle Burton
Blake Austin Castetter
Sunil W. Christian
Joshua Bernard Drosos
Sarah Fox
Ritza Garcia
Paige Goodwine
Holly Brianne Harrison
Ellie Marie Heckler
Matthew Joseph Helton
Holly Marie Hess
Frances Elliott Hodge
Michelle Ibarra
Latrease Danielle-Camille Johnson
Joseph Steven Keske
Lauren Lemonds
Kayla Daria Massy-Charles
Carter Andreas Michanicou
Andreas Emmanuel Nicolaou
Daniel Paris
Margaret Helen Peck
Ebony Providence
Prisha Ranjan
Lindsey Brianne Reisgies
Medina Sydykanova
Sabrina V. Vandergriff
Elizabeth Laine Welpott
Catherine Jean Wood
Xinyuan Zhang
Raghav Agarwal
Avi Ahuja
Iswerya Ajay
Pierce Jackson Lafayette Arvizu
Bradley Bacon
Tianshuo Bai
Carson Bauer
Avisha Bhalla
Komal Bhowsinka
Caden Bosak
Michael Boyle
Arianna Michelle Castellan
Casey A. Cotner
Aaron Cotumaccio
Andrew Alan Dykstra
Elijah James Earle
Yannick Fernando
Aidan Forbes
Kaitlyn A. Foster
Adam Edward Frankowski
Zachary Fung
Ajay Gupta Gopavarapu
Sarah Marie Groechel
Nischal Hande Gundmi
Viren Gupta
Justin Christopher Haake
William E. Harrington IV
Tanvi Hegde
Patrick Hennessy
Labiba Imdad
Anusha Jagdale
Henry Jiang
Lukas Marshall Johnson
Tara Hope Johnson
Satvika Kalia
Mansukh Kandhari
Pallavi Sanjeev Karande
Tushar Katiyar
Abigail Mieko Kawanishi
Natalie Katherine Kearney
Robert Kinney
Woosung Lee
Nathan Manworren
Sarah Elizabeth May
Catherine Elizabeth McGibbon
Vaishnavi Meda
Benjamin Miller
Luke Joseph Montgomery
Andrew David Morris
Matthew Jason Mossler
Hailey Elizabeth Mundell
Sohaa Sudhaunshu Mutsaddi
Loc Doan Nguyen
Venkata Sai Bhargava Nidamarthy
Cooper Oatess
Neha Pahuja
Rahil Naysar Parikh
Richard Nathaniel Paris
Justin Matthew Passer
Shraddha Patel
Jack Anthony Peterson
Anna Michelle Purdom
Kavin Balaji Rajendran
Nivedita Rao
Francis Peter Reardon
Luke Steven Reed
Annika Chandra Renganathan
Aaryn G. Richardson
Hyeonjin Ryu
Mukesh Raj Sankara Raj
Devang Pradeep Sankhe
Lauren Elizabeth Sawyer
Shail Amit Shah
Jacob Thomas Shutt
Eashita Singh
Ethan Chandler Smith
Anmol Sood
Po Sriplienchan
Paridhi Srivastava
Briggs Alexander Stoner
Shreya Sundaresan
David Sutanto
Kentaro Temma
Iason Stamatios Terezis
Christopher Nicholas Van Lieu
Ping-Chieh Wang
Alexis Jordan Waples
Samuel Warden
Trevor R. Webb
Trevor Weinstein
Andy Alexander Weisman
Andre Wijaya
Sierra Nicole Woodard
Thomas Xiong
Dania Abuassy
Mohamed El Said Ibrahim Abueid
Ali Agha
Richa Anand
Husam Banjar
Fahimul Bari
Brittni Barnett
Jacob Nathaniel Bennett
Justin Keith Birkhofer
Sam Prakash Bonigala
Mark Fraser Brocklehurst
Clayton Buckwalter
Amy Bultman
Angela Bywaters
Lin-Hsu Chen
Seung Yoon Chi
Bala Naveen R. Chilla
Zachary Curry
Gevano Dantu
Mhd Khaled Dardar
Joyce Daisy Mary David Llyods
James Benedict Dodd-o
Michael Edward Edelin Jr.
Obeahon Ereghan
Diana Marie Ervin
Christopher Felkey
Sangeeta R. Gehani
Arianna Gengaro
Jaleel Ahmed Gilliam
Austin Hammer
Brian Havens
Conner Hobbs
Bany Ismail
Jeffrey Justiz
Melanie Kang
Sridurgaprasana Kumar Korumilli
Shrinivas Damodar Kudva
Kin Man Lam
James Nephi Lance
Kin Kei Justin Lau
Connor Michael Leigh
Luis Fernando Macias Solano
Xavier George Manayil Joseph
Chaitanya Manthena
Makis McDonald
Jonathan Lee McDowell
Olufemi Babajide Onabowale
Shushrut Somashekhar Palled
Maria Joseph Deepak Paulraj
Saroj Priyadarshi
Richa Sahai
Esakki Sankar
Pushkar Sikka
Ashish Singh
Sandeep Singh
Muhammad Siraj
Selam Siyoum
Caitlin Grace Smith
Thierry Nayito Sodokin
Christopher Thomas
Aleksa Topalovic
Meenakshi Venkataraman
William Walker
Megan Carpentier
Daniel John Haba
Aharon Hannan
Won Jang
Tom Nguyen
Lisa Marie Pairitz Freers
Andrew Tyler Santee
Devon Glenford Williams
Emmanuel Adesanya Aladejare
Syed Adnan Aqil
Kevin Patrick Auger
Kishor Kumar Basina
Marlise Petersen Blackburn
Mark Robert Blanton
Claudia Alejandra Boeen
Justin Arthur Caldwell
Kristin Alexandra Chacko
Joshua Chelli
Nicholas James Francis
Trevor Decker
Caroline Miriam Edwards
Anna Gannon
Philip Guptill
Jack Thomas Hagedorn
Emily Kate Harris
Andrew Hatter
Chaehee Kim
Jiyeon Kim
Miri Kim
Sung Jin Kim
Akeem King
Jungyeon Koo
Brent Kress
Bhargava Kunapareddi
Kara Marie Levis
Lynn Patten Priestley Mahler
Nemanja Mihailovic
Bennett Ross Nast
Henry Anthony Novak Jr.
Kevin Andrew Pavnica
Hari Krishna Pemmasani
Sreedevi Rao
JeongWoo Shin
Preeti Shukla
Vanjula Lochana Talagala
Talytha Thrasher
Vanessa M. Tibbits
Timothy J. Williams
Jeffrey Wold
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
School of Education
Kayla Rose Agus
With Distinction
Alexis Alana Allcock
Alexa Leigh Altman
With High Distinction
Delaney Corinne Amsler
With High Distinction
Hailey Elizabeth Anderson
With Distinction
Thomas James Arndt
With Highest Distinction
Allison Michelle Asbury
With Highest Distinction
Jillian Jordan Balaskas
With Distinction
Braden Curtis Bartlett
With Distinction
Nicholas Pierce Bilotta
Serena Birmingham
With High Distinction
Emily Mary Blaiklock
Tyler William Bolinger
Sierra Rose Bowman
With Distinction
Samantha E. Boyle
Melina Kateri Burnah
Sophia Marie Cahlamer
With High Distinction
Angel Calvo
With Distinction
Chloe Dell Carman
Madison Elisabeth Carr
With Highest Distinction
Megan Elizabeth Caulfield
Elaine Kay Clarke
Morgan Elizabeth Clouse
With Distinction
Bridget Elizabeth Clyma
With Highest Distinction
Cameron Christopher Conway
Caitlyn Rhea Cook
With Highest Distinction
Isabella Sophie Coppola
Kayton Lynlee Corich
Elizabeth Caroline Costello
With Highest Distinction
Alexander Vance Cotterman
John Alexander Crane
Ella Cumming
Madison Marie Dahm
With High Distinction
Avery Tuttle David
Isabella Genevieve de la Navarre
Julia Christine Derheimer
With Distinction
Erinrose Catherine Dietsch
Katelin Anne Duba
With Distinction
Riley Quinn Eurton
With High Distinction
Ruth Fahnbulleh II
John Patrick Fox
Lauren Elisabeth Fox
With Highest Distinction
Ray Fredrick
With Distinction
Carly L. Fresher
With Distinction
Ellie Fry
With High Distinction
Mackenzie Erin Gahan
With Distinction
Alex Andrew Gall
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Christine Genovese
Lauren Giles
With Distinction
McKaila Delaney Godwin
Rebecca Hayley Gordon
With Distinction
Madison Ann Grime
With Highest Distinction
Robert Gordon Hannah
Noah Eric Hannon
With Distinction
Caitlin Elizabeth Hansen
With Distinction
Shauntell Donna Harris
ChloeElise Naomi Hemmerlein
Evan Jacob Hess
Megan Darlene Higgins
With Distinction
Natalie Paige Hogan
With Highest Distinction
Cassidy Horein
Kierstin Danielle Horlacher
With High Distinction
Kinsey Ann Hufford
With Highest Distinction
Julious Quinton Johnican
Amatul-Haleem Zayn-Wahab Karim
With Highest Distinction
Stella Kate Kempinski
Payton Elizabeth Kessler
Jamie Killian
Andrea G. King
With Distinction
Andrew Paul Klage
With Highest Distinction
Madison Grace Klein
With Distinction
Kenzi Makay Koch
With High Distinction
Maya Bitia Kpotufe
Dallas Robert Lang
Claira J. Laughlin-Foster
With High Distinction
Abigail Rose Leja
With Distinction
Wenhao Leng
Anne Leonard
Lauren Jill Liebman
Anna Louise Long
With Highest Distinction
Nathalia Juntilla Mamot
With Distinction
Courtney Amber Mansfield
With Highest Distinction
Emily Elizabeth Marcum
Caroline Kathleen Marot
With Distinction
Abigail June Martin
With High Distinction
Rachel Martin
With High Distinction
Erin Brigid Matos
With Distinction
Grace Madeline Mayo
With High Distinction
Maxwell Thomas McClellan
Kenneth Nelson McClung
With Highest Distinction
Brittany N. McCullough
With High Distinction
Kailyn Nicole McGovern
Gabrianna Michelle Meredith
Benjamin Jeffrey Miller
Caroline Grace Mills
Sydney P. Newman
Cadence Joanne Nichols
Itoreoluwa O. Olorunda
Kaitlyn Arlene Orick
With Highest Distinction
Tori Rose Origer
With Highest Distinction
Yuying Ouyang
With High Distinction
Josephine Lauren Pace
With Highest Distinction
Shelby Lynn Parsons
Niva Jigneshkumar Patel
Constantina J. Pavlidis
With Distinction
Joshua William Payne
Arianah Joy Pelt
Rebecca Ariel Reichman
With High Distinction
Grace Emilia Rennie
With Highest Distinction
Kaetlynn Liesel Reuter
With Highest Distinction
Brendan Emmery Riley
Madelynn Jean Robbins
With High Distinction
Kasen James Roberts
Tyla Joann Roberts
Mitchel Anthony Robinson
Kylie Ruggles
With Highest Distinction
Sayla Cheyenne Russell
With Distinction
Kacie Nicole Scales
Megan Joyce Schafer
With High Distinction
Jake Matthew Schulman
Emma Samantha Schwartz-Dodek
With High Distinction
Grace Jolie Seals
Morgan Grace Sell
With High Distinction
Lydia Danae Shepherd
With Highest Distinction
Natalie Renee Shirer
Jordyn Darcee Sloan
With Distinction
Benjamin Richard Smith
Derricc Smith
Faith Marie Stegemoller
With Distinction
Scott Andrew Supra
Karyn Lynn Taylor
With Distinction
Erin Thimjon
With Distinction
Diana Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Noel Toth
Hannah Lily Traub
Ashley Nichole Trotta
Ashley Michelle Truman
With Highest Distinction
Sarah Michael Vest
With Distinction
Sophia Kate Vukmirovich
With Highest Distinction
Jayleigh Jolene Wagoner
Megan Cynthia Wampler
With High Distinction
Sydney Lane Waterson
Paige Elizabeth Weliver
With High Distinction
Jason Patrick Wendt
With Distinction
Josie Katherine Wenning
Taylor Rey Wessel
With Highest Distinction
Halie Louise West
With Distinction
Kendall Elizabeth Wilkes
With High Distinction
Sydney Elizabeth Williams
Kelly Colleen Wyatt
With Highest Distinction
Maiya Allison Young
With Distinction
Jonathan Aldan Ada
Lindsey Anderegg
Carlee N. Andre
Kara Megan Atkinson
Gaia Attardo
Ana Syrel Baker
Faith Grace Baker
Stefanie Noel Baldauf
Brittney Belt
Christina Lee Blahovich
Danielle M. Boylan
Katherine Ann Boynton
Ta’Liya M. Braden
Victoria Lynn Brasel
Kenneth Lamarr Brown Jr.
Lauren Katheryn Brown
Zachary Daniel Burck
Leah Michael Bushey
Cassady Rose Cantu
Fanzhong Cao
Ryan Matthew Carlberg
Esmeralda Ceballos
Kirsten R. Chandler
Samuel L. Chenoweth
Jeffrey Alan Cox
Anne Delehanty
Ariacella Marie DelGrande
Brooke Ann Denny
Lauren Anne Doran
Holly Dukes
Samantha Ellison
Michael Andrew Fenters
Ruby Flores Camacho
Ian Fournie
Audrey Elizabeth Stuckey Fox
Abby Frasier
Allison Grace Freund
Anna Patricia Gálvez
Suzanne Lyle Gernert
Hannah Kathleen Gilchrist
Samantha Good
Savannah Grace Hadley
Isabella Noel Hamilton
Michelle Lynn Hardman Cabelus
Lauren Harris
Michael Peter Hawkes
Skylar Haywood
Patrick J. Healy III
Sarah Leslie Heath
Jordan Hill
Katelyn Dawn Hooten
Pei-Shan Hsieh
Wilson Matthew Hull
Jared R. Hunt
Aaron Michael Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Kari Jost
Rupinder Kaur
Luke Anthony Keller
Kristen Hope Kolodzik
Rachel Kucera
Shreeya Kulkarni
Jayla Gabrielle Langford
Emily Rose Laughlin
Mark Leh
John Arthur Leman
Hanna Suchanya Lim
Siyuan Liu
Anny Lu
Qianxu Luo
Kessler Grace McGarry
Nora R. Mcvey
Melissa Medin
Kelsey René Moody
Sarah Jan Murray
Elyse Marie Naples
Trent William Norman
Ja’Toria Palmer
Sui H. Par
Deborah Ann Pardue
Gabrielle Pawlak
Macarena Yeny Pelaez Salinas
Victoria Michelle Pfafman
Jessica Lynn Rabedeau
Megan Ashley Ransdell
Anthony Reyes
Jessica Richardson
John Richardson
Anna Riley
Sydney M. Ringer
Alejandro Rodriguez Olvera
Angela Roeser
Bethany Anne Romashov
Maria Ruiz
Madison Russell
Amin Ali Saleh
Alisa J. Schank
Robin Schwomeyer
Courtney Lynn Singleton
Lizetta Rose Smith
Briana Marie Snoddy
Maria Fernanda Soria Torrico
Ryan James Sosinski
Jaylin M. Soto
Kirsten Corinne Stenger
Carley Ann Streeter
Xiaojiao Sun
Sidney Shae Thimm
Ciara Thomas
Ethan Tristan Tinsley
Margaret Tobin
Else Claire Trygstad-Burke
Austin David Van Horn
Sofia Veraldi
Erin Elizabeth Wagner
William Boyd Walker Jr.
Christie Wicks
Evelyn Claire Williams
Yuwen Xie
Sophia Winsor Apgar
Grace DuBois Haigh
Hsueh-Chen Huang
Keelyn Ingmire
Katelynn Kennedy
Tara Elise Winters
Andrew John Adams
Major: Educational Leadership
Dissertation Title: A Program
Evaluation of Active Shooter
School Security
Research Chair: Janet Decker
Stacey Kay Arnold
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Experiences of
International Students Attending
Master of Social Work Programs in
The United States: Understanding
Barriers and Supports to Improve
Student Success
Research Chair: Megan Palmer
Ryan Lee Barnes
Major: Literacy, Culture and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: The Spirit
of Meaning: The Linguistic
Landscape of Atsuta Shrine
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Ryan M. Burns
Major: Literacy, Culture and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Reclaiming My
Story as Counternarrative: An
Autoethnographic Account of a
Queer Educator’s Journey Toward
Hope and Possibilities in the
Secondary Literacy Classroom
during Troubling Times
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Sarah Elizabeth Campbell
Major: Literacy, Culture and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Desahogarse:
Autobiographical Narratives with
Emerging Bilinguals
Research Chair: Serafin Coronel-
Troy Cockrum
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Student
Perceptions of Self-Reflection on
Video and Expert Peer Feedback
Research Chair: Thomas A. Brush
Jessica Michelle Esch
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Broken College
Promises: An Exploration of
Promise Scholarship Loss
Research Chair: Thomas Nelson
John Falchi
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Student
Perceptions of Adaptive Learning
to Inform Instructional Design
Research Chair: Curtis J. Bonk
Laura Fonseca
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Defending
Affirmative Action: A Qualitative
Content Analysis of Higher
Education’s Amicus Briefs in
Research Chair: Lucy LePeau
Tajharjha Lii Gibson
Major: Educational Leadership
Dissertation Title: Through the
Looking Glass: Perspectives of
Black Girls in a Predominantly
White Suburban School Setting
Research Chair: Janet Decker
Michele Lee Gribbins
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Determinants
of Instructors’ Intention to Use
Online Proctoring to Promote
Academic Integrity
Research Chair: Curtis J. Bonk
Teresa Sue Haeffner
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Grammar with
Context: The Search for Discourse
Contiguity in a Middle School
English Language Arts Classroom
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Carrie Ann Hansel
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Examining
Instructional Designers’ and
Faculty Members’ Relationship
Building and Perception of
Co-Design Higher Education
Research Chair: Gamze Ozogul
Cynquetta Chere Harris-Johnson
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Through a Dis/
ability Studies and Critical Race
Theory Lens: Black Families’
Perspective of Speech Language
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Jennifer M. Hatfield
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: A Case Study of
Student Perceptions of Online
Course Design Features in a
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Research Chair: Thomas A. Brush
Rebecca Horrace
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Exploration of
Actions and Literacies: A Nexus
Analysis of Discourses with Toys,
Media, and Technology During
Online Imaginative Playgroups
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Jacqueline Sue Huber
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Elements of
Professional Development that
Impact Technology Integration in
the Classroom
Research Chair: Anne Leftwich
Patricia A. Kelley-Nazzaro
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Culturally
Responsive Practice in the Role of
the Reading Specialist
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Kaitlin Tiegs Larson
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Challenging the
Norm: A Literacy Specialist’s
Approach to Developmentally
Appropriate Literacy Intervention
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Abbie Fuqua McClure
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Pre-service
Teachers Getting Comfortable
with Uncomfortable Conversations
in the Primary School Classroom
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Courtney Overton
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: A Practitioner
Inquiry to Examine Text Selection
Practices for Secondary Students
with Learning Disabilities
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Holly Pate
Major: Educational Leadership
Dissertation Title: Networked
Improvement Community
Development and Coherence in an
Urban Public School Setting
Research Chair: Chad Lochmiller
Chad Michael Phillips
Major: Educational Leadership
Dissertation Title: School Financial
Condition and Operating
Research Chair: Chad Lochmiller
Sun Mi Seol
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: The Use of
Guided, Role-based, and Small
Group Discussion Board to
Facilitate Peer Interaction in
Higher Education Online Courses
Research Chair: Curtis J. Bonk
Cheryl L. Stewart
Major: Literacy, Culture and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Still Standing:
Novice Teachers’ Stories of
Becoming and Resilience
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Shawnta Shicole Stockton Barnes
Major: Literacy, Culture and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: “Still I’ll Rise”:
Exploring Girls’ Participation
during Literacy-Rich Stem
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Tara Cambria Warmerdam
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Centering
Student Artwork as Sites of
Engagement, Possibility, and
Hope: Exploring Social Justice Art
with Adolescents
Research Chair: Mary Beth Hines
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
Luddy School
of Informatics,
and Engineering
Ahmed Hamood Khalifa Al Ghafri
Gabriel Aloi
With Distinction
Sultan Saleh Aloufi
Sandeep Amarnath
Moon Ray Appleby
Willem Jeffrey Armentrout
James Robert Ashcraft
Yashasvi Asuru
Andrew James Ault
Alexander Paul Bergen
Garrett Bess
William Cole Bontrager
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Alexander Bowman
With Distinction
Tanner R. Bray
Corey M. Briscoe
With High Distinction
Thanh Thanh Trinh Bui
Cassandra Lynn Chaput
Hector Cristian Chavez
With High Distinction
Ting Wei Chou
Servane Margot Cloteaux
With Highest Distinction
Dedra Ann Cole Downard
Nicholas Declan Cooksey
Trevor Joseph Cunningham
William Marshall Cutchin Jr.
