2 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
Introduction .....................................................................................3
Agitators ........................................................................................4
Capacity and Absorption Ratio ....................................................................6
Mixer Capacity Charts ...........................................................................10
Applications ....................................................................................14
Attachments and Accessories ....................................................................16
Legacy+ Full Lineup .............................................................................19
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 3
Your Hobart Legacy+® mixer brings profit to your operation every time you use it. It is the industry’s only
Maximum Heavy-Duty mixer, giving you as much as 30% more mixing capacity. Legacy+ mixers give you more
so you can do more.
Added capacity is possible because of your Legacy+ mixer’s PLUS System - a powerful combination of three
industry-leading technologies:
VFDadvantage variable frequency drive delivers more precision motor control and exceptional power.
It ensures more production time and the best mixes, doughs and incorporation of ingredients in
the industry.
Maximum-capacity overheat protection lets you handle the heaviest jobs with confidence. Extreme-
duty wiring and connections handle more power, reducing thermal cycling impact to ensure more
production and less downtime.
Reinforced planetary shat system drives maximum power into the bowl. You get more of the robust
construction you expect from Hobart: an optimized shat geometry and all-gear-driven transmission
leverage more of the motor’s precision tuning and high-capacity output.
Hobart Legacy+: constantly advancing to give you more of what you need to be amazing in the kitchen.
Great food starts here.
4 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
This section illustrates and names the various mixer agitators and discusses their applications. General
information on how to get the best results from your Hobart mixer is also provided. As is always the case
with the art of creating great food, the best results are achieved by carefully proving the methods and
formulas and evaluating results.
The discussions on mixer performance and agitator uses are similar for planetary action mixers regardless
of size. That is not to say that the same mix times will apply. This handbook oers suggestions and
guidelines only.
Attachments and accessories and their uses are discussed in the last section of the handbook.
Before using the first time, thoroughly wash new mixer bowls and agitators (beaters, whips, dough hooks
and pastry knives). Wash in hot water and a mild detergent solution, rinse with either a mild soda or vinegar
solution, and thoroughly rinse with clear water. Also follow this cleaning procedure for bowls and agitators
before whipping egg whites or whole eggs.
Your Legacy+ mixer has easy to remove Quick-Release
agitators. Pins lock the agitator to the shat,
eliminating the up/down play of bayonet agitators and creating a consistent agitator-to-bowl ratio that
delivers superior mixing performance.
The D Wire Whip is designed for maximum blending of air into light products. Uses
include: whipping cream, beating egg whites, mixing very light icings, meringues and all
similar applications. The D Wire Whip is most commonly used in third and fourth speed.
The B Flat Beater is a multi-purpose agitator used for mashing potatoes and mixing
cakes, batters or icings. It is also used in applications requiring a creaming or rubbing
action and uniform dispersion of ingredients. Use first speed for starting most
operations; medium speed for finishing.
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 5
The P Pastry Knife combines shortening with flour, and is ideal for light pastry shells
(patty shells), flaky pie doughs and similar mixes. The cutting action of the knife
practically eliminates rubbing and allows delicate ingredients to be combined without
overdevelopment. The P Pastry Knife is suitable for stirring operations in low speeds
and for fastcutting operations in medium speeds. You should not use the P Pastry Knife
at high speed if you want the pastry to have a flaky texture.
The C Wing Whip is used for whipping material that is too heavy for the D Wire Whip.
The heavy frame permits its use for light creaming and beating. It is oten used for
whipping or blending potatoes, butter, mayonnaise or icings. It is generally used in first
and second speed for whipping heavy products like potatoes or in third or fourth speed
for lighter products like mayonnaise or icings.
The I Wire Whip makes sponge cakes and mixes marshmallow icing for heavy whipping.
The ED Dough Hook is used for mixing most bread, roll and pizza doughs which require
folding and stretching action for best development. These agitators are suitable for use
on all yeast raised doughs and should be operated in first, second, or third speed.
6 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
Use your own formula for any products you wish to make in your Hobart mixer. Then evaluate the finished
product for texture, conformity, lightness, flakiness, etc. You will find that any method of blending ingredients
can be duplicated or improved with your machine. Be careful and do not over mix. Over mixing can adversely
aect the texture of your product. You will also discover there is oten a saving in time for each mixing
operation. Even delicate products usually mixed by hand can be mixed in your Hobart mixer.