Jacob Matthew Day
Edward William DeMars III
Muladili Diliyaer
Blake Arnold Dunaway
Jason Alan Schlaman Edwards
Samuel Estrada
With High Distinction
Fiel Cedric Soriano Fampo
Wade Burgess Fletcher
With Highest Distinction
Brandon Kenneth Flinn
Robert Christopher Frank
Adam Nicholas Fullhart
Peter Fyffe
With Highest Distinction
Brooklyn Elane Fountain Gibbs
Tyler Hunter Gibson
Sean David Goldthwaite
Aidan John Goodfellow
Jillaine Renee Grant
Billy Green
Marshal Phillips Gress
With High Distinction
Francisco Jordan Guzman III
Riley F. Halloran
Reece Nolan Heald
Andrew Heldman
With Highest Distinction
Elliot Christopher Helwig
Dylan Michael Herthoge
With High Distinction
Arthur Raphael Hertz
Jack Hilvert
Milton L. Hinnant II
Sophie Anne Horwitz
Trevor James Hosek
With High Distinction
Curtis Richard Howard
Mary Katherine Jagiella
Gabriel B. Jude
Ashok Kamath
With Highest Distinction
Daniel James Kapitan
Ben Kaplan
Arinah Nafeesa Karim
Caitlyn Ai Kay
Robert General Kellems
With Highest Distinction
Collin Levi Alexander Kinney
David Wade Kohler
Vincent Thomas Langlois
With Distinction
Eric Steiner Larson
Logan Scott Lay
With Distinction
Jungmin Lee
With High Distinction
Valender Leo
With High Distinction
Aidan Daniel Lesh
Zhi Li
Cameron Michael Line
With Distinction
Cade Low
With Distinction
Jeremy Juan Maldonado
Jonathon Thomas Mangan
Thomas Paul McDonnell
Ian James McKean
With Distinction
Tate Mitchell McKenney
Joshua Michael Meenan
Drew W. Mesker
Keegan Scott Moore
With Distinction
Parker Joseph Mores
Eric Elian Murillo
Adam Edward Nan
With Highest Distinction
Rozheen Nersisyan Malhami
Tyler John Oberbroeckling
Zachary Dale Orth
Austin Lee Parks
Dhruv Sanjaybhai Patel
Lucian Gabriel Petriuc
Annie Rose Pompa
With Highest Distinction
Michael Patrick Quinn
Samantha E. Rasmussen
Sidhaant Rath
With High Distinction
Julia Burness Rather
With Distinction
Michael Thomas Ridge
Wyatt L. Roberson
With High Distinction
Sarah Jayne Robertson
With Highest Distinction
Bryan J. Rodriguez
Maxwell Chase Rodriguez
Dean Hanley Roeser
Tyler Michael Rowe
Nadia Amr Sabry
Sunilsakthivel Sakthi Velavan
Noah Ferdinand Schenk
With Distinction
Corwin Orion Schmidt
Jane Schmidt
Jack Eldon Schwartz
Harold S. Sellappan
Philip Imrich Semnicky
Joshua Sensanbaugher
Samantha Sharp
With Distinction
Samuel Lee Shi
With Distinction
Michael Andrew Siler
With High Distinction
Cameron Simard
Jonah Cooper Simmons Slack
With High Distinction
Connor M. Smith
Stephen Michael Smith
With High Distinction
Phoebe Spratt
Kenneth Nathan Stabler
Jacob Sturgill
Haochen Sun
Samuel Eugene Tanner
Van Cung Thawng
Nicholas Christian Thoman
Johnson Tseng
With High Distinction
Grant Christian Waldow
With Distinction
Griffin Patrick Wall
Brian Matthew Ward
Brandon Matthew Wening
With High Distinction
Parker Dominic Weyer
Cooper Scott White
Cade Joseph Wilcoxen
Annelise Rose Wingard
Xihui Yao
Sophia Zhang
With Highest Distinction
Abiola Sheriffdeen Alagbada
Matthew Anthony Cannon
Riley Patrick Clauss
Peyton Elizabeth Crnjak
Dain Gordon Endris
Arielle Rose Kessler
Dae’Ja Andrea Lillard
Wendy Guadalupe Nava
Mallory Kay Pence
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Stephan Petrunich
Zakary Ross Powers
Alyssa Lynn Rieman
Kai Takesue
Nora Lorraine West
With Highest Distinction
Gavin Michael Augustinovicz
Kanin William Bender
Sarah Cowan Ghanegaonkar
With Highest Distinction
Chenghao Gu
Linjun Huang
Sami Alnahass
Thomas Walker Atkins
Wesley Daniel Austin
Tamer Belal Azzam
Adam George Bagnall
Harshit Bajoria
With Distinction
Bryant Balting
Connor James Bednarski
Alyssa Danielle Bergman
Adam Donald Berta
Roma Lin Bewley
With Distinction
Devyansh Bhatnagar
Mainak Bhattacharjee
Katherine Grace Bizila
With Distinction
Bennett Charles Blackwell
David Blackwell
Carter Wallace Blake
Sabrina Rae Blumberg
Tanish Sourabh Bora
With Distinction
Marco Borelli
William Phillip Bova
Caitlyn Rose Bowen
Joseph Breedlove
Luke Alexander Bright
Katherine Brower
Thomas George Burden
Natalie Elise Burke
Andrew James Campbell
With High Distinction
Natasha Carlton
Angie Bernice Carreto
Guy Jeffrey Wilder Cart
Chloe Autumn Casey-Machnikowski
With Distinction
Joshua See Chung Cheng
Woojin Choi
Nicholas John Christensen
Jacob Clark
Bryse Tyler Colwell
With Distinction
Drew Compton
Alexander Eric Cook
Jordan Timothy Costello
Aiden David Cox
Charles Douglas Crouse III
Trevor Cutshall
With High Distinction
Ethan Elliott D’Eramo
Megan F. D’Silva
Ryan Andrew Dalkin
With High Distinction
Joni Y. Dalton
With Distinction
Maxwell John Dankovchik
William Thomas Dannacher
Evan Dartt
Anna Lyn Deam
Christian Javier Delgado
Dominique Victoria Delghingaro
David Andrew Dennison
David Joseph Deputy
Krutang Desai
Matthew Steven DeYoung
Saul James Diagostino
Katherine Artemis Dickman
With Highest Distinction
Alana Dixie
Kelsey Drake
With Distinction
Arthur Cooper Duana
Cindy B. Dube
Samuel Joseph Durm
Alison Lora Dwyer
Jarrett Thomas Embry
LaDonna Denise Emeli Jr.
Samuel James Engers
Tate H. Ensmenger
Erkhembileg Erdenebileg
Hannah Grace Evans
Matthew J. Ewing
Raymond Victor Fagalde
Bridget Ann Fairns
Alyssa Susan Faltin
John Michael Farley
Zachary B. Flores
Sydney Ellen Foster
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Andrew Fulkerson
Henri Masashi Garcia-Hosokawa
Oluwatobi Adenle Gbadamosi
Ryan Zachary Geer
Eris Gjon Bocari
With High Distinction
Jose Manuel Gonzalez IV
Nicole Dawn Goodman
With High Distinction
Lansing Taylor Green-Hogue
Brett Campbell Gregory
David William Griffin
Rohan Gupta
Nathan Wrigley Gurtcheff
Nolan Nicholas Guth
Seong Hoon Ha
Brennan Daniel Hagemeier
Jackson Paul Hamm
Evan Bradley Han
Maxwell Harlow
Dylan Michael Harris
Jackson Bainbridge Harris
Joshua Hatfield
With Highest Distinction
Jiankun He
Chloe June Heiny
With High Distinction
Holt Henke
Lauren Eve Henning
With Highest Distinction
Samuel P. Hensley
Emanuel Hermosillo
Charles M. Herron
Dalton Kendall Hicks
Lena Moana Hilty
Harrison Samuel Hinkle
Evan David Hoy
Noah Huggins
Michael Hunter
Chasity Nichol Hyde
With High Distinction
Jackson Whitt Jewell
Zhihai Jiang
Dylan Cole Johnson
Dylan Wayne Johnson
Joshua Devon Johnson
Jacob Jones
Syed Nurul Kabir
Raghav Kalyan
Charles G. Kang
Guru Kappa
Jack Joseph Kassenbrock
Matthew Tadashi Kawanishi
With Distinction
Grant William Keller
Garland Lee Kelley
Chad Edward Kennell
Kelly Ann Kern
Donghwan Kim
With Distinction
Minsuk Kim
Tyler Andrew Kinney
Nathaniel Montgomery Klayer
Aaron Kleeman
Daniel Joseph Klimczak Jr.
Michael Klinkhammer
With Distinction
Kyle Robert Kluger
Scott Matthew Kramer
Michaela Anne Krawczyk
With Highest Distinction
Aspen Paige Lara
With Distinction
Rebecca Deiki Lasu
Jiajing Li
Corbin Joseph Libbert
Cidney Justice Lisembee
With High Distinction
Jacie Lin Little
With Highest Distinction
Conner Matthew Lockyear
With High Distinction
Nicholas Raymond Maestri
Miguel Carlos Manalansan
Isaac Mitchell Manlick
Nicholas Miranda Mathein
Jarod Matthew Maxwell
Sean McLaughlan
John William McNish Jr.
Mitchell Thomas McQueen
Lydia Corrine Meyer
Kial Ann Mitchell
William Patrick Mitchell III
Flor Esperansa Mojica
Tsion Awoke Mola
With High Distinction
Nicholas Monaco
Carson Jeffrey Mundy
With High Distinction
Morgan Alexa Munsey
With Distinction
Sarayu Nandipati
Matilde Nelson
My Nguyen
Anna Elizabeth Nichols
With High Distinction
Samuel Allen Northquist
Joseph Charles O’Dell
With Highest Distinction
Patrick Theodore O’Malley
Sean Thomas O’Reilly
Emmanuel Ogugua Jr.
Mariano Ortiz
Sarah Grace Paluszny
Nicholas Mathew Parackattu
Tianyu Peng
Dylan Dustin Perez
With Distinction
Kelsie R. Peters
With Distinction
Jackson William Pfister
Katherine Clare Pfister
Madeline Pfister
Christy Le Pham
With Highest Distinction
Robert Onchanh Phongchaleun Jr.
Elizabeth Nicole Pierce
With Highest Distinction
Jacob Ryan Plasterer
Jayda Poag
With Highest Distinction
Anna Elizabeth Poulsen
Philip Wayne Pratt
Michael Matthew Pucci
Gabrielle Ann Puzzella
With Distinction
Brayden Riley Reaves
Adam Lewis Regan Sr.
Connor F. Regen
Gage Scott Renner
Spencer Repkin
With Distinction
Emily Madelyn Rhee
Hansang Rhee
Cole Ritchey
William Aidan Roach
Mateo Roberto Rodriguez
Charles James Romano
Ingrid Romero
Ethan Pattick Roudebush
Grant Rude
Seunghoon Ryu
Isatou Samba
Jacob Harrison Samm
Margaret Paige Saul
With Highest Distinction
Madelyn Treva Schackart
Wyatt Scheele
Nicholas Daryl Schimpf
Hallie Elizabeth Schmucker
With Highest Distinction
Jake Ryan Schoenegge
Cameron Steed Schultz
Nicholas Andrew Schutz
Jinon Seo
Prithviraj Mehul Shah
Blake Shannon
Muhammad Sidibe
Sydney Elise Simpson
Grant Stephen Smith
Henry Daniel Starnes
Collin Hunter Statz
Patrick Thomas Storm
Parker Ryan Studer
Brandon Sydow
Victoria Elizabeth Sykes
With High Distinction
Zachary William Tackett
With Highest Distinction
Zhiheng Tao
With Distinction
Peyton L. Teepe
Yi-Hung Teng
Carson Adel TerBush
With Highest Distinction
Jack Earl Thrasher
Evan Daniel Todd
Jarod C. Tonte
With Highest Distinction
Chazz John Troester
Connor J. True
Michael Tuaty
Chimeddorj Uuganbayar
Michael Vaddi
Christian Jaffet Valenzuela
Shriya Vankadara
Gerardo Vargas
Patrick Raymond Viduya
With Distinction
Ryan Volk
Scott Wagner
Audrey Elizabeth Walczak
Dayne Alexander Waldal
Jack William Waldron
Xiaochen Wang
Yuanxin Wang
Austin Warren
Timothy McCreary Weaver
Eric Robert Weeks
Sarah Elizabeth Welvaert
Blake White
Isiah J. Wilkerson
Nicholas David Michael Willham
Brant Thomas Wilson
With High Distinction
Aung Win
Samuel Wojcik
Reid Logan Worth
McKenna Carol Wylam
With High Distinction
Jia Chen Xia
Yangling Xiong
With High Distinction
Harrison M. Yelton
Garry Young Jr.
Adam Michael Zahn
Jia Zhou
Hamad Alkaabi
With Distinction
Mobarak Ali Khamis Al Shaer
Benjamin Anuolu Bamidele
Joseph Clemente Bellahcen
With High Distinction
Dominique Miguel Clark
Logan Conner Cleaveland
Caleb Eastman Cook
With Distinction
Jay Patrick Ermi
Garrett Robert Fairbanks
Alec Joseph Funari
Gianfranco Louis Gonzales
Kai Zanie Grise
Daniel Elijah Hansen
With High Distinction
Delaney Hayes
Fadi Tyler Hayik
Carmen Victoria Hernandez
Ryan Joseph Herrington
Logan Stewart Houchin
Zachary Christian Kaufman
Cameron Michael Middleton
Nicole Catherine Miller
With High Distinction
Isaac Francisco Navarrete
Orevaoghene Hanniel Omodior
With High Distinction
Jonathan Michael Ott
Max Roesler
With Highest Distinction
Zain Smith
With Distinction
Katelyn Elizabeth Stinson
Eric Matthew Tatman
Dawson Wesley Thompson
Matteo M. Vidali
Cooper Young
Jack Doehrman
Quinton D. Lord
Sarah Joy Prause
Mohit Tuli
Min Kyung Baek
Kaela M. Bailey
Grace Elanor Biermann
Jerome Dennis Bingham
Sarah Kathryn Braunstein
Jaycee Kay Chapman
Seth Seaborn Cope
Rebecca Craft
Micaela Ilisza Deogracias
Kathryn Michelle Edom
Erika Giddens
Christine Marie Goss
Katherine Grace Hamori
Lauren Hash
Ryan Thomas Hedrick
Alexus Hunt
John Andrew Knight
Rachel Laura Knight
Sara Lawrence
Holly Nicole Lemna
Rachel Thilan Lettner
Sarah Elizabeth Lopez
Cassandra Elizabeth Machenheimer
Mary Katherine O’Hara McConahay
Myren Mitchell
Jack Haig Nighan
Roopa Pandit
Julia Watkins Parkinson
Benjamin T. Parnin
Joshua Peters
Cassidy Polack
Sarah Joy Prause
Caleb Anthony Schuster
Bethany Katharine Smith
Anne Stewart
April Marie Urban
Mia Jolie Watts
Farzaneh Behzadnia
Supriya Bidanta
Dhanusha Duraiyan
Karan Milind Acharya
Pranav Palani Acharya
Prerna Vinod Achtani
Raja Simha Reddy Gangadhar
Sultan Saleh Aloufi
Sanket Harishchandra Bailmare
Shivam Balajee
Chandan Bangalore Shankar
Deepak Singh Bhadoriya
Shubham Narendra Bhagat
Shubham Bipin Kumar
Vamsi Vardhan BommaReddy
Snehith Bootla
Samuel Alexander Bowman
Corey M. Briscoe
Soumyajit Chakraborty
Ashutosh Chapagain
Jagrut Dhirajkumar Chaudhari
Aman Chaudhary
Kamna Chaudhary
Suyash S. Chaudhary
Jaydeep Thakorbhai Chauhan
Raj Chavan
Venkata Sarath Chelikani
Sri Varsha Chellapilla
Praneeth Kumar Chityala
Servane Margot Cloteaux
Brad William Cooley
Shardul Kanchan Dabhane
Vicky Amar Daiya
Ameya Bhushan Dalvi
Mohit S. Dalvi
Sanket Atmaram Darwante
Suma Priya Davuluri
Prathmesh Deshmukh
Jyothsna Devaiah Devanira
Ujjwal Dubey
Pratyush Duklan
Samuel Estrada
Ryan Stanley Furtado
Peter Fyffe
Nidhi V. Galgali
Aravind Ganta
Raghunadham Gattu
Parnal Anil Ghundare Patil
Aditi V. Gode
Aidan John Goodfellow
Marshal Phillips Gress
Saurabh Gulati
Anmol Gupta
Francisco Jordan Guzman III
Riley F. Halloran
Ashutosh Husainali Hathidara
Prasad Hegde
Shashank Holla
Sai Manasa Ivaturi
Satin Sunil Jain
Sai Kiran Jella
Rohan Joseph
Sripad Joshi
Nikhil Sanjay Kamble
Harishanker Brahma Kande
Tanu Kansal
Aditya Vamsi Kanuparthi
Kiran Karandikar
Deepak Kasi Nathan
Manognya Katapally
Manideep Keerthi
Srinivas Kini
Sai Nikitha Kodetham
Jiayi Kong
Chaitanya Sunil Koparkar
Divya Kothapeta
Atharva Vinit Kulkarni
Yash Ramesh Kumar
Chinmay Kunte
Sai Jagan L. Lakku
Vanita Lalwani
Gavin Henry Lewis
Nikhil Mahadevaswamy
Niket Malihalli
Akhilesh Gowda Mandya Ramesh
Melissa Rochelle Mathias
Cole Metzger
Bhawna Mishra
Keegan Scott Moore
Abhijeet Sridhar Muralidharan
Akshay Venkatesh Murthy
Nagadarshan Nanjundaswamy
Vamsee Krishna Sai Naramsetty
Praneeth Nerusu
Sushant Nirantar
Nivya Jomichan
Krutik Atulkumar Oza
Shruti Manish Padole
Lalit Pandey
Atharva Amit Pandit
Sanika Anil Paranjpe
Sumanth Pasupuleti
Snehal Dilip Patare
Dhruti Sunil Patel
Rutul Pragneshkumar Patel
Ankush Vijay Pathak
Shubham Bhaurao Patil
Aditi Shivaji Pednekar
Rushikesh Chandrakant Pharate
Kavya Tejaswi Polukonda
Annie Rose Pompa
Ravichandra Pothamsetty
Sri Harsha Vardhan Prattipati
Akshay Puthanmari Murali
Shiwani Rajagopalan
Abhay Bharat Rajde
Ramya Ramasamy
Rishab Ravi
Bryan J. Rodriguez
Aditya Arun Rudrawar
Paritosh Rajendra Sabade
Kartik Sabharwal
Sumedh S. Salvi
Sania Sachin Salwekar
Purna Chandra Sanapala
Amol Dattatray Sangar
Kumar Saurabh
Meet Jatin Shah
Navkar N. Shah
Abhishek Sharma
Rajesh Sharma
Umang Mohan Sharma
Harshit Rakesh Shiroiya
Abhinav Sinha
Aishwarya Vijay Sinhasane
Preethi Sivakumar
Harsh Srivastava
John Douglas Stein
Sachitha Suresh
Purnima Tushar Surve
Manasi Swaminathan
Siddharth Tata
Shubham D. Thakur
Vedant Yatrik Vachharajani
Harsha Valiveti
Nithin Anand Varadharajan
Saranya Venigandla
Parth Verma
Vrushab Hanumesh
Kshitij Wagh
Rutuja Sanjay Waghachoure
Arpita Ajit Welling
Annelise Rose Wingard
Naga Mani Datta Akhil Yenisetty
Wenxi Yu
Sophia Zhang
Hadi Abbas
Arjun Gowdgere Amarnath Acharya
Abhinav Ache
Aman Agarwal
Srimanth Agastyaraju
Tanay Agrawal
Hrushikesh Dattatray Akhade
Sai Giridhar Rao Allada
Athulya Anand
Amar Ananth
Sushmitha Keerthy Anekal
Harsh Kirtikumar Atha
Anisha Bajaj
Abhinav Bajpai
Jacob Charles Barney
Akash S. Bhapkar
Nikunj Bhatia
Chandra Sagar Bhogadi
Raj Bhowmik
Sylvia Satyaratna Boddu
Meghana Boinpally
Dushyanth Reddy Bonthu
Kinjal Brahmbhatt
Ritwik Budhiraja
Sri Venkata Sai Anoop Bulusu
Hithesh Busetty
Aditya Shekhar Camarushy
Pranav Vijay Chakilam
Sreelaxmi Chakkadath
Dinesh Reddy Challa
Shachi Chaugule
Gautam Chauhan
Raghav Chegu Shyam Kumar
Hanish Chidipothu
Sai Charan Chintala
Durga Sai Sailesh Chodabattula
Shiue-Yuan Chuang
Bhavya Ajaykumar Desai
Kushal Desai
Vikrant Anil Deshpande
Rahul Devajji
Harshaavardhan Devaraj
Sai Saathvik Domala
Dharani Doppalapudi
Andrew Doto
Greeshma Sai Sree Duggireddy
Nagasai Lalith Dupathi
Steven James Ford Fields
Sandeepkumar Gaddam
Rohit Gampa
Meenakshi Sundaram Ganapathy
Umesh Kumar Gattem
Rahul Gattu
Aryaman Bidhan Gobse
Saishree Kiran Godbole
Rahul Gomathi Sankarakrishnan
Aashay Gondalia
Joshua Lawrence Goodman
Jillian Kay Gorski
Godha Priyanka Gummula
Karan Manojkumar Gupta
Samardeep Singh Gurudatta
Shruthi Gutta
Anurag Tanaji Hambir
Himanshu Hansaria
Gaurav Harsha Sangappa
Mahadevan Narayanan Iyer
Naga Harsha Jagarlamudi
Mansi Jain
Aditya Joseph James
Madhav Ketankumar Jariwala
Nikhil Sanjeev Jaywant
Dheeraj Jeevagasami
Nitanshu Joshi
Maheeka Kaistha
Anushka Niteen Kamerkar
Shyam Kumar Kanuru
Prashasti Karlekar
Amit Kasera
Neeraja Katha
Harshit Khandelwal
Aanshuk Suresh Kitawat
Joel Klein
Roopank Kohli
Tanvi Chandrashekhar Kolhatkar
Sri Veera Sesha Sai Bhavik Kollipara
Usha Bhanu Komaragiri
Sushant Sachin Kotwal
Logan Kreisher
Sreesha Srinivasan Kuruvadi
Sumit Lakhawat
Abhirav Dhiren Lande
Keshav Likhar
Shefali Mahendra Luley
Lauren Madar
Sasidev Mahendran
Nikunj Malpani
Srilekha Malraju
Vishwanadham Mandala
Shriya Mandarapu
Amrutha Tejaswini Manikonda
Gandhali Kashinath Marunmale
Saumya Hetalbhai Mehta
Sushant Sujit Menon
Siddhant Sunil Meshram
Davin Jonathan Miller
Calvin Milligan
Aoi Minamoto
Muhammad Mujtaba Mir
Muhammad Murtaza Mir
Chakshusman Mishra
Shubhangi Mishra
Seth A. Mize
Pramey Mukesh Modi
Prabakar Mohan
Jonathan Troy Monser
Churchil Moondra
Sai Hari Chandan Morapakala
Vivek Raju Mudaliar
Sarvathanayan Muralidharan
Param Nagda
Phanidar Nalla
Abhijit Nayak
Heungseok Oh
Arpan Ojha
Ajinkya S. Pahinkar
Eeshan Pancholiya
Aditya Pandey
Abhisek Panigrahi
Mihir Ravindra Patel
Ashish Patidar
Avinash M. Pawar
Manideep Varma Penumatsa
Asha Rani Pondicherry
Yashwitha Reddy Pondugala
Jacob Posel
Aditya Pradeep
Shriya Reddy Pulagam
McKenzie Quinn
Visweswaran Radhakrishnan
Sarvesh Ganesh Ragade
Vaishnavi Rajini Mohan
Sricharraan Ramaswamy
Tejasram Ramesh
Kiran Rangwani
Parth Ravindra Rao
Varsha Ravi Varma
Sai Prajwal Reddy
Tanmay Suresh Redhu
Thomas J. Reynolds
Rohith Venkata Reddy
Pratap Roy Choudhury
Nidhi Vraj Sadhuvala
Adit Rajesh Sadiwala
Akhila Sakiramolla
Saranjeet Singh Saluja
Shardul Anil Samdurkar
Sakshi Vijay Sanghvi
Tanish K. Sanghvi
Satyajeet Sarfare
Jacob Sauberman
Shubham Saurabh
Ayush Yogesh Sekhsaria
Kowshik Selvam
Henish M. Shah
Himani Shitalkumar Shah
Yash Kalpesh Shah
Karthik Shathiri
Ujwala Shenoy
Riya Venugopal Shetty
Vishwas Shivakumar
Krithika Shivaram
Vishwa Shrirame
Yash Shrivastava
Rohan Shukla
Khushboo Singh
Raman Singh
Manu Singhal
Anisha Sinha
Shanmukha Rajasekhar Somireddi
Andrew Eric Sommers
Amatya Sonbhadra
Aditi Sanjay Soni
Sathish Soundararajan
Ritwik Srivastava
Saurav Subash Prasad
Paveethran Swaminathan
Venkata Sai Pavan Anvesh Tamidala
Asad Tanveer
Ruchir Shamkant Tatar
Mitali Tavildar
Sahith Thupakula
Ashutosh Tiwari
Akshay Sharad Tiwlekar
Samaneh Torkzadeh
Xin Tu
Vanshika Upadhyay
Peter Kina Uthuppuru
Shreyas Sunil Vaidya
Srinivas Yashvanth Valavala
Nanda Kishore Vallamkondu
Sesha Sai Krishna Valluri
Keerthana Reddy Varakala
Akhil Varma Vegesna
Sumitha Vellinalur Thattai
Sai Varun Datta Vemavarapu
Akhil Venu Gopal
Nithin Nataraj Vusirikala
Mrunmay Wade
Pragat Wagle
Bhushan Bapuso Yadav
Zihao Zeng
Shruthi Andru
Hengyi Bai
Maria Soledad Benitez Casaccia
Preiyal Bhalla
Sampada Bhatnagar
Ritwik Bisht
Junjin Chen
Yu Ting Chen
Nikhil Dinesh
Bhavik Pravin Donga
Niran Donthireddy
Stephen Samraj Ebenezer
Yash Niranjan Hemmady
Antara Yogendra Jagtap
Sonal Jaiswal
Yongshang Jiao
Huchong Jin
Rohan Ramanand Kamath
Nishad Vijay Kumbhare
Anqi Li
Yao Li
Xin Qiao Liao
Xinyi Liu
Vinit Dilip Mankar
Young Hwan Na
Xingjian Ni
Ashay Nigam
Meet Kanaiyalal Palan
Naval Pandey
Akanksha Ramlal Patil
Xueyang Pi
Varun Anil Pimplé
Yatrik Raithatha
Pareshi Rajveer
Hengyi Ren
Farheen Samad
Adhith Shanmuga Sundaram
Ayushi Sharma
Lavanya Subramanian
Jui-Ting Sun
Akriti Thakur
Sitha Ram Vallabhaneni
Sourya Suguna Varanasi
Jiaqi Wang
Yihua Wang
Eric Eugene West Jr.
Kevin Wu
Yijie Xiong
Xiaoxiao Xu
Han Yang
Tong Ye
Di Zhou
Jue Zhou
Ashley M. Bochner
Yoshiaki Fujita
Tristan Gohring
Seung Wan Ha
Dan Li
Aria Pessianzadeh
Nicholas Michael Russo
Patrick Wall
Saddam Abbas Al-Zubaidi
Benjamin Anuolu Bamidele
Zheng Chen
Austin James Curtis
Anna Nicole Everett
Elijah C. Mitchell
Adam Harley Morrow
Michael Joseph Randall
Nicholas A. Riina
Ryan W. Tow
Adam Jeffrey Will
Andrew Clifton Willis
Brian Yu
Madhav Mehta
Samuel Eli Sedziol
Dewesha Sharma
Kannan Mani Subramanian
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
Maurer School of Law
Khaled Mohamed Ali Abouelkassim
Anas Mohammed Alsulaiman
Soyeon An
Muskan Badhoria
Emilio Bonalumi
Gregorio Casoni
Sergei Dmitriachev
Meschac Felisma
Iuliia Ipatova
Yoon Hee Koh
Ang Li
Immaculate Gesare Mogusu
Asada Prashyanusorn
Francesca Pia Schioppo
Damisa Simasathien
Alice Elizabeth Simm
Don Uneanong
Ahmad Abdulkhaliq Alamri Sr.
Muflih Saud A. Almughyirah
Sultan Alqahtani
Qin Chen
Ahmed Saleh A. Enani
Yage Huang
Hwi Won Kim
Celso Maziteli Neto
Chieh Li Pai
Zijin Yan
Ruilong Zhang
Allissa A. Aardema
Michelle E. Abramczyk
Abigail Akrong
Madison Christiane Alexander
Omar Nasser A. Alhunti
Ilker Atamer
Mariam Ba
Jacy Rose Baber
Benjamin Nelson Bailey
Summa Cum Laude
Christian R. Baldwin
Bryan David Barber
Cum Laude
Jacob Beavin
Cum Laude
Benjamin W. Bejster
Cum Laude
Colin Tyler Bennett
Kena Sifa Bere
Elizabeth Ellyn Berg
Cum Laude
John Brayton Bignotti
Magna Cum Laude
Lucas Brown
Rachel Alyse Brown
Jonathan Buckles
Cum Laude
Caroline Elizabeth Bunting
Sydney A. Cathcart
Ammon Clemens
Matthew Patrick Clifford
Rebecca Dayle Conrad
Magna Cum Laude
Natalie Cook
Cum Laude
Daniel Benson Cooper
Cum Laude
Trevor J. Coval
Cum Laude
Chloe Nicole Craft
Cum Laude
Samuel Crawford
Brandon Clay Crotser
Haley Steinmetz Crum
Magna Cum Laude
Bradley Scott Davis
Mariah Nichole Davis
Ethan Matthew Benefiel Dawson
Abigail Crosley Dehmlow
Raul De La Rosa III
Cum Laude
Conor Lee Delehanty
Catherine Marie DeMetrovich
Allison Taylor Denton
Taylor Ray Derebery
Simon Luke Doughty
Cum Laude
Erin Faye Duffin
Briana Elexus Elizondo
Lydia Morphet Elmer
Cum Laude
Samantha Inez Espada
Alexandra Christine Esposito
Caysey Jean Farmer
Sidney Fimiani
Ian Finley
Cum Laude
Evan Fitzgerald
Ashley M. Fleetwood
Cum Laude
Seth A. Foutty
Thomas James Gaier
Kamryn Taylor Gallardo
Cum Laude
Robert William Gassman
Nicholas James Gerstbauer
R. Kaden Gilchrist
Michael John Gilger
John Gilmore
Magna Cum Laude
Brennen Vincent Goodin
Bronwyn Green
Nicole Samantha Greenberg
Kyle Chandler Gross
Karson W. Hartz
Keenan Zachary Haynes
Madison M. Heiney
Kaitlin Louise Herrera
Norman Steinhofer Hezlep
Magna Cum Laude
Lauren Hicks
Brian David Hills
Cum Laude
Katrin Christine Hodson
Marcus Charles Phillip Hoekstra
Cum Laude
Kody Hoikka
Rae Anne Horner
Olivia Katherine Houston Robbins
Cum Laude
Kuang-Yuan Hsiao
Lillian Huff
Cum Laude
Franklin Hunt-Gonzalez
Branden Alexander Jackson
Connor Thomas Jett
Kameron Thomas Johnson
Cum Laude
Trevor Jones
Gurleen K. Kahlon
Rebecca Leah Valdovinos Kaye
Amy So Young Kim
Judy Kim
Richard Kim
Courtney Lynn Kintz
Cum Laude
Zoe Kolender
Cum Laude
Chandler A. Lacy
Alexis Joy Laginess
David Alan Lebby Jr.
Magna Cum Laude
Zachary Kenton Lewis
Elias Michael Little
Madison Elizabeth Long
Collin Lundy
Haozhen Ma
Yaqi Ma
Nicholas Christian Maier
Cum Laude
Samuel Charles Markel
Magna Cum Laude
Madison Martin
Cum Laude
Emily McConville
Magna Cum Laude
Richard Stephenson McEwan
Cum Laude
Thomas Jennings McLaughlin
Rachael McMillen
Chase Michael
Cum Laude
Andrew M. Monroe
Matt John Monte
Chance Palmer Moore
Nathaniel Moore
Cum Laude
Zoe Morgan
Cum Laude
Brennan Matthew Murphy
Magna Cum Laude
Alexander Thomas Myers
Kelsey M. Napier
Magna Cum Laude
Chandler Michael Nelson
Andrew Phillip Nguyen
Cum Laude
Seth Niemi
Scott Michael Nolan II
Matthew O’Brien
Cum Laude
Grace Ojebuoboh
Philip Michael Ouweleen
Magna Cum Laude
Jacob Augustus Pallotta
Zhengze Pan
Roopa Pandit
Kristy Alice Pardo
Pooja Patel
Christian Eric Pederson
Monica Elisabeth Pence
Kaylee Perrine
Victor M. Peters
Harrison Mosby Peyton
Jessica Pamela Pinto
Hannah Louise Pitcher
Magna Cum Laude
Caden Pociask
Cum Laude
Ingrid Radulescu
Gabriel Harrison Retz
Madeline Leigh Richmond
Magna Cum Laude
Megan Riley
Ethan Henry Roberson
Mya Robinson
Alexa Rose Rojas
Chase Rose
Andrew Craig St. John
Maya Salinas Lavelanet
Natalie Kay Schmid
Madison Jean Schroeder
Daniel Schumick
Magna Cum Laude
Tara M. Sellen
Hadley A. Smithhisler
Summa Cum Laude
Carrie Beth Speer
Luke E. Steffe
Cum Laude
Marten James Stein
Cum Laude
Matthew Strother
Lorna Mirren Sture
Alexander James Theohares
Tajah Adilah Thomas
Nicholas George Thompson
Hannah Vittorio Trimpe
Magna Cum Laude
Ryan Peter Tsivitse
Eline Van den Bossche
Cum Laude
Ryan Waite
Eric Michael Warman
Brie Warnick
Megan Lynn Wheeler
Kyla Nicole Willhite
Kara Alexis Williams
Magna Cum Laude
Di’Anna Lenise Wright
Jayse Wyatt
Zachary Gary Yauger
Aiah Yobah
Wen T. Zheng
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
School of Medicine
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
Jacobs School of Music
Anna Seda Ambartsumian
With High Distinction
Paul Stockdale Armitage
Sydney Jean Ballensky
Jake Vincent Basil
With High Distinction
Nathaniel Thomas Berry
Sheng Bi
Blanton Boso
Elijah D. Bowen
August Jacob Brown
Jimena Pilar Burga Lopera
With High Distinction
Nicholas Ryan Burr
Kyle Michael Cantrell
Aislin Rose Carpenter
With Highest Distinction
Bryn Elise Carrier
With Distinction
Irene J. Castillo
With High Distinction
Jerrell Charleston
Justin William Clark
Erich Morgan Corfman
Mackenzie A. Cotton
Miles Damaso
With Highest Distinction
Xinglan Deng
Kylie Irene Dickinson
Jodi Hannah Dunn
Trinity Fan
With Distinction
Xiangyu Fang
Alexander James Farrar
Eliza Natalia Folkert
Elizabeth Jane Goodwin
Margaret Ruth Goree
Monacella Gracia
With Highest Distinction
Madeline Rose Grenier
With High Distinction
Sarah Maria Grosse Perdekamp*
With High Distinction
Anna Marie Gruzas
Jamey Guzman
With High Distinction
Gee Woun Han
Cameron Michael Henry
With Distinction
John Heo
Kathleen Marie Hoffman
Qiyang Hong
With High Distinction
Benjamin Matthew Hoppe
Chanelle Trumata Junio
With High Distinction
Charles Anthony Kanne
With High Distinction
Solomon Geoffrey Keim
Alexander Keiser
With High Distinction
Janice Chaeyeon Kim
With High Distinction
Dylan Lee Kinneavy
With Distinction
Julia Amiee Koehler
Andrew Kreitner
John Michael LaCombe
Mathew Joseph Lee
Angela Nicole Leeper
Joseph Lamar Linde
James Vincent Linder
Daniella Anna Lombardi
With Highest Distinction
Nathan Wells Magley
Hudson Maness
With Highest Distinction
Harrison Michael Marable
Megan Leigh Martin
Broner Wayne McCoy
Larsen McFadden
Abigail E. Michaels
Alexandra Kelly Mortensen
Chase M. Murray
Olivia Josette Myers
With High Distinction
Lauren Rae Nicholls
Tristan Paradee Hensley
Gregory Andre’ Patterson
Carter McKinley Pearson
Marcel Bryce Penzes
Aglaja Petrova
Antoinette Claire Pompe van
Nicholas Anthony Recktenwald
With High Distinction
Jaxson Alexander Rives
With Distinction
Chloe Gwynne Robbins
Andrew John Roembke
Sophia Grace Romaine
Christopher Handman Santos
Ari Conrad Schuldt
With High Distinction
Alexis A. Schulte-Albert
With High Distinction
Ariel Sol Bertulfo Schwartz
With High Distinction
Nathanael Scott Seman
With Highest Distinction
Kaiwen Shi
Robin Shin
Jacen Lawrence Smith
With High Distinction
Jakob K. Spino
Nicholas Keith Stigall
With Highest Distinction
Connor Austin Stratton
Casey Denver Street
With Distinction
Sophie Thorpe
With High Distinction
Lara Van Vuuren
Maeve Elizabeth Whelan
With High Distinction
Timothy Eliot Willis
Shiu Chung Wong
With High Distinction
Katherine Nicole Zeda
Jillian Boes
With High Distinction
Elijah D. Bowen
Kyle Michael Cantrell
Kylie Irene Dickinson
With Distinction
Benjamin John Fogarty
Julia Rose Ford
Andrea Garcia
Elijah Scott Gardner
With High Distinction
Angela Diane Gullo
Yoav A. Hayut
Holly Risa Kittredge
Eleanor Margaret Kopp
With Distinction
John Michael LaCombe
Nathan Lange
With Distinction
Jeffrey Mayfield
John Kent McCaffrey
With Distinction
Madeline Moran McCarthy
Larsen McFadden
Sydney I. Morrow
Lily Susana O’Mara
With High Distinction
Sebastian James Sarre
With High Distinction
Nathanael Scott Seman
With Highest Distinction
Jacen Lawrence Smith
With High Distinction
Jasmine N. Vann
With High Distinction
Joshua P. Wavle
With High Distinction
Tyler Bryant Williams
Paul B. Yoo
Daniel Erik Ahrendt
Justin Donovan Berish
Ryan Jun Kaneko
With Distinction
Bo Eun Kwak
Alec Spencer Lubin
With High Distinction
Sarah Grace Paluszny
Jack H. Read
Antonio Enrique Rosario Hoover
Michael John Sears
With Distinction
Maya Marjary Toffler
Garrett Kenneth Francis Treanor
Gabriella Lauren Walker
Jaya S. Dhand
Emmanuelle M. Hendrickson
Amanda Rose Norcross
With High Distinction
Pierce Andrew Baruk
With High Distinction
Sarah Elizabeth Cassidy
Elaina Carol da Fonte
With High Distinction
Ariana Dickerson
With Distinction
Peyton Alexa Godfrey
Mia Frances Gonzalez-LLorens
With High Distinction
Samantha Margaret Goodelle
Sage Michael Hamm
With Highest Distinction
Anna Grace Hargett
With High Distinction
Christina Marie Henares
With High Distinction
Felicity Emily Kratky
Yiyou Lin
Lui Luangkhot
Harrison Michael Marable
Thomas Montgomery
Hannah Newsome
With Highest Distinction
Haley Rose Paulin
Sarah M. Pfeiffer
With High Distinction
Jonathan Evan Rickert
With High Distinction
Joaquin Truman Alejandro Ruíz
Cameron Leigh Smith
Tierney Della Solmo
James Criswell Starkey
Anastasia Marie Sullivan
With High Distinction
Robert William Wente
Katherine Palmer Zak
With High Distinction
Aaqil Abdullah
Marvin Wayne Allen II
Colin Anderson
Michelle M. Astorsdotter
Kelsea Breanne Au
Sarah Rachel Reyes Bacani
Jeonghee Bae
Tinca Belinschi
Morgan Lenay Bernat
Christina Lee Blahovich
Laura Elizabeth Bottei
Maxwell Franklin Brown
Jake Alexander Buckner
Joseph Orion Canter
Marinna Beth Carmichael
Wei-Yun Chang
Youjin Cho
Younje Cho
Chih-Yi Chu
Youlim Chung
Thomas Allen Cravens
Kathiana Dargenson
Collin Paul David
Chance Donald Davis
Michael DeLano Deshield
Wenyuling Ding
Anna Brittany Elizabeth Dorey
Evan Duffey
Catherine Grace Elmer
Garrett James Fasig
Daniel Benjamin Fields
Andrew Phillip Flanagin
Cecelia Rose Fornuto
Grace Forrai
Matthew Cody Fowler
Zoe Alicia Freisberg
Thomas Vincent Frost
Elliott Edward Fus
Nathan Preston Gardner
Adrian Lee Golay
Nicholas Cordell Goodson
Caroline Marie Goodwin
Jessica Yi Gu
Xinyue Gu
Kelly Loren Hamm
Pulip Han
Yuntong Han
Catarine Sophia Hancock
Kaleb Thomas Hascall
Aidan Nicholas Hedrick
Seyedehparastoo Heidarinejad
Gabriel David Hernandez
Inkyo Hong
Jikun Huang
Qishan Huang
Ha Eun Hyun
Kiyoun Jang
Mengfan Jin
Hunter Thomas Johnson
Suim Jung
Scott Kelley
Haeun Kim
Soojin Kim
Sunghyun Kim
Yoo Jeong Kim
Youjin Kim
Cameron Todd King
Heather Lee Kirschner
Kayla Elise Kramer
Cheng-Yu Kuo
Theresa Elizabeth Labuda
Shannon Elizabeth Lally
Sarah Fiona Le Van
Nhat-Quang Xuan Le
Eunji Lee
Hyunjoo Lee
Jaewoo Raymond Lee
Joyce Jiyeon Lee
Yeonju Lee
Grace Lerew
Peter A. Lerner
Shuyi Li
Yicheng Li
You-Xin Li
Gina S. Lincoln
Alice Elizabeth Lind
Chiao-Rou Liu
Fangfang Liu
Liuyan Liu
Shengjie Liu
Erica Rae Lovato
Havuka Lund
Eion Lyons
Zhimeng Lyu
Quinton M. Mashler
Nathan M. Matsubara
Bryan Andrew McClary
Spencer Eli McIntire
Joseph Francis McKeever
Robert Jeremiah Mead
Elias Daniel Medina
John Michael Morrow
Samuel Francis Mullooly
Graham Sterling Mynatt
Drew Michael Neal
Jack Haig Nighan
Douglas Henrique Nunes
James O’Toole
Inkyung Oh
Zhihui Pang
Manuel Agustin Papale Schwarz
Euijin Park
Sojeong Park
Soomi Park
Lydia Anne Parker
Nathaniel Chase Paul
Zephaniah Pearlstein
Matthew Rene Perez
Terrence B. Perrier
Jacob George Pierson
Regan Virginia Poarch
Victoria Ponella
Alexander Lee Price
Elizabeth Queen
Brandi Michelle Quinn
Daijing Ren
Rees Taylor Roberts
Nelson Adrián Rodríguez Garza
Jasper Rogal
Lev Roshal
Kibum Ryu
UiJeong Ryu
Katie Sensanbaugher
John Curtis Sevy
Scott Jacob Sgueglia
Sohyun Shim
Jacob C. Simons
Graves Pearce Smiley
Rachel Jisoo Sohn
Bennett Lowell Spotts
Duncan Bruce Steele
Noah Thomas Steele
Benjamin Redd Strong
Xiangwei Sun
Ruyue Tan
Alexandra Hope Taylor
Alex Brian Tedrow
Nicholas A. Thomas
Alexander Frederick Thome
Marcus Joseph Timpane
Sergey Tkachenko
Alexander Nathan Toth
Joseph Thomas Trahan
Else Claire Trygstad-Burke
Brandon Vaughn
Charles Javier Vega
Matthew David Wachtman
Malinda Wagstaff
Anan Wang
Di Wang
Guosi Wang
Sihan Wang
Ting-Yu Wang
Wanli Wang
Yicheng Wang
Nina Weber
Bastian Rasmus Windisch
Nicholas Tyler Winkles
Michele M. Wong
Xiaogang Xiang
Hongjian Yan
Siyi Yan
Sarah Peiying Yang
Hyunjae Yoo
Jingwei Yuan
Mingyuan Zhan
Hengyuan Zhang
Wenlong Zhang
Danlin Zhao
Xiaoyi Zhong
Yizhou Zhong
Tiffany Nicole Bowen
Benjamin Pollack
Danae Lee Pick Redick
Evan Coble Roberts
Alex Brian Tedrow
Laurel Gagnon
Francesco Granata
Daeun Han
Lyndon Liang Ji
Jaemyeong Lee
Zhaoyuan Qin
Aubrey Ann Shumway
Erina Marisa Buchholz
Avery Cardoza
Wen-Yu Chen
Yeong Kwang Choi
Drew Edward Comer
Kristen Marie Diederichs
Justin Tyler Foelker
Hillary Rae Fuller
Jennifer Anne Gaffney
Olivia Candace Gronenthal
Mingzi Han
Yongjun Han
Gabriel Harris
Tse-Rung Huang
Tzu-Ling Hung
Jimin Hwang
Ilina Grigorieva Ilieva
Rui Jin
Kathleen Marie Johnson
Watcharit Kerdchuen
Dohee Beatrice Kim
Eunsu Kim
Margaret Maija Kinabrew
Ubeeng Kueq
Mekhla Kumar
Ji Hyun Lee
Theresa Simone Lier
Shengjie Liu
Raul Sergio Lozano III
Spencer Eli McIntire
Abolade Adeleye Olatunji
Maisah Sabirah Cynthia Outlaw
Jonathon Wesley Piccolo
Abigail Katherine Pitts
Susan E. Powell
Anna Rigoni
Chase Hopkins Sanders
Jacob Urey Thompson
Arthur Traelnes
Uicheol Uhm
Tianyu Wang
Yuexuan Wang
Steven Michael Warnock
Ling Chung Timothy Wong
Mei Yin Grace Wong
Rui Xi
Layne Michael Anspach
Major: Horn Literature and
Final Project: Lyrical Etudes for the
Intermediate and Advanced Horn
Research Director and Chair:
Richard Seraphinoff
Eun Jin Bang
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: The Art of Piano
Transcriptions: Exploring the
Solo Piano Version of Franz Liszt’s
Research Director and Chair: Émile
Diego Felipe Barbosa Vásquez
Major: Orchestral Conducting
Final Project: Model for the Creation
and Leadership of Sustainable
Opera Camps
Research Director and Chair: Arthur
Connor Michael Barney
Major: Guitar Literature and
Final Project: E Pluribus Unum: A
Comprehensive Ensemble-Based
Guitar Method
Research Director: Brent Gault
Committee Chair: Petar Jankovic
Rachel Y. Chen
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Understanding and
Teaching Piano Students with
Research Director and Chair: David
Yu Hsuan Cheng
Major: Horn Literature and
Final Project: The Relationship
between Languages and Brass
Research Director and Chair:
Richard Seraphinoff
I Ping Chiu
Major: Horn Literature and
Final Project: Progressive Orchestral
Etudes: Repertoire-Specific
Exercises for Horn
Research Director: Richard
Committee Chair: Jeffrey Nelsen
Catherine Lynn Compton
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: 19th Century
Lieder by Women Composers: A
Pedagogical Anthology for Young
Research Director and Chair: Mary
Ann Hart
Sara Christine Erb
Major: Bassoon Literature and
Final Project: Modern Bassoon
Techniques: A Performer’s
Guide to Dai Fujikura’s Calling,
Following, and Secret Leaves
Research Director and Chair:
William Ludwig
Grant Lewis Farmer
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Development of
Choral Tone Through a Vocology
Lens: Using Informed Language
in Rehearsal to Achieve Desired
Research Director: Brian Gill
Committee Chair: Carolann Buff
Micah Robert Fleming
Major: Historical Performance
Baroque Violin
Final Project: Ethnic Villancicos of
Gaspar Fernandes: Performing in
a Modern World
Research Director: Dana Marsh
Committee Chair: Stanley Ritchie
Lucas Wilhoit Fletcher
Major: Organ Literature and
Final Project: A Grande Restoration
for a Petit Ensemble: The
Restorative Conservation of Kilgen
Opus 5395
Research Director and Chair:
Christopher Young
Lesley Anne Friend
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: An Introduction to
Musical Theatre Pedagogy &
Research Director: Brian Horne
Committee Chair: Carol Vaness
Samuel Carson Myhre Grace
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Choral Music and
Gatekeeping Theory: A Model for
Ethical Practices
Research Director and Chair:
Dominick DiOrio
Esteban Hernández Parra
Major: Viola Literature and
Final Project: Resuena Abya Yala:
Decolonial Practices in Bowed
Strings Learning and Performing
Research Director: Javier León
Committee Chair: Mark Holloway
Pak Lok Alvin Ho
Major: Orchestral Conducting
Final Project: A Conductor’s Guide
to Interpreting Beethoven’s Ninth
Research Director and Chair: Arthur
Josué Andres Jiménez Morales
Major: Tuba Literature and
Final Project: An Insight and
Comparison on Selected Standard
Undergraduate and Graduate
College Audition Repertoire for
the Tuba
Research Director and Chair: Daniel
Samantha Kelly Johnson-Helms
Major: Clarinet Literature and
Final Project: Creating new Career
Paths in Music: A Graduate Level
Minor Field Curriculum in Music
Entrepreneurship for Performers
Research Director and Chair:
Howard Klug
Jae Eun Kim
Major: Choral Conducting
Final Project: Edward Elgar’s Te
Deum and Benedictus in F Major,
Op. 34: A Critical Edition
Research Director: Dominick DiOrio
Committee Chair: Betsy Burleigh
MinJi Kim
Major: Violin Literature and
Final Project: Sunnam Kim,
Forgotten Korean Composer of the
Korean War and His Violin Song
Early Spring
Research Director: P.Q. Phan
Committee Chair: Mark Kaplan
Younkyung Kim
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: William Byrd’s My
Ladye Nevells Booke: A Guide to
Interpretation and Performance
Research Director and Chair: Jean-
Louis Haguenauer
Alonza Brandon Lawrence
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Dismantling the
Necessity for Vocal Code-
Research Director: Lauren Richerme
Committee Chair: Wolfgang Brendel
Melinda Ann Leoce
Major: Percussion Literature and
Final Project: Percussion for
the Non-Percussionist: A New
Approach to Teaching the
Methods Course
Research Director and Chair: John
Shuyu Lin
Major: Composition
Final Project: Ya (Cliffs of Moher)
for Orchestra
Research Director and Chair: David
Louis Lohraseb
Major: Orchestral Conducting
Final Project: Performing Pietro
Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana
Research Director and Chair: Arthur
Graham Roger Mackenzie
Major: Oboe Literature and
Final Project: Sharpening the Oboe
Reed Knife: Current Methodology
and the Development and Use of
the Mackenzie Knife Sharpening
Research Director: Kyle Adams
Committee Chair: Linda Strommen
Richard Andrew Miller
Major: Percussion Literature and
Final Project: The Language of
Drumming in Afro-Brazilian
Candomblé Ketu: A Method Book
Based on the Performance Practice
and Improvisation Strategies of
Jorge Alabê
Research Director: Javier León
Committee Chair: Joseph Gramley
Jiyeon Min
Major: Violin Literature and
Final Project: Life Strings for Solo
Violin by Noam Sivan: Analysis,
Comments, and Performance
Research Director and Chair: Mark
Dominic Joseph Muzzi
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Four Reflections: A
Worthy Addition to the Modern
Performing Pianist’s Repertoire
Research Director and Chair:
Roberto Plano
Nicholas Neal Nesbitt
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Exercise Science and
the Singing Voice
Research Director and Chair: Brian
Robert Rankin
Major: Composition
Final Project: Concerto for Wind
Research Director and Chair: P.Q.