Your Hobart mixer mixes your products in the most ecient and quickest way possible. There is no need for
you to sacrifice individual characteristics when using your Hobart mixer. When results are exactly to your
liking, note carefully the time of operation and the speed setting. Under the same conditions, your Hobart
mixer will perform exactly the same, day ater day, providing uniformity in your products.
The Mixer Capacity Chart is a guide for controlling the batch sizes in your formulations. The capacities listed
take into account the amount of product which can be contained in the various sized bowls. The listed
capacities are the maximum recommended batch sizes. Whenever batch size exceeds 50 pounds, use a bowl
truck to load and unload the bowl from the mixer. Recipes for doughs used to establish the batch sizes in
the Mixer Capacity Chart are listed below:
The ingredient percentages are based on a flour content of 100 percent to simplify using the recipes to
make various sized batches and compute the moisture absorption ratio. The heavy bread dough recipe
above is a criterion listed in Section 4.4.2 of Federal Specification 00-M-0038K, Standard for Electric Food
Mixing Machines.
The flour used in the recipes is hard wheat flour, enriched and bleached. It contains 11 to 12 percent protein
content and a 12 percent moisture content. Flour which has a lower moisture content will decrease the
moisture absorption, cause diculty in proper gluten hydration, and make a heavier load on your mixer.
Flours containing high quality protein, such as high gluten flour, result in a dough which can be very
dicult to mix. If high gluten flour is used, reduce the batch quantity noted on the Mixer Capacity Chart by
10 percent to prevent overloading of the mixer.
Flour 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Water 55.0% 50.0% 65.0%
Yeast 2.0% 1.0% 5.0%
Salt 2.5% 1.5% 2.5%
Sugar 5.0% 0.0% 15.0%
Shortening 5.0% 0.0% 15.0%
Oil 0.0% 2.0% 0.0%
Non-Fat Dry Milk 6.0% 0.0% 8.0%
Total 175.5% 154.5% 210.5%
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 7
The temperature of the water used in the recipes is 65°F to 75°F. Colder water temperature will cause the
dough to be harder to mix. If you plan to mix doughs using cold water, the batch size may need to be
reduced by 15 to 20%. Use of ice requires a 10% reduction in batch size.
Also considered and noted on the Mixer Capacity Chart is the moisture absorption ratio (AR). This is the ratio
of the weight of wet ingredients to the weight of dry ingredients expressed as a percentage.
AR = weight of wet ingredients ÷ weight of dry ingredients ↔ 100%
The absorption ratio gives an indication of the relative “heaviness” or “wetness” of a batch. In fact, the
capacities listed on the Mixer Capacity Chart for the products listed below are based on the following
absorption ratios:
When mixing any of the above products with an absorption ratio lower than listed, decrease the batch size
proportionately to assure ecient mixing of the product and thus eliminate the possibility of overloading
your mixer. For example: An HL600 mixer has a thin pizza dough capacity of 40 pounds at first speed based
on an AR of 40% according to the Mixer Capacity Chart. If the batch has an AR of 30%, reduce the batch size
to compensate for the dierence. Compute the size of the reduction as follows:
1. Divide the AR of the batch to be mixed by the AR
listed on the Mixer Capacity Chart.
2. Multiply the rated batch size by percentage obtained
in step 1. The result is the maximum batch size of the
HL600 mixer for pizza dough with 30% AR.
Another factor oten overlooked is the ability of your mixer to operate at a dierent speed. To prevent
overloading, use the recommended mix speed from the Mixer Capacity Chart. Because of the toughness of a
40% AR thin pizza dough, a maximum mix time of 5 minutes on first speed is recommended. Second speed
should never be used on 50% AR or lower products except on model HL662.
The speed of the mixer, length of mix time, room temperature and ingredient temperatures all aect dough
temperature. To achieve the desired final dough temperature, you may need to adjust the water temperature.
For batch size capacities on other bread doughs not mentioned on the Mixer Capacity Chart, follow the batch
size recommendation for a listed bread dough with a similar absorption ratio.