Mica Redden
Major: Horn Literature and
Final Project: Taming the Beast: A
User’s Guide to the 21st Century
Research Director: Richard
Committee Chair: Jeffrey Nelsen
Yuseok Seol
Major: Composition
Final Project: Rusty Railway
Research Director and Chair: Don
Andrew Sang-Woog Sohn
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Robert Schumann’s
Carnaval: A Product of
Research Director and Chair: Émile
Nicha Stapanukul
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Learning Theories:
Why Should They Be Important to
Artist-Teachers and Applied Piano
Studio Teachers?
Research Director and Chair:
Norman Krieger
Timothy Joel Stephenson
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Is It Unteachable?
Establishing a Method for
Teaching Communicative
Musicality to Advanced Students
Research Director and Chair:
Norman Krieger
Eleni Antonia Taluzek
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: The Pedagogy of
Byzantine Chant
Research Director: Brian Gill
Committee Chair: Timothy Noble
Lok Hei Tam
Major: Composition
Final Project: Wabi-Sabi
Research Director and Chair: P.Q.
Brent Arthur te Velde
Major: Organ Literature and
Final Project: J.S. Bach’s Fugues
with Borrowed Italian Subjects
Research Director and Chair:
Christopher Young
Andrew Lawrence Voelker
Major: Collaborative Piano
Literature and Performance
Final Project: A Guide to the Single-
Poet Song Recital through Musical
Settings of Poetry by Edna St.
Vincent Millay
Research Director: Allan Armstrong
Committee Chair: Kevin Murphy
Shiyu Wang
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Interpreting and
Performing Bach’s Goldberg
Variations on the Modern Piano:
A Study of Score Editions and
Research Director and Chair: David
Benjamin Taylor Watkins
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Cryptology and
Hidden Meanings in the Late
Piano Music of Johannes Brahms
Research Director and Chair:
Evelyne Brancart
Carmund Theodore White
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Tenor Transitions:
Three Pedagogical approaches
Research Director and Chair:
Timothy Noble
Ruoyang Xiang
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Picturing Rhythm:
Ravel’s Miroirs
Research Director and Chair:
Menahem Pressler
Benjamin Kaing Yee-Paulson
Major: Composition
Final Project: Symphonic Suite of
the Fine Arts
Research Director and Chair: Aaron
Yue Yin
Major: Voice Literature and
Final Project: Thirteen Chinese
Art Songs by Zi Huang: A Bridge
Between the East and the West
Research Director and Chair:
Patricia Stiles
Xun Zheng
Major: Piano Literature and
Final Project: Analysis of J.S.
Bach’s Keyboard Partita No. 2 in
C Minor BWV 826, Differences
in Realization of Expression in
Different Keyboards
Research Director and Chair: André
Heather Lynn Beers
Major: Music Education
Final Project: A Historical Analysis
of 100 Years of Heterogeneous
String Method Books
Research Director: Brenda Brenner
Committee Chair: Patrice Madura
Kexin Xu
Major: Music Education
Final Project: The Relationship
among Self-Efficacy, Intrinsic
Motivation, and Self-Worth of
Adolescent Singers
Research Director and Chair: Peter
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
School of Nursing
Anna Steele Avery
Saraya Jolie Barton
Avery Dayn Biggs
Noah E. Blessing
Taryn Lilly Bowie
Kacey Christine Brickley
Margaret Rose Buffo
With Highest Distinction
Carrington J. Bultemeier
Sierra Burkholder
Braden Caswell
Adriana Sarah Cattan
Anna Cook
Chloe Ann Couch
Sarah Elizabeth Daggy
Claire Davis
Aissatou Diallo
Alivia Divine
Mariama Hilary Falke
With Highest Distinction
Heather Lynne Fields
Jessica Ruth Fix
Lillian Kinder Fountain
Mia Lauren Graziani
Grace Olivia Gumino
Hope Elizabeth Gummere
Megan Taylor Hall
Clarke Halliburton
Payton Noelle Harder
Morgan Kay Hardy
Abigail Lois Hays
Katelin Hess
Sarah Holman
Mallorie Lucille Howard
Hayley Jane Huff
With Highest Distinction
Mallory Paige Humphrey
Karen Maureen Hunckler
Alexis Leighanne Ice
Diana Yvette Jimenez Ronquillo
Hanna McKenze Jones
Hannah Grace Kay
Brook Logan Keesling
With Highest Distinction
Ellen Kay Gibbs Kirby
Kaitlyn Alyssa Krajnovich
Caroline Rose Laderer
Sarah Lai
Rebecca Lancaster
Sarah Elizabeth Maddy
Emily Maersch
Sinclair Ellen Maine
Hadley G. Malloy
Madison Skye Martin
Kelsey Mayse
Lauren Grace McClain
Meaghan McFatridge
Hyunji Lee McGinness
Abigail L. Meek
With Highest Distinction
Serena Nicole Morris
Alexa Jomarie Villacastin Ongtawco
Miranda Christine Paladino
Aaliyah Y. Perdieu
Payton L. Pokorney
Amanda Poling Coffin
Grace Ann Rasche
Emilie E. Reinking
Diamond Marie Richardson
Lindsey Emma Ross
Grace Ryan
Sidney Rayne Schaefer
Madelyn Scott
Isabella Grace Seavers
Kaitlin Cheyenne Sims
Madelyn Diane Smith
Clare Frances Spiegel
Katie Marie Steenberg
Anna Marie Swinehart
Taran Michel Tavares
Matthew Timothy Tellas
Ashley Terrill
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Nicole Thacker
Alexandra Ana Vjestica
With Highest Distinction
Micah Danielle Wagers
Olivia Michelle Wilson
Ashleigh Rebekah Worth
With Highest Distinction
School of Optometry
Zoey Daet
Emma Patricia Acton
With Highest Honors
Heba Allam
Senayet S. Allen
Bailey Catherine Laine Alter
With Highest Honors
Zena Issam Atcho
Gabrielle Anne Bailey
Lauren Nicole Barber
Emmalee Elaine Bardwell
Kaitlyn Nicole Baskerville
With Honors
Kennedy Anne Belangee
Katrina Louise Black
Madison Marilyn Borchers
With Highest Honors
Jeremy Richard Bray
Emily A. Brill
Keely Annmarie Brouhard
Ramsey James Brown
Kelli Bruce
Molly Elizabeth Bute
Alyssa Ann Calta
With Highest Honors
Jeremy Carson Caylor
With Highest Honors
Annie Michelle Collett
Olivia Caroline Cook
With High Honors
Kaila Marie Coots
Darren Louis Crissler
Garrett Lee Davis
Hannah DeGroot
Dana Theresa DeVito
Spencer P. DuBro
Kaitlyn Anne Duran
Emily Ann Eherenman
Olivia Rose Elston
With Honors
Lauren Elizabeth Ewald
Austin Emory Fay
Bethany Irene Ford
Paige Ford
Ashley Marie Gray
Emily Rose Hackbarth
With Honors
Chad Andrew Herschberger
With Highest Honors
Lindley Marie Higham
Mary Elizabeth Holder
James Vincent Horvath
Morgan Danielle Hunter
Troy Michael Juenemann
Mitchel Steven Kemp
Anna Nicole Kneiert
Adam Christopher Kunovski
Benjamin Byungjin Kwak
Nathan Michael Larson
Mariah Faith Lucas
With High Honors
Jack Richard Lund
Vincent Salvatore Maniscalco
Hannah Massa
Sydney Mei Masters
Andrew Joseph Milder
With Honors
Bret Alan Miller
Desiree Rose Miller
Tyler Joel Minnich
Anthony Benjamin Mitchell Jr.
Kennedy Emilia Neukam
Lan Thanh Nguyen
Natalie Ann Ogle
With High Honors
Alyssa Olin
Princess Ann Ostine
Jessica Marie Palmer
Gobinda Pangeni
Katelyn Marie Pawlowicz
Tanya Victoria Petruk
Andrew Dale Pifer
Alexa Prieur
Natalie Qarana
Deanna Rene Rankin
Debra N. Rankin
Noa Rene Robson
Kelsey Beth Roquet
Olivia Ruiz
Tess Elise-Sue Schulz Russell
Lotus Tian En Schifsky
With Honors
Samantha Kelly Schlesman
Olivia Ashton Schmidt
Jillian Elizabeth Schnibben
With Honors
Brett Alexander Schrank
With Highest Honors
Nicole Aileen Scott
Aalaa Shahin
Cydni Marie Shearer
Samuel Soda
With Highest Honors
Erica Lee Tharp
Alexander Theodore Tsiakopoulos
Madison Rae Van Grinsven Bosh
Hannah Joy Wudtke Wagenknecht
Emily Wangen
Caroline Elizabeth Wanner
With High Honors
Karsen Lee Weldon
Riley Jane Wilson
Cassidy Jane Wyatt
Lindsey Erin Zavala
Breanna D. Zeller
With High Honors
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
O’Neill School of Public
and Environmental
Jerrett Patrick Alexander
With Highest Distinction
Katherine Basey
Matthias Benko
With Highest Distinction
Brenna Marie Callan
With High Distinction
Angelina Athena Cannon
Hannah Evelyn Chamberlain
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Louis Cipparrone
McKenna Rose Conway
Isabella DeMarco
With High Distinction
Jacob Isaac Eckels
With Highest Distinction
Sebastian Emmert
Anna Isabel Engel
Marion Gale
Kara Nicole Gealy
With Distinction
Emelyn Rachel Godby
Sophia Elizabeth Hall
Ava Hartman
With Highest Distinction
Noor Saba Heintzelman
Meghan Nicole Hinson
Samuel Rhys Houghteling
Emilie Louise Johnson
Riley Jo Kirsch
Tiffany Luong
With High Distinction
Luke Andrew Marlow
Van Levi Mathias
Emma Lynne Milton
Adam Shea Needles
Emma Elizabeth O’Connor
With Distinction
Brandon Scott Olson
Nikhil Reddy Palde
Emily Elizabeth Robertson
With High Distinction
Lillian Grace Rust
With Distinction
Camryn Schneidau
Riley Elaine Seddon
Samantha Shafer
Natalie Socrates
With Highest Distinction
Ashley Nicole Stout
India Street
Abigail Marie Swift
Lydia Caroline Walker
With Distinction
Ahmed H. Al-Awadi
Flora Arthur
With Highest Distinction
Ian Benjamin Ausdal
Vivienne Emma Badynee
Isa Balle-Voyles
Katelyn J. Bentley
Braden Lawson Buehler
Hallie Lenore Buese
Saketh Chilla
Keaton Z. Clulow
Sydney Madison Coffey
With High Distinction
Kathryn Marie Coughlin
Katie Curry
With Highest Distinction
Yueyao Deng
With High Distinction
Sean Martin Gumbert
Shelby Lane Hodge
With Distinction
Eric Benjamin Jaacobi
Henry Geddes Jacobson
Grant Samuel Lerner
Madeline Louise Moore
Jacob Brooks Newsome
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Ramos
Trey Gordon Schwartz
Sarah C. Shutters
Owen Tanksley
Connor Michael Vincek
Emma Claire Youngman
With Highest Distinction
Margaret Mary Zielinski
Alex Christoph Beihold
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Nicole Birch
With Distinction
Ty Allen Bogemann
Ava Adair Busenbark
With High Distinction
Grace Elizabeth Cochran
Allyson Danielle Collins
With High Distinction
Wolfgang van Thienen Davis
Eli Samuel Eckert
Tara Fenderson
Erin Elaine Fulford
With Distinction
Sophia Agatha Georgiades
Christopher Thomas Hagele
Franklin Hou
Thomas John Knotek
Benjamin Michael Koontz
With High Distinction
Torin Ulrich Kray-Mawhorr
With Distinction
Alexandra Reece Logan
Nicolo Lovinello
With High Distinction
Patrick Ryan Mooney
Austin Ryan Slabaugh
Colin Allen
Dheepa Anandan
Oluwanifemi Gift Anikoh
Caden James Bosler
Adrienne Michele Bryant
Abigail Jane Burns
Brooklyn Isabella Burton
Elizabeth Capek
Jazmin Castro
Ryan Christopher Chester
Kennedy Nicole Clark
Jackson Scott Cooley
Tateana Imani Cutter*
Madelyn Grace Dalton
With Highest Distinction
Preston Deonte Davis
David S. Delfiner
Muhamed Jalen Diallo
Hannah Dillon
Kendra K. Doerr
Jonathan L. Dusleag
Ethan Hurst Eltzroth
With High Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Fleetwood
Christian Gettelfinger
Scott Thomas Grabowski
Julia Grishin
Isabella Sophia Hamm
Emily Hume
Anahy Jimenez
Paul Edward Jones
Marissa Lynn Kepler
Alexa Claire Koch
Filip Alexander Kosel
With High Distinction
Jordan Marie Kraus
Beau James Lamey
Giang Le
Mallory Kay Lehmann
Lily Hui Magdalene LeMonte
With Distinction
Zachary Rothschild Levy
Carson Livingston
Robert Louk Jr.
Shannon Anne Mackey
Amelia Marie Magyar
Peyton J. McHale
Shreya Natesh
Alexis Emily Olivarez
With Distinction
Jacqueline Page
Calista Elyse Parras
Sanjana N. Patel
Nolan E. Peifer
Noah Todd Pequignot
Evan Anthony Pica
Fiona Ming Bo Rees
With Distinction
Lia Rose Rynberk
With Highest Distinction
Regan Ann Schlader
Alyssa Briann Schneider
Zachary J. Schneider
Alisha Shultz
Emily Nicole Smith
Erica Tate
Tori Jae Turner
Erin Margaret Twomey
Sadie Vollmer
John Wagoner
Grace Eleanor Wellman
With Highest Distinction
Megan Marie Whipple
Sean Wesley Williams
Wade Adam Williams
Jessica Youssief
Maoying Yu
Jillian Zalewski
Madeline Renee Zirkle
Omar Adly
Abraham Saeed Ahmed
Kaitlin Marjorie Albertson
Austin Albin
Brenda Marie Almeida
Nicholas Amos
Sydney Lynn Androne
Carina Elizabeth Antonini
With High Distinction
Stephanie Renee Archbald
Andrew L. Armstead
Courtney Ann Armstrong
Isaac R. Babb
Lauren Joy Bailey
Megan Lindsay Bankowski
With Highest Distinction
Yutong Bao
Jack Robert Baradziej
Haouliatou Barry
With High Distinction
Luke Gerald Baughman
Johnathan Bautista
Safina Beaty
With High Distinction
Courtney Nicole Bell
With High Distinction
Kate Olivia Bendalin
With Distinction
Hailey Angel Benko
Caroline Vickery Bernhardt
Kelly Elizabeth Berry
Sigal Bezahler
With Distinction
Carolyn Ellise Bezotte
Sammy Isaac Bitchatchi
Amanda Clark Boggs
Luke Bond
Keara Lee Namara Bosa
Kylie Joann Bostock
Nate S. Bowman
Grace Katherine Brautigam
With High Distinction
Claire Marie Brewer
Jackson Kade Brosmer
Jack Henry Brown
With Distinction
Eva Nicole Brungard
With Highest Distinction
Charles Hopper Bumgardner
Connor Burke
Judah Mercy Burt
Christian Bussman
Micah Travail Aaron Camble*
Emma Thi Campolattara
With Highest Distinction
Conner Andrew Carlock
Brooke Kaylyn Carr
Camila Carrillo Garbiras
Matias Nicolas Carrillo
Morgan M. Carter
With High Distinction
Derek Sullivan Cavanaugh
Justin Cerbone
Taylor Douglas Chadwick
Lewis Chandler
Jonathan Matthew Chase
Nathan Trent Childress
Gabriel James Chumley
Lillian Rose Clarke
With Distinction
Megan Coddington
James David Cohee
With Distinction
Samuel James Conrad
Avery Ann Cordon
Austin Lee Coulter
Adam Christopher Cox
Joelle Anna Cox
Olivia Grace Craig
Owen Mitchell Crowel
Peyton Henderson Daggy
Taylor Shanice Dale
Michael Day
James Cleveland Decker III
Coy Michael DeJong
Matthew Francis Dela Cruz
Justin Thomas DeVince
Carter Joseph Devlin
Dawson Elliott Dewar
Evan Michael Richard Diamente
Harrison Michael Dinius
Christopher Matthew Dollens
Alexa Rheann Donsbach
Aaron Jason Dougherty
Matthew Scott Douglass
Brendan Dowell
Ava Grace Dugan
Anthony Eggers
Asiya Zoya Ehsan
With Distinction
Kathleen Marie Ellingson
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Conner Emsweller
Antonio Eduardo Eraso
Sol Estrella Estrada
Lydia Faith Evanson
With Highest Distinction
Peyton Faldoe
Alyssa Nichole Fennig
Madison Ferguson
With High Distinction
Cameron Allen Field
Alida Marie Flores
Luke Anthony Forszt
With Distinction
Cole A. Foster
Eli Maxwell Fox
Molly Fox
Jonathan Robert Frazier
Lydia Kay Freeman
Katharine May Frisbie
Joseph Benjamin Furfaro
Madeleine Mable Grace Furlow
Kennedy Ann Gabor
Brian Christopher Gaffney
David Gallant
Andy Garcia
Abigail Stephanie Garcia-Flores
Henri Gaspard Leon Jr.