30% Actual AR
= 75%
40% Rated AR
40 lbs. Rated Batch Size
X 75%
30 lbs. Maximum Capacity for 30% AR Dough
Heavy Bread Dough 55%
Medium Bread Dough 60%
Light Bread Dough 65%
Thin Pizza Dough 40%
Medium Pizza Dough 50%
Thick Pizza Dough 60%
Raised Donut Dough 65%
Whole Wheat Dough 65%
8 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
Recipe: Mixer:
100 lbs. pizza dough mix with high gluten flour HL1400
5 lbs. oil
5 gallons water
5 lbs. ice
1. Calculate total pounds of dry ingredients
100 lbs. pizza dough mix
2. Calculate total pounds of wet ingredients
5 lbs. oil
5 gallons of water = 42.7 lbs. of water
*Converting gallons to pounds
1. 1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.
2. 5 gallons x 8.33 = 42.7 lbs. water
5 lbs. oil + 42.7 lbs. water = 47.7 lbs. wet ingredients
3. Calculate total recipe batch size
100 lbs. dough mix + 47.7 lbs. wet ingredients +
5 lbs. ice = 152.7 lbs. recipe batch size
4. Calculate AR
47.7 lbs. wet ÷ 100 lbs. dry = 47.7% AR
5. Consult the Mixer Capacity Chart
According to the capacity chart, the HL1400 has a
medium pizza dough capacity of 190 lbs. based on
an AR of 50%. This batch size will have to be reduced
because of the lower AR of this recipe’s dough.
6. Compute the reduction of maximum batch size
1. Divide the AR of the batch to be mixed by the
AR listed on the capacity chart
47.7% ÷ 50% = 95.4%
2. Multiply the rated batch size by the calculated
190 lbs. x 95.4% = 181.3 lbs. maximum capacity
for 47.7% AR pizza dough
3. Ice is used in recipe - reduce maximum capacity by 10%
181.3 lbs. x 90% = 163.2 lbs. maximum capacity for 47.7% AR pizza dough
4. High gluten flour is used - reduce maximum capacity by 10%
163.2 lbs. x 90% = 146.9 lbs. maximum capacity
5. Compare recipe batch size to maximum capacity
152.7 lbs. batch of 47.7% AR pizza dough
146.9 lbs. maximum capacity for 47.7% AR pizza dough
This recipe is too large to be mixed in the HL1400. Smaller batches of the recipe will need to be used.
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 9
Do you have more questions or need help with AR and capacity calculations? Reach out to your local
Hobart sales representative or authorized Hobart dealer. You can find contact information on our website
Use this workspace to do the AR and capacity calculations for your recipes and your mixer!
10 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
HL120 HL200
Egg Whites D 1 ⁄ pts. 1 qt.
Mashed Potatoes B & C 10 lbs. 15 lbs.
Mayonnaise (Qts. of Oil) B or C or D 4 ⁄ pts. 10 qts.
Meringue (Qty. of Water) D ⁄ pts. 1 ⁄ pts.
Wae or Hot Cake Batter B 5 pts. 8 qts.
Whipped Cream D or C 2 ⁄ pts. 4 qts.
Cake, Angel Food (8-10 oz. cake) C 7 lbs. 15 lbs.
Cake, Box or Slab B or C 12 lbs. 20 lbs.
Cake, Cup B or C 12 lbs. 20 lbs.
Cake, Layer B or C 12 lbs. 20 lbs.
Cake, Pound B 12 lbs. 21 lbs.
Cake, Short (Sponge) C 8 lbs. 15 lbs.
Cake, Sponge C 6 ⁄ lbs. 12 lbs.
Cookies, Sugar B 10 lbs. 15 lbs.
Dough, Bread or Roll (Lt.-Med.) 60% AR § ED 13 lbs. 25 lbs.
Dough, Heavy Bread 55% AR § ED 8 lbs. 15 lbs.
Dough, Pie B & P 11 lbs. 18 lbs.
Dough, Thin Pizza 40% § †
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 5 lbs. 9 lbs.
Dough, Medium Pizza 50% AR § † ED 6 lbs. 10 lbs.
Dough, Thick Pizza 60% AR § † ED 11 lbs. 20 lbs.
Dough, Raised Donut 65% AR ED 4 lbs. 9 lbs.
Dough, Whole Wheat 70% AR ED 11 lbs. 20 lbs.
Eggs & Sugar for Sponge Cake B & C 5 lbs. 8 lbs.