Andrew Brian Gavette
Liam M. George
Cecilia L. Goad
Jacques William Goffinet
Adithya Gogul
Lauren Nicole Goldman
Lindsey Kaye Goldstein
With Distinction
Gavin Michael Goode
Adam Nathaniel Goodman
John James Gordan III
Cora V. Gordon
Eveline Gordon
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Joseph Graney
Vincent Michael Greene
With Highest Distinction
Benjamin Greller
Blake Jameson Gribben
Cole Steven Gross
Gabriel Martin Gross
With High Distinction
Katherine Lucia Grote
Deaton Patrick Grove
With Distinction
Haley Haddad
Thomas Hagerman
Audrey Katherine Hakanson
With Highest Distinction
Joshua A. Hall
Ava Jane Hampton
Aidan Patrick Haney
Abigail Corinne Harmon
Jackson Adam Harreld
Lee Garner Hartman
Brock Harrison Hatfield
Jack Wessel Heflin
Nicolle Rene Helms
With Highest Distinction
Natalie Carol Helmy
Cecelia Hemingway
Estelle Marie Henke
Ryan Jason Henry
Tyler David Hicks
Samuel A. Hohlt
James Edward Hoke
Matthew Edward Hoog
Paige Elyse Hopkins
Alexander Hoyt
Rachel Leeann Huddleston
Joseph James Ianigro
Sergio Eduardo Ibarra
Hannah Elizabeth Jackson
Briana Sharon San Miguel James
Ian Henry James
Yulee Jang
Brady Christopher Jarosinski
Anna Sumari Jassim
With Highest Distinction
Jessica Rae Jeffries
Yingtao Ji
Tianyi Jiang
Xingnuo Jiang
Quina Johnson
Julia Claire Johnston
Mary Judson
Jesse Dylan Kaltman
Derek Martin Kaluf
Maxwel Alan Kane
Kara Katic
William Kellerman
Jake Robert Kelley
Ayawna Rene Kemp
With Distinction
Jackson Kerber
Lucas James Kessler
Abeel Naseem Khayyam
Mary Lynn Kiarie*
With High Distinction
Hunter Thomas Killion
Kaitlin Inyoung Kim
Bridget Lynn King
Katelyn Rose King*
With Highest Distinction
Dimitrius Kiritsis
Jordyn Hope Kirsch
Alexandra Klein*
Nora Holland Kline
With High Distinction
Olivia Nicole Knarr
With Distinction
Molly Frances Koetter
With Highest Distinction
Tynder Madison Kopczynski
Jason Benjamin Krumper
Roey Ben Kuba
Alexis Anna Kubas
Luke Kubehl
Madison Alyse Kubiak
Kaylee Noel Lane
Matthew Bryan Lapel
Erin Nicole Larkin
With High Distinction
Emily Ann LaViolette
Samuel George Lay
Kenneth N. Lichlyter
Owen Litzelman
Keiara Renia Lockett
Veronica Leticia Lopez Martinez
Adam Christopher Lopez
Mayra Lopez
Lucas David Lowry
Cole Luellwitz
Lucy Jane Lynch
Brad Yunbo Ma
Samuel Stuart Marks
Alec Michael Martin
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Martin
Samuel R. Masiak
Charity Hniang Aye Mawi
Mark Mayhew
German Mayorga
Dylan Lewis McClain
Matthew McClarnon
With Highest Distinction
Jackson Lew McCoy
Jacob Todd McCullough
Devin Ryan McGinley
Thomas McLaughlin
Isabella Michelle Melrose
With Distinction
Lexus Morgan Mergell
Seth Austin Metzinger
Justin Eric Meyers
Daniel Mikityansky
Alan Cristian Montoya Rivas
Shelby Josephine Moore
Payton Elise Morse
Kate CarolAnn Moser
Devan M. Mosier
Samantha Muma
Connor John Murchie
Daniel Jay Murphy
With High Distinction
Laila E. Nagy
Tristan Jacques Nedelcu
Jacob Brooks Newsome
With Highest Distinction
Nikki Ylan Nguyen
Brianne Margaret Nixon
Alexander Novak
Wyatt Gregory Novak
Ian Nowlin
With Highest Distinction
Sophia Rose Nugent
Sonia Jaye Nussbaum
Connor Daniel Oates
Ariel Leeann Oeffinger
Yemi Henry Olanipekun
Alijah Oliver
Evan Mikael Olovyannikov
Sophia Jo Osterberg
With Highest Distinction
Daniel Palladino
Olivia Marie Panepinto
Jiaxin Pang
Jiyoung Park
Lauryn Parker
Yash Bhupendra Patel
Emma Patrick
With Distinction
Benjamin Yates Patterson
Fernando Pedroza
Bailey K. Pequignot
Alfredo Alexander Perez
Preston Ivan Perkins
With High Distinction
Matthew Murray Perrin
Jerry Jay Plummer
Joshua Pomales III
Kyle Leki-Nick Popovich
Megan Tyler Prahlad
Colin Ray Prince
With Highest Distinction
Erin Marie Purdy
Catherine Emilia Pursifull
With High Distinction
Emma Tess Rauck
McCall Carter Ray
Ralph Bassem Razzouk
Sean Michael Redmond
Jack Mathias Reed
Zane G. Reeson
With Highest Distinction
Dorothy Maureen Reinhard
John Edward Reitz
Samuel Andrew Rentsch
Leslie Alisa Rivas
Kristina Marie Robinson
With Highest Distinction
Daniel Liam Rodgers
Margaret Elisabeth Rogers
With Highest Distinction
Janet Patricia Marie Roll
Peyton Marie Rookstool
Norah Jane Rose
With Distinction
Eric Rosenblatt
Reed Rouch
With High Distinction
Michael Joseph Rusnak Jr.
Charles Ruttan III
Connor J. Ryan
Jacob Daniel Ryan
Christina Lynn Sally
Jason Fletcher Schmidt Jr.
With Distinction
Ryan Matthew Schmitt
Mackenzie Skye Schnapper
Laura Schwantes
With Highest Distinction
Ethan Robert Schwartz
Elizabeth Ashley Score
Kyle Scott Seibert*
With Distinction
Arshaan Rushil Shah
Twwinkle Shah
Ethan Lee Sharit
Cole Michael Shearson
Brendan Thomas Sheehan
Elizabeth Christine Sheldon
Colton Cort Shuler
Camilo Gabriel Simon
Zachary John Simon
Arunabh Kumar Sinha
With Distinction
Samson Michael Sizemore
Alexander Jeffery Smith
Amanda Smith
With Highest Distinction
Joshua Sobek
Vanessa Sobolewski
Jiajing Song
Andrew Daniel Sordelet
Isaac Daniel Sparrow
Madeline Paige Spoerner
Austin J. Stachel
Laura Catherine Stancato
With High Distinction
Rachael Ann Stapleton
Savannah Elizabeth Stauth
Anna Stephan
Evan Owen Stephens
Olivia Karen Stinson-Smith
Emerson Edward Stopen
Matthew Eric Stopka
Noah Strange
Lexi Paige Stroud
Matthew James Stumpf
Tha Hnem Sung
Anna Elizabeth Swearingen
Benedict Reese Szymanski
Derek James Szymczak
Breanna Elizabeth Tabor
Carter Cole Tallman
Shengze Tang
Koby Asher Tavel
Payton Elizabeth Taylor
Michelle Elizabeth Testa
With Distinction
Tha Thang
Gavin Ryan Thomas
Hailey Grace Thomas
Jonathan Ray Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Jacob P. Thornton
Cassidy Nicole Throm
Jack Timothy Tillawi
Emma Sue Tinkle
Ngoc Anh Duong Tran
Jacob Karl Trefren
Malia Savai Ulmer
Zachary Scott Unger
Hailey Elizabeth Vale
Danny Vargas
Hannah Elizabeth Vauters
With Distinction
Ethan S. Vecrumba
Joshua David Velazquez
Ethan Thomas Vencel
Holly Renae Venderley
With High Distinction
Abbigail Janice Vickney
With Distinction
Samuel Caldwell Wahl
Alexander Andrew Walker
Haolin Wang
Nathan Michael Warning
Grace Washburn
Dana M. Weaver
Makayla Weber
Megan Georgia Webster
With High Distinction
Carson Lee Whitehead
Elijah Matthew Wickersham
Andrew J. Wiese
Brandon Robert Wiggins
Madalyn E. Williams
Morgan Nicole Williams
Trey M. Williams
Grace Elaine Winkeljohn
With Distinction
Collin Wood
Brittani Nicole Wright
Garrett Michael Wright
With Highest Distinction
Jane Marie Wright
With Highest Distinction
Yian Xu
Adeeb John Yacoub
Lily Yeagley
With Distinction
Patrick Russell Yeakey
Madison Yormark
Samantha Zaleha
Longyuan Zhang
Xinlong Zhang
Yihe Zhou
Nathan Raymond Zimner
Rongyi Zou
Sydney Akers
Aida Alimbekova
Gibson Burdett
Joaquin Osvaldo Mendizabal
Haylie Alexandra Pryson
Natalie Samantha Ruiz
Kamebry Jade Wagner
Mary Andrea Jeanne Watts
Rebecca Anne White
Giuseppe Alkire
Joseph D. Blevins
Michael A. Leverett II
Mack Johnston Mercer
Abdulrahman Olaitan Abdulkadri
Jacob Cannon Alder
Alex Aleshire
Saleh Salem M. Aloufi
Elena Grace Anillo
Nya Linese Anthony
Gillian Margaret Applegate
Mallory Danielle Babcock
Mariah Bader
William Joseph Baker
Trevor Balough
Darrell Lynn Banks
Bethany Barone
Steven Barrera
Luis Enrique Becerra Garcia
Catherine L. Blankensop
Benjamin Andrew Blythe
Megan Kathleen Borgens
Matthew R. Bricker
Conner S. Brown
Grant Brown
Brynn Elizabeth Canary
Emma G. Cannon
Evan Dale Carnes
Emily Reese Castro
Hallie T. Chadsey
David Cholak
Stephanie L. Clampitt
Samantha Clements
David Clifford
Adam Levi Copp
Celeste A. Coughlin
Michelle Ann Crowe
Alana Maria Davicino
Chloë Elizabeth de Camara
Corinne Dexter
Marie Dishian
Rachel Dobias
Anna Rose Doering
Ashley M. Doty
Casey Michael Edgarian
Tanner Egbert
Thomas Gene Eytchison
Nicholas Fain
Shelby E. Farthing
Colin Daniel Friedman
Veronica Lynn Fuentez
Tidsawan Gannarong
Yuanpeng Gao
Jess Arthur Goldblatt
Cassandra June Goodman
Payton Alaina Goodman
Shayna Breann Gore
Isaac Lawrence Green
Sahar Gulzar
Mackenzie Faith Hagedorn
Kelli Hanson
Jacob Conrad Herrs
Joshua B. Hiller
Seng Hkum
Brandon Hough
Hani Htira
Shu-Mei Huang
Kelly Humrichouser
Woojeong Hwang
Jason Isgrigg
Haley Elizabeth Jackson
Jona Jaha
Bryan Juarez
Yu-Heng Jung
Alexander Hutchinson Kamstra
Jessica King
Abigail Springer Knipstine
Whitney Koelling
Adam Joseph Koncsol
Haley Madison Kotzker
Kyuwoong Kyeong
Alexis Joy Laginess
Sarah Lucinda Lance
Laura Aimee Lasswell
Mary Elizabeth Lechner
Jeong Yeon Lee
Lacey Anne Lingelbach
Colin M. Lofy
Zhuolin Lyu
Robert Steven Mack
Andrew Manley
Delanie Berry Marks
Edith Jhoanna Martinez
Kerin Nicole May
Kendra Dionne McKnight
Kathleen McLean
Aaliyah M. Meacham
Jayme Noele Mendez
Luke Miller
Charles Reid Mitchell
Maxwell Justin Moore
Gisella Morales Garibay
Zubin Percy Muncherji
Emily R. Nash
Sangeet Nepal
Kevin Charles O’Malley
Anthoney Chijioke Obasi
Brittney Jinae Patrick
Nathanial Austin Payonk
Jennifer Marie Pence
Lawton A. Perret
Georgia Catherine Peters
Justin Wayne Pitts
Patricia L. Powell
Kayla Pribble
Emily Rose Ritschard Prueitt
Akbar Manuel Rahmani
Liza Rivas López
James Romans
Carolyn Rondina
Andrew S. Russell
Derek Michael-Reichart Schapiro
Tristan Allen LeePaul Schmidt
Brandon Scott
Liam Shanahan
Faryal Iram Sharif
Amalia Naomi Shifriss
Nathan Richard Smalley
Cody Matthew Smith
Nickolas Sondej
Caitlin Patricia Stigler
Marzuka Tartil
Philip Charles Tatro Jr.
Yoong Sin Tong
Gnagna Toure
Sally Tran
Brock Everett Weston Turner
Rachel A. Van Voorhis
David Peter Vanderkloot
Andrew Nathan Walters
Danni Wang
Candler Weinberg
Benjamin Wilkerson
Lucas Schreiber Willman
Rees Steven Wimmer
Zion Miles Moral Woodhull
Courtney Sue Woolston
Andrew Zay
William Joseph Baker
Andrew J. Brown
Shu-Mei Huang
Susie Kim
Yumin Kim
Colin M. Lofy
Andrew Manley
Sangeet Nepal
Ian Thomas Spink
Yoong Sin Tong
Anusuya Bandyopadhyay
Andrew A. Benson
Mackenzie Anne Brown
Jada Chanelle Burton
Blake Austin Castetter
Sunil W. Christian
Joshua Bernard Drosos
Sarah Fox
Ritza Garcia
Paige Goodwine
Holly Brianne Harrison
Ellie Marie Heckler
Matthew Joseph Helton
Holly Marie Hess
Frances Elliott Hodge
Michelle Ibarra
Latrease Danielle-Camille Johnson
Joseph Steven Keske
Lauren Lemonds
Kayla Daria Massy-Charles
Carter Andreas Michanicou
Andreas Emmanuel Nicolaou
Daniel Paris
Margaret Helen Peck
Ebony Providence
Prisha Ranjan
Lindsey Brianne Reisgies
Medina Sydykanova
Sabrina V. Vandergriff
Elizabeth Laine Welpott
Catherine Jean Wood
Xinyuan Zhang
Recipients of Master of Arts and
Doctor of Philosophy degrees are
listed under the Graduate School,
pages 70–80.