Icing, Fondant B 7 lbs. 12 lbs.
Icing, Marshmallow C 1⁄ lbs. 2 lbs.
Shortening & Sugar, Creamed B 9⁄ lbs. 16 lbs.
Pasta, Basic Egg Noodle
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED - 5 lbs.
Recommended Maximum Capacities – dough capacities based on 70°F water and 12% flour moisture.
NOTE: %AR (% Absorption Ratio) = Wet ingredient weight divided
by dry ingredient weight. Capacity depends on moisture content
of dough. Above capacities based on 12% flour moisture at 70°F
water temperature.
§ If high gluten flour is used, reduce above batch size by 10%
2nd speed should never be used on 50% AR or lower products.
Use of ice requires a 10% reduction in batch size.
1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.
NOTE: Attachment hub should not be used while mixing.
1st Speed
2nd Speed
3rd Speed
B Flat Beater
C Wing Whip
D Wire Whip
ED Dough Hook
I Heavy-Duty Wire Whip
P Pastry Knife
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 11
HL300 HL400
Egg Whites D 1 ⁄ qts. 1 ⁄ qts.
Mashed Potatoes B & C 23 lbs. 30 lbs.
Mayonnaise (Qts. of Oil) B or C or D 12 qts. 13 qts.
Meringue (Qty. of Water) D 1 qt. 1 ⁄ qts.
Wae or Hot Cake Batter B 12 qts. 16 qts.
Whipped Cream D or C 6 qts. 9 qts.
Cake, Angel Food (8-10 oz. cake) C or I 22 lbs. 30 lbs.
Cake, Box or Slab B or C 30 lbs. 40 lbs.
Cake, Cup B or C 30 lbs. 45 lbs.
Cake, Layer B or C 30 lbs. 45 lbs.
Cake, Pound B 30 lbs. 45 lbs.
Cake, Short (Sponge) C or I 23 lbs. 25 lbs.
Cake, Sponge C or I 18 lbs. 36 lbs.
Cookies, Sugar B 23 lbs. 30 lbs.
Dough, Bread or Roll (Lt.-Med.) 60% AR § ED 45 lbs. 45 lbs.
Dough, Heavy Bread 55% AR § ED 30 lbs. 35 lbs.
Dough, Pie B & P 27 lbs. 35 lbs.
Dough, Thin Pizza 40% § †
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 14 lbs. 25 lbs.
Dough, Medium Pizza 50% AR § † ED 20 lbs. 32 lbs.
Dough, Thick Pizza 60% AR § † ED 40 lbs. 45 lbs.
Dough, Raised Donut 65% AR ED 15 lbs. 25 lbs.
Dough, Whole Wheat 70% AR ED 40 lbs. 45 lbs.
Eggs & Sugar for Sponge Cake B & C or I 12 lbs. 18 lbs.
Icing, Fondant B 18 lbs. 25 lbs.
Icing, Marshmallow C or I 3 lbs. 4 ⁄ lbs.
Shortening & Sugar, Creamed B 24 lbs. 35 lbs.
Pasta, Basic Egg Noodle
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 8 lbs. 15 lbs.
Recommended Maximum Capacities – dough capacities based on 70°F water and 12% flour moisture.
NOTE: %AR (% Absorption Ratio) = Wet ingredient weight divided
by dry ingredient weight. Capacity depends on moisture content
of dough. Above capacities based on 12% flour moisture at 70°F
water temperature.
§ If high gluten flour is used, reduce above batch size by 10%
2nd speed should never be used on 50% AR or lower products.
Use of ice requires a 10% reduction in batch size.
1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.
NOTE: Attachment hub should not be used while mixing.
1st Speed
2nd Speed
3rd Speed
B Flat Beater
C Wing Whip
D Wire Whip
ED Dough Hook
I Heavy-Duty Wire Whip
P Pastry Knife
12 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
Recommended Maximum Capacities – dough capacities based on 70°F water and 12% flour moisture.
HL600 HL662
Egg Whites D 2 qts. -
Mashed Potatoes B & C 40 lbs. -
Mayonnaise (Qts. of Oil) B or C or D 18 qts. -
Meringue (Qty. of Water) D 1 ⁄ qts. -
Wae or Hot Cake Batter B 24 qts. -
Whipped Cream D or C 12 qts. -
Cake, Angel Food (8-10 oz. cake) C or I 45 lbs. -
Cake, Box or Slab B or C 50 lbs. 75 lbs.