School of Public Health
Tahera Albayibi
Kyler W. Anderson
With Distinction
Mesha Suzann Ashby
Sarah Ann Beathea
Kiley Diane Bouvier
Deja Dominique Bush
Sai Narayana Chalasani
With Highest Distinction
Tatum Olivia Cleveland
Sara Janet Cooler
With High Distinction
Jill Erin Cuvala
With Highest Distinction
Carolyn J. Cvelbar
Carlie Kay Darnold
Kenneth J. Dillman
Maya Pearl DiOrio
With Distinction
Tiffani June Ellis
Cara Paige Fogle
With Distinction
Anthony Scott Frencl
With Distinction
Beatriz Y. Gomez
With High Distinction
Georgia Lynn Gratz
With Distinction
Evan Thomas Grinder
Jennah Hackett
With High Distinction
Grace Ann Hartman
With Distinction
Jennifer C. Hayden
With Distinction
Isabel Christine Heibeck
With Distinction
Jazmin Araceli Hernandez
Leayah Hines
Emily Anne Hoffman
Mackenzie R. Holmes
With Distinction
Jordenne Nezha Hudson
Mark J. Hutter
With Distinction
Brahlyn N. Ivery
Jacey Eden Katz
With Highest Distinction
Samantha Erin Klawiter
With Distinction
Macey Krug
With Distinction
Hayley Noelle Lynn
With High Distinction
Avery McKinney
Olivia Meek
Aylin Minjares Lemus
Dayanna Monserrath Moreno
With Distinction
Emma Catharine Mudd
With Distinction
Alexis Maria Neirynck
Annaylsia M. Norfleet
Alicia Dawn Oakley
With Distinction
Paola Palami Lopez
Abigail Linn Parker
Karla Perez Gonzalez
With Distinction
Katherine Georgia Platanitis
Jackson Cade Ragains
With Distinction
Hannah Louise Rapp
Gabriele Sarhece Rasdall
Joshua Reiter
Ella Rose Remer
Aahron Zackery Revell
Anthony Isaiah Reynolds
With Highest Distinction
Kara Nicole Rice
With Distinction
Erin Michelle Robison
With Highest Distinction
Christin Elizabeth Rockway
Pawmoo Serr Roh
With Distinction
Alyssa Nicole Rokosz
Kalia Roper
Eli Schenks
Sameen Ali Siddiqui
Arianna Raelyn Smith
With Distinction
Austin Keith Spahr
Megan Szymanski
With Distinction
Bayli K. Toy
Jennifer Maureen Utzinger
With Distinction
Cheyenne La’Nya Renee Wann
Ally Renee Williams
With Distinction
Maya Yael Zairi
Riley Nelson Ables
With Highest Distinction
Alexander Hugo Abrego
Jeven Dean Adams
Thomas Million Adams
Joshua Oluwadamilola Adejokun
With High Distinction
Jose Julian Andrade
With Distinction
Olivia Grace Ariens
With Highest Distinction
Joe Arman
Robert Austin
Thawng Awi
Brittney Lea Axsom
With Distinction
Ian Babcock
With High Distinction
Jared Louis Bader
Kaden Badger
Anna Ballenger
Corey Barnett
With Distinction
Eric Kaleb Barrett
Sean Patrick Barrett
Grant Anthony Barretto
With Distinction
Blake D. Bartlett
Elliot David Barton
Alexandra Page Bates
Alexis Mariah Baugh
Kennedy Lauren Begle
With High Distinction
Cole Behringer
Wilson Nicholas Bennett
With High Distinction
Peter Steven Bickford
Sally Elizabeth Blackburn
With Distinction
Quinton Bolander
Daniel James Bovie
With Highest Distinction
Michael Bowen
Abigail Lynn Bowman
With Distinction
Thomas R. Britton
Ge’Monnee Denzel Broadnax
Ethan J. Brown
With High Distinction
Noah Ben-Todd Brown
Morgan Rae Bruner
Matthew Buckingham
Brandon Martin Buckman
Madelyn Paige Burke
With Distinction
Rylee Maxine Butcher
Mackinley Nicholas Byrne
Michael Joseph Calvillo
Sharon Nicole Camacho-Perez
Andrew Capobianco
With Distinction
Cole James Carder
Taylor Rosalie Carlson
With Distinction
Brigid Louise Carr
Holly Elizabeth Cassinelli
With High Distinction
Asuzena Castaneda
With Distinction
Natalie Ellen Cefali
John Chavez
Emma Christoff
With Distinction
Dominic Ciapponi
Valerie Ciara Clancy
With Distinction
Abigail Elizabeth Clapman
Brittany Anne Clark
Aaron David Coats
Brett Patrick Cobban
Preston Cobos
With High Distinction
Dominic Charles Colby
With High Distinction
Eli Harold Cole
With Distinction
Caroline Emma Conrad
Connor Cook
Hayden Montgomery Cook
Quinten Michael Cooper
With High Distinction
Kyle Nolan Cornwell
Benjamin Reid Corum
Alexander Joseph Crandall
Griffen Crose
Zoe Jeanine Crouch
With High Distinction
Katelin Michelle Cunningham
With Distinction
Meredith Marie Dainton
Serena Wael Dajani
With Distinction
Drew Daniels
Dalton Bradley Davis
Alexander Shono Dawley
Blayne Alexander Deaton
Trent Deaton
Jacob Eduard deVarona
Leslie Jennifer Diaz-Munoz
Zachary Joseph Donaldson
Mason Donkersley
With Distinction
Evan Bruce Douglas
With High Distinction
Claire MaeLynn AnYi Douglass
With Distinction
Ruth Margaret Durham
Tabitha Brooke Duvall
With High Distinction
Daniel Michael Dwyer
Olivia Rose Ebeyer
With Distinction
Hettie Ann Egan
Rebecca Erken
With Highest Distinction
Kiley Anne Fagan
With Distinction
Megan Riley Felger
With High Distinction
Blake Garrett Fields
With Distinction
Alondra Figueroa
Maxwell Murray Fink
Austin Jewell Finke
With Distinction
Eli Fishbein
Christopher Herman Flaspohler
With Distinction
Ethan Price Fleischer
Patrick Hennegan Fletchall
Braeden Hunter Flook
Scotty Flores-Salgado
David Richard Flowers
Evan Ross Franks
With Distinction
Mackenzie Frayer
With Distinction
Kyra Rose Friedman
With Distinction
Joshua Abraham Gabriel
Katherine Anne Gallagher
With High Distinction
Jackson James Garwood
Jonah Daniel Getty
Kylie Erin Gibson
Taryn Noreen Glatt
Heather Christine Goertzen
Hayley Victoria Goldin
With Distinction
Peter Gonzalez
Ethan Alexander Goodman
Drake Goranson
Joseph Brooks Gradison
Ian D. Graham
Omunique Catalina Green
Robyn Greenslade
Meshea Breann Greenwell
With Distinction
Kennedy Alexandria Grieve
John R. Gudeman
With Highest Distinction
Purui Guo
Alexis Gutierrez Muro
Madison Rose Guyer
Sarah E. Halm
With High Distinction
Eric Andre Hamilton II
Graham Leland Keith Hampton
With Highest Distinction
Jada Danae Hardin
Kaylan A. Hartman
Luke Robert Haskett
Jake Tatsuo Hatzinger
With High Distinction
Shelby Hausbach
Candler Hedges
With Highest Distinction
Brandon Harlan Heeter
Karsen Garrett Henderlong
With Distinction
Grace Mackenzie Higginbotham
Andrew James Hilbert
Emily N. Hobson
Nicolas Scott Hoeppel
With Distinction
Jacob Sterling Hooten
With Distinction
Max Preston Hornig
Jose M. Huerta
Cameron M. Huys
Kimberly Andrea Jabian
Alex Scott Jacobs
Austin Philip Jarvinen
Patrick Jodloman
Emma Catherine John
With High Distinction
Ainsley Ann Johnston
Megan Elizabeth Jolly
With Distinction
Daryl Tyler Jones
Bethany Lyndsey Kelley
Elizabeth Clare Kelly
John Michael Kelly
Kaylie Jazmine Kemp
Lily Kersey
With Distinction
Jacob Kester
With Distinction
Jeremy L. Keusch
With Distinction
Kara Ashley Kison
With Distinction
David Phillip Kiste
Samuel Klein
With Distinction
Cameron James Dorsey Knight
Benjamin Hayden Knoll
With High Distinction
Cade Robert Kronemyer
Brian Krull
With Highest Distinction
Jared Lamberg
Joshua David Landau
Jordyn Lando
Madison Paige Landry
With Distinction
Maya Lapin
Ethan Todd Larason
Calvin L. Larkin
Adeline Elyzabeth Laskowski
Charlie Dowdle Leadbetter
Riley Dawn Leech
Gabriel Reese Leffler
Jake Lehman
Gabriel Gezim Lika
With High Distinction
Cole Lindley
Ryan Robert Lloyd
Jason Lock
Georjean Rue Long
Maggie Ann Lorenz
Karlee Marie Luker
With High Distinction
Matthew Lupiano
Karmen Lynn Lusby
Jacob Michael Lyons
Daniel Machay
Daniel Joseph Madden
With Distinction
John Madden
Grant Neuman Malkin
Sydney Katherine Manley
With Distinction
Brian J. Mars
Dalton Gregory Martin
With Distinction
Jeremy Michael McCavera
Taylor Kiran McCullough
Tyler Malik McCullough
Alex Victor McGill
With High Distinction
Destiny Denae McKnight
Donovan Quenton McNeal
Addison Emma Meier
With Distinction
Benjamin Thomas Meier
Zachary Lane Meyers
Sophie Madden Michael
With High Distinction
Elijah Zachary Middleton
Cameron Scott Mikes
Ezra Josiah Miller
Gracie Marie Miller
With Distinction
Justin Aaron Miller
With High Distinction
Ryley Hannah Miller
Olivia Milliner
With Distinction
Reylin Renai Mimms
Alexah Minder
John Foster Minns
Justis Mitchell
Hannah Qing Yu Mladenik
With High Distinction
Hailey Dahy Mohr
Breana Nicole Montgomery
With Highest Distinction
Brycen Alexander Moore
With Distinction
Lucas Jordan Mora
With Distinction
Jacob Moritz
Madeline Kennedy Moss
With High Distinction
Alex M. Mueller
Bennett Cassidey Munds
With Distinction
Connor Munoz
Jessica Munoz
With High Distinction
Kevin Christopher Murphy
Patrick Joseph Murtagh II
Conor Mills Nash
Nathan Natalie
Chase Staley Nelson
Parker Daniel Nelson
Allison Newberry
With Distinction
Korey Ellis Nichols
Nathan Scott Nichols-Petersen
With Distinction
Maria Guadalupe Nino Guzman
Evelyn Kate Norfleet
Grace Kelley O’Brien
With Distinction
Nolan Christian O’Brien
Caitlin Maureen O’Connor
Andrew Sylvester Oberlie
Adam Harris Offenbach
With High Distinction
Grace Catherine Olah
With Distinction
Chloe Lorene Olejnik
With Distinction
Brenda A. Olvera
Jakob William Opsahl
Alix Chloe Orlinsky
Matthias Alexander Ortiz
With Distinction
Nicholas Adam Ostrowski
With Distinction
Gavin Kent Oxley
Jacob A. Pace
With Highest Distinction
Gino Panici
Sydney Paquette
With Distinction
Chan Woo Park
Joseph M. Parrott Wills
Lea Colleen Patao
With Distinction
Noelle Christine Peplowski
With High Distinction
Jordan Matthew Perlstein
Kameron Lee Peters
Geniya Petty
Abigail Ann Phillips
With High Distinction
Michael Nolan Pollack
Jessica Anne Powels
Liza Pradhan
Alexander Martin Press
Benjamin Nelson Price
With Highest Distinction
Kaylee Christine Price
With Distinction
Sushmita Suchitra Pushpala
With Distinction
Grant Michael Raake
Nicklaus Rabe
Rosalie Helene Whitman Rabin
Alexandra Christine Reese
Andrew A. Rhodes II
Mason L. Richer
With Distinction
Halen Chase Rittel
Kevin Rivera-Pinhao
Isaac Robbins
With Distinction
Cameron Robertson
De Aira Denise Robertson
Karen Nalleli Rodriguez*
With Distinction
Elijah Howard Rohm
Colton Lane Rollins
Jonathan Romero
Madilynn Tate Rooze
Dylan Rose
With Distinction
Ayla Marie Rosswurm
With High Distinction
James Edward Roth
With Distinction
Ian Nathan Rothstein
Gavin Ruth
With High Distinction
Cristian Xavier Rutnik
Cara Paige Sajdyk
With Highest Distinction
Cecilia Naomi Sanchez
Mitchel Sanders
Alexandra Lee Santostefano
Brooke Satterfield
Tyra Simone Schaffer
Tucker D. Schank
Jacob Tyler Schmidt
Joseph Edward Schmidt
Alexander Schutzer
Maria Angela Schwindaman
With High Distinction
Matthew Robert Sears
With Highest Distinction
Samuel Monroe Seifer
With Distinction
Connor Joseph Shapiro
Reece Walter Shaul
Parker Reed Shelton
With Distinction
Sion Shepley
With High Distinction
Malaysia Arlenea Shufford
Marjorie Rose Silvis
With Distinction
Russell Jeffrey Skarbek
With High Distinction
Devin Smith
With Distinction
Justin Thomas Smith
With High Distinction
Shawn Ryan Smith
Gracie May Sogocio
With Distinction
Harris Arthur Sonnenklar
Madison Lee Sorg
With Distinction
Angelina Isabel Soto
Jack Albert Specius
Brandon Taylor Stant-Wilson
Ethan Alexander Staubus
Abigail Petra Steele
With High Distinction
Matthew Benjamin Steinberg
Sydney Ann Stokes
With High Distinction
Cassidy Christine Stose
Ryan Andrew Strantz
With Highest Distinction
Olivia Rose Stratman
With High Distinction
Sydney Sheridan Strode
With Distinction
Carlos Roman Suazo
Peyton Joseph David Suiter
Megan Sullivan
Harmon Paul Suratt
With High Distinction
Reis Hoy Sutton
Jessica Claire Tanzler
With Distinction
Brian Tyler Tazic
Shangyu Teng
With High Distinction
Madelyn Alyse Tester
With Highest Distinction
Cameron Benish Thatcher
Marcus Kristian Thliveris
Delaney Kathryn Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Hannah Thomas
With High Distinction
Brody Jay Tisdale
Jan Tomaszewski
Trevor Tracey
With High Distinction
Ashley Nicole Turak
Vedav Varadarajan
Margaret Collins Veugeler
Luka Vukovic
Stephen Walker II
Connor Blake Wallace
Karina Clare Walsh
Audrey Marie Waltz
With Distinction
Shilong Wang
Lindsey Warick
Zachary Thomas Watson
Chuanteya N. Weaver
Sophie Marie Weaver
With Highest Distinction
Ryan Thomas Wedemeyer
Jonathan Weiselberg
Richard Wells
Jacob Zachary Wetchler
With Distinction
Madelyn Whaling
Sarah Whitney
With Distinction
Tyler Wilhelm
Conner Joseph Williams
With Distinction
Kaden Everett Williams
Darin Allen Woodley
Abigail Woods
Asia Lynella Woolery
Brandon Yoder
With Distinction
Craig Nolan Yoho
Samuel Lucas Young
With High Distinction
Cameron James Zalla
With Highest Distinction
Bowen Zhang
With High Distinction
Taylor Jill Zimmerman
With High Distinction
Dakota James Zornig
With Distinction
Roman J. Zupin
With High Distinction
Jakailyn Aaron
Chloe Anne Amar
Sara Morgan Arenz
Lakayla S. Armour
Gabriela Avila
Ava Ruth Bacon
With High Distinction
Tyrikka M. Bailey
Mallory Rae Bivens
With Highest Distinction
Diamond Tiera Brown
Sylvia Carmelita Brown
Kyla Castro
Kylee Brechelle Chenault
With High Distinction
Don Sian Cing
With Distinction
Aleah Ann Contreras
Darrian Renee Delana Davidson
Madelyn Adella Davies
With High Distinction
Anjel Davis
Morgan Amani Deramus
Haley Jannette Diaz
Dresden Dunmire
Ali Walid Elhag
With High Distinction
Jillian Lane Fleischer
With High Distinction
Shyonna T. Floyd
Gabrielle Regan Genth
With Distinction
Sophia Giglio
Hollynd Sierra Givens
With Distinction
Soleil Djenan Gohouré
With High Distinction
Lenna Katharina Lydia Gottschild
With High Distinction
Isabella Jane Happel
Abby Jo Hartzburg
Ahjah Monea Hayes
Madison Jae Highbloom
With Distinction
Kep Tha Hnin
Jae’da Janet La’Rell Hobson
Anayah Hollins
With Distinction
Sophie D. Hruskocy
Mary Shannon Huck
With Distinction
John Robert Hultquist
With Highest Distinction
Iesha Jackson
Lauren Sophie Jackson
Emma Michele Jett
With Distinction
Jadynn T. Kable
Wesley John Kochell
With Highest Distinction
Nereah Kojwang
With Distinction
Dessa Katherine Lang
With Distinction
Claire Michele Lange
With Highest Distinction
Taliah Lax
Aubriana Marie Lewis
Jayla T. Manson
Tessy Oyenoye Martins
Abigail Matson
With Highest Distinction
Meghan Elizabeth May
With High Distinction
Adeline McElfresh
Elizabeth McCormick McLinden
With High Distinction
Kristina Mackenzie Mena
With Distinction
Jordan L. Menser
With High Distinction
Madeline Ann Mills
Nyrie Minor
Mounzir Miss
Abbigail Moore
With Distinction
Tyler Michael Morrison
Cami Nicole Morrow
Zoe Mykelle Morrow
Elyse Gabrielle Moser
Tinotenda Mutungambera
Caitlyn Allan Myers
Temitope Oyewole
With High Distinction
Payal Patel
Jada Michelle Payne
Aubrey Mae Popovic
Adam Nile Pratt
Layla Ruby Qureshi
With High Distinction
Joanna Janet Ramon-Verde
With Distinction
Brooke Meadow Ramusack
With Highest Distinction
Lydia Rebecca-Margaret Ratcliffe
With Distinction
Sarah Raven
Kristopher Austin Rodriguez
Kelly Ray Ross
With Distinction
Selena Teresa-Ellia Santiago
Alexis Gabriel Santos
Marissa Ann Schneider
Zuha Nayab Shaikh
Jekylah C. Smith
With Distinction
Makenzie Symone Snodgrass
With Distinction
Sophia M. Stahl
With Distinction
Cole M. Steger
Danielle Stein
With Distinction
Cassandra Anne Stoffers
Janai Cierra Stubblefield
With Distinction
Taryn Elyse Suyak
Summer Caye Tallman
With Distinction
Escarvar Xavier Tatum
Riley Jo Tenison
With Distinction
Dawt Tha
With Distinction
Khine Su Thin
With Distinction
Lauren Mikayla Thomas
With Distinction
Madeleine Grace Thompson
With High Distinction
Hunter Edmund Torres
Shaylee Nicole Truelove
With Distinction
Keyli Elizabeth Turcios
Nicolette Christine Vahala
Abigail Brynn Vastag
With Distinction
Erika Linn Vinson
With Distinction
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Waldschmidt
Donzell JaMarr Walker
Nia Nicole Wiley
Promise Delai Wright
Isabella Kathryn Frances Yerkes
Emmanuel Alvarez
With High Distinction
Micayla Love Ditlevson
With Distinction
Ethan T. Huffman
Parker Grace Beaty
Manisha Reddy Bethi
With High Distinction
Mallory Rae Bivens
With Highest Distinction
Katilynn Nichole Burke
Tearia Rae Ann Butler
Alexandra Catherine Cottingham
With Highest Distinction
Elizabeth Ellen Havron
With High Distinction
Megan D. Hill
With High Distinction
Claire Michele Lange
With Highest Distinction
Ashley Danielle McCool
With High Distinction
Ecatarina L. Meekin
With Distinction
Allison Louise Mueller
With Highest Distinction
Elyse Pickering
With High Distinction
Ricky Jordan Salgado
Sophia Grace Sciaudone
Tatiana Sheldon
Ashante L. D. Sims-Nelson
Shelby Anne Stone
With Distinction
Avery Thomas
With Highest Distinction
Silva Tunio
With Distinction
Lillian Jane Brogan
With High Distinction
Ariel Mae Clausman
With Distinction
Michael John Gehrling
Sabrina Ann Jackson
Preston Julian Krause
Alexandra Maria Kuznetsov
Zachary Merritt Marsh
Hannah Mary May
Luke Alexander Miles
Eloise Rose Nation
With Distinction
Tatum Asher Norton
Jordan Rachel Scubelek
With Distinction
Laura Shafer
With Distinction
Mason Joseph Spires
David Darrell Spoor
Jacob Erik Tuttle
Emily Weiss
Jack Altholz
Dakota Beaver
Makayla Booker
With Distinction
Ainsley Borak
Alessia Marie Borzaro
Sierra Bouwkamp
With Distinction
Trinity Ann Britton
Reagan Elizabeth Carr
With Distinction
Rochelle Chambers
Adrianna M. Cheek
Hailey Marie Claycomb
Clare Richman Cline
With High Distinction
Anna Mae Clodfelter
With Highest Distinction
Cayla Rose Cohen
With Distinction
Jada Lynn Collins
With Highest Distinction
Julle Noel Comer
With High Distinction
Carson William Conrad
With High Distinction
Kaley Elizabeth Daughhetee
Quanesha Quincy Davis
Elyse Judith Dawley
Saylor McKynna Baker Dickerson
With High Distinction
Sydney Beidinger Evans
With High Distinction
Veronica Jean Fazio
Megan Flanagan
Megan Noelle Gearhart
With Highest Distinction
Kimberly Michelle Good
Emily Rose Gorman-Cooper
With Distinction
Sarah Rose Greenbaum
With High Distinction
Harrison Cole Gutin
Shayna Lauren Gutin
Sara Lynn Harris
With Distinction
Jade Hart*
With High Distinction
Ryann Nicole Hartung
With High Distinction
Emily Hayden
With Highest Distinction
Megan Olivia Hemmings
Carlie Ann Hobbs
With Distinction
Blair Holt
Katherine Anne Holt
With Distinction
Teagan Elizabeth Hueneke
With Distinction
Alyssa L. Huffer
With Distinction
Ashley Claire Johnson
With Distinction
Summer Lisa Johnson
With Distinction
Micah James Killebrew
Anna Marie Kmiecik
With Distinction
Makyla Lockett
Vanesa Alexandra Lozano
With Distinction
Emma Shae MacDonald
With High Distinction
Tess Nicola Meyer
Taylor Jo Miller
With Distinction
Annabelle Marie Myers
With Distinction
Lisett Navarrete
With Distinction
Elizabeth Leigh Nichols
With Distinction
Demi Michelle Oxley
With Distinction
Emily Rose Pacicca
Morgan Michelle Plunkett
Alexis N. Preske
Gianna Ivy Reyes
With High Distinction
Daniel B. Rice II
With Distinction
Javenique Ja Quice Roberts
Molly Hannah Rosen
With Distinction
Diamond Rosenthall
Sarah Nicole Roth Sr.
With Distinction
Mary Claire Rowland
With Distinction
Emma K. Ruggles
With High Distinction
Rachel Haley Schneider
With Distinction
Emma Rose Schwartz
With Distinction
Miranda Nicole Seguin
Tyler Semler
With High Distinction
Autumn Stringer*
With Distinction
Jasmine Tafoya
Lyndsie Todd
Mallory Claire Uzelac
With Distinction
Alexis Dawn Walton
Jackson D. Warman
Alexa Joellen Weber
Steffi N. Weiss
With Highest Distinction
Alexa Nichole Westendorf
Hanna Leone Williams
Cassandra Nicole Wonnell
With High Distinction
Naomi Laya Yankellow
With High Distinction
Tara Michelle Zimmermann
Sarah Elizabeth Briley
Manali Arun Chitale
Sarah Collins
Micaela Enright
Claire Ford
Kathleen Ann Grauvogel
Claire Elizabeth Walker Griffith
Heather Oceana Harden
Benjamin J. Hillan
Nathaniel George Howell
Emilie Ann Kostecka
Lauren Kwan
Adyson Jo Lasky
Rodica Ioana Muraru
Rebecca Record Payne
Julia Porter
Katherine Rhodes
Korlu M. Sorsor
Luke McCauley Still
Ngawang Tenzin
David Zavala
Alec Austin Eckert
Leslie Ann Hortert
Kimberly L. O’Day
Jonathan Reid Pitts
Alexis Dashay Vardiman
Hiroaki Fujimoto
Madeline Ganz
Benjamin C. Grim
Olivia Hall
Elizabeth M. Huebner
Avery R. Hughes
Jocelyn Hurtado
Madison Theresa Kump
Kayla Mehne
Jordan Brett Schuck
David Sehgal
Ariyana Thomas
Katelyn Wyeth
Bipasha Vasudevan
Rachel Alford
Dustin Rousselle
Jenna R. Barker
Dominic Lawrence Bisesi
Meagan Ericha Brakob
Jacob J. Davel
Kathryn Ann Davel
Mackenzie L. Davis
Blake Allen Denny
Molly Marion Dieball
Sara Emily Gilmartin
Sophie Grant
Austin Levi Hall
Kayla Lynn Hawbaker
Madeline Joy Hunter
Tyler King
Madelyn Frances Mattfeld
Jasmine Syin-Lan Miller
Katherine Nicole Noakes
Grayson Radcliffe
Christina Roeckl-Navazio
Kyle Thomas Stolba
Jackson Blair Yeary
Kaihao Zhang
Dana Lyn Boettcher
Matthew Burne
Danielle Marie Entzenberger
Yvonne Lee Farley
Jessica Nicole Fitzgerald
Rechelle Frash
Alicia Elizabeth Fritschi
Dalton James Grimes
Alyssa Nicole Hilty
Emily Louise Hoovler
Jessica Nicole Vance King
Olivia Joy Miller
Seok Min Oh
Rebekah Emily Schultz
Recipients of Doctor of Philosophy
degrees are listed under the
Graduate School, pages 70–80.