Cake, Cup B or C 60 lbs. 70 lbs.
Cake, Layer B or C 60 lbs. 70 lbs.
Cake, Pound B 55 lbs. 75 lbs.
Cake, Short (Sponge) C or I 45 lbs. -
Cake, Sponge C or I 40 lbs. -
Cookies, Sugar B 40 lbs. 50 lbs.
Dough, Bread or Roll (Lt.-Med.) 60% AR § ED 80 lbs. 90 lbs.
Dough, Heavy Bread 55% AR § ED 60 lbs. 85 lbs.
Dough, Pie B & P 50 lbs. 60 lbs.
Dough, Thin Pizza 40% § †
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 40 lbs. 60 /40 lbs.
Dough, Medium Pizza 50% AR § † ED 70 lbs. 90 /70 lbs.
Dough, Thick Pizza 60% AR § † ED 70 lbs. 90 lbs.
Dough, Raised Donut 65% AR ED 30 lbs. 75 lbs.
Dough, Whole Wheat 70% AR ED 70 lbs. 90 lbs.
Eggs & Sugar for Sponge Cake B & C or I 24 lbs. -
Icing, Fondant B 36 lbs. -
Icing, Marshmallow C or I 5 lbs. -
Shortening & Sugar, Creamed B 48 lbs. 50 lbs.
Pasta, Basic Egg Noodle
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 30 lbs. 40 lbs.
NOTE: %AR (% Absorption Ratio) = Wet ingredient weight divided
by dry ingredient weight. Capacity depends on moisture content
of dough. Above capacities based on 12% flour moisture at 70°F
water temperature.
§ If high gluten flour is used, reduce above batch size by 10%
2nd speed should never be used on 50% AR or lower products.
Use of ice requires a 10% reduction in batch size.
1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.
NOTE: Attachment hub should not be used while mixing.
1st Speed
2nd Speed
3rd Speed
B Flat Beater
C Wing Whip
D Wire Whip
ED Dough Hook
I Heavy-Duty Wire Whip
P Pastry Knife
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 13
HL800 HL1400
Egg Whites D 2 qts. 4 qts.
Mashed Potatoes B & C 60 lbs. 100 lbs.
Mayonnaise (Qts. of Oil) B or C or D 30 qts. 50 qts.
Meringue (Qty. of Water) D 3 qts. 5 qts
Wae or Hot Cake Batter B 32 qts. -
Whipped Cream D or C 15 qts. 30 qts.
Cake, Angel Food (8-10 oz. cake) C or I 60 lbs. 120 lbs.
Cake, Box or Slab B or C 100 lbs. 185 lbs.
Cake, Cup B or C 90 lbs. 165 lbs.
Cake, Layer B or C 90 lbs. 165 lbs.
Cake, Pound B 100 lbs. 185 lbs.
Cake, Short (Sponge) C or I 80 lbs. 150 lbs.
Cake, Sponge C or I 65 lbs. 140 lbs.
Cookies, Sugar B 60 lbs. 100 lbs.
Dough, Bread or Roll (Lt.-Med.) 60% AR § ED 170 lbs. 210 lbs.
Dough, Heavy Bread 55% AR § ED 140 lbs. 175 lbs.
Dough, Pie B & P 75 lbs. 125 lbs.
Dough, Thin Pizza 40% § †
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 85 lbs. 135 lbs.
Dough, Medium Pizza 50% AR § † ED 155 lbs. 190 lbs.
Dough, Thick Pizza 60% AR § † ED 155 lbs. 190 lbs.
Dough, Raised Donut 65% AR ED 60 lbs. 100 lbs.
Dough, Whole Wheat 70% AR ED 150 lbs. 185 lbs.
Eggs & Sugar for Sponge Cake B & C or I 40 lbs. 75 lbs.
Icing, Fondant B 65 lbs. 100 lbs.
Icing, Marshmallow C or I 10 lbs. 20 lbs.
Shortening & Sugar, Creamed B 65 lbs. 120 lbs.
Pasta, Basic Egg Noodle
(maximum mix time 5 minutes)
ED 65 lbs. 100 lbs.