School of Social Work
Dana Marie Berg
Kyle Allen Barton
Brela Marie Diore Akers
Chloe Rachel Allen
Avery L. Anderson
Paili R. Bachrach
Cecilia Marie Baranyk
Savanna Natasha Bonds
Abigail Jo Borst
Alexis Brae Carmichael
Kiara Mae Clouse
Mariangella Gabriella Consiglieri
With High Distinction
McKenzie Rose Copper
Claire Elizabeth Michelle Elmore
With High Distinction
Cameron J. Fordham
Leah N. Franklin
Mackenzie Mae Garrett
Taylor Ann Gee
Jovana Green
Arielle Noel Hoffer
I’Yela Angenique Hornaday
Cheyenne Lynne Hryniowiecki
Alfredo Isidoro Chavez
Kylie Renee Jarvis
Hannah Jean Johnson
Viola Rose Kadish
With Highest Distinction
Lauren Elizabeth Kosina
Hailey Ariel Lawhead
Erica Nicole Linker
Sophie Lofton
Isabella Renee Lohmeyer
Yasmin Nohemi Martinez
Carolina Alejandra Morales Cuadra
Alinase Joshua Mzumara
Chloe H. Neumann
With High Distinction
Giovanni Perez
Jacob Shelby Priddy
Amber Adrienne Robinson
Cinthia Rodriguez-Garcia
Sophia Marie Sams
George B. Schafer
Kaitlyn Shaffer
With Highest Distinction
Leah Frances Sklansky
Layne Alexis Snyder
Ava Spielman
Chloe Noelle Stewart
Olivia Breanne Thatcher
Taylor Jane Trowbridge
Alexis Joi Barbieri
Rihona Nicole Bing-English
Kelly Brown
Stephanie Calhoun
Alaynah C. Chatman
Mackenzie Colston
Megan A. Crow
Alexander T. De St Jeor
Kaitlin Mae Deckard
Samuel Joseph Dickman
Hailey Lynn Dougald
Staci Renee Dow
Amia C. Eckard
Samantha Rose Eshenour
Kathryn Finch
Azira Brielle Fisher
Lily Ni-Hong Fishleder
Ebony Simone Goldstein
Jessica Marie Greenway
Felicia Helvey
Andrew Paul Hubartt
Alexander C. Hunt
Amelia C. Mendota
Alexis Suzette Peters
Lydia Arteel Quinn
Ravyn Nikole Sweat
Jordan Julian Wadsworth
Irina K. Watkins
Breanna Gail White
Cooper David Williams
Samuel Richard Williams
Jennifer Z. Yang
Graduate School
Eduardo A. Acaron-Padilla
Major: Central Eurasian Studies
Elizabeth Noelle Adams
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Montgomery Q. Adams
Major: Folklore and
Magaly Alvarez-Santana
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Nya Linese Anthony
Major: African American and
African Diaspora Studies
Katherine Leah Arnold
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Janelle Gracey Azmy
Major: Folklore and
Emily G. Barker
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Natalie Elyse Beglin
Major: Art History
Justin Benard
Major: Arts Administration
Brianne Elyse Blandford
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Benjamin Andrew Blythe
Major: East Asian Studies
Kristin Elizabeth Brady
Major: Astronomy
Taylor Brooks
Major: Spanish
Madalyn R. Buffington
Major: International Studies
Katherine Buhman
Major: Art History
Timothy Michael Buonocore
Major: Classical Studies: Latin and
Ryleigh Noelle Caldwell
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Brynn Elizabeth Canary
Major: Arts Administration
Daniella Carrera
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Andrew Robert Carringer
Major: International Studies
Megan Louise Cascio
Major: Arts Administration
Larissa Cerbin
Major: International Studies
Elizabeth Coggeshall
Major: Anthropology
Arlene Coleman
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Rebecca Craft
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Hannah Merrill Crane
Major: Arts Administration
Alaina Nicole Cruse
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Hayley Marie Dahl
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Tiffany Dang
Major: International Studies
Elissa Mary Trang Day
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Megan C. Decker
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Danielle Kayleen Dierker
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Natalie Mikayla Duerksen
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Zoe Elizabeth East
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Aimi Enomoto
Major: TESOL and Applied
Morgan Carolanna Eriksen
Major: Classical Studies: Latin and
Margaret Rose Eronimous
Major: Musicology
Jasper Ferehawk
Major: Japanese
Bridget Kathleen Foley
Major: Musicology
Audrey Lauren Fried
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Marian Gabani Gimenez
Major: Jewish Studies
Claire Gillett
Major: Folklore and
Ellen Giudice
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Alicia Lorena Gonzalez
Major: International Studies
Christine Marie Goss
Major: Musicology
Armaan V. Goyal
Major: Astronomy
Everett Prentice Green
Major: Linguistics
Caitlin M. Groth
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Erin Michelle Hacker
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Katherine Grace Hamori
Major: Musicology
Emily Hedges
Major: Art History
Ethan Jaffe Hill
Major: Chinese
Jacob Hoffman
Major: Germanic Studies
Samuel DeVinney Holdeman
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Erin Hosein
Major: Food Studies
Jordan Howard
Major: French
Richard Lewis Hughes
Major: Food Studies
Lily R. Jervis
Major: Curatorship
Kaitlyn Belle Johnson
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Carlee Ruth Jones
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Wenona Faith Jonker
Major: English
Shan Karemani
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Lily Kawaoto
Major: Linguistics
Rebecca Leah Valdovinos Kaye
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Jessica M. Kelly
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Nicole E. Knechtel
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Allison Claire Kulbago
Major: Arts Administration
Sophia D. Lanting
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Melissa Lapalus
Major: French
Mariesa LaRosa
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Chaewon Lee
Major: East Asian Studies
Natalie Lester
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Ryan William Letourneau
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Alisa Lim
Major: TESOL and Applied
Cheuk Ki Cora Ling
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Gabriel Adolfo Llano Astacio
Major: Folklore and
Cassandra Lopez
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Jeta Loshaj
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Helen Luck
Major: International Studies
Monica Martina Marion
Major: Folklore and
Grey A. Mccarthy
Major: Mathematics
Cassie Marie Mead
Major: Sociology
Robert Metaxatos
Major: English
Carter Jordan Moldenhauer
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Seth Moller
Major: Jewish Studies
Maxwell Justin Moore
Major: Arts Administration
Victoria Anne Musser
Major: Arts Administration
Andrew James Myers
Major: Sociology
Tania Nasrollahi
Major: Sociology
Oliver Brown Nell
Major: Arts Administration
Jennifer Nguyen
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Peyton Ashley Nielsen
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Nicolas Noe
Major: French
Kaitlyn S. Owens
Major: French
Drewe Danielle Palmer
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Sydney J. Perry
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Minja Petrovic
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Howell Petty
Major: Musicology
Olivia Helen Phillips
Major: Folklore and
Riley Grace Poe
Major: French
Joshua L. Pontillo
Major: English
Jinhua Qian
Major: Linguistics
Armando Gavin Ramirez
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Kristin Gwendolyn Rasmussen
Major: Musicology
Yanira Rhymer-Stuart
Major: East Asian Studies
Marie Rider
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Avery Rist
Major: Comparative Literature
Amalia Lynne Robinson
Major: Linguistics
Angiee Liliana Rocha Parra
Major: Curatorship
Faith Nicole Roth
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Yasmeen Lydia Saad
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Jennifer Sanchez
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Megan L. Schulze
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Daniel Schumick
Major: Russian and Eastern
European Studies
Katelyn Schwenk
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Paige L. Shattuck
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Guangquan Shen
Major: Sociology
Jessica Rose Short
Major: Sociology
Justin Patrick Slattery
Major: History and Philosophy of
Joanna Stephanie Stochitoiu
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Emma Stockrahm
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Courtney Straus
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Riley Tanner
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Reagan H. Taylor
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Ariana Teegarden
Major: Spanish
Kathryn Brooke Ujevich
Major: Arts Administration
Kathryn Vandrey
Major: East Asian Studies
Lillian Waddill
Major: Classical Studies: Latin and
Yuanjian Wang
Major: Arts Administration
Allicia N. Wilfong
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
El Williams III
Major: African American and
African Diaspora Studies
Nicholas J. Williams
Major: Linguistics
Reilly Kathleen Woehler
Major: International Studies
Eleanor M. Womack
Major: Central Eurasian Studies
Shirley Wong
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Mingchu Xu
Major: Arts Administration
Clayton Young
Major: Art History
Kenda Rynae Eley
Major: Political Science
Elizabeth Figlio
Major: Classical Studies: Latin and
Chad Evan McIntyre
Major: Political Science
Jessica Kaylee Thompson
Major: Classical Studies: Latin and
Justin A. Carney
Major: Studio Art
Emily Marieanne Chase
Major: Studio Art
Caitlyn Emily Clark
Major: Studio Art
Kerrigan James Clark
Major: Studio Art
Thomas J. Connery
Major: Studio Art
Emily Davis
Major: Theatre and Drama
Amanda Leigh Duba
Major: Studio Art
Eboni Denae’ Edwards
Major: Theatre and Drama
Spencer Donovan Gjerde
Major: Theatre and Drama
Torrey Gleason
Major: Studio Art
Corey Samuel Goulden-Naitove
Major: Theatre and Drama
Laura D’Ann Greenwood
Major: Studio Art
Lily Kathleen Howder
Major: Theatre and Drama
Jennifer Johnson
Major: Studio Art
Wesley Tyler May
Major: Studio Art
Leah Mueller
Major: Theatre and Drama
Katama Rose Murray
Major: Studio Art
Joseph Jesse Ovalle
Major: Studio Art
Joel Alexander Pisowicz
Major: Studio Art
Tyler Anthony Raso
Major: Creative Writing
Dominick Michael Rivers
Major: Studio Art
Mary Roberts
Major: Studio Art
Michael Saari
Major: Studio Art
Jordan Schwartz
Major: Theatre and Drama
Alexandra Elisia Silva
Major: Theatre and Drama
Sophia F. Stein
Major: Creative Writing
Sishi Wang
Major: Studio Art
El Williams III
Major: Creative Writing
Gisselle Yepes
Major: Creative Writing
Sara Yourist
Major: Studio Art
Alexis Zabor
Major: Studio Art
Jasmine Christina Ahmed
Major: Biotechnology
Jonathan Craig Aker
Major: Applied Statistics
Noof Alsulaiti
Major: Biotechnology
Samuel Basil Anderson
Major: Geological Sciences
Sophie Rachel Black
Major: Geological Sciences
Ryan M. Blazek
Major: Biotechnology
Reed Scott Bowles
Major: Physics
Andrew J. Briggs
Major: Media
Etienne A. Chenevert
Major: Geological Sciences
Brian Andrew Dahlberg
Major: Cognitive Science
Adara Kajanelle Donald
Major: Media
Matthew Harvey Fort
Major: Computational Linguistics
Henry Zenkichi Fulghum
Major: Geological Sciences
Elizabeth Iris Gabel
Major: Computational Linguistics
Daniel Gaines
Major: Statistical Science
Julia Dorothea Ganson
Major: Chemistry
Bezner Jonathan Gomez Dominguez
Major: Biotechnology
Eli Damien Graber
Major: Evolution, Ecology, and
Daniel A. Gutierrez
Major: Media
Kevin Gutierrez
Major: Physics
Meredith E. Hemphill
Major: Media
Lindsey Marie Jackson
Major: Media
Bowen Jiang
Major: Statistical Science
Diya Kamnani
Major: Geological Sciences
Yanming Kuang
Major: Applied Statistics
Adam Joseph Landgrebe
Major: Biotechnology
Samantha Latson
Major: Media
Hyunsung Lee
Major: Media
William Patrick McNulty
Major: Physics
Sonia Meriam Messar
Major: Evolution, Ecology, and
Allison Elizabeth Nelson
Major: Geological Sciences
Matthew Z. Ng
Major: Biotechnology
Quan Mai Bao Nguyen
Major: Geological Sciences
McKailey Mary Sabaj
Major: Geological Sciences
Sakshi Sachin
Major: Statistical Science
Amara D. Spencer
Major: Chemistry
Kayan Kai Taraporevala
Major: Media
Eh Taw
Major: Biotechnology
Andrew James Taylor
Major: Biotechnology
Ata Tuncer
Major: Computational Linguistics
Robert Rothe Walker
Major: Biotechnology
Jordon N. Winn
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Yanan Wu
Major: Media
Kevin Alvarado
Hilary Kathryn Aydt
Sergio Roberto Casadei
Philip Nnamdi Egbo
Trey Florkiewicz
Susan Elizabeth Fortenberry
Colin Daniel Friedman
Ira Hall
Jinsik Han
Peyman Heydarpour
Samuel Scott Jaworski
Michael Marshall
Alexis Nicole Martinez
Conor Michael McMahon
Matt John Monte
Jackson Montoya
Christopher Myers
Joshua Streiff-Fraser
James Summers
Samragyi Thakur
Thomas Wesley Burkle
Shawn Gibford
Andrew Timothy Abad
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Dissertation Title: Mechanisms
of Detection and Restriction of
Research Chair: Pranav Danthi
Shannon Sylvie Abelson
Major: Philosophy
Dissertation Title: An Epistemology
of Data-Driven Astronomy and
Research Chair: Elisabeth Lloyd
Anna Elyse Acosta Russian
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Negotiating
Gender Accountability Across
Contexts: The Case of the Former
College Athlete
Research Chair: Youngjoo Cha
Lauren Elizabeth Adams
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: The Experience of
Self-Stigma and Social Norms in
Treatment Utilization for Alcohol
Use in College Students
Research Chair: Ellen Vaughan
Olivia Rose Adams
Major: Gender Studies
Dissertation Title: Refusing the
Gaps: Possibilities of a Racially-
Inclusive Approach in Chronic
Vulvovaginal Pain Research
Research Chair: Justin Garcia
Muna Adem
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Trust,
Cooperation, and Conflict in
Racially Diverse Societies
Research Chairs: Patricia McManus
and Dina Okamoto
Azadeh AgHighi
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Dissertation Title: The
Hermeneutics of Egalitarianism:
A Comparative Study of
Traditionalist Male Exegeses and
Modernist Muslim Feminists’
Interpretations of Qurُān 9:71
Research Chair: Asma Afsaruddin
Abdul Aijaz
Major: English
Major: Geography
Dissertation Title: The Vital
Machine: Water Scarcity and
Hydrosocial Assemblage in Punjab
Research Chairs: Purnima Bose and
Rebecca Lave
Abdullah Saad Alamri
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Dissertation Title: The Impact of
Explicit and Implicit Feedback
on the Acquisition of Arabic
Grammar for Arabic Second
Language Learners
Research Chairs: Salman Alani and
Nader Morkus
Khadijah Alghamdi
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Instructional
Strategies for Teaching
Computational Thinking in
High School Computer Science
Introductory Courses
Research Chair: Anne Leftwich
Abolfazl Alipour
Major: Neuroscience
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Comparative
Study of Neural Dynamics in
Biological and Artificial Neural
Research Chairs: John Beggs and
Tom James
Hannah Suzanne Alms
Major: History
Dissertation Title: Women in
Washington: Everyday Politics,
Race, and Domestic Work at the
Turn of the Twentieth Century
Research Chair: Wendy Gamber
Nadia Alqahtani
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Employing
Critical Literacy to Explore
Culturally and Linguistically
Diverse Students’ Responses to
Multicultural Literature in a Book
Club Discussion in Saudi Arabia
Research Chair: Carmen Medina
Bandar Ibrahim Alqazlan Sr.
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Dissertation Title: Arabic Diacritics
and Reading: A Proposed
Psycholinguistic Approach
for Foreign/Second Language
Research Chair: Nader Morkus
Katherine Rebecca Carter Altizer
Major: Musicology
Dissertation Title: Piano Dogs
and Whale Theaters: Paranoid
Relations and Affect with Nowhere
to Go in the Study of Nonhuman
Animals and Music
Research Chair: Phil Ford
Sarah Abdullah S. Alwaqassi
Major: Special Education
Dissertation Title: Evaluation
of Teaching Practices Using
Universal Design for Learning in
Special Education Classrooms of
Saudi Arabia
Research Chair: Gretchen Butera
El-Hussein Aly
Major: Middle Eastern Languages
and Cultures
Dissertation Title: English Qurُān
Translation as a Modern
Research Chair: Nazif Shahrani
Christopher Daren Andrews
Major: Learning and Development
Dissertation Title: Understanding
the Design and Use of
Social Annotation in Online
Undergraduate Reading and
Composition Courses
Research Chair: Daniel Hickey
Akua Adjeiwaa Asomani-Adem
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: Enhancing
Writing Motivation Using Creative
Writing Instruction: A Self-
Regulated Strategy Development
Research Chairs: Heather Ormiston
and David Shriberg
Kurt William Baer
Major: Folklore and
Dissertation Title: Performing
Performances of Culture: Pong
Lang Music, Signification, and
Meta-Cultural Performance
Research Chairs: Ruth Stone and
Sue Tuohy
Samuel Bentum
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: The Role of
Cheminformatics in Helping
Shape Digital Transformation
across Chemical/Material Science
Research Chair: David Wild
Samantha Sue Bettinger
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Campus
Individual Readiness Assessment
on Vaping Cessation in College
Students at Indiana University
Research Chair: Dong Chul Seo
Jacob Aaron Boss
Major: Religious Studies
Dissertation Title: Practical
Transhumanism: Life at
the Grassroots of Human
Research Chairs: Lisa Sideris and
Winnifred Sullivan
Ellie Renae Bowen
Major: Special Education
Dissertation Title: Improving
Interrater Reliability of the edTPA
with Local Rater Training
Research Chair: Ana Maria Brannan
Ashley Bradford
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: Three Chapters
on Health and Risky Behaviors
Research Chair: Kosali Simon
Lisa C. Braverman
Major: Communication and Culture
Dissertation Title: Intentionally
Unsolvable: U.S. Congressional
Rhetorics of Human Migration,
Research Chair: Ilana Gershon
Jordan Lewis Bunzel
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Learning
through the Body: Experimental
Educations and the Victorian
School Novel
Research Chairs: Ivan Kreilkamp
and Lara Kriegel
Devin Shaughnessy Burnell
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Three Essays on
Entrepreneurial Experimentation
Research Chairs: Greg Fisher and
Regan Stevenson
Matthew Joseph Bush
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Essays in
Chair: Bulent Guler
Robert Ezell Butler III
Major: Astronomy
Dissertation Title: Toward a
More Complete Picture of Dust
Research Chair: Samir Salim
Molly Rose Cain
Major: Environmental Science
Dissertation Title: Linking Dynamic
Connectivity and Hydrologic
Research Chair: Adam Ward
Jinlyu Cao
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: Two-Body
Quantum Geometries and
Magnetic Order for Low
Dimensional Electrons
Research Chair: Herb Fertig
Patrick Carlin
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: Empirical
Investigations of Indigenous
Healthcare in the U.S.
Research Chair: Kosali Simon
Seung Woo Chae
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Dissertation Title: Twitch
Aggression Profile: Exploring
Aggression on a Live Mixed-media
Research Chair: James Shanahan
Kaustav Chatterjee
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Towards
Multimetal Oxychloride
Intergrowth Photocatalysts for
Solar Energy Harvesting
Research Chair: Sara Skrabalak
Parama Chaudhuri
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: Instructional
Strategies Used by K-12 Teachers
during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Research Chairs: Elizabeth Boling
and Anne Leftwich
Yanlin Chen
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Multimodal
Pedagogy in the Narrative,
Performative and Simulated
Spaces of a Doc McStuffins Exhibit
Research Chairs: Jessica Nina Lester
and Karen Wohlwend
Yuxin Chen
Major: Learning and Development
Dissertation Title: Examining
Teacher Facilitation and Peer
Interaction with Mediating Tools
in a Game-Based Learning
Research Chair: Cindy Hmelo-Silver
Pui Yin Cheung
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Comparative
Health Inequality in the United
States: A Structural Perspective
Research Chair: Patricia McManus
Tzu-I Chiang
Major: Chinese
Dissertation Title: Temporo-
Aspectual Computation in
Mandarin Chinese
Research Chair: Chien-Jer Charles
Christian Alexander Cofoid
Major: Mathematics
Dissertation Title: Analysis of a
Ginzburg-Landau Model on a
Singular Surface
Research Chair: Peter Sternberg
Christa Grace Cole
Major: Music Theory
Dissertation Title: The Work
of the Performer: Enlivening
Performative Effort through the
Music of Elisabeth Lutyens
Research Chair: Andrew Mead
Max Elliott Coleman
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Status and the
Psyche: How Mental Health
Paradoxes Challenge Theories of
Research Chair: Brea Perry
Eric Matthew Collins
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Development of
Methods to Eliminate Systematic
Errors in the Determination
of Accurate Thermochemical
Properties of Molecules
Research Chair: Krishnan
Mackenzie Dawn Coulter-Kern
Major: Spanish
Dissertation Title: “Wow, me siento
que me espanol haya mejorado
mucho”: Examining Willingness
to Communicate and Complexity,
Accuracy, Fluency, and Functional
Adequacy Within Task-Based
Research Chair: Laura Gurzynski-
Jin Dai
Major: Microbiology
Dissertation Title: Mechanisms
of rotavirus VP3 and NSP1 that
Antagonize the Antiviral OAS-
RNase L Pathway
Research Chair: John Patton
Cara Margaret Davies
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: The Economic
Incorporation of Refugees in the
United States
Research Chairs: Keera Allendorf
and Patricia McManus
Corrine Mary Deegan
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: Limitations on
the Computation of Global Motion
Direction in the Human Visual
Research Chair: Rob de Ruyter
Clarke Robert DeLisle
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: The Impacts of
Hillslope Sediments Supply on the
Evolution of Bedrock Rivers
Research Chair: Brian Yanites
Sander Olivia Denham
Major: Environmental Science
Dissertation Title: Climate-
Vegetation Feedbacks in Eastern
U.S. Deciduous Forest: Hydrologic
Stress and Phenology
Research Chair: Kimberly Novick
Gauri Anand Desai
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Changes to
Gait and Body Composition
Mechanisms of Shock Attenuation
with Age and Running Experience
Research Chair: Allison Gruber
Kelsey E. Doiron
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Molecular and
Isotopes Proxies of Paleoclimate in
Quaternary Lacustrine Sediments
and Cretaceous Marine Archives
and as Tracers for Catalytic
Methanogenesis in Thermally
Immature Shales
Research Chair: Simon Brassell
Natnatee Dokmai
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Privacy-
Enhancing Technologies as
Research Chairs: L. Jean Camp and
Cenk Sahinalp
Kaitlin Kelly Doucette
Major: Microbiology
Dissertation Title: RNA Secondary
Structures in the Rotavirus
NSP3 Genome Segment Promote
Efficient Viral Replication
Research Chair: John Patton
Taylor Duléa Ajéwlé Duckett
Major: African American and
African Diaspora Studies
Dissertation Title: Deliver Me:
Contemporary Uses of Ritual and
Performance to (Re)member the
Black Queer Body
Research Chairs: Maria Hamilton
Abegunde and Valerie Grim
David Anthony Dudek
Major: Biochemistry
Dissertation Title: The P4-type
ATPase, Atp8a1, is a Cdc50a-
dependent Flippase with
Phosphatidylserine Specificity
Research Chair: David Daleke
Zackary Dunivin
Major: Informatics
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Text, Culture,
Time: Integrating Computational
Methods into Social Science
Research Chairs: Stasa Milojevic
and Fabio Rojas
Aaron David Ellis
Major: Anthropology
Dissertation Title: Beer & Blogs:
Scientific Knowledge in American
Craft Beer
Research Chair: Sarah Osterhoudt
Şirag Erkol
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Identifying
Influential Spreaders in Complex
Research Chair: Filippo Radicchi
Albaro Escalera
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Evaluating the
Effect of Competition Elevation
and Residential Elevation on
Endurance Race Performance: A
Prediction Model
Research Chair: Robert Chapman
Scott Anthony Evans
Major: French
Dissertation Title: Postverbal
Nominal Subjects in Middle
French: Syntax and Information
Research Chair: Barbara Vance
Shreyas Fadnavis
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Learning
Representations of Diffusion
Magnetic Resonance Images
Research Chair: Eleftherios
Joseph Nicolas Fakhoury
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Structural and
Functional Characterization of
Dithiol-Based Transcriptional
Research Chair: David Giedroc
Rong Fan
Major: Economics
Dissertation Title: Interaction
between Automation and
Human Capital: Labor Share and
Research Chairs: Bulent Guler and
Todd Walker
Megan Kate Freiler
Major: Evolution, Ecology and
Dissertation Title: Social
Environment Modulates
the Function and
Neuroendocrine Regulation of
Electrocommunication Signals
across Species of Apteronotid
Research Chair: G. Troy Smith
Ellis C. Frieh
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: “In the System
But Not Of the System”:
Understanding the Role and
Experiences of Mental Health Peer
Research Chair: Brea Perry
Kazuo Fukuda
Major: Law and Democracy
Dissertation Title: Institution-
Independent Design Prospects
for Conducting Constitutional
Review: Case of Lao People’s
Democratic Republic
Research Chair: Susan Williams
Mikaela Gabler
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Inspiratory
Muscle Warm-up Effects on
Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation,
Dyspnea, and Performance
During Exercise at Sea-level and
Simulated Altitude Environments
Research Chair: Robert Chapman
Edlin Gilma Garcia Colato
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Mental Health
Literacy and Mental Health
Help-Seeking Behaviors of
the Information Technology
Research Chair: Jon Macy
Shakthidhar Reddy Gopavaram
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Empowering
Users to Make Risk-Averse
Research Chair: L. Jean Camp
Matthew Nathan Gordon
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Novel Precursors
for the Controlled Aqueous
Synthesis of Bismuth Oxyhalides
Research Chair: Sara Skrabalak
Curtis Steven Goss
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Assessing the
Basis for Recent Trends in Human
Endurance Running Performance:
A Retrospective Analysis
Research Chair: Robert Chapman
Jessica Ann Gudorf
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Progress Towards
More Efficacious Medicine:
Antibiotics, Antidotes, and
Research Chair: Michael
Nilzimar Vieira dos Santos
Major: Portuguese
Dissertation Title: Afro-Brazilian
and Afro-Portuguese Women’s
Voices in Literature and Cinema
Research Chair: Luciana Namorato
Jasmine N. Hawkins
Major: History, Philosophy, and
Policy in Education
Dissertation Title: Thriving or
Surviving in New York City: The
Black Teacher Experience in the
21st Century
Research Chair: Dionne Danns
Yasaman Heidarian
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Dissertation Title: Investigating the
Regulation of Aerobic Glycolysis
in Drosophila Melanogaster
Research Chair: Jason Tennessen
Nathasha Dulmi Hewagama
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Design and
Construction of Catalytically
Active Higher-order Virus-like
Particle Architectures.