Recommended Maximum Capacities – dough capacities based on 70°F water and 12% flour moisture.
NOTE: %AR (% Absorption Ratio) = Wet ingredient weight divided
by dry ingredient weight. Capacity depends on moisture content
of dough. Above capacities based on 12% flour moisture at 70°F
water temperature.
§ If high gluten flour is used, reduce above batch size by 10%
2nd speed should never be used on 50% AR or lower products.
Use of ice requires a 10% reduction in batch size.
1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs.
NOTE: Attachment hub should not be used while mixing.
1st Speed
2nd Speed
3rd Speed
B Flat Beater
C Wing Whip
D Wire Whip
ED Dough Hook
I Heavy-Duty Wire Whip
P Pastry Knife
14 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
When making cakes or similar products, the first step is normally rubbing or creaming the shortening. Start
this work on first speed and complete it on second speed. If a very light consistency is desired, it may be
beaten on third speed before adding more ingredients.
In most formulas, the second step is adding sugar. Most operators prefer to add sugar slowly while the mixer
is operating in second or third speed. If you wish to add the sugar all at one time, complete the creaming of
the shortening and then stop the machine. When adding the sugar, place it toward the center of the bowl.
Start the machine in first speed for the first few turns around the bowl, then increase the speed to complete
the operation. Ater all the sugar has been added, you may want to scrape down the bowl, if you don’t have
the optional bowl scraper. To scrape the bowl, first stop the mixer. Ater the beater has stopped, scrape down
the sides of the bowl with a bowl scraper or spatula. This returns to the mixture any material which may
have accumulated on the bowl sides above the beater shoulder. Ater scraping down the material, restart
the mixer. Beat until smooth using a three speed. Be careful and do not over mix.
Do not add the total amount of whole eggs to the batch at one time.
Darkening of the butter and sugar mix can also result if you add the sugar before the shortening is creamed,
you add the sugar too quickly to the creamed shortening, or you add more sugar than the creamed base
can absorb.
When mixing whole eggs, it is unnecessary to separate the whites from the yolks. Add the eggs slowly and
allow them to become thoroughly incorporated into the shortening base.
Flour and any leavening agent, such as baking powder, soda or special combinations of dry ingredients, may
be sited together. When incorporating dry ingredients, stop the mixer (wait for the beater to stop), scrape
down the bowl if necessary, if you don’t have the optional bowl scraper, and then add about ⁄ of the flour
and a portion of the milk or added moisture in any form. Resume mixing in first speed. When the flour is
incorporated, add half of the remaining liquid and flour. When this is blended, add the remaining liquid and
flour. Use only Stir or first speed while adding flour. If necessary, use the Stir speed during incorporation of
the flour. This prevents raw flour from being thrown out of the mixer and avoids toughening of the mix by
over mixing.
Exercise caution not to over mix the batch during or ater the addition of the flour. Usually, by the time
the flour is thoroughly incorporated, the mix is completed. Further beating is of no benefit and may cause
toughening of the product. The time for beating and creaming is before adding the flour. Ater the flour and
final moisture is added, do as little mixing as possible.
Use either the D Wire Whip or the C Wing Whip for whipping operations. Although some special operations
require other adaptations of the same general type of agitator, our discussion centers on the D Wire Whip
and the C Wing Whip.
The D Wire Whip (sometimes called balloon or cage whip) is recommended for whipping cream. With today’s
marketing conditions, most raw or fresh cream whips well. All cream should be at least 36 to 48 hours old,
and should be suciently high in butterfat to allow the air to be introduced by whipping. Cream should be
cold, but not so cold that ice crystals are formed. When cream is too warm, it turns to butter when whipped.
Start the mixer in first speed and gradually increase the speed finishing in third or fourth.
The amount of total whipping will depend on the condition, temperature and butterfat content of the
cream and the type of product being prepared. An experienced operator will recognize the point of greatest
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 15
firmness or stiness in the whipped product. Use care, the small diameter wires that produce good whipping
can break if used to mix heavy product or if the whip is rapped on the side of the bowl to remove excess
The C Wing Whip may be used for cream whipping, but it is somewhat slower in operation. One of its principal
uses in the kitchen is for whipping potatoes. Of course, whipped potatoes are cooked and then whipped
while hot. The potatoes must be sot enough to break up easily by the action of the C Wing Whip in low
speed. It is not advisable to whip potatoes in fourth speed without using a splash cover. If other ingredients
(hot milk, butter or other enriching material) are added, use Stir speed. The C Wing Whip is excellent for
whipping butter. The C Wing Whip may also be used for mixing salad dressing and light mayonnaise. Since
it is an aerating type whip, it reaches its greatest eciency at the higher speeds.