Research Chair: Trevor Douglas
Karyn Anne Housh
Major: Learning and Development
Dissertation Title: Exploring the
Learning Experiences of Women
of Color in STEM
Research Chair: Cindy Hmelo-Silver
Yi-Hsin Hsiao
Major: History, Philosophy, and
Policy in Education
Dissertation Title: Host Student
Identities and Forms of
Interaction between Hong Kong
and Mainland Chinese Students:
The Case of Two Hong Kong
Research Chair: Bradley Levinson
Der-Wei Huang
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: To Be (In It) Or
Not To Be: How And Why Do
Consumption Experience Photos
Influence Social Media Viewer
Research Chair: H. Shanker
Sheng-Yuan Huang
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: In-Plane
Nanofluidic Devices for Measuring
Biophysical Properties of Virus-
Like Particles
Research Chair: Stephen Jacobson
Ting-Yen Huang
Major: Leisure Behavior
Dissertation Title: Slow Tourism
Experience: Scale Development
and Model Testing from Tourists’
Quality of Life and Health
Research Chairs: Evan Jordan and
William Ramos
Brittani Shantel Jackson
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: The Relation
between Internal Control Quality
and Distressed Firm Business
Research Chairs: Joseph Schroeder
and Marcy Shepardson
Rebecca LeeAnna Jackson
Major: History and Philosophy of
Dissertation Title: Measuring
“Well”: Clinical Measuring
Practices and Philosophy of
Research Chair: Jutta Schickore
Edgar J. Jamison-Koenig
Major: Mass Communications
Dissertation Title: Continuous
and Summative Experiences of
Musical Complexity and Intensity
Research Chair: Robert Potter
Kaitlin Leigh Johnson
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Availability,
Expectation, and Preference:
Work-Family Resources in the
Gender-Segregated Labor Market
Research Chair: Youngjoo Cha
Marvin Quenten Jones Jr.
Major: Astrophysics (Physics)
Dissertation Title: Hidden Signals:
A Search and Analysis of Neutral
Particle Signals Found in Neutron
Monitor Database (NMDB)
Cosmic Ray Data
Research Chairs: William Snow and
Rex Tayloe
Merrin Joseph
Major: Microbiology
Dissertation Title: Regulation of
Peptidoglycan Cell Wall Synthesis
in the Respiratory Pathogen,
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Research Chair: Malcolm Winkler
Michael Patrick Kappler
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Control of Ionic
Transport through Integrated
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices
Research Chair: Stephen Jacobson
Silvia Karim
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Environmental
Pollutants Alter Estrogen and
Thyroid Hormone Response and
Appetite Control in Zebrafish
Research Chair: Maria Bondesson
Jade Marie Katinas
Major: Biochemistry
Dissertation Title:
Characterization of Serine
targeted Inhibitors in Cancer Drug
Research Chair: Charles Dann
Ellen Meredith Kaufman
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Engineering
Intimacy: Remote, Commercial
and Artificial Technologies of
Interpersonal Closeness
Research Chairs: Justin Garcia and
Selma Sabanovic
John Koo
Major: Statistical Science
Dissertation Title: Community
Detection in the Setting of
Generalized Random Dot Product
Research Chairs: Minh Tang and
Michael Trosset
Chaitanya Sunil Koparkar
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Mostly-serialized
Data Structures for Parallel and
General-purpose Programming
Research Chair: Sam Tobin-
Anne Elizabeth Kort
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Morphology,
Function, and Evolution of
Lumbar Vertebrae in Paleogene
Research Chair: P. David Polly
Kathryn Kresnye
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Supporting Dog
Walking Habits through Similar
Dog Comparison and Motivational
Research Chair: Patrick Shih
Akshat Lakhiwal
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: AI, Agency,
and Action: The Application of
Intelligent Technologies and its
Effect on Morality, Deception, and
Research Chair: Hillol Bala
Charmian Lam
Major: Higher Education
Dissertation Title: Pedagogy
Promotes Minoritized Student
Belonging: Expansive Framing
in First-Year Seminars with
Research Chair: Thomas Nelson
Luciano Lapa
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Managerial
Response to Marketing-Related
Risks and Uncertainties, and their
Effects of Firm Performance
Research Chairs: Neil Morgan and
Lopo Rego
Joanna Lara
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Immigrants’
Health: An Examination of Risk
and Protective Factors
Research Chair: Pamela Braboy
Dylan M. Layfield
Major: Neuroscience
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: The When and
How of Hippocampal Processing:
Medial Septum, Rearing, & Spatial
Research Chairs: Jonathon Crystal
and Ehren Newman
Ha Bich Le
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Becoming
Human: Racial Reproductions
and Discipline in Early Modern
Research Chair: Joan Pong Linton
Ejae Lee
Major: Media Arts and Sciences
Dissertation Title: Perceived
Authenticity in Organizational
Research Chair: Sung-Un Yang
Tinganxu Lewis-Liu
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: Three Essays on
Performance Information Use in
the Public Sector: Measurement
and Testing the Antecedents in the
U.S. Government
Research Chair: Sergio Fernandez
Rui Li
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Anti-
inflammatory Diets, Vegetarian
Diets and their Relationship
with Risk and Progression of
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
among U.S. Adults
Research Chair: Juhua Luo
Carrie Beth Lierz
Major: Biochemistry
Dissertation Title: Structural and
Functional Studies of Divergent
Structural Maintenance of
Chromosome Proteins in Bacillus
subtilis and Escherichia coli
Research Chair: Martha Oakley
Alexander Richard Livernois
Major: Astrophysics (Astronomy)
Dissertation Title: Early and Long-
term Dynamical Evolution of Star
Research Chair: Enrico Vesperini
Danielle Marie Loder
Major: Anatomy
Dissertation Title: Examining
the Relationship between
Medical Licensing Examinations
and Undergraduate Medical
Education: A Multiperspectival
Qualitative Study Exploring the
Aftermath of the USMLE Step 1
Score Change
Research Chair: Valerie O’Loughlin
Jennifer Lopatin
Major: English
Dissertation Title: A Mantic
Disposition: the Prophetic
Madman in the Woods in
Medieval Narratives
Research Chairs: Patricia Ingham
and Joseph McMullen
Zayra Teresa Lopez Ixta
Major: Health Behavior
Dissertation Title: Understanding
Women’s Perspectives of
Childrearing-Related Marital
Conflict and Fostering Health
Dietary Habits in Preschoolers in
Urban Mexico
Research Chairs: Barbara Dennis
and Lucia Guerra Reyes
Kayla Rayleen Lunt
Major: Art History
Dissertation Title: Devotion and
Difficulty: The Performance of the
Breviary of Saint-Sépulcre
Research Chair: Diane Reilly
Mahi Luthra
Major: Cognitive Science
Major: Pyschology
Dissertation Title: Mutual
Interactions between Decision
Making and Environmental
Research Chairs: Robert Goldstone
and Peter Todd
Alketa Lutolli
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Controlling
Cooperativity and Selectivity using
Sequence, and its Application in
Liquid-liquid Extractions
Research Chair: Amar Flood
Pengfei Ma
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: The Role of
Loan Officers in Financial
Research Chair: Daniel Carvalho
Jessany LaTrice Maldonado
Major: Gender Studies
Dissertation Title: Black Women-
Loving Women’s Socio-Sexual
Research Chair: Colin Johnson
Claire Celeste Mammoser
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Conformational
Heterogeneity of Metalloproteins
Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy
Research Chair: Megan Thielges
Willa Mae Mannering
Major: Cognitive Science
Major: Pyschology
Dissertation Title: Cognitive Search
Models of Collaborative Memory
Research Chairs: Michael Jones and
Peter Todd
Helge Johannes Marahrens
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Global Networks
and City Development, 1993-2020
Research Chair: Arthur Alderson
Cecilia A. Maron Puntarelli
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Am I Your Friend,
Grandchild, Peer, or Something
Else? Preschoolers’ Views of Their
Relationships with Elders in an
Intergenerational Program
Research Chair: Mary Benson
Harrison Kirby Martin
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: How Meandering
Rivers Move: From Meander
Bends to Megafans
Research Chair: Douglas Edmonds
Vitor Martins Dias
Major: Sociology
Dissertation: Navigating Turbulent
Waters: Flooding, Housing, and
Accessing Justice in Brazil’s Urban
Research Chairs: Jayanth Krishnan
and Ethan Michelson
Paola Pamela Mattey Mora
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Association
Between Sleep/Mental Health
Measures and Children’s
Cognitive Function Mediated by
Brain Structural Connectivity
Research Chair: Jaroslaw Harezlak
Ashley Lynn Mayfield
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: The Association
between Personality Traits,
Covid-19 Preventative Behavior,
and SARS-CoV-2 Seroconversion
in a Random Sample of
Undergraduate Students
Research Chair: Christina Ludema
Mallory Morgan Maze
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: An Exploration of
a Growth Mindset Intervention for
High School Freshmen Receiving
Special Education Services
Research Chair: David Shriberg
Jessica Rae McClain
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: An Action
Research Exploring Retention and
Participation of Underrepresented
Students in STEM
Research Chair: Gayle Buck
Laura Yvette Merrell
Major: History
Dissertation Title: Settler Colonial
Fatherhood in New South Wales
and Ontario during the Long
Nineteenth Century
Research Chair: Lara Kriegel
Luis Miguel Mestre
Major: Epidemiology
Dissertation Title: Associations
between Cigarette Smoking,
Weight Status, and Mortality and
Morbidity among U.S. Adults
Research Chairs: Maria Parker and
Roger Zoh
Delaney Lynn Miller
Major: Evolution, Ecology and
Dissertation Title: Functional
Ecology and Genomics of a Honey
Bee Defensive Symbiont
Research Chair: Irene Newton
Mackenzie Lauren Mills
Major: Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences
Dissertation Title: Investigating
Cochlear Mechanics Using
Distortion Product Otoacoustic
Research Chair: Robert Withnell
Aehong Min
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Extending
& Facilitating Informal Care
Research Chair: Patrick Shih
Laura Montenovo
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: Employment
Protections, Productivity, and the
Labor Market
Research Chair: Bradley Heim
Aminta Moses Sharps
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Multidimensional
Views of Police and Police Reform:
A Social Psychological Approach
Research Chair: Pamela Braboy
Maram Muhsen
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Zebrafish as a
model organism for investigation
of neurotoxicity
Research Chair: Maria Bondesson
Evie Philippine Nathalie Munier
Major: French
Dissertation Title: Banlieusard·e·s:
Female Identities,
Intersectionality, and
Performativity in Contemporary
French Banlieue Cinema
Research Chair: Brett Bowles
Michelle Nicole Murphy Green
Major: Neuroscience
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Maturation of the
Endocannabinoid System in the
Medial Prefrontal Cortex and the
Effect of Perinatal Cannabinoid
Research Chairs: Hui-Chen Lu and
Ken Mackie
Adrian Paneto
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: Examining the
Relationship between Opioid
and Stimulant Misuse, Major
Depressive Disorder, and
Religiosity among Lesbian, Gay,
and Bisexual Latinx Emerging
Adults: Results from the 2015-
2019 National Survey on Drug Use
and Health
Research Chair: Ellen Vaughan
Sarah Leilani Parijs
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Allegories
of Decay in Gaia: Writing an
Interconnected World of Parts
from Nineteenth-Century
American Nature Writing to
Science Fiction’s Fantastical
Research Chairs: Christoph
Irmscher and Rebekah Sheldon
Audrey Justine Parish
Major: Evolution, Ecology and
Dissertation Title: Too Much of
a Good Thing: Mechanisms of
Provisioning and Pathogenesis in
a Honey Bee Nutritional Symbiont
Research Chair: Irene Newton
Thomas Jan Parmer
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Node Influence
in Network-based Discrete
Dynamical Systems
Research Chair: Filippo Radicchi
Miguel Raul Pebes Trujillo
Major: Statistical Science
Dissertation Title: Inference
of Hidden Hierarchies from
Observable Networks
Research Chairs: Daniel Manrique-
Vallier and Andrew Womack
Zachary Paul Pedersen
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Brand Mark
Comprehension: The Influence of
Athlete Logo Understanding on
Consumer Evaluations of Athlete
Research Chair: Antonio Williams
Casey Marie Pennington
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Narrating
Neighborhoods: Children
Restroying Historically Segregated
Research Chair: Karen Wohlwend
Dilshan Niranda Perera
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Towards
Scalable High Performance Data
Engineering Systems
Research Chair: Geoffrey Fox
DeJon Markee Purnell
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: Referee
Perspectives on Mental Health in
The Elite Officiating Experience
Research Chair: Jesse Steinfeldt
Emily Kathleen Reidy
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: The Hydroxyl
Radical and its Precursor
Nitrous Acid: Measurements,
Model Predictions, and
Evidence of Missing Sources or
Sinks in Forested and Indoor
Research Chair: Philip Stevens
Clinton Daniel Roeth-McKay
Major: Information Science
Dissertation Title: Organizational
Awareness and Communities of
Practice in a Complex Information
Research Chair: Noriko Hara
Chelsey Ruark
Major: School Psychology
Dissertation Title: Retrospective
Perspectives of Adults
Previously Hospitalized as
Minors: An Exploration of
Impacted Functioning, Support
Involvement, and Intervention
Research Chair: David Shriberg
Jeffrey Bernard Ruser
Major: Counseling Psychology
Dissertation Title: Exploring
Social Media Use in Sport:
Psychological, Emotional, and
Social Considerations for Athlete
Well-Being and Performance
Research Chair: Jesse Steinfeldt
Mohammadreza Saeedpourparizi
Major: Human Performance
Dissertation Title: Combining EEG
and Eye Tracking: Goal Location
and Avoidance Margin Effects
on Path Selection in Obstacle
Research Chair: John Shea
Raman Prasad Sah
Major: Vision Science
Dissertation Title: Accommodative
Behavior and Retinal Image
Quality in Young Eyes and Impact
of Myopia Control Lenses
Research Chair: Pete Kollbaum
Annisa Ratna Sari
Major: Instructional Systems
Dissertation Title: MOOC Business,
Economics, and Management:
Investigating Instructors’
Strategies in Promoting Learning
Engagement and Career-Relevant
Research Chair: Curtis Bonk
Nathan Joseph Schmidt
Major: English
Dissertation Title: Present Futures:
Speculative Infrastructure at the
Turn of the Twentieth Century
Research Chair: Christoph Irmscher
Anish Sharma
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: The Transparency
of Disciplinary History and Future
Misconduct: Evidence from
Financial Advisers
Research Chair: Brian Miller
Kristen Summer Shuford
Major: Criminal Justice
Dissertation Title: A Voice for the
Voiceless: How Family Members
of Missing Persons Use Social
Media to Advocate for Their Cause
Research Chairs: Bruce Sales and
Kip Schlegel
Aswin Sivaraman
Major: Intelligent Systems
Dissertation Title: Data- and
Resource-Efficient Model
Adaptation Methods for Speech
Enhancement Systems
Research Chair: Minje Kim
Alison Jennifer Smith
Major: Genome, Cell, and
Developmental Biology
Dissertation Title: Developmental
Requirements for
Transdetermination during
Ectopic Eye Formation in
Drosophila melanogaster
Research Chair: Justin Kumar
Nicholas Chad Smith
Major: Sociology
Dissertation Title: Sick by Structure:
Racial Residential Segregation,
Social Networks, and Black-White
Disparities in Health
Research Chair: Brea Perry
Samuel Smith
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Scale Interactions
between Local Moist Phenomena
and Shifts of the Global
Atmospheric Circulation
Research Chair: Paul Staten
Connor Stangler
Major: History
Dissertation Title: The
Experimenting Society: Social
Experiments in American Public
Policy, 1960–1980
Research Chair: Michael McGerr
John Dooley Stavick
Major: Public Affairs
Dissertation Title: Do Cutback
Budgeting Strategies Have Long-
Term Consequences?
Research Chair: Justin Ross
Ryan Christopher Stees
Major: Mathematics
Dissertation Title: Milnor’s
Invariants for Knots and Links in
Closed Orientable 3-Manifolds
Research Chair: Kent Orr
Joseph Strickland
Major: History, Philosophy, and
Policy in Education
Dissertation Title: The
Reorganization of Schools
into Teacher Team-based
Structures: An Exploration of
Collegial Supports in the Era of
Research Chair: Dionne Danns
Tulana Ariyaratne Subasinghe
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Comparing
Chemists’ and Chemistry
Professionals’ Views of the
Nature of Science (NOS) with
their Demographics and Field of
Research Chair: Valarie Akerson
Anne Clara Tally
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Everyday
Interactions: How Strategies
of Deception Help Negotiate
Privacy and Trust in Online
Research Chair: Christena Nippert-
Chenghua Tao
Major: Computer Science
Dissertation Title: Computational
Proteogenomic Approaches
to Characterizing Alternative
Splicing Isoforms in Human
Research Chair: Haixu Tang
David Michael Terner
Major: Economics
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Essays in
International Trade and Network
Research Chairs: Santo Fortunato
and Volodymyr Lugovskyy
Richard Walter Tilley
Major: Music Education
Dissertation Title: The Struggle
for Funding: An Examination of
Music Teachers’ Efforts in Title I
Research Chair: Julia Shaw
Mary Helen Truglia
Major: English
Dissertation Title: “With Time, Who
Promised to Reveale”: Gender,
Genre, and Temporality in Early
Modern England
Research Chair: Penelope Anderson
Jonathan Andrew Uhrich
Major: Communication and Culture
Dissertation Title: Film Collectors as
Everyday Archivists: A History of
Film Preservation Outside of the
Research Chair: Gregory Waller
Thomas Varley
Major: Informatics
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: Uncovering
Higher-Order Structures
in Complex Systems with
Multivariate Information Theory
Research Chairs: John Beggs and
Olaf Sporns
The Anh Vu
Major: Geological Sciences
Dissertation Title: Modeling the
Global Formation of Tropical
Research Chair: Chanh Kieu
James Christian Wamsley
Major: Linguistics
Dissertation Title: Topics in Hakha
Lai Nominal Marking
Research Chair: Kelly Berkson
Wei Wang
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Information
Intermediaries and Financial
Research Chair: Christian
Yi Wang
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: New Strategies
Toward Structure and Pathway
Control in Self-assembled
Nanocrystal Superstructures
Research Chair: Xingchen Ye
Donovan Alan Watts
Major: Political Science
Dissertation Title: The Politics of
Black Millennials
Research Chair: Edward Carmines
Dianne Wellington
Major: Literacy, Culture, and
Language Education
Dissertation Title: Critically
Dreaming: A Transnational
Critical Ethnographic Study
Providing Teachers Tools to Elicit
Students’ Imagination about their
Research Chair: Carmen Medina
Jamelyn Ann Wheeler
Major: Linguistics
Major: Spanish
Dissertation Title: A Variationist
Approach to Leísmo in Spain
Research Chairs: Manuel Díaz-
Campos and Barbara Vance
Douglas Kim-Tak Wong
Major: Physics
Dissertation Title: The Nuts and
Bolts of the Neutron Electric
Dipole Moment (nEDM)
Experiment at Los Alamos
National Laboratory
Research Chair: Chen-Yu Lie
Yunjin La-mei Woo
Major: Communication and Culture
Dissertation Title: Conjuring Unruly
Subjects: Allegories of Haunting,
Mothering, and Mediating
Research Chair: Susan Lepselter
Kaicheng Yang
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Social Media
Bots: Detection, Activity, and
Human Perception
Research Chair: Filippo Menczer
Seungjoo Yang
Major: Psychology
Dissertation Title: A Novel Method
for Motivating Online Reviewing
and Other Low-obligation Actions
Research Chair: John Kruschke
Shengnan Yang
Major: Information Science
Dissertation Title: The Role of ICTs
in the Nonprofit Sector under a
Developmental Model
Research Chair: Pnina Fichman
Zaiqiao Ye
Major: Informatics
Dissertation Title: Sustainable HCI:
Fashion Minimalism and Human-
Robot Companionship
Research Chairs: Eli Blevis and
Selma Sabanovic
Abigail Kristene York
Major: Music Theory
Dissertation Title: The Music
of Misty Edwards: Relentless
Devotion and Unceasing Worship
at the International House of
Research Chair: Andrew Mead
Jessica Taj Zaker
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Dissertation Title: Preservice
Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions
of Social Issues and Social Action
Research Chair: Keith Barton
Zihan Zhang
Major: Chemistry
Dissertation Title: Probing Immune
Cell-Pathogen Interaction with
Research Chair: Yan Yu
Yaying Zhou
Major: Business
Dissertation Title: Frictions in
Employer-Sponsored Health
Research Chair: Haizhen Lin