The D Wire Whip is generally used for eggs. When you whip only egg whites, begin in first speed.
When the material begins to expand, progress to second speed. Due to the expansion of the product from
the incorporation of air, bowl capacity is limited by the volume of the final product, not by the amount of
liquid ingredients at the beginning. When egg whites are whipped, they are generally finished in high speed.
When adding sugar to make a meringue, add the sugar at slow speed and then whip briefly in third speed.
Over-whipping will result in a refining action which liberates air. Stop the mixer as soon as a dry-appearing
peak is reached.
When whipping eggs, either whites or whole eggs, it is important to have the bowl and the agitator
completely free of any trace of shortening or other oily material. The slightest amount of fat will prevent
proper incorporation of air. See CLEANING NEW MIXER BOWLS AND ACCESSORIES. In some kitchens and
bakeries, it has become general practice to keep certain bowls only for this purpose.
You may also use the C Wing Whip for whipping eggs or egg whites. However, the results are somewhat
slower than produced by the D Wire Whip.
The C Wing Whip, because of its strength, high eciency and durability when used on larger mixers, is most
commonly used for making mayonnaise. However, the D Wire Whip may be preferred when making very light
batches or when using step-down bowls. When you do not need a high emulsion, you may use the B Flat
Beater. The B Flat Beater may be used for French or other thin types of salad dressings. The C Wing Whip can
also provide satisfactory results by operating the machine at a slow speed.
Because of the great variation in types of mayonnaise and a still wider range of salad dressings known
under other names, we will not supply a specific mayonnaise formula. All formulas, however, require the
introduction of liquid ingredients, the most important of which is vegetable oil. This may be corn oil, peanut
oil, soybean oil, palm oil, saower oil or several others. You must add the oil slowly, and the operator must
pay close attention.
When making mayonnaise, eggs are first thoroughly whipped, then spices, flavoring or other ingredients are
added at slow speed. These may have been previously mixed together, perhaps with a portion of vinegar
or other mild acid. Ater blending these ingredients, the mixer may be operated in third speed (or fourth).
Add the oil very slowly over an interval of 10 to 20 minutes. Add vinegar or vinegar and water toward the
end of the interval when oil can be added. You may wish to stop the mixer (wait for the beater to stop), then
scrape the sides of the bowl to return any splashed materials to the batch, if you don’t have the optional
bowl scraper. Start the mixer on slow speed, then advance to medium for a short period of mixing. The times
given are approximate and not based on any particular formula. However, do not continue beating or mixing
ater adding the last of the vinegar.
16 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
VS9 Vegetable Slicer and Plates
Several valuable time and labor saving attachments and accessories are available for use with Hobart mixers.
These tools will extend your usage of the mixer and enhance your operation by eciently producing additional
consistent, uniform products. Thoroughly clean all parts which come in contact with food both before and
ater use.
The 9" Vegetable Slicer attachment allows you to prepare many additional foods with your Hobart mixer.
The standard knife and shat is adjustable to provide variation in slice thickness from a maximum of about
⁄" to wafer thin. Thicker settings are used for slicing vegetables for salads or coleslaw, slicing potatoes for
German (cottage fries) or American fried potatoes, slicing cucumbers, bananas, nuts, apples, etc.
The VS9 is easily adapted for grating or shredding processes by removing the knife and shat and using the
shat with the wheel, called a plate holder. One grater plate and four shredder plates (with hole sizes of
⁄, ⁄, ⁄ and ⁄") are used for fine grating or fine to coarse shredding. The most coarse shredder plate
(⁄") is used for slaw, cutting soup stock, salad blends or hash brown potatoes. Experience with the unit will
suggest many other products to the operator. The medium and fine shredder plates are for finer cuts on
carrots, mushrooms or cabbage hearts for salad or quick cooking uses. Medium shredder plates are also
used for shredding processed cheese for a topping when desired. The grater plate is used for natural hard
cheeses for pizza, grating hard vegetables, spices, and crumbling dried bread.
Many dierent products can be prepared with the 9" Vegetable Slicer – in kitchens, bakeries or delicatessen
operations. As a mixer attachment, the vegetable slicer should operate at second or third speed on the
HL120, HL200, HL300 and HL400, third or fourth speed on the HL600 and dedicated speeds on the HL662
mixer. The VS9 cannot be used on the HL800 and HL1400.
Never use the highest speed setting when shredding cheese.
The VS9 easily disassembles for cleaning.
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 17
Splash Cover
Bowl Extension Ring
Meat Chopper with
Round Feed Pan
The Meat Chopper Attachment allows you to prepare many additional foods
with your Hobart mixer.
A plate having ⁄" holes comes with the Meat Chopper Attachment when
shipped from the factory. Other plates are available with hole sizes ⁄, ⁄,
⁄, ⁄, ⁄, ⁄ and ⁄" for fine to coarse chopping. The results are the same
as produced by Hobart commercial meat choppers. Operate Meat Chopper
Attachments in slower speeds.
The feed pan should be kept in place in the cylinder for ease of feeding. Cut
meat into strips and feed it into the chopper using the feed stomper only as
needed. Substances that could become packed tight in the chopper like bread
crumbs are not recommended. If material in the cylinder stalls the mixer,
push the STOP button at once. DO NOT attempt to restart at a slower speed.
Remove the adjusting ring, knife, plate and worm and clear the obstruction.
Always keep the drain hole on both the Attachment Hub and Meat Chopper
clean, clear and free of obstruction.
Splash Covers and Bowl Extension Rings provide a means for reducing
splashing for certain mixes at higher speeds. Splash covers fit under the Bowl
Guard. The stainless steel Bowl Extension Ring is also available.
Splash Covers and Bowl Extensions, while convenient accessories, should not
be used to increase the mixing capacity beyond the recommended maximum.
The best functioning of Hobart mixers requires room at the top of the bowl
for aeration and manipulation. Follow the Hobart Mixer Capacity Chart of the
best quality of mix.
Splash Covers on larger mixers have a smaller diameter opening at the top
due to their inverted cone shape. Overloading the mixer while a splash cover
is in use reduces aeration because of restriction in the area where air enters
the batch.
18 Mixer Use and Applications Handbook
Bowl Truck
Ingredient Chute
Bowl Scraper
The Ingredient Chute can be attached to the Wire Cage on the Bowl Guard.
The Ingredient Chute allows ingredients to be added to the bowl while the
mixer is mixing..
The mixer Bowl Scraper Attachment is available to scrape the sides of the
bowl as the agitator rotates to re-introduce material into the mixture.
Bowl Trucks or dollies provide convenience, save time, and reduce eort in
handling large batches. Use a Bowl Truck for any batches over 50 pounds.
Remove heavy batches of dough or batter from the mixer by unlocking the
bowl and lowering the bowl to the Bowl Truck. Then, carefully roll the truck
away to make room for the next batch. Move the material to another location
where it is to be used, or refrigerate between mixing and further processing.
Bowl Trucks save time, reduce handling, and improve work flow. They are
valuable tools in a work place.
Mixer Use and Applications Handbook 19
HL400 HL600HL300
HL800 HL1400HL662
701 S. Ridge Ave.
Troy, Ohio 45373
1-888-4HOBART (1-888-446-2278)
F39401 (08/22)
2022 Hobart
Should your Hobart mixer, attachments or accessories ever require service, it’s good to know that over
1,500 factory-trained technicians in more than 125 locations across the US and Canada can keep your mixer
working like new. As the OEM service provider for Hobart, all Hobart Service technicians are factory-trained,
and our parts distribution network provides technicians with direct access to all our OEM parts, including
over 40,000 SKUs in stock and ready for next-day delivery.
For ready reference, write down your mixer model and serial numbers here. Should a question or problem
arise that this booklet or the instructions you received with the machine cannot answer, expert Hobart
assistance is as close as your telephone.
Model No. _______________________________________________________________________
Serial No. _______________________________________________________________________
Hobart Service Location _________________________________________________________
Telephone Number ______________________________________________________________
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